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How to say "How Are You?" in French

The formal way to ask "How are you" in French is comment ça va. But do you know there are various ways to ask this question to begin any conversation? If not, then worry less. Hence, this is the most common and fundamental phrase to use after Bonjour, Merci, and désolé to start talking to anyone politely. Also, it has a different way of responding. Thus, in this blog, you will learn to say "How are you" in French in various versions, pronunciation and how to respond. So, let's embark.

“How are you” in French in various forms

Table of Contents

Different Ways to Say "How Are You" in French

Did you know, that the major concern in the French language is having phonetic intricacies and unique sounds? Thus, to learn this French lingo, first start with a simple sentence how are you in French, which means comment ça va. However, did you know there are various ways to say how are you in different forms in French such as ça va and comment allez-vous? Therefore, in this section, we have shared two tables consisting of the most frequent phrases used to know about someone's well-being in formal and informal ways. So, let's explore them.

How are you in French in Formal

It is important to know the word or statement to use in any situation, such as with friends or in a professional setting. Thus, the table below will help you to understand how to say How are you in French speech.

How are youComment ça va ?
How’s it goingÇa va
How are you doing?Comment allez-vous ?
How are you feeling?Comment vous sentez-vous ?
How are you doing today?Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ?
Are you well?Est-ce que tu vas bien ?
Are you doing well?Vous vous portez bien ?
What’s Up?Ça Gaze ?
All good?Tout va bien ?
I hope you are doing wellJ’espère que vous allez bien

This table includes different French words to say how are you or Ça va in a formal way that would be best to use in a professional environment.

How are you in French in Informal

There are numerous ways to say How are you in French in an informal manner. Therefore, here is the table below that articulates how to say Ça va or how are you in this language. So, let’s have a look at the table.

Hey, how are you?Salut, ça va ?
Are you ok?êtes-vous d'accord
Did you sleep well?Tu as bien dormi ?
How is it going?Comment tu vas ?
Everything is smooth?Ça roule ?
On top of things?Ça gère ?
Everything’s flowing?Ça farte ?
What’s up?Quoi de neuf ?
Doing great?Ça gaze ?
What’s new?Quoi de beau ?
Everything’s a breeze?Ça baigne ?
Is it going as you wish?Ça va comme tu veux ?

This table shows the various ways to say Ça va in French. The candidates need to know multiple ways to say this statement while having daily conversations with anyone. Thus, if you are a beginner in French, try to use this phrase in your everyday conversation to improve your skills and create a good impression by talking in French.

How to Pronounce "How Are You" in French?

You may get to know various visitants of saying Ça va in French. However, it is vital for you to know its pronunciation. Thus, if you are a beginner in French, you should know the right tone and accent to pronounce this phrase. Therefore, below is the pronunciation guide that will assist you to know the right pronunciation of how are you in French.

1. "Comment ça va?"

Beginners in French can use this in their daily conversation to understand the French accent. Thus, this phrase is pronounced like this "koh-mohn sah vah".

2. "Ça va?"

This is the shortened form of asking how are you in French. It is a very formal way to ask this question to anyone to start a conversation. Thus, it is pronounced as "sah vah".

3. "Comment allez-vous?

This is the most standard phrase used by French people. Moreover, this phrase is considered to be the primary French etiquette that every beginner should know. Thus, it is pronounced as "kom-mohn tay-lay voo"

4. "Comment vas-tu?"

This French sentence means How are you doing? It is another polite way to say Ça va in French. Thus, it is pronounced as "koh-mohn vah too".

These are the major French slang terms that are used to describe how are you in French. However, it can be an uphill battle for candidates to learn and understand the pronunciation of these sentences. So focus and practice daily.

15+ Responses to "How Are You" in French

You must be thinking about how to respond to this phrase when any French guy asks you How are you in French. Then, you can use the phrases below in French to respond to this question. Thus, these are polite and simple ways to answer this in French Language. Therefore, below is the table of common responses you can use to reply to Ça va in French.

