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15 Extra-Long German Words That Will Surprise You

Understanding written German could be an uphill battle for anyone where typing long German words without using any spacebar can be confusing. Thus, when someone tells you to say something in German, then don’t use basic words, instead, you can use long words in German. These words create a splendid status of yours and prove you as a professional German speaker. Therefore, to make you master, we have shared 15+ long German words and also justification as to why are German words so long. So buckle up, grab a pen, and copy to jot down these German words with us.

Explore 15+ Longest Words in German with Pronunciation |

Table of Contents

Why German Words Are So Long -

This question has definitely come to every German learner and listener's mind “Why are German words so long”? Right. As you might know, the German language is well known for its unique expression, long words, and frequent compound words. These long German words are created by adding smaller words to form a new word which denotes a specific meaning. However, they often use more than two words to form lengthy and complex words.

In addition, while English accomplishes this to a certain degree by adding two words to make compound words like football and doormat, German has gone above and beyond in this context. Thus, for German learners, this could be confusing but fun at the same time, especially when you pronounce them. Hence, this is the answer to why are German words so long, now, in the next section, let's understand how these words are structured to make a single term.

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Structure of Long German Compound Words

As you read, long words in German are created by adding two or more small words to form long German compound words. Thus, this ability to create a compound word enables the German language to convey complex ideas in a single phrase. Moreover, the process of creating this is quite straightforward as single verbs, nouns, and adjectives are allied together without any space in between the words.

Thus, it makes a new word that expresses a meaning. Also, the structure of long German words follows a logical pattern, the last word will be a compound, indicating the meanings and grammatical gender. Here are some examples to understand the long German compound words.


Wasser means "water" and flasche means "bottle", so it is combinedly said as Wasserflasche which translates to “water bottle”.


Haupt means "central or main" and Bahnhof means "train station", so it combined to Hauptbahnhof which decodes to “central train station”. 

This is an example and explanation of long words in German. Now, it’s time to navigate the List of longest words in German through the next section. So, let’s explore.

Also read: Please in German

List of Longest Words in German with Pronunciation

You will be shocked to know that in the German dictionary, there is a long German word of 63 letters and many native speakers struggle to speak that. Thus, if you want to become master and fluent in speaking these long German words, then practice these below-stated longest German words. Thus, explore 15+ long German words and meanings pronunciation and more.


The 63-character longest word in German has marked its place in the Guinness World Records in 1990 for being the longest German word in this language. Let’s see how this longest word in the German language breaks down.

  • Rindfleisch = Beef
  • Etikettierung = Labeling
  • Überwachung = Supervision
  • Aufgaben = Duties or tasks
  • Übertragung = Transfer or delegation
  • Gesetz = Law

Moreover, this word translates to Beef Labeling Supervision Task Transfer Act. This word denotes a law created in response to an arisen crisis in 1990 on mad cow diseases. However, it is no longer active.


Want to enroll in a German estate and learn about land rules? Then you must know about this 67-character-longest word in German. Let’s understand each word's meaning separately

  • Grundstück =Property or plot of land
  • Verkehr =Traffic or conveyance
  • Genehmigung = Permission
  • Zuständigkeit = Competence or jurisdiction
  • Übertragung = Transfer or delegation
  • Verordnung = Regulation

The translation of this Long German Compound Word is “regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions.” Thus these words are created based on land conveyance regulation that targets how authority must approve real estate transference that is delegated. Thus, it's a great way to practice German difficult words.


Here, is another long German word who have 42 characters without any space. This word is considered to be an impressive phrase that articulates anyone’s position in the water steamship. It can be broken down as

  • Donau = The Danube River
  • Dampfschiff = Steamship
  • Fahrt = Journey or voyage
  • Gesellschaft = Company or society
  • Kapitän = Captain

These words are combined and create a single word that translates to “Danube steam shipping company captain”. It decodes holding a captain position in the steamship company operating on the river of Danube. Hence, this is how Germans can shrink plenty of information into one single word.

Also read: Hello in German


Further, the long German words Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften mainly come across in the German bureaucracy. Thus, when every word is broken down its meaning looks like this

  • Recht = Law or right
  • Schutz = Protection
  • Versicherung = Insurance
  • Gesellschaften = Companies or societies

These long words in German mean “legal protection insurance companies”. In short, it means that any company offers legal insurance protection and many Germans purchase this insurance to cover their legal fees. 


Moving forward next large German word is a popular word that is familiar among the German. It has 37 characters and you would be amazed to know that these words are another insurance-related long German compound words. Thus, let know its meaning separately. . 

  • Kraftfahrzeug = Motor vehicle
  • Haftpflicht = Liability
  • Versicherung = Insurance

This German word meaning is “motor vehicle liability insurance”. Breaking down every word gives adequate familiarity to understand the word and it looks less difficult. Hence, there are several compound German words created for insurance, rules and regulation..


The next lengthy German word is Betäubungsmittelverschreibungsverordnung which is a German law. It has 40 characters. Let’s assess its word breakdown

  • Betäubungsmittel = Narcotics
  • Verschreibung = Prescription
  • Verordnung = Ordinance or regulation

The English translation of this long German word is “Narcotics Prescription Ordinance” It means a law that restricts the prescribing of narcotic medication and considers Germany’s strict narcotic in Germany. 


Straßenverkehrszulassungsordnung Is a German word used for a person who drives a vehicle in Germany. Let’s understand break down of its 32-character word

  • Straße = Street or road
  • Verkehr = Traffic
  • Zulassung = Licensing or admission
  • Ordnung = Regulation or order

This German word means “road traffic registration regulations”. This refers to a law that is used to evaluate the operation and licensing of vehicles on Germany’s public roads.


