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Learn Different Ways to Say “Please” in German Language

Learning the German language can be multifarious, but if you know its basic slang, you can learn this language easily. Thus, hello (hallo), Thank you (danke), and please (bitte) are some of the most common and basic words to begin learning German. Hence, in this blog, you will learn to say please in German by understanding its meaning, different ways, and tips to improve your speaking skills. So buckle up to learn the different variants of saying please in German language.

Learn different ways to say “Please” in German language |

Table of Contents

How to Pronounce “Please” in German

Please is a polite and respectful word used behind any sentence to show humbleness. Thus, the word please in German means “bitte” Many people pronounce it “bite”, but the right pronunciation of please in German is “Bih-teh”. This short German word is used in most interactions, and you can try to use its alternative. Now let's explore different ways of saying please in different situations in the next section.

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Different Ways to Say "Please" in German

If you are willing to move to Germany for studying, job, or migration purposes, you should know basic phrases of German, and “please” is one of them. Thus, please in German is the foremost way to ask for something or say anything to anyone in a polite manner. Thus, it is important to use it properly and in the right situation. Therefore, below we have shared different ways of how to say please in German. So, let’s explore them. 

1. Können Sie bitte

If you want to say Please in German while asking for help, you can use Können Sie bitte, which means “Could you please”. This is the polite way to say please while asking for any help. Moreover,  Können Sie bitte is pronounced as “Kern-en zee bit-teh?” However, you may find it difficult to pronounce as in words it’s written distinct but pronounced differently.

Könnten Sie bitte dieses Marmeladenglas öffnen?Could you please open this jam jar?
Könntest du bitte meine Mutter anrufen?Could you please call my mom?
Könnten Sie bitte mein Paket erhalten, wenn ich nicht zu Hause bin?Could you please receive my package when I am not at home?
Könnten Sie bitte das heutige Wetter überprüfen?could you please check today's weather?
Könnten Sie bitte die Lautstärke des Fernsehers verringern? Sie schläftCould you please turn down the TV's volume? She is sleeping

Suggested Read: Ways to Say You're Welcome in German 

2. Würden Sie so freundlich sein

In the German language, if you don’t want to use please, but if you want to be humble at the same time, you can say “Würden Sie so freundlich sein”. This is another meaning of please in German but in an informal way. Its English meaning is “Would you be so kind to” This phrase is mainly used in restaurants and shopping places. Moreover, the pronunciation of this form of please in German is “Voohr-den zee zoh froint-lish zine?”.

Wären Sie so freundlich, mir diese jährliche Datei zuzusenden?Would you be kind enough to send me this annual file?
Wären Sie so freundlich, mir beim Herunterladen der App zu helfen?Would you be kind enough to help me download the app?
Wären Sie so nett, wenn Sie mir bis Ende dieses Monats eine Bestätigung unserer Einladung geben würden?Would you be kind enough to send me a confirmation of our invitation by the end of this month?
Wären Sie so freundlich, sich um die Großeltern zu kümmern, während ich zu einer Veranstaltung gehe?Would you be kind enough to look after the grandparents while I go to an event?
„Wären Sie so freundlich, mir zu sagen, wann die nächste Station kommt?““Would you be so kind as to tell me when the next stop is?”

3. Dürfte ich bitte

Another way of saying Please in German is “Dürfte ich bitte…?” which means “May I please…?”. This form of the please is mainly used to ask for permission and please is added to show respect. Thus, it’s a polite and refined way to ask for permission. Moreover, it's pronounced as  “Doorf-teh eekh bit-the?” in German.

Darf ich bitte die Almirah öffnen?May I please open the almirah?
Darf ich bitte diesen Stift benutzen?May I use this pen please?
Darf ich bitte gehen?May I go, please?
Darf ich bitte meine Arbeit hier abschließen?May I please complete my work here?
Darf ich bitte heute Abend spielen gehen, Mama?Can I please go play tonight, Mom?