EnglishFrench (Singular)
I’m good. How are you?Ça va, et toi ?
Not too bad thanks and yourself?Ça va pas mal, merci, et toi ?
I’m fine, how are you?Je vais bien, et toi comment ça va ?
I’m hanging there, thanks.On fait aller, merci.
I’m feeling great, thanks!Ça va très bien, merci !
I’m a little tired, but good thank you!Je suis un peu fatigué(e) mais ça va, merci !
Could be worse!Ça pourrait être pire !
I’m having a great day, thanks!Je passe une super journée, merci !
I’m in shape, thanks!En forme, merci !
Everything is smoothÇa roule ?
On top of thingsÇa gère
Everything’s flowingÇa farte
Doing greatÇa gaze
Everything’s a breezeÇa baigne
I’m under the weather todayJe suis un peu patraque aujourd’hui
I’m a bit stressed todayJe suis un peu stressé(e) aujourd’hui
I’m great now that you’re hereÇa va bien maintenant que tu es là
Good to see you, how are you?Je suis content(e) de te voir, comment vas-tu ?
I’m doing awesomeJe suis en pleine forme/Je pète la forme
All is wellTout va bien

These all are the responses to how are you in French. Moreover, by practicing these examples you can give a response to this daily using phrase in a humble and polite state.

When to Use "How Are You" in French Greetings.

In French culture, it is important to follow the correct cultural norms and know the basic manners to greet anyone. Therefore, it is necessary to know basic French etiquette to respond to someone in a polite way. Thus, here is the table that articulates the different forms to say how are you in French in distinct settings. So, let's explore it.

FrenchEnglish equivalentContextFormality
Comment allez-vous ?How are you (all)?Can be used as formal or for a group.Neutral
Comment vas-tu ?How are you?Feel free to use this for vous if someone is formerly with you every day.Slightly informal
Comment ça va ?How’s it going?This could be asked to friends or anyone in your known.Slightly informal
Vous allez bien ?Are you well?For example, checking up on a friend you haven’t seen in a while.Slightly informal
Ça va ?How’s it going?More informal, definitely for people you knew previously.Informal
Comment vous sentez-vous ?/Comment tu te sens ?How are you feeling?If you know someone is feeling sick, this is a polite way to check up on them.Neutral
Tu vas bien?You doing okay?It is used mainly by friends to check or ask about anyone’s wellbeing in a casual form.Informal
Quoi de neuf ?What’s new?It’s a French slang to ask how are you. Mainly used by the modern generation.Informal
Ça gaze ?How’s it hanging’?A little antiquated but still a fun way to check in with friends.Very Informal

This table may have cleared your doubts about how are you in French in distinct surroundings. Thus, it’s an elementary etiquette used daily by the natives. Therefore, it is essential to know the right words to use in specific surroundings.

Practice Conversations Using "How Are You" in French

Practice is the ultimate success to become a professional French speaker and for that, you must know how to use how are you in French in daily conversation. Thus to practice speaking French we have shared some examples of everyday talk that uses how are you in daily life. So have a look.

1. Formal Greeting

Jane: Bonjour, Docteur Rudra, comment allez-vous ?

Doctor Rudra: Bonjour, Jane. Je vais bien. Et toi?

Lily: David, tu vas bien ? J'apprends que tu souffres d'un rhume et d'une toux sévères

David: Oui, Lily, je vais assez bien maintenant ; et toi ?

Bien: Quoi de neuf Kenzie ? Pouvons-nous faire du shopping aujourd'hui ?

Kenzie: Bien, comment vas-tu ? Je suis vraiment désolé, pas aujourd'hui car je ne suis pas libre

Here is the translation of the conversation:

Jane: Hello, Doctor Rudra, how are you?

Doctor Rudra: Hello, Jane. I'm fine. And you?

Lily: David, are you okay? I heard you have a bad cold and cough.

David: Yes, Lily, I'm feeling better now; and you?

Bien: What's up Kenzie? Can we go shopping today?

