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Essay Writing Topics: List of 500+ Ideas for Beginners

Essay writing topics in English can be difficult to find for a writer or student. Most users face writer’s block and have a hard time thinking about ideas. But what if you know the topic of what you want to write? Well, after getting the essay writing ideas, putting them down on a sheet of paper will be easy for students. However, in this blog we have listed 500+ popular, trending, and unique topics for you. So, let’s start reading the collection of ideas to write an essay.

Explore 500+ essay writing topics in English

Table of Contents

What Is Essay Writing?

An essay is a short piece of writing that expresses the writer’s point of view, story, or perception related to any topic. It can be based on daily use English words like dog, family, hobby, trees, or nature. Generally, essays can be formal or informal, depending on the title. For example, formal essays are used in academics, and informal essays can be written on personal issues. Overall, the motive of writing essays, stories, or articles is to improve language skills.

Hopefully, the meaning of essay writing is clear to you with the above information.

Types of Essay Writing with Topics

There is a different purpose for writing an essay, story, or content. Therefore, it is divided into four main types; narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive. Each type of these covers a different type of content. Let’s move ahead with discussing the topics for essay writing and meaning in brief.

1. Narrative Essays: This refers to writing something about an incident or story, and written in the first person. Choosing the topics for a narrative essay or paragraph writing in English can be the hardest part. Therefore, here are some topics for reference you can prefer for writing.

  • An embarrassing experience
  • An important discovery
  • The experience of being lost
  • A rebellious act
  • A memorable journey
  • A strange or unexpected encounter
  • An act of heroism or cowardice
  • A brush with greatness or death
  • Surviving a natural disaster
  • An account of your earliest memory

2. Descriptive Essays: These kinds of essays refer to describing a place, an event, an object, or an incident. Mentioned below are some descriptive essay topics in English for you so that you will be able to understand the concept of essays.

  • My favourite movie
  • The house of my dreams
  • My best friend
  • My first memory
  • My first flight
  • Top 10 destinations in Europe
  • A space journey
  • A Himalayan expedition
  • Canadian white nights
  • The most important event in my history

3. Expository Essays: Expository essays refer to explaining a topic or presenting a balanced story. To become an excellent writer for these types of essays, you have to focus on tenses in English. Along with this, some ideas to write an essay are given below.

  • Privacy in the digital age: how much surveillance is too much?
  • The morality of euthanasia: autonomy and the right to die
  • Ethical considerations in organ transplantation: who gets priority?
  • The impact of social media on privacy and ethics
  • Climate change responsibility: ethical obligations of developed nations
  • The ethics of drone warfare: collateral damage and civilian lives
  • Gene editing: the moral implications of CRISPR technology
  • Animal rights vs. scientific research: finding the middle ground
  • The role of the tragic hero in ancient Greek literature
  • The role of nature in romantic poetry

4. Argumentative Essays: These types of essays aim to persuade different essay topics for students or readers to explain a special opinion. You can refer to some topics related to argumentative essays from the following list.

  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should parents track their children?
  • Can artificial intelligence fully replace human creativity?
  • Should schools eliminate homework to reduce student stress?
  • Is the gig economy exploiting workers?
  • Is automation a threat to job security?
  • Are standardized tests effective measures of student ability?
  • Should college athletes get paid?
  • Should students work part-time during high school?
  • Cyberbullying: Causes and effects
  • Importance of financial literacy

Hopefully, you have understood the types of essay writing topics in English with the above information.

Picking a popular title to write something or share your ideas can be a difficult task. Especially, for a beginner, it will be more challenging to find a topic and write about it. However, you can start from scratch and self introduction in English and refer to the following list of trending topics mentioned below.

Essay Topics on Technology

  • Computer
  • Wonder of Science
  • Mobile phone
  • Internet
  • Newspaper
  • Science
  • Smart watch
  • Camera

Essay Topics on Festivals on Events

  • Diwali
  • Independence Day (15 August)
  • Teachers Day
  • Summer vacation
  • Christmas
  • Children’s Day
  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
  • Republic Day

Essay Topics on Education

  • Education essay
  • Importance of education
  • Education should be free
  • Contribution of technology in education
  • Education technology
  • Homework in elementary schools
  • Dress codes in public schools
  • Should American students be required to learn a second language?

Essay Topics on Famous Leaders

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Swami Vivekananda
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
  • Subhash Chandra Bose
  • Lal Bahadur Shashtri

Essay Topics Based on Environment and Nature

  • Pollution
  • Global warming
  • Save trees
  • Environment
  • Save earth
  • Air pollution
  • Importance of trees
  • Winter season

From the above information, you have gone through popular and trending topics for essay writing in English.

