What are opposite words, and why should you know about them? Where should you use the opposites? If you also have similar questions popping into your head, then this blog is surely for you. In this, you will find out when to use these terms and the list of some of the most commonly used opposite words in the English language. Hence time to get the answers to all your queries.
Table of Contents
Opposite Words of Letter A
Opposite Words of Letter B
Opposite Words of Letter C
Opposite Words of Letter D
Opposite Words of Letter E
Opposite Words of Letter F
Opposite Words of Letter G
Opposite Words of Letter H
Opposite Words of Letter I
Opposite Words of Letter J
Opposite Words of Letter K
Opposite Words of Letter L
Opposite Words of Letter M
Opposite Words of Letter N
Opposite Words of Letter O
Opposite Words of Letter P
Opposite Words of Letter Q
Opposite Words of Letter R
Opposite Words of Letter S
Opposite Words of Letter T
Opposite Words of Letter U
Opposite Words of Letter V
Opposite Words of Letter W
Opposite Words of Letter X
Opposite Words of Letter Y
Opposite Words of Letter Z
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word opposite refers to things that are contrary to each other or a specific thing. Hence, opposite words can be described as terms that express a meaning that contradicts the meaning of another term. You can also use the word antonyms to describe the terms with opposite meanings.
If you are wondering what is the difference between the two, then you must understand that opposite can mean the reverse of or on the other side of or something contrary. Meanwhile, antonyms are words that are opposite to another word.
When you are communicating with others, these words provide precision, sophistication and clarity. Moreover, the use of these words in the fields of education, science, etc., can assist in clarifying different choices and thus make it easier to examine the various alternatives. Also, antonyms develop the ability for decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking.
The most common use of opposite words in English is to convey contradiction, clarify the context or add a deeper meaning to your expression. Other than this, some more ways in which you can use antonyms are as follows:
There is a list of opposite words that you can seek out to convey contrast and also enhance your vocabulary for the English language. It will also help in making your communication effective. Hence, the following are 50 opposite words that can come in handy while exploring new concepts and ideas.
Word | Antonym / Opposite |
Whisper | Scream |
Tender hearted | Fiendish |
Strengthen | Debilitate |
Regret | Satisfaction |
Refuse | Agree |
Praise | Castigate |
Opponent | Supporter |
Moderate | Extreme |
Mess | Order |
Mend | Break |
Limited | Boundless |
Lend | Borrow |
Lead | Follow |
Intrepid | Cowardly |
Innocent | Guilty |
Inception | Conclusion |
Humid | Dry |
Horizontal | Vertical |
Hopeful | Desperate, hopeless |
Gentle | Violent |
Generous | Mean |
General | Particular, special |
Frequently | Occasionally |
Excitable | Tranquil |
Ephemeral | Long-lived |
Enslave | Emancipate |
Emigrate | Immigrate |
Eccentric | Ordinary |
Dwindle | Flourish |
Domestic | Foreign |
Dictatorship | Republic |
Descent | Ascent |
Delicious | Awful |
Construction | Destruction |
Concise | Lengthy |
Clemency | Ruthlessness |
Changeable | Constant |
Broad | Narrow |
Bold | Timid |
Beneficial | Detrimental |
Authentic | Fake |
Approximately | Exactly |
Antonym | Synonym |
Ancestor | Descendant |
Amiable | Grumpy |
Amateur | Professional |
Affable | Unfriendly |
Advanced | Elementary |
Accidental | Intentional |
Abundance | Lack |
There are several English words that you come across while reading or communicating with others. The reason why you should know their opposites is because these terms will enhance your language skills and help you understand the different terms. Hence, here is a list of a-z opposite words that will assist you in describing things clearly and in a precise manner.
