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Difficult Words in English to Improve Your Vocabulary

This language has a vibrant vocabulary with several difficult words in English. So, it is beneficial that people learn these words and improve their vocabulary to become more efficient in daily conversations. Moreover, these words will help your English language proficiency by adding new words in your vocabulary and help you improve your IELTS test scores. So, to learn some of the difficult words, you can read this blog where you will find more than 100 hard words in English to use in daily life.  Therefore, read till the end for more details.

100+ Difficult Words in English With Meaning

Table of Contents

What Are Difficult Words in English

The difficult words in English are either hard to pronounce, spell, or understand. Moreover, they are the most uncommon or rare words that you hear in your surroundings because very few people know about them. However, understanding and incorporating such words into our vocabulary can enhance language skills and communication. So, some of the examples are:

  • Pillory: To shame criminals publicly
  • Bedevil: Cause great and continual trouble to something
  • Truculent: Describe people or things that are cruel and ferocious
  • Peregrination: A long and meandering journey
  • Pulchritudinous: Physically attractive" or "beautiful"

So, these were some examples of the hard English words. Thus, you can learn them with meanings to bring them into your habit of daily speaking. Moreover, people sometimes are curious that every word in English comprises nothing apart from those 26 alphabet, then what makes a word difficult? So, you will get the answer for the same in the below section.

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What Makes a Word "Difficult" in English?

We are comfortable with some words because we either read them daily or hear them regularly in our surroundings. However, some words which are new to us and have a typical spelling, they become tough words to pronounce. The reason behind this is that they are rare and you usually don’t read them anywhere. So, it is a basic human functioning that if you see or hear a word often, you are likely to develop a sense of what it means. But, if you never see it, you are not likely to know its meaning. Thus, this makes them difficult words in English for many.

For example: Quarantine and Isolation were some of the words that people did not hear before the COVID-19 outbreak. However, today people have become so familiar with these words that they are no longer considered tough English words despite being difficult to spell.

Now, consider the words “Lampoon” or “Omnipresent.” Do you know what they mean? Probably not. The reason is that these words are rare and you don’t hear them commonly or read them daily in blogs, newspapers, or books.Here, Lampoon means public criticism by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm.

Omnipresent means widespread. So, you can say that these are the difficult words in English because you did not know their meanings. So, you can say that how often you see or read words determines how difficult they are. Thus, in the next section of this blog, you will get a list of difficult English words with their meanings.

List of Difficult English Words with Meanings

Improving your vocabulary needs you to not only learn new words, but also learn their meanings. So, some of the difficult words in English are:

Difficult Words in EnglishMeanings
DisparateFundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
ContentiousShowing an inclination to disagree
EnfranchiseGrant freedom to, as from slavery or servitude
CircumscribeDraw a geometric figure around another figure
FallaciousContaining or based on incorrect reasoning
AssiduousMarked by care and persistent effort
ImputeAttribute or credit to
AliasA name that has been assumed temporarily
LaconicBrief and to the point
AbjectOf the most contemptible kind
NeophyteA participant with no experience with an activity
TiradeA speech of violent denunciation
RecalcitrantStubbornly resistant to authority or control
AccretionAn increase by natural growth or addition
VilifySpread negative information about
antithesisexact opposite
SubjugateMake subservient; force to submit or subdue
CallousEmotionally hardened
ExhortSpur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
InstigateProvoke or stir up
MawkishVery sentimental or emotional
PalliateLessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
PortentA sign of something about to happen
RecalcitrantStubbornly resistant to authority or control
InimicalTending to obstruct or cause harm
ExacerbateMake worse
CleaveSeparate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
MaximA saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
TrenchantHaving keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought

So, these were some of the difficult words in English. Moreover, you can also read academic books and novels to find some of these by yourself. Furthermore, you can use them as daily use English words by bringing them into your conversations and making them a habit. Besides, not only the meaning of the word but also their pronunciation also determines their difficulty level. So, read the difficult words to pronounce in English in the next section.