Essay Writing Topics for Students

Beginners can enhance their English language skills if they refer to different titles and ideas. Apart from this, here are 500+ essay writing topics mentioned in the table.

Noise PollutionImportance of SportsSuccessImportance of Water
PatriotismSports and GamesUnemploymentJunk Food
HealthSportsClean IndiaGST
CorruptionTime ManagementCow Essay in EnglishPlastic Pollution
Environment PollutionCleanliness is Next to GodlinessDescribe YourselfFashion
Women EmpowermentCleanlinessElephantBooks
MusicRome Was Not Built in a DayFestivals of IndiaDoctor
Time and Tide Wait for noneEarthquakeForestPopulation
ScienceFootballGanesh ChaturthiValue of Time
Science and TechnologyHappinessHealthy FoodHonesty is the Best Policy
PeacockYogaArtificial IntelligenceIndian Education System
Gandhi JayantiFarmeronline ShoppingChildhood
FreedomFoodRespectDisaster Management
Human RightsKalpana ChawlaIndian CultureEnvironmental Issues
Knowledge is PowerPunctualityYogaFreedom Fighters
Our Country EssayRani Lakshmi BaiElectionGarden
Childhood MemoriesRole ModelPostmanGrandparents
Cyber CrimeSpring SeasonHealthy LifestyleSave Tiger
Good MannersSurgical StrikeLabour DayImportance of Trees in our Life
Red FortTriple TalaqFundamental RightsCity Life vs Village Life
UnityA Good FriendDiabetesImportance of Communication
Cyber SecurityImportance of Friends in our LifeValuesConservation of Nature
Green RevolutionYouthSolar SystemMan vs Machine
Health and FitnessShould Plastic be BannedEffects of Global WarmingIndian Economy
MothersGlobal TerrorismReading is Good HabitObesity
Mothers LoveConservation of BiodiversityPlastic BagSummer Camp
Importance of National IntegrationAcid RainTerrorism in IndiaVehicle Pollution
Black MoneyNewspaper and Its UsesLibrary and Its UsesWomen Education in India
AIDSWorld Health DayLife on MarsSeasons in India
Greenhouse EffectConservation of Natural ResourcesUrbanizationFreedom of the Press
FairA Picnic with FamilyPollution Due to DiwaliBribery
UntouchabilityIndian HeritageNational Flag of IndiaRain Water Harvesting
Self DisciplineStatus of Women in IndiaVocational EducationRoad Rage
TerrorismChild is Father of the ManImportance of Tree PlantationCaste System
Environment and Human HealthAddictionImpact of Global Warming on OceansConsequences of Global Warming
Mountain ClimbingElection Commission of IndiaPollution due to FestivalsRole of Human Activities in Global Warming
Depletion of Natural ResourcesElectionAmbedkar JayantiIssues and Problems faced by Women in India
Ishwar Chandra VidyasagarElection and DemocracyEk Bharat Shreshtha BharatRole of Judiciary in the Country Today
Health EducationPrevention of Global WarmingFamily Planning in IndiaSugamya Bharat Abhiyan
Effects of DeforestationImpact of Cinema in LifeDemocracy vs DictatorshipPUBG Mobile Game Addiction
Life after SchoolSubhas Chandra BoseNational Festivals of IndiaRole of Youths in Nation-Building
Starvation in IndiaDowry SystemSri AurobindoValue of Oxygen and Water in Life/Earth
Jan Dhan YojanaGanesh Chaturthi FestivalCasteism in IndiaFarmer Suicides in India
Impact of PrivatizationRole of Science in Making IndiaOrgan traffickingStart-up India
Pollution Due to FirecrackersEssay on PunjabAnimal EssayEssay on Bangalore
Life of SoldiersEssay on TravelEssay on MangoTravelling essay
Child LabourMy Home EssayGender Discrimination EssayEssay on Social Issues
SlaveryChild Marriage EssayEssay on AdvertisementTime Is Money Essay
Save Girl ChildImportance of English Language EssayMy First Day at School EssayEssay About Grandmothers
LifeEssay on Mass MediaMy Neighborhood EssayEssay on Hard Work
Morning WalkEssay on HorseTrue Friendship EssayFirst Day of School Essay
My School FeteEssay on PoliceWork Is Worship EssayFlowers Essay
Essay on Financial LiteracyEssay on EidEssay on Self ConfidenceMy Favorite Food Essay
Essay on Sustainable DevelopmentEssay on Solar EnergyEssay on SuperstitionEssay on Birds
Essay on HumanityValue of Education EssayEssay on FeminismEssay on Facebook
Essay on SunEssay on ISROEssay on KindnessEssay on Science In Everyday Life
Essay on Kargil WarEssay on Balance Is BeneficialEssay on Domestic ViolenceEssay on Women Rights
Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining EssayEssay on Reservation In IndiaEssay on English as a Global LanguageEssay on Right To Education
Francis Bacon EssaysEssay on Water ManagementEssay on Co-EducationEssay on Quotes
Importance of Cleanliness EssayEssay on SmokingImportance of Exercise EssayEssay on Peace
My Sister EssayEssay on Stress ManagementOverpopulation EssayEssay on Drawing
Self Introduction EssayEssay on William ShakespeareSmartphone EssayEssay on Bicycle
Solar Energy EssayEssay on AppleEssay on RiverEssay on Sexual Harassment
Sports Day EssayEssay on Albert EinsteinEssay on CycloneEssay on Hospital
Essay on Srinivasa RamanujanWho am I EssayFitness Peats Pandemic EssayEssay on Road Safety
Essay on Golden TempleEssay on Positive ThinkingEssay on Coronavirus TipsEssay on my favourite season
Essay on ArtEssay on DanceEssay on Coronavirus PreventionMy Pet Essay
Essay on Ruskin BondEssay on NavratriEssay on Coronavirus TreatmentStudent life essay
Essay on MoonEssay on OnamEssay on Essay on TreesEssay on Railway Station
Birthday EssayEssay on New Education Policy 2020Essay on TelevisionEssay on America
Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover EssayEssay on Thank You Coronavirus HelpersGender Inequality EssayEssay on Knowledge is Power
Draught EssayEssay on Coronavirus and Coronavirus SymptomsWater Conservation EssayEssay on Favourite Personality
Gratitude EssayEssay on BaseballEssay on GurpurabEssay on Memorable Day of My Life
Indian Politics EssayEssay on Coronavirus VaccineEssay on Types of SportsMy Parents Essay
My Life at Home and at OfficeThe Sun Is Shiny NowadaysLeaves of Tree Are GreenWater Is Transparent
Indian Rules and LawsBeauty of KoreaAn Incidental Story of MineAn Eye on the Lion Paws

