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List of 100+ Daily Use English Words With Meaning

To initiate and maintain a conversation in English, you must know the daily use English words. Moreover, you must learn their meanings and the different contexts they can be used in. The next thing you can learn from this write up is the importance of these common words to hold a normal conversation. In addition to this, it will discuss how it becomes easy in places like workplaces and schools to know the foundation of the English language. Let us first start by recalling why daily vocabulary is crucial.

English Words to Use in Daily Life

Table of Contents

The Significance of Common Vocabulary

This section will shed light on why learning the daily use English words is vital. There are several reasons for you to learn them. A few of them are stated below:

  1. Builds Foundation
  2. Maintains Fluency
  3. Overall Language Enhancement
  4. Helps You Survive Common Conversations

The above pointers are explained in detail below:

Builds Foundation

Firstly, it helps in creating a strong base with the correct usage of simple English words. It helps you identify, name, and even address things happening around you. Therefore, learning English words used in daily life can be very helpful in starting the journey of being a professional English language user.

Maintains Fluency

Secondly, using common English words often and in the right context helps the user practice and maintain their fluency in English writing, speaking, reading, and understanding the language. This fluency of conveying and grasping the meaning of words can come only if you know the basics of any language.

Overall Language Enhancement

Thirdly, a regular English speaker will improve and use the daily use English words in the correct context. Moreover, they will also focus on sticking to certain words that look fancy and they understand the meaning of. Therefore, it is crucial to learn the founding pillars of the English language.

Also Read: Daily Use English Sentences

Helps You Survive Common Conversations

Fourthly, it also ensures that you are able to make small talk and speak more than just about the weather. These talks can happen with complete strangers or even the person sitting next to you on the bus. Therefore, learning daily use vocabulary words and their meanings can help you develop an interest in interactions as well.

In the next section, the blog will give you more than 100 daily use English words. These are the various reasons why you should consider learning daily use vocabulary words. Moreover, you must also learn to open up, interact more, and practice what you have learned of the language. If you speak to native English speakers, there is a high chance of growth in your vocabulary for IELTS (and accent).

Also Read: New English Words

100+ Common English Words Used in Daily Life

The table below will show you the daily usage words in English with their meanings. These words are something you would get to use almost every day in several conversations.

