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Formal and Informal Ways to Say How Are You in German

German is the fourth most popular language among those learning a new dialect. As a beginner, you usually start with single terms and later move on to small phrases and questions. So, if you are also interested in learning this language, you can start with learning the most common questions like How are you in German dialect. Hence, in this blog, learn about the different ways in which Germans say How are you to each other.

Find out the ways to ask how are you in German in formal and informal situations |

Table of Contents

How to Say “How are You” in German?

When you are learning a new language, the basics usually involve terms like hello, thank you, please. Further, you get to small questions such as how are you or how you are doing. Hence, in this blog, you will find out the ways to say, How are you in German and the replies to this question. You can ask this in the following situations:

  • When you are meeting a person for the first time.
  • It will help you cover the awkward silence when you are with a person you barely know.
  • If you want to start a conversation with a stranger.

Thus, the following are some ways to say, How are you in German in different contexts?

How are you (to a stranger)Wie geht es Ihnen?Vee geht as een-en
How are you feeling?Wie fühlst du dich?Vee fülst do dich
How are you doing today?Wie geht es dir heute?Vee geht as dear hoiteh
How have you been?Wie ist es dir ergangen?Vee isst as dear er-gung-en
How are you? (plural)Wie geht es euch?Vee geht as oich
How are you?Wie geht’s?Vee gehts
How is everything with you?Wie läuft’s bei dir?Vee loifts by dear

Moreover, you need to understand the truth that being asked How are you in German is taken quite seriously, and the natives can give an elaborate answer to it.

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Ways to Say How Are You in German Formal Situation

When you are meeting someone you are not familiar with, then, it is advised that you talk to them in a formal manner. The same is true in German culture as well. Similar to the way there is a different tone to say please in German when in a formal situation, you also use several versions of how are you. Hence, in this segment, let’s explore how to say “How are you in German” in a formal context.

Wie geht es Ihnen?

It is the most respectful way to ask someone how they are or how they are feeling. The phrase, Wie geht es Ihnen, is usually used in a bank, school or at work. You can also use this way of asking How are you in German in formal situations where you meet an unknown person. The following are some of the examples for you:

Guten Morgen, wie geht es Ihnen?Hello, how are you?
Wie geht es Ihnen, Frau Jones?How are you, Mrs. Jones?
Wie geht es Ihnen, Tom?How are you, Tom?
Wie geht es Ihnen? Ich habe Sie seit Ewigkeiten nicht gesehen!How are you doing? I haven't seen you in ages
Und Sie, wie geht es Ihnen?And you, how are you?

Wie steht es bei Ihnen? 

This phrase to ask how are you in German language is mostly used in settings where you are familiar with the person but still need to address them with respect. The following are the examples to show its use:

Wie steht es bei Ihnen nach deiner Krankheit?how are you after your illness?
Wie steht es bei Ihnen und deiner Familie?how are you and your family?
Wie steht es bei Ihnenhello professor how are you?
Guten Morgen Doktor, Wie steht es bei Ihnengood morning doctor how are you
Wie steht es bei Ihnen? Es ist mir eine Ehre, Sie kennenzulernenHow are you? It's an honour to meet you.

Wie ist Ihr Befinden?

This way of asking someone How are you doing in German usually implies situations where you are addressing the health of a person. For example, when visiting a patient. The below instances will help you understand its use better.

Lehrer Wie ist Ihr BefindenTeacher, how are you feeling?
Wie ist Ihr Befinden nach dem Treffen mit den Experten?How are you feeling after meeting the experts
Wie ist Ihr Befinden heute Morgen?How are you feeling this morning
Wie ist Ihr Befinden? Danke.How do you do?
Wie ist Ihr Befinden jetzt?how are you feeling now?

Wie fühlen Sie sich heute?

It is another phrase to say how are you in German in a medical setting. The below examples will further explain its use:

Wie fühlen Sie sich heute, Lori?How are you feeling today, Lori?
La vie est belle - wie fühlen Sie sich heute?La vie est belle - how do you feel today?
Agent Thomas... wie fühlen Sie sich heuteAgent Thomas... how you feeling today?
Wie fühlen Sie sich heute mit der Anerkennung? Dr. LandsiedelHow do you feel today upon receiving this honour? Dr. Landsiedel
Also, wie fühlen Sie sich heute?So how are you feeling today?

Ways to Say How Are You in German Informal Situation

When you are meeting a friend, the right way to ask, hello how are you in German will differ. So, you also need to learn the correct way to ask about the well-being of a friend or known person. The tone that you use to talk to people you know is a bit more personal and relaxed. Hence, discussed below are some ways to say How are you in German in informal setting.

Wie geht es dir?

It is a phrase, which is mostly used in the South German areas. It is further used to address family members and friends. These are some examples of Wie geht es dir:

Hallo, Lisa! Wie geht es dir?Hello, Lisa! How are you?
Weißt du was passiert ist, wie geht es dir, kannst du dich erinnern...You know what happened, how are you, you can remember...
Meist würde sie spaßend sagen: Onkel, wie geht es dir?Very often they would jokingly say, Uncle, how are you?
Liebe Ivy, wie geht es dir in der aktuellen Zeit?Dear Ivy, how are you at the present time?
Und wie geht es dir an so einem schönen Abend?And how are you this fine evening?

