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Know the Similarity and Difference Between PTE and IELTS

You can know the Similarities and Differences between PTE and IELTS with this blog of Gradding experts. This can be valuable to understanding which test you should appear for studying abroad.

Similarities and Difference Between PTE and IELTS |

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The dream of students to pursue higher education from study abroad comes with lifelong experience. Scholars should clear the first requirement of the English proficiency test to achieve the goal. It can not be possible to accomplish the desire of abroad learning without passing the exam. So it can be valuable for scholars to have knowledge of the different examinations held for this. Thus, many students search for the difference between PTE and IELTS. It is because of the confusion of which is easy and accepted more than others.

When choosing the exam for the English proficiency test, there are various things students should remember. The reason behind that is the requirement of scholars. While one institute prefers one over the other, it can be valuable for learners to know the PTE and IELTS, which is better from this blog. To understand briefly, read everything about them to clear the confusion from the upcoming section.

IELTS vs. PTE: Exam Pattern, Structure, Exam Cost, Acceptance

When discussing PTE vs. IELTS, both exams are used to evaluate the English proficiency ability of students. Thus, it can be valuable for scholars to know the similarities and differences. Also, knowledge about this can be much helpful for learners to make a formal decision. So, to understand an overview of both, we start with the exam pattern.

IELTS vs. PTE: Exam Pattern and Structure

Knowing the pattern and structure of the IELTS and PTE is beneficial for those who have to prepare for the language exam. They should know the nuance of the tests section, time, pattern, and structure. It is crucial for scholars to get better prepared for both examinations.

While the IELTS exam has four sections, and PTE has three in the test to evaluate the scores.




Speaking and Writing






It can be valuable for scholars to know the difference in the exam pattern. To understand the distinction between both, read the below table.





In this section, students have to answer 40 questions in 30 minutes based on the recording.

In this, students have to answer various questions from audio and video clips between 45 to 57 minutes.


In this section, students have to answer 40 questions in 30 minutes from the given 3 texts.

In this section, students get 32 to 40 minutes to MCQ from the paragraph text.


In this section, students have to write two types of essays in 60 minutes.

First- Analyzing Visual Data

Second- Argumentative task

In PTE, there are two sections merged in this part. Students have to do several tasks including introduction, describing images, summarizing text, and writing essays.


In this section, students have 15 minutes to introduce themselves in front of the examiner and give an opinion about a topic.

With this table, it can be easier for students to clear the pattern differences in IELTS and PTE. They can find one easy or difficult base on this. Now, read the below section to understand the exam cost and acceptance of both tests.

IELTS vs. PTE: Exam Cost and Acceptance

There is a difference between IELTS and PTE exam's cost and acceptance. Having knowledge about both is crucial for scholars before choosing one. It can be valuable for students the acceptance of tests before giving one exam for the desired university. So to help scholars, this section will be helpful to know about this distinction from the mentioned pointers.

IELTS and PTE Difference Based on the Exam Cost: The exam cost for PTE and IELTS is slightly similar. Students who want to appear in the IELTS exam have to pay 17,000 INR. On the other hand, to appear in the PTE test, candidates have to pay 15,900 INR. The costs can change on yearly bases, so having knowledge can be fruitful for scholars.

PTE and IELTS Acceptance: Students often search for “What is difference between IELTS and PTE based on acceptance?” They do this to know the universities to which they want to appear. IELTS test acceptance is across 10,000+ universities and colleges around 140+ countries globally. On the other hand, the PTE exam acceptance is mostly in New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland.

After understanding the difference between PTE and IELTS, the next thing scholars can get answers to the question they often search on the Internet.

Students who desire to go abroad and have to choose between which language exam to choose often face various doubts. In this case, they search on the Internet for queries. However, many times they do not get satisfactory results. So, to help scholars, consultants help scholars to clear all their doubts. It can be valuable for them to read the below section and resolve the queries.

Which Is Easy IELTS or PTE?

There is no exam easy without preparation. It solely depends on the approach of individuals. On the basis of pattern, syllabus and other things, students decide on their interests. While some say IELTS and other says PTE is easier, it can not be considered, which test is painless or challenging. So it is all about the mind and interest of the individual that makes, “Which is easy IELTS or PTE?” However, the IELTS exam has a fixed pattern and a number of questions. On the other hand, PTE comes to offer students an adaptive approach.

IELTS or PTE Which Is Better?

It is another popular query of students, which they often search on search engines. Whereas, both IELTS and PTE exams are English Proficiency exams. Although, the IELTS exam is accepted more widely than PTE and recognised by more countries and universities. It is why most students prefer to appear in the IELTS test. However, it can be valuable for scholars to check the requirement of the desired institute about which test is accepted by them. Doing this can be helpful to make an informed choice when searching “IELTS or PTE which is better?”.