AceTo accomplish something.I will ace this exam on my first attempt.
Awaytowards a different place or direction.You cannot get away with it.
AngryA sentiment of rage against someone or something.I am not angry at you.
ApproveTo be pleased with something or someoneThe manager did not approve of your behaviour
AbnormalSomething or someone that is not normalThis potato has an abnormal growth
BeltA strap of cloth wore for safety in vehicles or on waist as a part of attire.I was told to fasten my seat belt in the airplane.
BloomThe state of a flower when they open their petals at a particular time of the day.These flowers only bloom at night.
BellyAbdomen’s part where the stomach is.My belly was full after the starters
BakeTo make something edible or usable by heating them in the oven.You don’t cook a cake, you bake it.
Baggyclothing that hangs loosely on the body.I wear baggy clothes as casuals
Candidsaying things exactly as they are.I should be quite candid with the audience that the singer had to call out the show last minute.
CanA container made of metal or plastic which is used for storing food or drink.I can drink from a juice can, no need to pour it in a glass.
CageA box made of wires or bars to catch or keep animals or birds.A wild animal escaped from its cage last night.
CabinetA cupboard with drawers and shelves used for storing things.I saw the door of the cabinet left open after she left the kitchen.
CreateTo cause something new to come into existence.She is trying her best to prevent me from creating a chaos.
DevelopTo start and grow slowly.It is easier to develop a prototype than the actual model.
DentA damaged portion of a metal surface such that the surface forms a cave like fold but does not break.Your car got a dent when you hit the wall.
DampA little wet.I am still damp from the rain.
DiveTo jump into something (water, generally).I will dive in the ocean by myself.
DeskA table used to work or study.The book was kept on the desk.
EruptTo happen suddenly.Incisors are the first teeth to erupt when the baby turns 6 to 9 months old.
EagerA strong feeling of wanting something.I was eager to tell him about my day.
EdifyTo correct or improve someone morally or intellectually.I require you to edify me whenever you see me doing something wrong.
ExpelTo force someone to leave the country, organization, etc,The school will expel you if you misbehave.
ExpandTo become or make something bigger.They will expand the college till the nearest road.
Fabrica cloth or material which is used to make garments etc.Every colour scheme has a matching fabric that enhances its beauty.
FallFall is a season interchangeably used with Autumn.I have applied for the fall intake this year, I hope the college shortlists my name.
FacilitiesThis word can be used while searching for a washroom.It generally means something that makes it possible to do a thing.The facilities are on the left side.
FearThe feeling you have when you see something painful or dangerous coming your way.Do you fear the consequences of your actions?
FondLiking something or someone.I am fond of this old city and its cuisine.
GainTo get something that you want or need.The reciter will gain popularity after this show.
Grimsomething very unpleasant and worryingThese are the grim consequences of regular flooding of the area.
Garmentsomething that you can wear as clothing.The garment store sold the last dress they had.
GalaxyThe system that contains stars, sun, solar systems, and planets together in clusters.The solar system is a part of the Milky Way galaxy.
Grantto officially give something what they have asked for.It means the manager will not grant your leave.
HueA particular shade of a colour.The hues I witness in the sky mesmerize me.
HeapA pile of something that looks untidy.The heap of leaves in the backyard is bothering the owner.
HookIt is generally a metal piece bent to hang something.It can also mean to keep someone invested into something.He was so hooked to the screen, he did not sense me behind him.
HoopA large ring made of metal or plastic.She can wear gold hoops as ear rings and boast all she wants.
HemThe ends of any garment are folded and stitched.This shirt’s hem stitch is on the wrong side.
ImplyTo suggest and say something in an indirect way.The manager will imply strategies to extract the best output.
InsistTo strongly say something to persuade someone.She will insist to get her a toy if she comes with us.
IcingThe creamy decoration on the cake bread.We think the icing on this cake should be blue as it will go with the theme.
InfantA child in the first period of their lives.My infant is only a few weeks old.
IllegalNo allowed by the law of that particular place.She said parking in front of her door is illegal.
JargonTechnical words that are very specific terms related to the particular profession and only used by the people into the profession.You should avoid using jargon while explaining complex things to a layman.
Joviala person who is friendly and happy.I am in a jovial mood today as it is raining.
JugA container usually used to store and pour liquids.Hold the Jug for me.
JamA thick paste of fruit used and ate with bread.Have you ever had scones with jam?
JellyA semi solid state of something.The jelly was so jiggly, we thought it was an earthquake!
KeeperA person who looks after something or someone.The zoo keeper was tired after his last night’s shift.
KeenVery interested in doing something.I have a keen interest in reading fictions but I am not a daydreamer.
KabobA dish of pieces of meat or vegetables originated from the East and originally pronounced as “Kebab”.I will have kabob with Indian condiments
KerchiefA piece of cloth which is squared shaped cloth tied around the head or neck.I tied the kerchief on my head to match the outfit.
KinA person’s family or relations.My kin and relatives have arrived for the party.
LandmarkA place, object or can also be a building that helps you recognize where you are.This mall is a landmark I use to guide the delivery men.
LaborA group of workers.The labor got paid well for their hard work.
LabelA piece of paper that is used to mark something for easy identification.This box of apples has a label on it saying “Handle with care”
LiableLikely to do or suffer something.He is liable for his company’s debt.
LoungeA comfortable place in home or a hotel where you can sit and relax.We will gather in the lounge for the breakfast tomorrow morning.
MailA system that enables you to receive messages and notices.I had a mail that confirmed my selection in art school.
MapA flat drawing or representation of a particular area or the entire world.The city map was accurate and we still managed to lose our way.
MagnetA piece of Iron or steel capable of attracting iron, steel, nickel, or cobalt.The magnets were so strong, they lifted the entire vehicle within seconds.
MainMost important.The main character in a movie or a book is also called a protagonist.
MerryMerry is also used interchangeably with the word “happy”.We wish you a merry Christmas!
NestA structure made of twigs, mud, or any other material built by reptiles and birds for their eggs.The bird nest on the tree is safe and hidden in the leaves.
