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Goodbye in German: Amazing Parting Words for Beginners

Germany is growing as a destination for science and business. This further means that it is attracting a lot of people from around the world. If you are also interested in moving to Germany, then you will need to learn the basics of their language. Hence, with the help of this blog, understand the different ways to say goodbye in German language.

Understand the various ways in which you can say goodbye in German |

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Various Ways to Say Goodbye in German

When learning a new language, you need to start with the basics. The same is true for Germany as well. The first thing that you will learn is how to say hello in German to start a conversation. However, after you have started talking, at some point, you will need to end the conversation and take your leave. So, are you familiar with the ways to say goodbye in German language? If not, then with the help of this blog, you will get to explore the various manners in which you can part ways while talking to German natives.

1. Auf Wiedersehen

This is one of the standard and most popular ways of saying goodbye in German speech. It is a neutral way of parting and can be used in formal situations without any issues. Moreover, in case of a phone conversation, you can say Auf Wiederhören, which means until we hear from each other. The following are some examples of Auf Wiedersehen:

Wir sagten ein herzliches Auf Wiedersehen.We said a heartfelt goodbye.
Leider muss ich auf Wiedersehen sagen.I'm afraid I must say goodbye.
Er ging, ohne Auf Wiedersehen zu sagen.He left without saying goodbye.
Ohne auf Wiedersehen zu sagen verschwand er in der Menge.Without saying goodbye, he disappeared into the crowd.
Auf Wiedersehen, bis morgen.Goodbye till tomorrow.

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2. Tschüss

The most common way to say goodbye in German in informal situations is Tschüss. It is a short and sweet way, which is used mostly amongst family and friends. You can refer to the below instances to understand its use:

Tschüss, pass auf dich aufBye, take care!
Tschüss, wir sehen uns!Bye, see you around!
Tschüss Mädels, bis morgenBye girls, see you tomorrow.
Tschüss, ich gehe zum MarktBye, I am going to the market.
Tschüss, ich gehe zur ArbeitBye, I am off to work.

3. Schönen Tag (Noch)

Depending on the situation you are in, you might have to use a variation to say goodbye. One such modification is Schönen Tag (Noch), which is used to say goodbye in German in an informal context. In English, it means “Nice day” or “Have a good day” and can be used with or without Noch. The following are some examples:

Guten Morgen, schönen Tag nochGood morning, Have a good day
Hallo Paul, ich wünsche dir schönen TagHi Paul, have a good day
Habt schönen Tag, StudentenHave a good day students
Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!I wish you a great day!
Hey, ich hoffe, du hast schönen Tag vor dirhey, hope you have a good day ahead

4. Einen Schönen Tag Noch

This phrase is similar to the Schönen Tag (Noch) in meaning. However, the difference is that it is a goodbye in German in formal context and sounds more respectful, and polite. Let’s explore this with some instances:

Hab einen schönen Tag, lieber FreundHave a nice day dear friend.
Habt einen schönen Tag beim Picknickhave a nice day at the picnic.
Ich muss jetzt gehen, ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag NochI need to leave now, have a nice day.
Können wir uns morgen wiedersehen? Ich wünsche Ihnen außerdem einen schönen TagCan we meet again tomorrow? Also, have a nice day.
Hast du einen schönen Tag Noch?Are you having a nice day?

5. Ciao

This way of saying goodbye in German language is borrowed from the Italians. It is a very friendly and short way of saying bye to your closest peers. These are some of the examples through which you can understand where and how you can use it:

Ciao, wir sehen uns bei der Arbeit.Bye, we will see each other at work.
Ciao, wir sehen uns nächste Woche!Bye, we’ll see each other next week!
Pass auf dich auf, Ciao, vorerst.Take care, Bye for now.
Ciao, mach’s gut und pass auf dich auf!Bye, take care and look after yourself!
Ciao, Felicia!Bye Felicia!

6. Man Sieht Sich 

If you want to say see you to another person but are not in a rush to plan the meeting, then you can use "Man Sieht Sich". So if you are wondering how to say goodbye in German to friends and acquaintances, the answer is Man Sieht Sich.