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Difficult English Words to Pronounce

In English, the difficulty of words is not only determined by how rare they are but also depends on their pronunciation. So, some difficult words to pronounce in English are:

Tough Words to PronounceExact PronunciationMeaning
Anaesthetistan-ees-thu-tistA specialist trained to give anaesthetic to patients that require numbing for medical procedures
Accedeak-SEED 1) To agree to a demand and 2) To assume a position.
AliasAY-lee-issA false identity
Anemoneah-NEH-muh-nee.1) A marine organism (and where Nemo lives) and 2) A flower related to the buttercup
Camaraderiekah-muh-RAH-duh-reeFriendship built over time
Colloquialismkuh-loh-kwee-uh-liz-uhmA word that is used verbally rather than in written form
Cacophonykuh-kaw-fun-eeA mixture of loud sounds
Connoisseurcon-nseurAn expert who has great knowledge in something especially art, food and drink
Denguedeng-eeA tropical disease caused by mosquitoes
Debauchdih-bawchTo corrupt something
Emollientih-mol-yuhntA liquid that makes skin softer
Epitomeih-PIT-uh-meeA person who is a perfect example of something
Espressoeh-SPRES-oha strong, short Italian coffee
Expatiateex-pay-she-ateto speak or write in detail about
Epitaphepit-arfwords written in memory of a person who has died
Fortefor- taya strength
Hegemonyhih-JEH-muh-neeleadership or dominance
Inchoatein-KOH-itWhen something has just started so it is not yet fully developed
Jewelleryjew -ell-riA collective term for rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings
KnavenaveA dishonest person
Lethargicleth-ar-jicWhen you feel tired and don’t want to do anything
Maelstrommeyl-struhmA big whirlpool
MischievousMISS-chuh-vuhsWhen you are naughty or cause trouble and find it funny
Nauseousnaw-zi-usWhen you feel like you want to vomit
Naïvenai-eveA person with a lack of good judgement
Opaqueo-paykThe opposite of transparent
Panaceapan-uh-SEE-uhSomething that cures illnesses or a solution to problems
Phlegmaticfleg-MAT-ikTo have a calm disposition
QuinoaKEEN-wahA starchy grain from South America
Ruralrur – uhlThe countryside as opposed to the city
Squirrelskwi – relA rodent with a bushy tail that lives in the trees
Sovereignsov-rinA monarch
Stoicsto – ikA person who has hardship but does not show their pain
SuitsoOt1) A jacket paired with trousers or a skirt, 2) Enhancing the features of someone and 3) To be convenient
TingetinjTo slightly colour something
Ubiquitousu-bik-wit-usWhen something is found everywhere
Vicissitudevih-SIS-ih-toodAn unpleasant change in circumstance
YachtyotA boat used for sailing that is medium-sized
Youthsyewths1) The period of time between childhood and adulthood 2) Young people considered as a group
Zephyrze-furA gentle breeze

So, these were the tough words to pronounce in English language. Moreover, their exact pronunciation is also given in the above table so that you can learn how to pronounce them correctly. Moreover, a few other tips will help you learn the hard spelling words. Thus, read them in the next section.

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Tips to Learn Tough English Words

Learning new and hard words is important for you. Also, it helps you become presentable and improve your vocabulary for the exam. Thus, some of the tips to learn the English hard words are:

1) Listen to Pronunciation and Record Yourself

One of the most effective methods for learning difficult words in English is to listen to the language. Moreover, listen to songs and podcasts in English and also watch movies in the English language, and try to grasp every new word you hear.

2) Forget About Spelling (For Now) and Rely on Sound

Sometimes people get caught up in a word’s spelling, which can negatively affect the way they remember the correct way to pronounce it. By this, you will be able to learn better the difficult words to pronounce.

3) Break Down, Learn in Chunks

If you are having trouble learning the hard spelling words, then one of the best things to do is you can break them down into smaller parts and memorize them accordingly.

4) Memorize the Use and Meaning

One of the most efficient ways is by remembering the context of the tough English words. If you try to memorize a long list of vocabulary with no context, you won’t remember most of the words in the long run. So, it is recommended that when you learn a new word, also learn how to use it in a sentence.

5) Find Synonyms

It is easy to find the synonyms of almost all the words that exist. So, whenever you go through difficult words, immediately try to find alternatives. By this, you will find a comparatively easy word and this will help you in remembering that you have a new word to use. Also, you can learn phrases and idioms to improve your word bank.