Kenzie: Fine, how are you? I'm really sorry, not today because I'm not free.

2. Informal Greeting

Rann: Hé Harry, comment vas-tu ? Cela fait longtemps qu'on ne s'est pas vu!"

Harry: “Hé! Quelle surprise! Oui, tu as raison, nous ne nous sommes pas vus depuis longtemps. Comment vas-tu ?”

John: Êtes-vous d'accord? Jack ou est-ce que tu te blesses en faisant du vélo ?

Jack: Oui John, tu vas bien ? tu te blesses aussi avec moi

Jesica: Neo, tu te souviens que je t'ai dit que mon patron était venu pendant que je travaillais sur le design et m'a dit : "Comment ça va ? Presque fini ?"

Neo: Ouais, je connais Jessica, qu'est-ce que tu as dit ? c'est que votre conception était terminée à ce moment-là.

Here is the translation of the conversation:

"Rann: Hey Harry, how are you? It's been a long time since we last saw each other!

Harry: Hey! What a surprise! Yes, you're right, we haven't seen each other in a long time. How are you?

John: Are you okay? Jack or are you hurting yourself while biking?

Jack: Yes John, are you okay? Are you hurting yourself with me too?

Jesica: Neo, do you remember I told you that my boss came while I was working on the design and said to me: 'How's it going? Almost finished?'

Neo: Yeah, I remember Jessica, what did you say? Was your design finished at that time?"

This is the formal and informal example of French etiquette for saying this phrase in daily conversation French. Thus, understand these examples and practice it daily to learn French and it's basic “how are you” terms.

You may also read: Days of the Week in French

Tips to Use to Say Using "How Are You" in French

To learn French requires tons of daily practice and focus to understand its meaning and to use accurate words at the right time. Therefore, to help them with this, we have shared some useful tips to help you learn how are you in French. So, let's explore them.

  1. Try to learn standard French words or phrases that will give you an idea of using basic Ça va
  2. Aspire to understand how to respond to How are you in French, such as Ça va bien means I'm doing well.
  3. Remember, in French, tone, and pronunciation matter a lot. Thus, speak in a friendly way to show genuine interest.
  4. Always follow up after saying this French slang by asking in return "Et vous" or "Et toi" which means "and you".
  5. Practice makes perfect; improve your speaking skills by talking to natives or using French apps.
  6. Lastly, daily conversation in the French language is key as it builds confidence among the candidate.

These are a few useful tips that will help you to learn how are you in French and the entire language.

You may also read: Thank You in French 


In short, there are many ways to say How are you in French, such as "Comment ça va?, Comment allez-vous ? and more. Moreover, this phrase is used in both formal and informal ways, and candidates should know its uses in the right environment. However, it could be an uphill battle for learners to understand, but practice is the key. Therefore, be consistent in your practice to become professional. Also, you can enroll in French offline and online French Course at Gradding, where you will get guidance and resources to learn French. So, learn with us and become fluent.


How do you say "how are you" in French?

How are you in French is said as comment vas-tu? Orça va.

What is the formal way to say "how are you" in French?

Comment allez-vous ? is the formal way to ask "how are you" in French.

What are some informal alternatives to say "how are you" in French?

Informal alternatives to "How are you" in French? are

  1. Salut, ça va?
  2. Comment tu vas?
  3. Quoi de neuf?
  4. Ça gaze?

How do you respond to "how are you" in French?

Use the examples mentioned below to respond to How are you in French

  1. Bien, merci! — Good, thanks!
  2. Ça va bien, et toi ? — It's going well, how about you?
  3. Oui, je vais bien, et toi/vous ? — Yeah, I'm fine, and you?
  4. Pas grand-chose — Not much.
  5. Ça va mal — It's not going well.
  6. T'inquiète (pas), je vais bien — Don't worry, I'm fine

How do you respond to ca va?

You can be very superficial in response to give to ça va that is, "Oui, ça va" or "Ça va bien, merci" in French.

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