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Different Ways to Say Sorry in German According to Situation

Just think you are in a German-speaking country, interacting with native speakers and make a mistake in pronouncing anything wrong. Or you mispronounce someone’s name incorrectly or do something considered rude. Just like other non-natives, you will say sorry, right? But it may create a false impression.

Thus, don’t worry and start learning different ways to say sorry in German. It helps to create a good impression and is easy to communicate with others. Therefore, read our blog in which we have articulated various ways to say sorry in German in any situation. So buckle up and get ready to dig into this journey to explore several types of saying entschuldigung in German.

Explore different ways to sorry in German |

Table of Contents

Common Types of Saying Sorry

Germany is a well-known country famous for its landscape and colleges. Many individuals come here either for travelling, study, or job purposes. But, what if you don’t know the basics of the German language? Yes, it plays a crucial role in communication. Hence, it is vital to know some basic words such as sorry, please, thank you, etc, which is a kind of greeting, used to apologise for making any mistake. Thus, in this section, you will explore the common type of sorry in German along with variants of saying those in different ways. So have a look.

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1. Excuse Me 

Excuse me means “Entschuldige is a formal way of saying sorry in German language. This is mainly used with those people whom you know. Moreover, you can use this word in formal and informal situations by saying “Entschuldigen Sie”. It also has many take-ups of saying this phrase. Thus, below is the table of sorry in different way,s highlighting the various variants of saying excuse me instead of sorry. So have a look.

Excuse me, pleaseEntschuldigung, bitte
Sorry, can I get by?Entschuldigung, darf ich mal durch?
May I?Dürfte ich?
Watch out!Achtung!

2. Pardon

Pardon is another common type of saying I am sorry in German, it is a small way to apologise to anyone. In addition, this expression expresses sympathy regarding the mistake and not repeating it. Thus, the pardon translates to “Verzeihen Sie” or you can also say “Entschuldigung”. Therefore, this variation of saying sorry in German has many alternatives. So have a look at the table

Pardon? (very formal)Pardon?
Huh? (Colloquial)Häh?
Excuse me?Wie bitte?
Sorry I didn’t hear thatEntschuldigung, das habe ich nicht gehört
Sorry I didn’t catch thatEntschuldigung, das habe ich nicht verstanden
Sorry, could you please repeat that?Entschuldigung, könntest du/könnten Sie das wiederholen?
I’m sorry, I still didn’t get thatEntschuldigung, ich habe es immer noch nicht verstanden
I beg your pardonWie meinen?

3. A Simple Sorry

The last one is a really common variation of saying sorry in German language. This word is used in every situation, whether you have done it intentionally or not. A simple sorry word is enough to acknowledge the mistakes you have made. This word is often used by the travellers in every sentence of their conversation when they are not able to understand anything.

Thus, sorry in German is Entschuldigung or you can use a more informal way “Tschuldigung”. However, you will see many natives using the sorry words in their daily conversation rather than the translated ones.  Thus, here is the table of how to say sorry in German in different ways.

I’m truly sorryEs tut mir ehrlich Leid
I’m really sorryEs tut mir wirklich Leid
I’m very sorryEs tut mir sehr Leid
I feel terrible, I’m so sorry.Ich fühl mich furchtbar, es tut mir so Leid
I’m so sorry, that was thoughtless of meEs tut mir so Leid, ich habe nicht nachgedacht
I’m sorry that I hurt youEs tut mir Leid, dass ich dich verletzt habe
I’m very sorry for the way I behavedEs tut mir sehr Leid, wie ich mich verhalten habe
That was wrong of meDas war falsch von mir
I apologizeIch entschuldige mich
I was out of lineDas stand mir nicht zu

This was all about the common types of saying sorry in German in a general way. Now, in the next section, let’s explore saying diverse types of sorry according to different situations. So, let’s have a look.

Also read: Hello in German

Apologizing in Different Situations

When you want to apologize for making mistakes in a different country like Germany, then the language barrier is the biggest wall that adds an extra layer of difficulty. Thus, we understand that it is not an easy task to learn German, but if you follow the accurate format and use the ideal phrases for saying sorry in German, you can easily get forgiveness. Thus, in this section, you will discover how to say “I am sorry in German” according to different situations. So, have a look at the following section.