NovelA book that has a story which can be a fiction or a non fiction.I read the novel you recommended me.
NoiseAn unpleasantly loud sound.That noise was coming from my room.
NodTo move one’s head up and down to show that they agree or say “Yes”.I will nod when the teacher looks at me while explaining that problem.
NosyToo interested in other people’s personal matters.We should not be nosy and keep out of people’s businesses.
ObjectiveIt means the aim or reason behind doing something. You can do something with the objective to achieve something.The objective of this meeting is to address slow work deliveries by our team.
ObstructTo accidentally or intentionally stop something from happening or moving.You cannot obstruct the road planning with this.
Overto stop or get finished.The show got over before he reached.
OnceOne time only for one occasion.For once and for all, I need you to leave this hall within 5 minutes.
OtherIt can be used to address additional things in a sentence.The other worldly Aurora is complex but beautiful.
PostPost means after and these too can be used interchangeably.The presentation will take place post lunch, relax!
PassTo achieve a certain score in exam which promotes or qualify you.If I don’t pass this exam in one go, I will have appear for it again.
PillA small piece of medicine that you swallow to get rid of pain or some disease.If you still have a headache, take the pill I gave you.
PanA cooking utensilI used a pan to make scrambled eggs.
PlaitWhen 3 parts of one’s hair are crossed to form a pattern.My hair is not long enough for a plait.
QuitTo leave or abandon something.I will quit my job if I get admission in my favorite college.
QuietTo stay silent or make minimal noise.Could you please stay quiet? My baby just fell asleep.
Quitea degree adverb which means “a little” or “not very”.I am not quite sure about this.
Quilta cover for bed with a thick warm material.My Quilt was hanging from my bed while I froze all night in sleep.
QualifyTo pass a certain criteria to do a particular job.You can qualify for the next round if you give 5 correct answers.
RandomBy chance or without any order.She was taking random names when I asked her to guess my dog’s name.
RestTo relax, sleep or not do anything for a time period.I want to rest for 5 minutes before starting with my next shift at the restaurant.
RentMoney you pay to keep someone else’s things or live on someone else’s land.The owner increased my rent every year.
RopeVery strong and thick string used for tying, climbing, or other heavy activities.The rope I gave you for camping was the only one I had.
RoastTo heat or dry something.I will roast some nuts for munching while I work.
SeatSomething that you can sit on.My seat was already occupied despite being reserved.
SitTo sit is to fold legs in a way that you can rest your body on a place in an upright position.She can sit down if she wants to, there are a lot of chairs vacant under the tent.
SweatThe liquid excreted by the skin due to being hot, ill or afraid.I sweat like a pig after my zumba classes.
SweetTasting as if it contains sugar.I have a sweet tooth.
Sickbeing unwell or ill.I fell sick because I got soaked in the rain last night.
ToughSomething that is difficult to understand or that is causing problems.It is getting tough for me to keep up with people I love.
TearTo split a paper or cloth into two halves by hand.I can tear the paper in two halves.
TrustThe belief that someone is honest or sincere.I trust my parents more than anyone else in this world.
TravelTo move from one place to another, over a long distance.I want to travel around the world.
TriggerThe part of the gun which is used to fire a weapon (mostly gun).The villain pulled the trigger but the gun was empty and that’s where the story had a twist.
UtterTo speak.I can hardly utter a word as my throat is hurting.
UnderstoodTo learn about something in a way that you don’t have a doubt about it.I understood the assignment to make this list of words well.
UnderIn a position that is below something.My cat was under the bed and was meowing the whole night.
UpperIn a position that is above something.Kindly search for the glass on the upper shelf as I am not tall enough to reach there.
UmbrellaAn object which can be used to protect oneself from getting wet in rain.I took an umbrella in case it rains but, I know I will not use it if it does.
VisitorA person who visits a place for a temporary time period.The visitors paid attention to every detail of this hall like detectives.
VerifyTo check or state something as true.The security official will verify if I am carrying any illegal thing with me.
VestA piece of clothing often worn on the torso under the main clothing for various purposes.A thermal vest can save you from the winters of Jaipur but not Antarctica.
ValueThe worth of something (often in terms of money).I value your gifts a lot.
VictoryGetting successful in some battle, competition, or a game and winning.The team claimed victory with an amazing goal.
WageA specific amount of money paid to the workers per week.I hope the matter of wage gap among men and women solves.
WaiterA person whose job is to serve customers at a restaurant.The waiter took our order and disappeared in the crowd.
Waistthe part of your body between the his and chest.Here is a bandana for your waist too.
WaiveTo give up a rule or a right voluntarily.University will waive my application fee.
WaveThe occurrence of the water to lift and collide with a shore in large water bodies like ocean or sea.The ocean’s wave was very challenging for the surfers.
X rayIt is a type of radiation which is used to get a picture of the internal system of a body.My x ray reports were normal and my father was relieved.
XylophoneA musical instrument with a row of wooden bars that are hit to make different sounds.I used to play xylophone when I was a child.
X boxA video gaming box consisting of console and gamesMy brother wants an X box for his birthday.
YachtA boat used for various activities.Do you know someone who owns a yacht?
YouthThe period of one’s life when they are young.I should not waste my youth and start working hard.
YardAn area outside house, usually without a roof, used for various purposes.The yard is full of tall grass and has not been cleaned in ages.
YolkThe yellow part of the egg which looks different from the egg white and is int he center.The yolk of the egg is yellow and full of B12 and B2.
YarnA type of thread of wool or cotton which is used to knit.A spindle can be used to spin yarn and make a garment out of it.
ZillionAn extremely large number.I have explained this to you a zillion times!!
ZipperTwo rows of metal or plastic teeth with a sliding pieceThe zipper got stuck at the wrong time. There is no right time for such things to happen.
ZoneAn area which differs from those around it.This part of the city is called zone II.
Zigzaga type of pattern of line with repeated left and right turns.The stairs looks like a zigzag pattern from side view.
Zesta feeling of enjoyment and excitement.Do you have a zest for life? You should!