From the above table, you have gone through with 500+ essay writing topics on different ideas.

Unique & Interesting Essay Writing Topics

There are some interesting topics for students to write essays. These are similarly based on formal and informal essay writing ideas. Beginners who are starting work on their English skills can refer to the following topics and enhance their skills.

  • A Surprise Birthday Party
  • My Next-door Neighbor
  • Who Is Your Favourite Athlete?
  • A Character from a Book, Movie or TV Program
  • How You Spent Your First Day in College?
  • Farewell Memory in High School
  • The Experience of Sky Diving
  • Baking a Pizza
  • An Embarrassing and Dangerous Experience
  • When Did You Decide to Change Your Life?
  • What Is Your Communication Barrier in English?
  • How to Succeed in Job Interview?
  • How to Master Photography?
  • How to Get Rid of Bad Habits?

The above list is for some unique and interesting essay topics in English. Students can refer to the list to start their writing skills.

Also readDegrees of Comparison

How to Choose the Right Topic to Write an Essay?

When start writing, some many students or writers face issues in choosing the right topic. Here are some tips that you can follow to broaden your thought process and pick the correct title.

  • If you are a beginner and are not familiar with English writing, choose any easy or general topic. For example, you can begin with writing on self introduction.
  • Students must research the topic they are going to choose to become familiar with it. For that, you can refer to books, newspapers, and more.
  • Sometimes when students want to write on a topic, they pick difficult titles. Try to choose the topic which is neither tough or nor easy.
  • Start reading books, articles, blogs, and newspapers to get fresh ideas. This will be beneficial to enhance your overall skills in English.
  • Always pick a topic for that you can easily find relevant information. For example, if you are writing on space travel title, conduct a thorough research about it.


Essay writing topics give you an opportunity to express your opinions and ideas. With the above information, you have gone through the 500+ writing topics in English along with tips. Whether you are a school student, college student, writer, or a beginner, you can start thinking about the titles and writing too. Hopefully, you found this blog helpful and picked a suitable topic you want to write.


1 . What Are the Best Topics for Essay Writing?

  1. My father my hero
  2. My self
  3. My garden
  4. My best friend
  5. My favourite scooter
  6. My school
  7. My plans for a summer trip
  8. My school library
  9. Friendship
  10. My beautiful home

2. What Are 4 Types of Essays?

There are four types of essays; argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays.

3. What Are Hot Essay Topics?

  1. Education
  2. Democracy
  3. Agriculture
  4. Feminism
  5. Poverty
  6. Religion

4. How Do I Choose the Best Essay Writing Topic?

Before choosing your essay writing topic, follow the assignment instructions carefully. When you understand the purpose of the assignment or task and the length requirement, you can easily choose the best essay writing topic.

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