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All About Writing an Email in German | Types, Tips & Samples

Germany is one of the most affordable countries in the world for higher education. So, it is obvious that many students aspire to get into any top college in this country. If you are also one like them, you might understand the struggles of learning this German language, right? Communicating over email in German language can be especially challenging in avoiding any kind of embarrassment. So, our experts have shared complete details about the types of mail, tips to draft an impressive mail, a template to follow, and samples to help you understand that better. So, let's get started!

How to write Email in German |

Table of Contents

What Are the Different Types of German Emails?

Hallo, Are you trying to write an email in German but don’t know how to begin? If yes, you are at the right place!

Before you start with your German email writing, you must know the different types and their true purpose so as not to end up making any mistakes. So, there are mainly 5 types of email writing in German:

  1. Business Emails: The Geschaftiche is used for business-related communication.
  2. Confirmation Emails: Bestätigungs is to confirm/acknowledge any information or payment.
  3. Inquiry Emails: The Anfrage is to get more details or clarify doubts on something.
  4. Job Application Emails: Bewerbungs has a particular email format for jobs and internships.
  5. Personal Emails: As the name suggests, Personliche is to communicate at an informal level.

These are the five different types you need to know about email writing in German. Now, let’s take a quick look at the structure and format.

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How to Structure a German Email? Ideal Format!

If you are wondering, "How to write an email in German?" the easiest way to answer is, the format. If you get a hold of the right structure, it is as easy as a cakewalk to draft an impressive email. So, let's check it out!

Subject Line

The Betreff must be clear and concise to grab the receiver's attention and convey the purpose of the mail.


Anrede can be something like this:

  • Dear Mr/Ms (Name) - Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau (Name)
  • Dear Sir/Madam - Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren


Einleitung must begin with who you are and why you are writing this email to give clarity to the reader.

Main Body

Hauptteil is where you share the details of your email. This must include complete information that is polite and clear.

Closing Remarks

Schlussbemerkung is where you express your gratitude to the reader in advance and emphasize the next steps to be taken.

Closing Salutation

Grußformel is the closing salutation followed by your name. It can be put up like: Best Regards/Wishes - Beste/Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Now that you know the German email format, let's check out the format for writing formal and informal emails in German.

How to Write a Formal Email in German?

If you have been stressing over how to write an email in German, that too a formal one, then here’s all you need:

Salutations for a Formal Email

If you are writing a formal email in German, then here are some salutations you can include in it:

English SalutationsGerman Translations
Esteemed Ms. ABCSehr geehrte Frau ABC
Esteemed Mr. XYZSehr geehrte Herr XYZ
Dear Sir or MadamSehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Good DayGuten Tag

Main Body of a German Formal Email

The main part of the German formal email depends on its purpose. In this segment, you can check out a few formal German email writing examples:

  • If you're applying for a job, focus on why you're the right fit for that post.
  • If it's a business mail, explain the main purpose of communication.
  • If it's a follow-up, share your details and the concerned query politely.

Formal German Email Endings

The next thing to note in a formal email in German is the endings. Here are a few options to help you:

English SalutationsGerman Translations
With Kind RegardsMit freundlichen Gruben
SincerelyMit freundlichen Grub
Thank You and Best RegardsVielen Dank und Freundliche Grube
Many Thanks and Best RegardsBesten Dank und Beste Grube
With the Best RecommendationsMit den besten Empfehlugen

Sample for Formal Email in German

Now that you’ve checked out the formal email in German examples for each section, let’s take a quick look at a sample for a better understanding:

Betreff: Anfrage bezüglich eines Termins

Sehr geehrte Frau ABC,

Guten Tag, ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut.

Ich schreibe Ihnen bezüglich eines möglichen Termins für ein Gespräch. Könnten Sie mir bitte weitere Informationen senden? Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie mir die verfügbaren Zeitfenster mitteilen könnten.

Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung.

Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre schnelle Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

[Ihr Name]

How to Write an Informal Email in German?

If you're working out how to write an informal email in German, then here's complete assistance for you:

Salutations for an Informal Mail

The first thing to begin with is the salutations for the email in German. So, here are a few options that you can include in it:

English SalutationsGerman Translations
Dear Ms. ABCLiebe Frau ABC
Dear Mr. XYZLieber Herr XYZ

Main Body of a German Informal Email

The next step to learning German email writing is drafting the main content of an informal email. So, here's how you do it:

  • Take things at your own pace as it's a personal mail
  • Make sure to add specific details so that the purpose is clear
  • You can add jokes, poetry, or anything you like to add that personal touch

Informal German Email Endings

The endings are also important in any Informal email in German. So, here are some closures that can help you end it on a good note:

English SalutationsGerman Translations
Many GreetingsViele Grube
Warm GreetingsLiebe Grube
Best RegardsBeste Grube
Take CareMach’s Gut
See You SoonBis Bald

Sample for an Informal Email in German

Now that you’ve known the informal German email writing examples section-wise, let’s take a quick look at a sample for better understanding:

Betreff: Komm mich im Sommer besuchen! 🌞

Hey [Name],

Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut! Ich wollte dich fragen, ob du Lust hast, mich in den Sommerferien zu besuchen. Es wäre mega cool, ein paar entspannte Tage zusammen zu verbringen!

Wir könnten an den Strand fahren, meine Stadt erkunden und einfach eine tolle Zeit haben. Es gibt so viele schöne Orte, die ich dir zeigen möchte!

Lass mich wissen, ob es klappt. Ich wäre dir dankbar, wenn du mir bald Bescheid gibst.

Mach’s gut & bis bald!

[Dein Name]

Useful Phrases for Writing an Email in German

If you want to learn German, you can enrol in any German online coaching or offline classes. However, if your concern is up to writing an email in German, here are some phrases that can take you a long way:

English PhrasesGerman Phrases
I hope you are doing well.Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut.
I am writing to you regarding...Ich schreibe Ihnen bezüglich...
Could you please send me more details?Könnten Sie mir bitte weitere Informationen senden?
Please find attached...Anbei finden Sie...
I would be grateful if you could...Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn Sie...
I look forward to your response.Ich freue mich auf Ihre Rückmeldung.
If you have any further questions, please let me know.Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen.
I have the following requestIch habe folgendes Anliegen
I am sorry, butEs tut mir leid, aber
Thank you in advance for your quick replyVielen dank im Voraus fur lhre schnelle Antwort

These are some A1 level and B1 level German phrases that can help you draft impressive formal and informal emails. Now, to ace your task, you might need some extra expert tips, as shared in the next section!

Expert Tips for Writing Email in German

Now that you’re aware of the structure and phrases in German for email writing, it’s time you get your hands on some professional tips. So, check this out!

  • Understand the purpose of the mail.
  • Use the right salutation (formal/informal)
  • Follow the right email structure
  • Check for attachments or important details
  • Keep it simple and direct to avoid confusion

These are a few simple yet crucial tips that can save you any trouble or embarrassment when you draft an email in German for formal or informal purposes. So, hope you got a complete idea of how to proceed with your German email writing task; if not, reach out to our experts for help!

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


This blog gives you complete information and guidance on writing an email in German for both formal and informal occasions. Additionally, it covers the ideal structure, some important phrases, and tips to follow while writing an email in German.

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