After knowing the solution to the popular question, it can be valuable to read the similarity and differences between IELTS and PTE. Read the upcoming section to understand the answer to both queries.

Similarities in IELTS and PTE

Before we talk about the differences in both tests, it is beneficial to know the similarities between IELTS and PTE. Although, the prime motive of this exam is to test the skills of English proficiency of scholars. However, there are various differences between both, but first, look at the similarities.

  • IELTS and PTE, both work on the same function of testing the English proficiency of aspirants studying abroad.
  • IELTS is a computer based and pen-paper based exam where the online option has launched recently. On the other hand, PTE is an online computer based exams from starting.
  • Both tests have four sections to assess the English proficiency of students.
  • Both tests allow candidates to answer in UK and US English.

These are some of the similarities between IELTS and PTE. After understanding them, it is crucial to read about the difference between PTE and IELTS from the mentioned section.

What Are the Differences Between IELTS and PTE?

There are various differences between IELTS and PTE that aspirants should know. It is the question which triggers the mind of study abroad candidates. Understanding the answer to this question can be valuable for scholars to prepare effectively for both.

Appearing Availability

The first prime difference between IELTS and PTE is the appearing availability. Where students can participate in the IELTS online (Computer based) and offline as well. On the other hand, the PTE test appears on a computer based version. So it can be valuable for scholars to know about this and prepare accordingly.


After knowing the appearing availability, another common difference between PTE and IELTS is acceptance. Students should have knowledge that the IELTS is accepted more widely than PTE. On the other hand, IELTS accept by more than 10,000 universities globally. On the other hand, PTE has been accepted by 6,000 universities.

Exam Types

When talking about exam type, IELTS is held in two versions namely IELTS Academic and IELTS General. While IELTS academic is solely for student visas purpose and IELTS General is held for permanent residency, immigration and other category. On the other hand, the PTE exam does not have any other version. PTE academic held for all the purposes. This is a vital difference between IELTS and PTE.

Format of Scores

Another distinction between IELTS and PTE tests is the format of scores. The scoring format given at the time of assessment is different in both. So, it can be valuable for knowing the contrast before appearing in one exam. IELTS give scores on a scale of 0 to 9 on the bases of four sections. On the other hand, the PTE give scores on a scale between 10 to 90. In PTE, the 10 score is equivalent to 0 and 90 is a perfect score. So before searching “PTE vs IELTS which is easier” knowing the difference is valuable.

Registration Organization

Students should have basic knowledge about the organization when thinking of appearing for the exam. It is another difference in both tests that scholars must know. The IELTS exam is conducted in India by British Council and IDP. Also, this test is available for scholars online and offline. Whereas, the PTE exam is conducted by the Pearson agency. It is another difference in the IELTS vs PTE that students should know.

Result Period

One more difference in PTE vs IELTS is the result declaration period. Students should know about this to check the outcome of their efforts on time. The offline IELTS releases the scores after 13 days from the exam date, and the online IELTS declares within 5 to 7 days. It can be valuable for scholars to know when they search for “Is PTE easier than IELTS?” Basic knowledge is a must for students to consider which exam is much smoother.

Chance of Scoring

Another crucial thing for scholars is knowing the chances of scoring in both tests when discussing the differences between IELTS and PTE. The reviews of the various students who appear in both tests often say that PTE is less challenging. So now, when you know the answer to “Is PTE easier than IELTS?” It can be valuable for deciding on the university and appearing for a suitable test.

These are the prime distinction between IELTS and PTE. Students can understand them and choose a test as per the university requirement to conquer the study abroad journey. After knowing all the necessary things and the difference between PTE and IELTS, the next thing scholars should know is the IELTS and PTE band score chart latest from the upcoming section.

IELTS and PTE Band Score Chart

When you know the what is the format of IELTS and PTE scores. It can be valuable to understand the value of both test scores in comparison with each. To ease the process for scholars, we provide a table in the below section, which can be fruitful to know about the PTE score in band.


PTE Score





















It is a table for students to understand the PTE score value in the band. It can be valuable for scholars to know the IELTS minimum scores accepted by the university are 6.0 ad 6.5. Whereas, the PTE scores prefer by institutes are 55 to 60.

If you are still confused about which exam you should choose, taking help from Gradding consultants can be valuable. Read the below section to know how we can help scholars.

Clear All Your Doubts with the Help of Gradding Consultants

Studying abroad dream can not complete without appearing in one exam. Students have to participate in one English proficiency test which is considered by the chosen university. In this situation, having knowledge about the difference between PTE and IELTS is necessary for scholars. To help scholars clear all their doubts, we provide free counselling sessions to ease their journey. The experts help throughout the journey and support learners to give suitable exams. So read this blog to dodge the confusion or take assistance from us to clear all the confusion.

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