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Awesome | Bad | Worse | Nasty |
Attractive | Disgusting | Boring | Disenchanting |
Affordable | Costly | Expensive | Premium |
Adequate | Insufficient | Inadequate | Deficient |
Adorable | Hateful | Abominable | Abhorrent |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Best | Worst | Mediocre | Miserable |
Benefit | Hindrance | Disadvantage | Drawback |
Beloved | Unbeloved | Despised | Disliked |
Believe | Disbelieve | Distrust | Discredit |
Beauty | Ugliness | Grotesqueness | Unattractiveness |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Close | Far | Distant | Away |
Cut | Restore | Enrich | Attend |
Creative | Uncreative | Uninventive | Unimaginative |
Carry | Exclude | Leave | Lose |
Care | Carelessness | Neglect | Disregard |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Destroy | Raise | Restore | Build |
Demand | Request | Disclaim | Non-essential |
Deep | Shallow | Surface | High |
Dear | Despised | Hated | Unbeloved |
Darling | Unbeloved | Abominable | Abhorrent |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Enough | Inadequate | Insufficient | Unsatisfactory |
Enjoy | Deplore | Abhor | Dislike |
Effort | Passivity | Idleness | Incompetence |
Efficient | Inefficient | Inoperative | Unproductive |
Effective | Ineffective | Incompetent | Useless |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Forgive | Resent | Revenge | Retaliate |
Few | Many | Several | Uncountable |
Fast | Slow | Tardy | Sluggish |
Fair | Unfair | Foul | Nasty |
Fabulous | Ordinary | Actual | Existent |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Gorgeous | Drab | Ugly | Uninteresting |
Glad | Dismayed | Annoyed | Unwilling |
Genius | Stupidity | Dunce | Dolt |
Great | Minor | Small | Little |
Gentle | Harsh | Coarse | Abrasive |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Hurt | Heal | Comfort | Pacify |
Humanity | Inhumanity | Cold heartedness | Cruelty |
Help | Hinder | Deterrence | Aggravate |
Happy | Sad | Dismal | Sorrow |
Habit | Disinclination | Animosity | Antipathy |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Illegal | Legal | Legitimate | Lawful |
Impress | Disappoint | Disinterested | Unimpressed |
Independent | Dependent | Contingent | Reliant |
Inspire | Depress | Dishearten | Daunt |
Install | Remove | Uninstall | Dismissal |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Joke | Solemn | unhumorous | Humourless |
Jolly | Dull | Gloomy | Miserable |
Joy | Trial | Despair | Misery |
Justice | Impoliteness | Inequity | Injustice |
Justify | Condemn | Contradict | Disprove |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Keen | Apathetic | Half-hearted | Reluctant |
Keep | Throw away | Lose | Spend |
Kickoff | Stop | Cease | End |
Kind | Inconsiderate | Mean | Unkind |
Knowledge | Inexperience | Illiteracy | Ignorance |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Little | Plenty | Large | Big |
Lively | Listless | Apathetic | Lifeless |
Lost | Regain | Retained | Find |
Love | Hatred | Loathe | Hate |
Luck | Misfortune | Unluckiness | Mischance |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Magic | Actuality | Authenticity | Natural |
Make | Destroy | Dismantle | Demount |
Master | Servant | Underling | Novice |
Mature | Immature | Growing | Adolescent |
Morality | Immorality | Badness | Evil |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Neat | Disorderly | Untidy | Clumsy |
Need | Optional | Nonessential | Non necessity |
Next | Previous | Preceding | Before |
Nice | Unpleasant | Wretched | Annoying |
Normal | Abnormal | Unusual | Exceptional |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Objective | Biased | Partial | Prejudiced |
Offer | Withdraw | Refuse | Withhold |
Omnipotent | Impotent | Helpless | Powerless |
Optimistic | Pessimistic | Negative | Ominous |
Outstanding | Mediocre | Unexceptional | Disgraceful |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Pause | Continue | Proceed | Progress |
Peace | Noise | Irritation | Conflict |
Potential | Impotence | Inability | Incompetence |
Power | Inability | Incapacity | Weakness |
