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German letter writing: Formal, Informal, Rules, Tips & More

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Don’t struggle anymore to write a perfect German letter.

Thank you!

If you think letter writing is just easy like English, then you are into a puzzle. In German letter writing, you need to focus on using the right format, structure, vocabulary, phrases, salutations, etc. Moreover, according to the formal and informal letter, you need to use the right tone and language. We understand it could be challenging to learn German letter writing, but following the right pattern and tips can help you to excel. Thus, read our blog to learn how to write a letter in German, formally and informally, along with rules, format, tips, and samples. So grab a diary to mark important points.

Explore the format, rules and phrases of formal and informal German letter writing|

Table of Contents

Overview of Letter Writing in German

In German countries, writing letters is fairly common to convey any message, request, etc. Besides, German letter writing is used in offices, banks, and academics. However, writing a letter in German is not as easy as writing an English letter.

Letter Writing in German is not only a crucial factor in any language exam like the Goethe-Zertifikat. But, it is also a useful, required skill in professional and personal communication. Also, using a right letter format and language is vital and can help you to express the message.

Thus, once you learn how to write a letter in German, you can easily write refined German letters. Hence, this was the overview of letter writing in German. Now, in the next section, we will know its importance.

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Importance of Learning Letter Writing in German

Learning German letter writing is important as it assists you to communicate effectively in any formal and informal situation. Thus, learning the art of writing a German letter boosts your professionalism and provides clear communication in the German language.

Hence, it is vital to have a profound understanding of using the right German letter format, salutation, well-written body, and closing phrases. Also, it gives cultural understanding and provides German social etiquette to write an ideal letter.

Thus, learning how to write a letter in German helps you to craft exceptional letters for jobs and universities. Moreover, in an informal letter, you can express the message by using the right writing style. Thus, this was all about knowing the importance of letter writing in German, but do you know that German letters have two types? Let’s learn about them in the next section.

Also read: How long does it take to learn German

Formal Letter Writing in German

If you are applying for any job, university, or requesting work in a German-speaking country, then you should know the process of formal German letter writing.

Moreover, understanding the details of formal communication in the letter can significantly improve your skill in conveying information professionally and clearly. So, in this section, we will discover the formal letter format in German, rules, key phrases and samples.

Format of Formal letter in German -

It is essential to understand the format of Formal Letter in German, which will help you craft a professional formal letter. It must be sensible, accurate and engaging. So, let’s explore the format.

  • Sender's name, address, and email ID (if required )
  • Recipient's Address
  • Date
  • Subject
  • Salutation
  • Body
  • Closing line
  • Sign off
  • Signature

This is the formal letter format. Now, in the next section, explore some rules to write a formal letter in German. So, let’s begin.

Rules for Writing a Formal Letter in German –

It is vital to understand the rules of writing a formal letter in German that can help you to write a winning letter and impress the reader. That shows the person’s ability to follow the right format and competence in writing a letter. So, have a look.

1. Use formal salutation

  • Guten Tag Herr Mustermann, – Good day Mr. Mustermann
  • Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, – Dear Sir/Madam

2. Discover an engaging opening line.

  • ich schreibe Ihnen weil… – I’m writing to you because…

3. Use the right closing line in the end.

  • Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen – I thank you for your attention and remain with kind regards
  • Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort – I look forward to your reply

4. Use a formal tone to express your message.

5. Add all the essential formations in the body.

These are some rules for writing a winning formal letter in German. But, to impress the reader, you should use some unique phases. So, have a look.

Key Phrases for Formal Letters in German -,

Using some essential phrases can make your formal letter in German more perfect. So, have a look at these key phrases.

  1. Opening - Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, (Dear Sir/Madam)
  2. Body Introduction - Bezugnehmend auf (Referring to...)
  3. Request - Ich würde Sie bitten, (I would like to ask you...)
  4. Closing - Mit freundlichen Grüßen, (Yours sincerely,

These are some phrases which you can add to your formal letter. Now, let’s analyse the sample.

Sample of Formal Letter German -

Looking for some samples to understand the structure of the formal letter in German. Thus, refer to this sample of formal letter in German.

Check out the sample of the German formal letter|

This was all about the formal German letter. Now, see the steps to craft the best informal German letter writing. So, let’s begin. 

Must readA1 level German

Informal Letter Writing in German

If you want to connect with your friend, family member, or anyone, sending a letter would be the best idea to make their day. Hence, learning German letter writing in an informal way is important. In contrast to the formal, it is more liberal to use a more personal and approachable tone. Thus, in this section, you will explore German informal letter format, rules, key phrases and more.