Wir sind in Eile, man sieht sich.We're in a hurry, see you later.
Ich ziehe in eine neue Stadt, aber man sieht sich, wenn ich zu Besuch komme.I'm moving to a new city, but see you later when I visit.
Und ich hoffe, man sieht sich mal.I hope to see you around.
Die Konferenz ist vorbei, aber man sieht sich bei der nächsten!The conference is over, but see you later at the next one!
Das Semester endet, aber man sieht sich nächstes Jahr, Kommilitonen!The semester is ending, but see you later next year, classmates!

7. Bis Bald

It is a very common way of saying “See you soon” or goodbye in German speech. You can usually utilize this phrase when parting with someone whom you will be seeing for a short duration. Some examples of “Bis Bald” are:

Liebe Grüße und Bis Bald in Berlin.Best wishes and See you soon in Berlin.
Bis Bald auf Twitter oder auf der Seite.See you soon on Twitter or the site
Wir sind bald wieder in der Stadt. Bis bald!We’ll be back in town soon. See you soon!
Ich freue mich auf unser nächstes Treffen. Bis bald!I’m looking forward to our next meeting. See you soon!
Alles klar, bis bald!Alright, see you soon!

8. Bis Später

If you are planning to meet someone the next day or next week then this is how to say goodbye in German to them. You can further add the time for the meeting when using Bis Später, for example, Bis Später morgen means see you tomorrow. Here are some examples to understand it.

Ich gehe kurz einkaufen. Bis später!I’m going shopping for a bit. See you later!
Bis später, wir treffen uns nach der Arbeit.See you later, we’ll meet after work.
Ich muss jetzt los, aber bis später!I have to go now, but see you later!
Ich habe noch eine Besprechung, aber bis später!I still have a meeting, but see you later!
Bis später! Vergiss nicht, die Tickets mitzubringen.See you later! Don’t forget to bring the tickets.

9. Bis Montag

The word Bis (till) can be used with the days of the week to say goodbye in German in a formal context. So, you can use any of the days like Montag (Monday) or Freitag (Friday) with the term Bis. The following are some of its examples:

Bis Montag solltest du alles sauber haben.You should be able to clean everything up by Monday.
Genieße jeden Moment, bis du deine nächste Reise planstEnjoy every moment until you plan your next trip.
Warte bitte bis 18 Uhr.Please wait until 6 PM.
Ich bleibe hier bis du zurückkommst.I’ll stay here until you come back.
Bis Sonntag hast Du Zeit, am Montag wird der Gewinner bekannt gegeben.You have time to join until Sunday, the winner will be announced on Monday.

10. Gute Nacht

If you are leaving at night, then you can also use “Gute Nacht” to say goodbye in German dialect. It means “good night” in English and is only used as a farewell and not a greeting. Some of its uses are as follows:

Ich bin müde. Gute Nacht, bis morgen!I’m tired. Good night, see you tomorrow!
Danke für den schönen Abend. Gute Nacht!Thanks for the lovely evening. Good night!
Ihr einwöchiges Abenteuer endete mit einem fröhlichen Gute Nacht beim Strandfeuer.Their week-long adventure ended with a cheerful goodnight at the beach bonfire.
Morgen haben wir einen langen Tag. Gute Nacht!Tomorrow we have a long day. Good night!
Gute Nacht, Kinder, schlaft gutGood night kids, sleep tight.

11. Bis Zum Nächsten Mal

If you are curious to know how to say goodbye in German to someone you meet on a daily basis, then you can use “Bis Zum Nächsten Mal” which in English basically means “See you next time”. Below are a few of its examples:

Waschen und reinigen, halten Sie es trocken bis zum nächsten Mal.Wash and clean, keep it dry until next time.
Wir verlassen Albigna schweren Herzens... bis zum nächsten Mal.We're leaving Albigna heavy-hearted... till next time.
Das Essen war grandios, vielen Dank und bis zum nächsten mal.The food was terrific, thank you, and see you next time.
Unser Urlaub war wunderbar. Bis zum nächsten Mal!Our vacation was wonderful. See you next time!
Bis zum nächsten Mal! Pass auf dich auf.See you next time! Take care.