Wie geht’s?

It is a short version of Wie geht es dir, where you can ask a person How are you in German dialect. It is usually used when talking to siblings or closest friends. The following are its uses in sentences:

Salut, Marie-Jo. Wie geht's?Hello, Marie-Jo, how are you?
Wie geht's? Das müßte ich eher dich fragen.How are you? I should be the one asking you.
Ich beginne meine E-Mails immer mit 'Wie geht's?' als freundliche Begrüßung.I always start my emails with 'How are you?' as a friendly greeting.
Wie geht's?' Es war total verrückt.How are you?' It was totally nuts.

Wie läuft’s?

This variation of asking how are you in German is mostly used between friends. It is to ask them about how something is going. It can be translated to how you doing in English.

Kevin schreibt dir: "Wie läuft's?"Is Kevin texting you "how's it going?"
Onkel John, wie läuft's?Uncle John, what's up?
He, Neil, Mensch, wie läuft's?Neil, man. What's up?
Jedes Mal, wenn ich sie sehe, frage ich: 'Wie läuft's?', um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben.Every time I see her, I ask, "How's it going?" to catch up.
Na, wie läuft's, Partner?How's it going, partner?

Also read: Hello in German.  

Wie ist die Lage?

If you are in a group of young people and need to ask them, hello how are you in German, then you can use Wie ist die Lage. It can be translated as What’s up, and the following are its uses:

Captain Picard, wie ist die Lage?Captain Picard, how are you?
Barbaros, wie ist die Lage?Barbaros, how are you?
Hey Jack, wie ist die LageHey Jack, how are you?
Ron, wie ist die Lage dort?Ron, how are you there?
Wie ist die Lage heute - sechs Monate nach der Katastrophe?How are you now, after the disaster?

Wie schaut’s aus?

If you want to know how to say how are you in German and expect a short answer, then you can use Wie Schaut’s aus. The literal meaning of this phrase is how it looks, and natives do not give a long answer when you ask this question.

Also, wie schaut's aus?So, how are things?
Wie schaut's aus, Finch?How's it going, Finch?
Guten Morgen. Wie schaut‘s aus?Good Morning. How is it going?
Wie schaut‘s im Krankenhaus aus?How does it look at the hospital
Wie schaut‘s mit der Arbeit im Büro aus?How does it look with the work at the office?


Lastly, most of the native speakers use a Na to ask How are you in German slang. Further, you need to be aware of the fact, that a Na can have various meanings in the language. Hence, it is used in different ways, such as:

Na, alles gut?Hi, how's it going?
Hallo, na?Hello, what's up?
Na heute? Du siehst ein bisschen angeschlagen aus.How are you doing today? You look a bit under the weather.
Ich wollte nur mal nachfragen und sehen, na so.I just wanted to check in and see how you doing.
Also na, und wie steht es mit deinem neuesten Projekt?So how are you, and what is your latest project?

Ways to Respond to How Are You in German

Knowing the way to say How are you in German is not enough. You also need to know the ways in which you can respond to someone who asks you, hi how are you in German politely. Hence, the following are some responses that you can use:

I’m good. How are you?Mir geht’s gut, und dir?Meer gehts goot, oond dear
I’m fine, how are you?Mir geht’s gut, wie geht’s dir?Meer gehts goot, vee gehts dear
I’m feeling great, thanks!Ich fühle mich großartig, danke!Ich fühle mich gross-artich, dunk-eh
We’re goodUns geht’s gutOons gehts goot
Not too bad, thanks, and yourself?Nicht schlecht, danke, und selbst?Nicht shlecht, dunk-eh, oond selbst
I’ve never been betterMir ging es nie besserMeer ging as knee better
gut, dankegood, thanksgud dun-ke
Nicht gutNot goodnitsh gud
Ich bin ein bisschen müde, aber gut, danke!I’m a bit tired, but good, thanks!ɪç bɪn aɪ̯n ˈbɪsçən ˈmyːdə ˈaːbɐ ɡuːt ˈdaŋkə

So, the next time someone asks you How are you, make sure to tell them well, thank you in German language. This way, you can create a good impression on others.

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


To sum up, this blog helps you to learn the German way of saying “How are you”. In addition to that, know about the ways in which you can say, How are you in formal and informal situations. Further, if you want to register for German online coaching, then you can connect with our experts. Here, you can also get a number of classes for the various German exams or German language levels such as A1, B1, and others. So, do not forget to register yourself.

Also read: You’re Welcome in German.


What does "Wie geht es dir" mean?

It is a greeting which means how are you in German and can be used in a friendly and polite manner. It is an informal way of asking someone how they are feeling. Moreover, the literal meaning of the phrase is how is it going?

Can you say "Ich bin gut"?

Ich bin gut is not the correct response to How are you? It is because it suggests that you are good at something and not that you are feeling good. Instead, you can use Mir geht es gut.

How to respond to “wie geht’s”?

You can use the following to respond to a How are you doing in German or Wie Geht’s:

Alles gut.Everything is good.
Alles klarEverything is alright

How to ask a group of people how are you in German?

If you are addressing a group of people and need to ask them How are you in German language, then you can use the phrase, Wie geht es euch (Vee geht as oich).

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