The words above do not include common phrases or questions like " How are you doing?" Now, that we have discussed the regular English words, let us move on to the next section. It will talk about the tips and tricks to increase your lexical resources.

Tips to Expand Your English Vocabulary

These are some of the best ways to improve your vocabulary with daily usage words in English:

  1. Practice Using Synonyms
  2. Learn New Words
  3. Read Wise Texts
  4. Watch English Movies

The above pointers are explained well below:

Practice Using Synonyms

Firstly, a great practice would be using similar words, and learning them every day can improve your chances of getting a good score on your English language proficiency test. these can be any English words used in daily life. Therefore, you must take note of words and their synonyms. Moreover, you can get in the habit of using them fluently after using them more often.

Also Read: Tongue Twisters in English

Learn New Words

Secondly, you must learn new words daily with their meanings and usage in sentences. In addition to this, if you apply your learning in daily life, it can improve your vocabulary in a short course of time. The new words you learn can be English words used in daily life or complex words depending upon your current level.

Read Wise Texts

Thirdly, to develop your understanding of which regular English words to choose where you must read more. Thus, keep yourself engaged with English magazines, newspapers, books, and reports if they interest you. Moreover, you must also read more academic texts to understand the common words in English used in daily life.

Also Read: Proverbs in English

Watch English Movies

Lastly, it would be helpful to watch English shows and movies to catch up with the accent and fluency. In addition to this, it will not only help you in the listening section but also the speaking and writing sections as you will learn new words. Moreover, you will also learn about voice modulation and hand gestures.

These are a few ways you can use to increase your vocabulary.

To sum up, the daily use English words can do wonders in building your vocabulary and fluency in the English language. There are several ways to develop good lexical resources. You can consider joining online IELTS classes at Gradding. You can avail of this offer now by going to their website and booking a free session with a study abroad expert!

Also Read: Idioms in English

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Why Should I Learn Daily Use English Words?

If you plan to clear the IELTS exam on your first attempt, it is better to take note of these words if you want to improve your vocabulary. Moreover, these daily use English words can also improve your fluency and ability to hold a conversation in English like a local.

Q2. How Can I Effectively Memorize New English Words?

Firstly, try being consistent in learning words and their meanings.

Secondly, do not forget to read examples sentences that show their usage.

Thirdly, it would be better to revise them at the end of the day.

Lastly, use them more often and practice with word puzzles or other fun games to make learning interesting.

Q3. How Often Should I Learn New Words?

If you try to learn new daily use English words every day without practicing the old ones, you will not be able to learn properly. Therefore, it is better to learn words as per your potential. The best and most common technique is to learn 5 to 10 common words in English used in daily life. Moreover, what can add to this is your revision at the end of the day and your effort to use these words regularly in conversations.

Q4. Are there any Tools or Apps That Can Help with Learning New English Words?

You can use these apps Vocabulary Builder, Words with Friends, and WordUp. They can help you learn new words and their meanings. Moreover, they can also give you daily use vocabulary words and reminders through notifications and other options.

Q5. How Can I Integrate These Words into My Daily Routine?

You can start by replacing the daily use English words with the synonyms that you learned. Furthermore, you can converse about things in English which you generally prefer talking about in your native language. For example, your plan for the day, the best thing you did today, etc.

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