4. Kannst du bitte…?

Asking for help in German in a politer way but don’t know how to say it in other German Phrases? Worry not, you can simply say, “Kannst du bitte…?” which means “Can you please…?”. Hence, this is the formal way to ask for help from someone in a modest way. Thus, this form of please in German is pronounced as “Kahnst doo bit-teh?”

kannst du mir bitte dein Bild schicken?Can you please send me your picture
kannst du es mir bitte sagenCan you please tell me?
Können Sie mir bitte helfen?Can you please help me?
Kannst du bitte dieses übrig gebliebene Essen essen?Can you please eat this leftover food?
Kannst du bitte John anrufen? Er nimmt meinen Anruf nicht entgegenCan you please call John? He doesn't answer my call

5. Mach das doch bitte

The German phrase “mach das doch bitte” means “Please just do that” in the English language. It is a polite yet strong method of asking someone to complete a task or asking for a favor. Hence, this form of please in German is used in a formal way in professional surroundings. Thus, it is pronounced as “Mahkh dahs dokh bit-teh.

Kannst du den Müll rausbringen? Mach das doch bitte!Can you throw out the trash? Please just do that!
Ich habe dir die Dokumente geschickt. Mach das doch bitte gleich fertig!I sent you the documents. Please just finish that right away!
Wenn du kurz Zeit hast, könntest du das Fenster öffnen? Mach das doch bitte!If you have a moment, could you open the window? Please just do that.
Erledigen Sie diese Aufgabe am Nachmittag. Mach das doch bitte.Complete this assignment in afternoon Please just do that
Du hast doch gesagt, dass du dich anmelden willst. Mach das doch bitte!You said you wanted to register. Please just do that!

6. Ich bitte Sie! or Ich frage dich bitte!

Last but not least, another way of saying please in German is “Ich bitte Sie!” or “Ich frage dich bitte!” which means “I ask you please!” Thus, this version of saying please in the German language is used when you want to ask someone anything in any context. It’s a well-mannered way to ask something. Also, it is pronounced as “Eekh bit-teh zee!” in German.

Ich bitte Sie, mich zum Bahnhof zu bringenI ask you please drop me to the station
Ich bitte Sie, die Lautstärke herunterzudrehenI ask you please turn down the volume
Ich bitte Sie, mir zu helfenI ask you please help me
Ich bitte Sie, mir meine Schlüssel zu geben, sonst rufe ich die PolizeiI ask you please give me my keys otherwise I will call the police
Ich bitte Sie, mir bei der Erledigung dieser Aufgabe vor 17:00 Uhr zu helfenI request you to help me complete this task before 5:00 p.m

These are the different ways to say please in German language. These versions will help you ask for something politely and respectfully. Thus, it is important to know the please meaning in German before using it because it has many variants and meanings. However, did you know there are two more meanings of “bitte”? If not, then read our next section to clear up any doubts.

You may also like to read: Different Ways to Say Thank You in German

Other Meanings of Bitte

As you know the pronunciation of please in German is “Bih-the”. However, it has two more meanings, and many learners get confused when using this German phrase due to its various implications. This word consists of two more meanings.

  1. “Bitte” as You’re welcome
  2. “Bitte” as “Pardon”

Let’s identify its differences and examples to use in daily conversation in the next section. So have a look.

“Bitte” as You’re welcome

Bitte not only means please, but it also means You’re Welcome in German. This form is used to respond to thank you, which means “danke”. However, this phrase also has many different ways to say. Thus, here are some of the examples of this form of Bitte. 

  • Bitte schön/ sehr
  • Gern geschehen
  • Kein Problem! / Keine Ursache!

“Bitte” as “Pardon”

The bitte means you’re welcome and Please in German Language, but do you know it also has another meaning, which is “pardon”? Shocking right? Let’s know!

