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French Numbers: How to Count From 1 to 100?

While learning the French language, knowing the French numbers is very important as it will help you know the time and will make reading the calendar easy. Also, numbers are the basics of any language. You use them in your casual as well as professional conversations. Thus, in this blog, you will read about how to count in French from 1 to 100 and beyond.

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Table of Contents

Introduction to French Numbers

The French numbers are not very easy to learn for the non-native speakers. So, it is beneficial to take help from the experts while learning a new language. Moreover, 1-100 in French are:

  1. un
  2. deux
  3. trois
  4. quatre
  5. cinq
  6. six
  7. sept
  8. huit
  9. neuf
  10. dix
  11. onze
  12. douze
  13. treize
  14. quatorze
  15. quinze
  16. seize
  17. dix-sept
  18. dix-huit
  19. dix-neuf
  20. vingt
  21. vingt et un
  22. vingt-deux
  23. vingt-trois
  24. vingt-quatre
  25. vingt-cinq
  26. vingt-six
  27. vingt-sept
  28. vingt-huit
  29. vingt-neuf
  30. trente
  31. trente et un
  32. trente-deux
  33. trente-trois
  34. trente-quatre
  35. trente-cinq
  36. trente-six
  37. trente-sept
  38. trente-huit
  39. trente-neuf
  40. quarante
  41. quarante et un
  42. quarante-deux
  43. quarante-trois
  44. quarante-quatre
  45. quarante-cinq
  46. quarante-six
  47. quarante-sept
  48. quarante-huit
  49. quarante-neuf
  50. cinquante
  51. cinquante et un
  52. cinquante-deux
  53. cinquante-trois
  54. cinquante-quatre
  55. cinquante-cinq
  56. cinquante-six
  57. cinquante-sept
  58. cinquante-huit
  59. cinquante-neuf
  60. soixante
  61. soixante et un
  62. soixante-deux
  63. soixante-trois
  64. soixante-quatre
  65. soixante-cinq
  66. soixante-six
  67. soixante-sept
  68. soixante-huit
  69. soixante-neuf
  70. soixante-dix
  71. soixante et onze
  72. soixante-douze
  73. soixante-treize
  74. soixante-quatorze
  75. soixante-quinze
  76. soixante-seize
  77. soixante-dix-sept
  78. soixante-dix-huit
  79. soixante-dix-neuf
  80. quatre-vingt
  81. quatre-vingt-un
  82. quatre-vingt-deux
  83. quatre-vingt-trois
  84. quatre-vingt-quatre
  85. quatre-vingt-cinq
  86. quatre-vingt-six
  87. quatre-vingt-sept
  88. quatre-vingt-huit
  89. quatre-vingt-neuf
  90. quatre-vingt-dix
  91. quatre-vingt-onze
  92. quatre-vingt-douze
  93. quatre-vingt-treize
  94. quatre-vingt-quatorze
  95. quatre-vingt-quinze
  96. quatre-vingt-seize
  97. quatre-vingt-dix-sept
  98. quatre-vingt-dix-huit
  99. quatre-vingt-dix-neuf
  100. cent

These are the French numbers 1-100. Start by learning the small numbers from 1 to 10 and gradually move to bigger numbers with time.

French Numbers 1-100 and Beyond

Beginners Guide to French Counting

Knowing the correct pronunciation of the numbers in a new language is important. Thus, here you will get to know the pronunciation of the French numbers from 1 to 100.

NumbersFrench Number NamesFrench Pronunciation
17dix-septdeez set
18dix-huitdeez weet
19dix-neufdeez nuhf