Another difficulty pronouncing large German words is that are easy peasy to pronounce once you learn to pronounce them. Thus, it is an insurance-related German word which has 49 characters. Thus, know its meaning by assessing the meaning broken down into three words.

  • Sozialversicherung = Social insurance
  • Fachangestellter = Specialist employee or clerk
  • Auszubildender = Trainee or apprentice

Its English translation is “social insurance clerk trainee”. This German word is used to describe a trainee getting training to become a professional in a social insurance company or matters.


This German word is used for a doctor's certificate. This consists of 32 characters whose meaning is broken down below in three words.

  • Arbeit = Work
  • Unfähigkeit = Incapacity or inability
  • Bescheinigung = Certificate or attestation

It means “Certificate of incapacity for work” or you can simply denote it to doctor’s notes. This is mainly used to take a sick leave when you don’t have to go to work due to sickness. 


This term is slowly becoming common to develop an awareness regarding food biases. Let’s understand its menacing separately.

  • Nahrungsmittel = Food
  • Unverträglichkeit = Intolerance
  • Test =Test

This translates to “food intolerance test” and it defines the medical test that needs to be done by the authorities to showcase anyone is sensitivity to a specific food.


This longest German word is an example of German numbers. Let’s first understand its meaning below.

  • Vierhundert = Four hundred
  • Vierundvierzig = Forty-four
  • Tausend = Thousand

This is the number written in English format that translates to “four hundred forty-four thousand four hundred forty-four.” Moreover, these German numbers are created from smaller numbers to large ones and written in a single term.


The next long German word is a compound word which is linked to personal development and psychology. It breaks down in these words

  • Selbst = Self
  • Mitgefühl = Compassion
  • Kultivierung = Cultivation
  • Techniken = Techniques

This means “self-compassion cultivation techniques”. It is used to articulate the techniques and its main purpose to showcase self-comparison.


This German word is used in a medical context. This 33-character word is broken down below 

  • Wiederbelebung – Resuscitation or revival
  • Maßnahmen – Measures or actions
  • Leitfaden – Guide or manual

Its meaning is “resuscitation measures guide”. It helps to provide resuscitation methods or steps for CPR. These words are formed by using three compound words that can be said in a single term while speaking German

Also read: Time in German


These German words are used to describe an act made for disabled people. It has 33 characters and breaks down like this

  • Behindert = disabled
  • Gleichstellung = equality
  • Gesetz =law

It translates to “equal opportunities of a person with disabilities act”. It defines an act created for the right given to disabled people and this act will protect them from discrimination.


Last but not least, these long German words contain 33 characters. This word is related to the shipping lane. Let’s understand the meaning mentioned below.

  • Rhein = Rhine
  • Main = Main
  • Donau = Danube
  • Großschifffahrt = heavy shipping
  • Weg = way

The English translation of this large German word is “rheinmaindonau major shipping route”. This is the most jumbled word that German speakers can’t speak properly. It is used in the transportation of goods which will be exported from the Danube River.

These are some of the longest German words that can be hard to pronounce but after understanding their meaning and pronunciation you can say it easily. Thus, if you are a beginner and want to learn German then this is the best practice word to improve your speaking skills. But just like basic German words such as hallo, time and you’re welcome in German, the longest German words have common phrases. So, let’s explore them in the next segment.

Common Long German Words That Are a Bit More Popular –

Many individuals ponder that learning German is just like ABC, but it consumes a lot of time and practice to become professional. Thus, acknowledge these common long German words and meanings to start with basic. So let’s have a look.

  • Lebensmittelvergiftung - food poisoning
  • Streichholzschächtelchen- matchbox
  • Krankenversicherung – health insurance
  • Verkehrsunfall – traffic accident
  • Fernbedienung – remote control
  • Flughafensicherheitskontrolle – Airport Security Check
  • Freundschaftsbeziehungen – friendship relationship
  • Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung – speed limit
  • Zahnärztlicheuntersuchung - dental check-up
  • Hauptbahnhof - main train station
  • Flugzeug - airplane
  • Haustürschlüssel - house door key
  • Sprachschule - language school
  • Dreikäsehoch - three cheese high
  • Lungenentzündung – lunch inflammation.
  • Wörterbuch - dictionary.

These are some of the common long German words that you can learn broke speaking the longest words. This will help you to understand the meaning, pronunciation, and where to use these Long words in German. Now, let’s wrap everything together.

Also read: German Alphabet


In short, there is a proverb that says to learn a language is just to have another window to look at the world. Thus, when learning the German language you must know its correct meaning and pronunciation so that you can use them correctly in the right place and right time. Hence, long German words can be difficult to understand and say but their meanings convey many terms. Therefore, in this guide, we have shared long German compound words along with their meaning and pronunciation. This will help you to understand the word. Moreover, you can enrol in German online coaching at Gradding where experts will help you to learn and practice these long German words and assist you in improving your language.

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What Is The Longest Word In The German Language?

The 63-character longest word in German is Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz. Thus, words have gained a place in Guinness World Records for being the longest word in German in 1990. 

What is the longest one-syllable word in German?

the longest one-syllable word in German is Schleichst. This 10-letter word means you sneak.

What is the longest German word without vowels?

The longest German word without vowels is “scvrnkls”. It has 8 letters and all alphabets are consonants. 

What is the longest German palindrome word?

The longest German palindrome is:

Reliefpfeiler = Pilaster (13 characters)

Sereneres = more serene (9 characters)

Leseesel= reading room (8 characters)

Which German Words has 79 letters

Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft is a 79 character longest German word that marked its place in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1972.

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