1. Formal Way of Saying Sorry in German

Imagine it's your first day in the office, you are late to a meeting and don’t know how to say sorry in German in a professional way. It can be a falling flat for you. But, worry not as we got you covered. Thus, there are many ways to say sorry in a formal way in places like offices, businesses or any professional setting. Therefore, in this section, explore saying sorry in different ways in a formal situation. So, let’s have a look.

Sorry for the late replyBitte entschuldigen Sie die verspätete Antwort
Please forgive the delayBitte entschuldigen Sie die Verzögerung
Please excuse our technical difficultiesBitte entschuldigen Sie unsere technischen Schwierigkeiten
My apologies you didn’t receive the report you requestedEs tut mir Leid, dass Sie den angeforderten Report noch nicht erhalten haben
I apologize for the confusionIch entschuldige mich für die Verwirrung
I’m sorry to bother youTut mir Leid, dass ich störe
Sorry I couldn’t attend the meetingEs tut mir Leid, dass ich nicht beim Meeting dabei sein konnte

2. Informal Way of Saying Sorry in German

Saying Sorry in a funny way to friends and family in German in an informal way can be acceptable. Moreover, here you do not need to use formal ways as they must be in a general and casual way. Thus, saying sorry in the right way can help you out whether you made a common mistake, hurt someone’s feelings, etc. Hence, this will help you express sorry easily and naturally. Thus, here are some of the examples of informal ways of saying sorry in German. So have a look:

Mein Fehler!My bad!
Oh, Entschuldigung!Oh, sorry!
Das war nicht meine Absicht!That wasn’t my intention!
Ich hab’s nicht so gemeint!I didn’t mean it that way!
Oh, das war dumm von mir.Oh, that was silly of me.

3. Apologizing for Small Mistakes vs. Big Mistakes

People make mistakes and from that onwards they learn a lesson to not repeat that error again. Thus, some mistakes are small and some are big, but they are easy to fix at the present point in time. However, in German expressing sorry in a correct way is important. A general "Tut mir leid" works for small mistakes, but bigger mistakes need more understanding. This section will help you express the right way to say sorry for any situation.

Small mistakes:

  • "Tut mir leid" (I’m sorry
  • "Entschuldigung" (excuse me)
  • “Das war mein Fehler” - It was my bad
  • “Ich war im Unrecht und ich muss mich entschuldigen” - I was wrong and I apologize
  • “Ich lag falsch” - I was wrong

Big mistakes:

  • "Es tut mir sehr leid" (I'm very sorry)
  • "Ich bitte um Verzeihung" (I apologize)
  • "Das tut mir wirklich leid" (I'm really sorry)

Apologizing in Advance

In a situation of delay in work and inconvenience, you sense you should apologise before the situation gets out of hand. So, in German, the saying "Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus" (I apologize in advance) shows dignity and respect. Thus, it helps in daily life and prevents misunderstanding. Therefore, in this section, we guide you on how to apologise in advance properly.

  • "Es tut mir im Voraus leid." (Translation: "I am sorry in advance.")
  • "Ich möchte mich im Voraus entschuldigen." (Translation: "I would like to say sorry in advance.")
  • "Entschuldigung im Voraus." (Translation: "Apology in advance.")

Hence, these variations are suitable and polite according to the situations where you foresee offering to apologize later or in advance for something that hasn’t occurred yet.

4. Nonverbal Ways to Convey Apologies

You must be wondering how a person can say sorry in German in a nonverbal way, right? But, yes you can say sorry through expressions. Thus, it encompasses emotions, feelings and intentions.  You might be amazed to know that German natives use body language, facial expressions and gestures to express their apologies. Thus, here are some of the nonverbal ways to do confessions in German

  • Nodding your head can highlight that individuals acknowledge their fault
  • Facial expressions like creating faces of being stressed, or sad. Thus, a frown expression can outline the feeling of remorse.
  • Active listening to another person, nodding in understanding, showing respect and regret for making mistakes.

This is the nonverbal way of saying sorry in German. It will help you to apologise without saying sorry. Now, let’s learn the trick to craft apologies in writing. 

Crafting Apologies in Writing

Writing apologies in written format demands careful selection of the right words to sincerely communicate. Moreover, you can’t use some of the verbal apologies as it lacks nonverbal cues. Thus, to craft an ideal written communication, use the below-stated examples.