Pretty | Plain | Ugly | Pleasure less |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Qualify | Disqualify | Disallow | Ban |
Quality | Inadequacy | Deficiency | Worthlessness |
Quick | Slow | Unhurried | Draggy |
Quiet | Loud | Noisy | Clamorous |
Quit | Stay | Carry on | Hire |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Real | Unreal | Imaginary | Ethereal |
Recall | Forget | Unlearn | Lose |
Relax | Tense | Strain | Stretch |
Report | Silence | Ignorance | Suppression |
Rough | Gentle | Sleek | Smooth |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Simple | Difficult | Hard | Complex |
Sincere | Perfunctory | Disingenuous | Insincere |
Small | Big | Large | Generous |
Soft | Hard | Firm | Harsh |
Sure | Unsure | Uncertain | Doubtful |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Talent | Inability | Clumsiness | Talentless |
Talkative | Taciturn | Reticent | Close mouthed |
Target | Deselect | Unchoose | Detarget |
Task | Inactivity | Irresponsibility | Unemployment |
Triumph | Defeat | Lose | Fail |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Unique | Common | Ordinary | General |
Unite | Divide | Separate | Split |
Unlimited | Finite | Limited | Restricted |
Uplift | Lower | Drop | Degrade |
Useful | Useless | Disadvantageous | Impracticable |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Valid | Invalid | Improper | Illegal |
Valuable | Worthless | Useless | Valueless |
Variety | Uniformity | Similarity | Likeness |
Vast | Tiny | Limited | Bounded |
Victory | Defeat | Lose | Flop |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Warning | Neglect | Heedlessness | Thoughtlessness |
Wealth | Poverty | Privation | Dearth |
Winner | Loser | Failure | Catastrophe |
Wise | Stupid | Silly | Foolish |
Worthy | Unimportant | Undeserving | Valueless |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Xenial | Inhospitable | Uncongenial | Unpleasant |
Xeric (dry) | Hydric (wet) | Moist | Humid |
Xenophile (loves foreigners) | Xenophobe (fears foreigners) | Nationalist | Isolationist |
Xerothermic (hot & dry) | Cryothermic (cold & wet) | Frigid | Icy |
Xenogenesis (foreign origin) | Autogenesis (self-origin) | Indigenous | Native |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Young | Old | Mature | Elderly |
Yield | Resist | Defy | Hold |
Yearning | Disinclination | Repulsion | Revulsion |
Youthful | Old | Elderly | Grown-up |
Yummy | Unappetizing | Disgustful | Obnoxious |
Words | Opposite word 1 | Opposite word 2 | Opposite word 3 |
Zappy | Melancholy | Miserable | Discontent |
Zeal | Apathy | Indifference | Half heartedness |
Zen | Disturbed | Agitated | Unenlightened |
Zingy | Sullen | Cheerless | Depressed |
These are a few examples of opposite words that are commonly used in the English language. These will surely aid in expanding your word bank.
In conclusion, there are various difficult words in English that you can understand and articulate better with the help of opposites. You can also use techniques such as flashcards, storytelling, word puzzles, and more to learn the various opposites. In addition to that, our expert counsellors at Gradding can also help you with the daily use English words and their opposites. Thus, do not forget us when working on your word power.
Suggested Reads:
A pair of words that are contradictory in their meaning are called opposite words in the English. Further, these terms are a fundamental part of the language development. These words also help in acquiring skills such as critical thinking, cognitive skills, and communication skills.
The concept of vocabulary states that it is necessary to understand words before using them. So, the concept of opposite words helps the learner understand the comparison between two objects and in developing a concrete understanding of the context.
The following is a list of some common opposite words that differ in meaning:
The term antonyms derived from the word antonymy, which translates to a grammatical term referring to words with contradictory meanings. Further, the terms can be exact opposites or can show contrasting ideas.
The various opposite words for with great include small, unimportant, and tiny.
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