Format of an Informal Letter in German-

The format of a German informal letter is easy to understand and write. Moreover, you can be personal in the letter as it can be written to anyone known, and informally craft the letter by using the appropriate tone. So, let’s have a look at the format.

  1. Name of the receiver
  2. Address
  3. Date
  4. Salutation
  5. Body
  6. Closing lines
  7. Signature

Rules for Writing an Informal Letter in German

The following sections talk about the rules to use while writing informal letters in German. So have a look.

1. Use informal salutations such as

  • Liebe Frau Müller, – Dear Ms. Müller,
  • Hallo, – Hello
  • Hallo Martin, – Hello Martin

2. Use the accurate informal closing

  • Viele Grüße – Best regards
  • Herzlichst – Cordially
  • Liebe Grüße / Viele liebe Grüße – Lots of love

3. Position sender's address at the top right-hand corner of the letter

4. Use the right tone of writing

5. Add all the details in the body

6. Specify your letter to the person reflected in your relationship

Key Phrases for Informal Letters in German

Using engaging key phrases in the informal letter in German is necessary to add a layer of relationship. Thus, here are some examples of these phrases.

  1. Greetings - Liebe(r) [Name], (Dear [Name],)
  2. Introduction phrases - Wie geht es dir? (How are you?)
  3. Sign-off - Danke und Grüße (thanks and regards), Beste Wünsche – Best wishes

These are some of the expressions that can be used in the informal letter in German. Now, let’s understand the proper German informal letter format through the sample.

Sample of Informal Letter German

Samples work as a helping hand that assists an individual in writing a letter. Thus, in this section, you will explore the sample of informal letter German. So have a look.

Check out the sample of the German Informal letter|

This was all about the Informal letter in German, now let’s explore some best tips to use while writing the letter.

Also read: Phrases in German.

Key Takeaways

Crafting the best German letter can be different for beginners. But, you can easily write if you know the pattern. Thus, to learn German and write this letter, you can use these tips.

  1. Know the right formal and informal greetings
  2. Properly address the recipient
  3. Follow the right German letter structure
  4. Pay attention to German grammar rules using the right punctuation and capitalization. 
  5. Don’t use slang or casual language in a German formal letter
  6. Use the right opening lines according to the subject.
  7. Thoroughly review your letter. 

So, still in doubt about how to write a letter in German, then use some of the above tips to craft the best letter.

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


In short, German letter writing can be a challenging task for beginners, but once you learn the trick to write, you can become proficient. Thus, in this case, using an accurate German language is vital. Moreover, if you understand the German letter format, salutation, and closing phrases, you can become a master at writing this letter. Therefore, by using the right format and other elements, you can write the best German letters. Also, you can enrol in German online coaching at Gradding. Experts here ensure you master writing letters in the German language.


How to write a good German letter?

To write a good German letter you need to follow these factors.

  1. Write the name and address of the receiver at the beginning
  2. Begin with salutation i.e., Sehr geehrte Frau Müller (Dear Ms. Müller)
  3. Give an introduction to yourself and the purpose behind writing this letter.
  4. Specify the person you would like to address to give a follow-up
  5. Lastly, thanks to the receiver 
  6. Write a closing line such as aufrichtig (Sincerely)

How to start a German letter?

To start a German letter, you should begin with the receiver's name, address, and salutation in a formal letter. In the informal letter, you can begin by giving yourself the authority to write in a more relaxed and personal tone. Moreover, you can commonly begin with a welcoming salutation like "Hallo" (Hello) or "Liebe/r" (Dear) and finish with casual sign-offs.

What phrases are commonly used for closing a letter in German?

Phrases commonly used for closing a letter in German is

  1. Hochachtungsvoll (Sincerely)
  2. Mit den höchsten Grüßen (With the highest regards/reverence)
  3. Mit freundlichen Grüßen (Best regards)
  4. Mit besten Grüßen (With best regards)
  5. Mit freundlichen Empfehlungen (With friendly compliments/ or with kind recommendations)
  6. Freundliche Grüße (Kind regards)

What is the German letter style?

The Fraktur is known as the "German typeface". It remained well-liked in Germany and many parts of Eastern Europe. Moreover, it is a kind of blackletter script considered by its complicated, "broken" shapes of letters. 

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