Pronunciation From 21 to 69

NumbersNumbers In FrenchPronunciations
21vingt et unvahn tay uhn
22vingt-deuxvahn duh
23vingt-troisvahn twah
24vingt-quatrevahn katr
25vingt-cinqvahn sank
26vingt-sixvahn sees
27vingt-septvahn set
28vingt-huitvahn weet
29vingt-neufvahn nuhf
31trente et untrant ay uhn
32trente-deuxtrant duh
33trente-troistrant twah
34trente-quatretrant katr
35trente-cinqtrant sank
36trente-sixtrant sees
37trente-septtrant set
38trente-huittrant weet
39trente-neuftrant nuhf
41quarante et unkarant ay uhn
42quarante-deuxkarant duh
43quarante-troiskarant twah
44quarante-quatrekarant katr
45quarante-cinqkarant sank
46quarante-sixkarant sees
47quarante-septkarant set
48quarante-huitkarant weet
49quarante-neufkarant nuhf
50cinquantesank ont
51cinquante et unsank ont ay uhn
52cinquante-deuxsank ont duh
53cinquante-troissank ont twah
54cinquante-quatresank ont katr
55cinquante-cinqsank ont sank
56cinquante-sixsank ont sees
57cinquante-septsank ont set
58cinquante-huitsank ont weet
59cinquante-neufsank ont nuhf
60soixanteswa sont
61soixante et unswa sont ay uhn
62soixante-deuxswa sont duh
63soixante-troisswa sont twah
64soixante-quatreswa sont katr
65soixante-cinqswa sont sank
66soixante-sixswa sont sees
67soixante-septswa sont set
68soixante-huitswa sont weet
69soixante-neufswa sont nuhf

French Numbers from 70 To 100

NumbersNumber In FrenchPronunciations
70soixante-dixswa sont dees
71soixante et onzeswa sont ay ohnz
72soixante-douzeswa sont dooz
73soixante-treizeswa sont trez
74soixante-quatorzeswa sont kah trz
75soixante-quinzeswa sont ka zuh
76soixante-seizeswa sont seiz
77soixante-dix-septswa sont dees set
78soixante-dix-huitswa sont dees wit
79soixante-dix-neufswa sont dees nuf
80quatre-vingtka truh vahn
81quatre-vingt-unka truh vahn uhn
82quatre-vingt-deuxka truh vahn doo
83quatre-vingt-troiska truh vahn twa
84quatre-vingt-quatreka truh vahn katr
85quatre-vingt-cinqka truh vahn sank
86quatre-vingt-sixka truh vahn sees
87quatre-vingt-septka truh vahn set
88quatre-vingt-huitka truh vahn wit
89quatre-vingt-neufka truh vahn nuf
90quatre-vingt-dixka truh vahn dee
91quatre-vingt-onzeka truh vahn ohnz
92quatre-vingt-douzeka truh vahn dooz
93quatre-vingt-treizeka truh vahn treuz
94quatre-vingt-quatorzeka truh vahn kah torz
95quatre-vingt-quinzeka truh vahn ka sank
96quatre-vingt-seizeka truh vahn sehz
97quatre-vingt-dix-septka truh vahn dee set
98quatre-vingt-dix-huitka truh vahn dee zweet
99quatre-vingt-dix-neufka truh vahn dee nurf

So, these were the French number pronunciations to help you use them accurately in your daily life.

Numbers Beyond 100 in French

As you know there is no end to counting, likewise, counting in French is also never-ending. So, the numbers beyond a hundred are called:

  • Cent- 100
  • Deux-cents- 200
  • Trois-cents- 300
  • Quatre-cents- 400
  • Cinq-cents- 500
  • Six-cents- 600
  • Sept-cents- 700
  • Huit-cents- 800
  • Neuf-cents- 900

Other bigger numbers in French are:

  • 1000 – mille
  • 1 000 000 – un million
  • 1 000 000 000 – un milliard
  • 1 000 000 000 000 – un billion
  • 1 000 000 000 000 000 – un billiard
  • 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 – un trillion

French Numbers with Real-Life Examples

One of the best ways to remember the French numbers is by using them in your day-to-day life. Besides, numbers are those vocabularies that every person uses in their daily conversations and interactions. For example: reading a calendar, date and time of the day, shopping and other transactions and other activities. So, read below to know the use of French counting in your daily activities.

Dates and Times in French

In a normal conversation, it is normal that people ask and tell the date and time of the other person. So, the basic conversation related to date and time in French would look like:

Ques- What time is it?

Quelle heure est-il ?

Ans- It’s 8:15

Il est huit heures et quart.

Ques- When is your parent's anniversary

Quand est l'anniversaire de tes parents

Ans- June 5th

Le cinq juin.

Talking About Money and Prices in French

When you go shopping, asking the price of things is a normal part of conversation. So, how numbers in French can be used here are:

Ques- What is the price of this book?

Quel est le prix de ce livre ?

Ans: That's three euros.

Ça fait trois euros.