So, these are some tips that will help you learn the difficult words in English. Thus, use these tips and see a positive change in your vocabulary.


To sum up, this was all about the difficult words in English, that builds a strong vocabulary. Moreover, if you are a study abroad aspirant, it is important for you to give exams like IELTS or PTE to meet the requirements of your dream university. Thus, using an advanced vocabulary is important to score well in the IELTS exam in tasks such as cue cards and essay writing, which can be challenging. Therefore, you can opt for our IELTS online coaching can help you overcome this issue. As getting help from the experts ensure you are well-prepared for your dream journey.FAQ’s

1) What Are 20 Tricky Words?

Labyrinth, Nirvana, Nomenclature, Pandemonium, Patriarchy, Pseudonym, Malapropism, Omniscient, Rejuvenate, Sagacious, Serendipity, Solace, Tangible, Tenet, Unbiased, Unilateral, Utopian, Valediction, Overwhelm, Whimsical, Xenophobia

2) What are 45+ New Words with Meanings?

  1. Aberration – a deviation from the normal or expected
  2. Abnegation – self-denial or self-sacrifice
  3. Acumen – keen insight or perception
  4. Adept – highly skilled or proficient
  5. Alacrity – cheerful willingness or eagerness
  6. Ameliorate – to improve or make better
  7. Anachronistic – belonging to a different time period
  8. Aplomb – self-confidence, especially in difficult situations
  9. Apprehensive – anxious or fearful about the future
  10. Assiduous – showing great care and perseverance
  11. Brusque – short and abrupt
  12. Cajole – to urge
  13. Jabber – to talk in a noisy or excited manner
  14. Jostle – make one’s way by pushing or shoving
  15. Flabbergasted – astounded
  16. Gluttony – overindulgence in food or drink
  17. Impeccable – exemplary, flawless
  18. Erudite – learned
  19. Exasperated – a feeling of annoyance
  20. Malleable – easily influenced
  21. Eclectic – deriving the best ideas
  22. Egregious – reprehensible
  23. Embezzlement – misappropriation of funds
  24. Enervate – lacking in vitality
  25. Ephemeral – lasting for a short duration
  26. Equanimity – maintaining composure in stressful situations
  27. Fatuous – devoid of intelligence
  28. Gratuitous – uncalled for
  29. Iconoclast – someone who criticizes
  30. Idiosyncratic – something peculiar to an individual
  31. Phlegmatic – expressing little
  32. Promulgate – announce
  33. Quotidian – something that is of daily occurrence
  34. Recalcitrant – resistant to authority
  35. Sephardic - Jewish or of Jewish descent
  36. Solipsism – the philosophical theory that only the self-existence is known
  37. Travesty – imitation
  38. Ubiquitous – omnipresent
  39. Vicissitude – unpleasant change
  40. Vociferous – someone who is offensively loud.
  41. Oxidize - To dehydrogenate especially by the action of oxygen
  42. Pablum - Bland, intellectual sustenance
  43. Peccadillo - A slight offence
  44. Pettifogging - Arguing over trivial things
  45. Prestidigitation - A sleight-of-hand artist
  46. Spanandry - The extreme scarcity of males
  47. Spittoon - A receptacle for spit
  48. Peregrination - A long and meandering journey

3) What Are 10 Unfamiliar Words?

Camaraderie, Ephemeral, Adamant, Myrmecophilous, Ostracize, Cleave, Blanch, Adulation, Sycophant, Ambivalent

4) What Are the 10 Most Commonly Misused Words?

  1. Effect
  2. Lose versus loose
  3. Principal versus principle
  4. Adverse and averse
  5. Insure versus ensure
  6. There versus their
  7. Should've/would've/could've
  8. Desert vs. Dessert
  9. Than vs then
  10. Accept/ Except/Aspect/ Expect

5) What Is the Rarest Word Used?


Meaning: A type of lung disease caused by inhaling fine silica dust, often found in mines.

Why it's rare: Although it's one of the longest words in the dictionary, it's not commonly used outside medical contexts.

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