12. Wir Sehen Uns Dann

When you want to say “See you then”, instead of saying goodbye in German, you can use “Wir Sehen Uns Dann”. This is also suitable when you have made plans with the other person. Here are some examples for you to understand:

Alles klar, wir sehen uns dann in einer Stunde.All right, then I'll see you in an hour.
OK, wir sehen uns dann morgen.Okay, we'll see you tomorrow.
Wir haben morgen ein Treffen. Wir sehen uns dann!"We have a meeting tomorrow. See you then!
Du kommst doch zur Party, oder? Wir sehen uns dann!You’re coming to the party, right? See you then!
Nein, wir sehen uns dann zu Hause.No, I'll see you at home later on.

13. Viel Spaß

When a person is going to an event or a party, instead of saying goodbye in German you can use “Viel Spaß”. It means to enjoy or have a lot of fun. A few examples of this are:

Viel Spaß gibt es nicht am Abend auf der Insel.There's not much fun in the evening on the island.
Ich hoffe, du hast viel Spaß auf der Party!I hope you have lots of fun at the party!
Morgen ist dein erster Arbeitstag? Viel Spaß!Tomorrow is your first day at work. Have fun!
Viel Spass wünschen Gina, Talina, Nona und Josch.Wish you much fun. Gina, Talina and Josch.
Das Ergebnis findet Du hier - Viel Spaß beim lesen.You can find the result here - enjoy reading.

14. Mach’s Gut

If you are saying goodbye in German language, to someone who is very close to you, then Mach’s Gut is most suitable. This phrase translates to “Take care” in English. Below are its instances for you to understand how to use it:

Ich wünsche dir eine gute Reise. Mach’s gut!"I wish you a great trip. Take care!
Mach’s gut und pass auf dich auf!Take care and look after yourself!
Es war schön, dich kennenzulernen. Mach's gut und komm gut nach Hause.It was nice meeting you. Take care, and have a safe journey home.
Mach's gut, Nelly.Well, take care, Nelly.
Wir sehen uns nächste Woche. Mach’s gut bis dahin!We’ll see each other next week. Take care until then!

15. Lebewohl

The literal meaning of this term is live well, however, when used to say goodbye in German by the native speakers, it translates to farewell. Below are its uses:

Alle versammelten sich zum letzten Lebewohl, als das Flugzeug abhob.Everyone joined in for the final farewell as the plane took off.
Ein tränenreicher Abschied kam, als sie ihrem Lieblingslehrer Lebewohl sagten.A tearful goodbye came when they bid farewell to their favorite teacher.
Ich sagen Ihnen Lebewohl, bis wir uns in sechs Monaten wiedersehen.I bid you farewell until we meet again in six months' time.
Bis ein andermal, ich biete euch Lebewohl.Until another time, I bid you farewell.
Ein einfaches Lebewohl war alles, was sie brauchten, bevor sie in verschiedene Richtungen gingen.A simple farewell was all they needed before heading in different directions.

Hence, you are all set to start talking to the natives and then end your talk with a little Ciao, Mach’s Gut, and a polite Danke (thank you in German language).

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To sum up, the above ways of saying goodbye will help you give a polite closing to your conversations in German. You can use these phrases both in formal and informal contexts. Further, to learn German phrases other than goodbye, you can connect with our expert mentors. They will guide you on your journey to learn the German language. Also, you can get German online coaching from here to prepare for the tests.

Suggested reads: 

  1. You’re Welcome in German
  2. Please in German


How do you say goodbye in German?

There are several different ways of saying goodbye. A few of these are as follows:

  • Bis bald (See you soon)
  • Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye)
  • Tschüss (Bye)
  • Tschüss, schönen Tag (Goodbye, have a nice day), and many more.

What does tschuss mean?

The word Tschüss is derived from the French Term Adieu, which means to say goodbye. So, if you want to say goodbye in German, then you can use Tschüss.

What is the German slang word for goodbye?

The German slang for saying goodbye is Tschüß. Another version of it is Tschüssi, which is mostly used by kids.

Is Guten Tag hello or goodbye?

The word Guten tag in German means good day and not goodbye. Instead, you can use Ciao, Tschüss, etc to bid farewell.

Is Bis bald formal or informal?

The word Bis Bald is an informal way of saying goodbye in German to others. It literally translates to see you soon and can be used with acquaintances and friends.

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