Use of Numbers in Daily Life Conversations

Other conversations involve the French numbers that you use in your daily interactions with people in both formal and informal settings. For example: asking for someone’s phone number or address or usual counting. Some of the examples that can be put in daily interactions are:

  • I was hoping you could give me your phone number in case I have to contact you in the future.
  • J'espérais que vous pourriez me donner votre numéro de téléphone au cas où je devrais vous contacter à l'avenir.
  • It’s 06 32 45 70 91
  • C’est zéro-six, trente-deux, quarante-cinq, soixante-dix, quatre-vingt-onze.

Grammar Behind French Numbers

The grammar of a number contains several things such as abbreviations, cardinal and ordinal numbers, the structure of compound numbers, and the use of dash and commas in the numbers. Thus, go through the table below to know the abbreviations and cardinal-ordinals of the numbers in French, compared with English numbers.

CardinalOrdinalEnglish AbbreviationFrench Abbreviation
unpremier, première1st1er, 1re

Common Challenges with French Numbers

While learning counting in French, there are several challenges that people face. Moreover, because French in itself is a tough language, learning the basics of this language can also confuse you several times. So, some of the major challenges faced while learning the French numbers are:

  • Complication in numbers above 69: The number 70 in French is written as soixante-dix, which translates to sixty-ten in English. Moreover, the number 95 is written as quatre-vingt-quinze (four twenties and fifteen). Now, people who speak English will get confused when they will translate directly. Therefore, flashcards and regular practice can help in getting habitual of such complications.
  • The issue with similar pronunciations: Sometimes it may become difficult for non-native speakers to differentiate between similar-sounding words. For example, Numbers like quatre (4) and quatorze (14) or soixante (60) and soixante-dix (70) sound similar. Therefore, you might get confused when a native speaker uses them during a conversation. So, practice listening skills for the French language to deal with this challenge.
  • Confusion with the pluralization of hundreds (cent) and thousands (mille): When writing the cent number, ‘s’ is written in the end but not in the compound numbers. Moreover, there is no pluralization in the mille numbers.
  • Difficulty faced in rapid speeches: When a native speaker says these French numbers rapidly in their conversations, then it may become difficult for people to understand. Imagine a person telling their phone number in French. zéro-six, cinquante-deux, quarante-huit, soixante-dix-neuf, zéro-trois may sound complicated. So, practice listening to the native French speakers and try breaking numbers into single digits to practice and grow gradually.

These are some common challenges that people face while learning French numbers. Also, the ways to deal with every issue are mentioned at every point. Thus, practice more to see gradual progress.

Tricks to Remember Complex French Numbers

Learning the counting in French and other number usage can be complicated but some tricks will help you make this task a bit easy. So, some of the tips are:

  1. Break down the bigger numbers into smaller parts to understand them better as a beginner.
  2. Create your mnemonics and use them while practicing to make learning easy.
  3. Learn the French number pronunciation rules to know the exact ways of saying a number.
  4. Start counting things on a random basis like your steps or the number of buildings in your way.
  5. Take the help of online language learning apps and use flashcards to learn interestingly.
  6. Learn with song rhyming to make the numbers easy and make the learning process enjoyable.

These are the effective tips that will help you learn French numbers. So, practice them daily and improve your command of the French language.


This was all about the French numbers. In this blog, you read about the French number counting from 1 to 100 and beyond them. Therefore, it is not very complicated to learn them if you bring these numbers into your daily life conversations. However, if you still face any sort of difficulty, then you can opt for our online French course to get expert guidance while staying at your home. Therefore, call today and learn 1-100 in French with the experts.


How Do I Pronounce French Numbers Correctly?

Use online pronunciation tools and listen to native speakers to know the exact sound behind the French numbers and practice them for improvement.

How Do You Write Dates Using French Numbers?

Dates in French are written using three elements: le + date + month. Remember that when written numerically, the order is different from that of the USA. The first number represents the date and the second number represents the month in the French date system.

How Are Large Numbers Said in French?

The French numbers are grouped into hundreds, thousands, millions, and billions. Moreover, ‘s’ is used at the end of the cent number to make it plural. But, there is no pluralization of mille.

How Do You Tell the Time Using French Numbers?

France recognizes the 24-hour clock in formal settings. The common phrases used are: Il est midi (It’s noon): Il est minuit (It’s midnight): Et quart (and a quarter): et demie (and a half): moins le quart (quarter to).

Eg: Il est quatorze heures trente. (Its 2:30)

What Is the Fastest Way to Learn French Numbers?

Break down the numbers, use flashcards, take the help of the language learning apps, and practice daily to learn French numbers fast.

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