“Ich schreibe Ihnen, um mein Bedauern über [specific event or situation] auszudrücken. Bitte wissen Sie, dass ich alles in meiner Macht stehende tun werde, um die Situation zu bereinigen.”“I’m writing to express my regret over [specific event or situation]. Please know I will do everything in my power to rectify the situation.”
Sehr geehrter Herr/Frau [Last Name], ich möchte mich aufrichtig für [specific mistake] entschuldigen. Es war nicht meine Absicht, und ich werde sicherstellen, dass es in Zukunft nicht mehr vorkommt.“Dear Mr./Mrs. [Last Name], I sincerely apologize for [specific mistake]. It was not my intention, and I will ensure it doesn’t happen in the future.”
“Liebe [Name], ich hoffe, du kannst mir verzeihen. Es war unüberlegt von mir und ich verspreche, in Zukunft vorsichtiger zu sein.”“Dear [Name], I hope you can forgive me. It was thoughtless of me, and I promise to be more careful in the future.”

This example can be used in many ways on how to say I am sorry in German. This can be used in various situations to write sincere apologies. Thus. Use these points and other variations of saying sorry in German to elevate your language skills.

This is the different ways to say entschuldigung in German according to the various situations. Now, in the next section, you will explore the rules for apologising for mistakes in German. So, let’s explore

 Have a look: Please in German

Rules for Apologizing for Mistakes in German

Germany is a rich cultural and historical country in Europe. They follow accurate greetings and some proper ways to greet anyone through communication. Thus, in any culture, apologising for mistakes is not all about well-mannered, but it reflects one’s character. Therefore, in this nation, saying entschuldigung in German is acknowledged a lot. Thus, below are the proper rules for apologising for errors in this country.

  1. Identify the mistake directly to respond to the mistake.
  2. Take responsibility and accountability for your mistake and use this variation of saying sorry in German language, such as “Ich habe einen Fehler gemacht.” (“I made a mistake.”) or “Das war mein Fehler.” (“That was my fault.”)
  3. Provide a solution to rectify your mistake after accepting it. For that you can say “Ich werde es sofort korrigieren.” (“I will correct it immediately.”)
  4. Express honest regret as sometimes, depending on the seriousness and type of the mistake, you may need to show how deeply you regret it. Thus, in this scenario, you can use this sorry in different variations - “Es war nicht meine Absicht…” (“It was not my intention to…”)    or “Ich bereue zutiefst, dass ich…” (“I deeply regret that I…”)
  5. Be conscious of the context as it is essential to modify your apology based on the circumstances at hand. Using the same Sorry in German language in different situations influences different meanings. Thus, be mindful of the distinct settings.

These are some of the rules that you should keep in mind to help you to say sorry in German language to apologise for your mistake.

Must read: Thank you in German


In a nutshell, in any language culture, saying sorry is deeply rooted in human characteristics to show regret, respect, and trust. Thus, if you are moving to German countries for any purpose, then you must know basic words and saying I am sorry in German is a major one. Thus, this guide provided you with many examples that will help you to use the right variation of saying sorry according to the situation. Thus, if you eagerly want to learn German way of saying sorry or have other plans to boost your language skills, then you must enrol in Gradding. They are the leading German online coaching. They will help you to become proficient German speakers.

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


1. How to apologise in Germany?

Answer: In German,” Ich entschuldige mich" means I apologise as in the Formal way and in the Informal Way "Tut mir leid!" means I’m sorry. Also, know that it may vary according to the situation. 

2. Does Bitte Means Sorry?

Answer: No, Bitte primarily means ‘please’ and also can be said as ‘you're welcome’. However, it is considered to be the go-to word that also means “pardon”. Thus. In German, sorry is said as “Entschuldigung" (excuse me) or "Tut mir leid" (I’m sorry).

3. What are the 5 ways to say Sorry in German?

Answer: Here are five ways to say sorry in German:

  • "Entschuldigung!" – (Excuse me!/Sorry!)
  • "Tut mir leid!" – (I’m sorry!)
  • "Es tut mir wirklich leid." – (I’m really sorry.)
  • "Ich entschuldige mich." – (I apologize.)
  • "Bitte verzeih mir." – (Please forgive me.)

4. Do Germans say pardon?

Answer: Yes, Germans do say pardon me translated to “Verzeihen Sie”. In German-speaking countries, people use the pardon me word to say sorry when they unintentionally make a mistake.

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