It is used when someone says something, and you missed listening to it or didn’t catch up on time. Thus, there is a chance you may want to listen to what they said again. Hence, in this case, you may be required to use bitte here. You can either ask bitte? or Wie bitte?

These are the different meanings of bitte or please in German Language. Hence, it is essential to use the right form at the right place in your conversation. Now, let’s understand the informal and formal ways of using the please word in the German language.

Formal vs. Informal Use of Bitte

There are many different ways of How to say please in German but using it in off-beam may sound weird and change the meaning of the sentence. Thus, learners must know the right way to use please in German in formal and informal ways. Therefore, here is the table that will help you know where to use a bitte in any surroundings. So, let’s have a look.

Formal Way to Use Please in German

The formal way of saying please in German language is used mostly in professional environments. Thus, understand this example and employ it in your daily life to learn German in a simple manner.

Können Sie bitte die Tür schließen?Can you please close the door?
Wären Sie so freundlich, mir die Datei per E-Mail zu senden?Would you be kind enough to email me the file?
Darf ich bitte in die Klasse eintreten?May I please enter the class?
Ich bitte Sie, die Matheaufgabe vor Unterrichtsende zu lösen.I ask you to solve the math problem before the end of class.
Würden Sie so freundlich sein, die Rechnung zu berechnen?Would you be so kind as to calculate the bill?

Informal Way of Using Please in German

When using please in German in a casual environment or with friends and family, use the informal way of saying the below-mentioned German phrases. Thus, it will give you an outline of using this slang in an informal environment. So, let’s have a look.

Kannst du bitte Aufgabe bitte für mich erledigen?Can you please complete the task for me?
Bitte schalten Sie die Musik leiser aus!Please turn the music down!
Ich bitte Sie, mir die Projektnotizen zu gebenI request you to give me the project notes
Mach das doch bitte für mich!Please do that for me!
Darf ich mir bitte Ihr neues Telefon ansehen?May I please take a look at your new phone?

These are some of the examples of using please in German in a formal and informal manner. Thus, understand this table and use it in your daily conversation to become a professional German speaker. Now let’s navigate a few tips that will assist you in using this phrase effectively and help you practice.

Tips to Learn Please in German

Here are a few tips that will help you to learn different ways of saying Please in German and help in practicing this slang in your everyday talks. 

  1. Try to pronounce “bitte” and different variants in the right way. Use spell format to understand the pronunciation of please in German.
  2. Watch German content with subtitles to learn the proper way to use “bitte” in German.
  3. Start composing German phrases and sentences by using please.
  4. Use mnemonics and try to contextualize the German language.
  5. Lastly, practice is the key, so do it regularly, both in formal and informal settings

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


In short, please in German means “bitte,” which is used in many ways of interaction according to the different states. It is the basic German phrase used to understand this language at the initial level. However, remember that bitte has two other meanings except please i.e., welcome and pardon. Thus, practice is the major key to becoming a perfect German speaker. Besides, if you want to learn more basic German words or the entire language, you can enroll in German online coaching offered by Gradding. They provide advanced classes taught by professionals to make students experts in this.


Does German have a word for "please"?

Yes! “bitte” is the German word for please that is most versatile to use in various situations.

Is bitte please or thank you?

Please in German means bitte, but it also means you’re welcome in German that is said while responding to any thank you. 

How to say please politely in German

To say please politely in German you can use

  • Können Sie bitte…? (Could you please…?)
  • Dürfte ich bitte…? (May I please…?)
  • Kannst du bitte…? (Can you please…?)

What are the different ways to say “please” in German?

Answer: There are several ways to say “please” in German such as

  • Können Sie bitte…? (Could you please…?)
  • Würden Sie so freundlich sein…? (Would you be so kind to…?)
  • Dürfte ich bitte…? (May I please…?)
  • Kannst du bitte…? (Can you please…?)
  • Mach das doch bitte. (Please just do that.)
  • Ich bitte Sie! – (I ask you please!)
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