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14 Ways to Say Thank You in German with Pronunciation

A simple search will tell you that Thank You in German means “Danke”. However, there are many common ways to thank someone in German. You can use them in various contexts as thank you is one of the most commonly used phrases in German. This blog covers everything you need to know about, whether it's how to say thank you, their pronunciation, and how you can respond to “Thank You” if someone expresses their gratitude to you. Further, you will get to know about other commonly used phrases for saying thank you in German. Let us explore the 14 ways to say thank you in German below. 

Explore 14 ways to say “Thank you” in German |

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How Do You Say Thank You in German Language?

There are many different ways to say thank you in German. Only saying “Danke” might not seem sufficient every time. Several situations demand a politer or formal expression. This section will help you with 14 different ways to say thank you in German language along with their pronunciations below:

EnglishThank You in GermanPronunciation
ThanksDanke Dang+ke
Thank you very muchDanke Schön / Danke sehrDang+ke Shun / Dang+ke Zehr
Thank you, that’s very kind of youDanke, sehr aufmerksam Dang+ke, ZehrAwf+mek-saam
Many thanksVielen Dank Feelen Dang+ke    
Thank you kindlyHerzlichen Dank Herz+licken Dang+ke
Thank you in advanceVielen Dank im Voraus  FeelenDang+ke Im fuh+haus  
A thousand thanksTausend Dank Thousand Dang+ke
I thank you a lotIch danke Dir / Ihnen Vielmals Ish Dang+ke Deer
I cannot thank you enoughIch kann dir gar nicht genug danken Ish Cunn Deer Gaar Nish+t Genoog Daanken
Thank You, you tooDanke, gleichfalls Dang+ke Glaishfatz
Thank you very muchBesten Dank Best+nDang+ke     
I give you my thanksIch bedanke mich Ish Bedanke Mish
I would like to thank youIch möchte mich bedanken Ish Moshte Mish Bedanken
Thank you for...Danke Fur Dang+ke Fur

Now let's explore each way of saying thank you in German in detail.

1. Danke - (Thanks!)

Danke is one of the most commonly used expressions to thank someone in German. Like "thanks" in English, it is suitable for almost every situation and does not matter to whom you are talking to.

2. Danke Schön / Danke sehr- (Thank you very much!)

Normally saying thanks in German often doesn’t match the intensity of gratefulness you wish to express. Thus, you can use "Danke sehr" which means “Thank you very much”. It can be used in both formal and informal manner. However, it is a little more politer than “Danke”. You can also use "Danke schön" which also means "Thank you very much". It is also a complete sentence. Hence, it is all you need to say after someone does something nice for you.

3. Danke, sehr aufmerksam (Thank you, that’s very kind of you!)

When you have to respond to someone going a bit out of the way just to help you, you can use the phrase “Danke, sehr aufmerksam” which means "Thank you, that's very kind of you". it is a great way of conveying that their actions mean a lot to you and you are thankful for their effort.

4. Vielen Dank (Many thanks!)

This one is similar to Danke schön in terms of expressing gratitude in German. You can also use it instead of Danke in almost all situations as it is thank you in German formal and informal settings.

Also Read: Alphabets in German

5. Herzlichen Dank (Thank you kindly)

When you want to say thank you by heart, you must use “Herzlichen Dank”. Hence, the word “Herz” means heart in the German language. Herzlichen Dank usually means thank you from the heart and you will often find it written with a heart emoji (when written in an informal setting).

6. Vielen Dank im Voraus (Thank you in advance!)

When you ask someone for a favor, you tend to thank them in advance. For such situations, the most appropriate phrase for saying thank you in German will be “Vielen dank im voraus”. The most appropriate way to use this is while typing an E-mail.

7. Tausend Dank (A thousand thanks!)

Hopefully, you will get a time when you will want to thank someone over and over for what they do for you. For such situations, you can use "Tausend dank" where the word "Tausend" means Thousand in German. For example, thank you a thousand times will go as Tausend Dank.

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8. Ich danke Dir / Ihnen Vielmals (I thank you a lot!)

What makes this one different from other ways of saying thank you in German is that this one is a complete sentence which means “I thank you a lot” or "thanks a lot" in English.  Moreover, you can use it in formal or informal conversations. For formal, you have to change “Dir” to “Inhen” or can say “Inhen Vielmals”.

9. Ich kann dir gar nicht genug danken (I cannot thank you enough!)

Sometimes, a single act can bring a significant positive change in your life—a rare but impactful moment. It’s important to express gratitude the right way, like saying, “Ich kann dir gar nicht genug danken!” which means “I can’t thank you enough”.

Also Read: Months in German

10. Danke, gleichfalls (Thank You, you too!)

When someone wishes you well and encourages you with phrases like “All the best” or “Have a good day,” you can use “Danke, gleichfalls” which means "Thank You, You too" It is because you wish the same for that person.

11. Besten Dank (Thank you very much!)

When you want to thank someone but also don’t want to sound overly excited, you can use, “Besten Dank”. This is another common way of saying thank you in German.

12. Ich bedanke mich (I give you my thanks)

Another complete phrase for saying thank you in German language is “Ich bedanke mich” which means "I thank you" or "I give you my thanks". You can use it upon receiving money for a product or a service you offer. This is rarely used among friends in German.

13. Ich möchte mich bedanken (I would like to thank you)

The modal verb möchte is used to express a wish. Ich möchte mich bedanken depicts your intense desire to thank the other person and increases the value of your words. You can use this phrase with anyone, from your boss to a friend to a total stranger.

14. Danke Fur (Thank you for...)

Danke Fur is one of the most common ways of expressing gratitude in German. It is also incomplete, and the phrase can be completed by stating exactly what you are thankful for. You will need to know a few more German words to finish this phrase. For Example: Thank you for birthday wishes can be pronounced as "Vielen Dank für die Geburtstagswünsche".

Also Read: How to Say You’re Welcome in German?

How Do You Respond to “Thank You” in German?

Do you ever wonder what if you are the person being thanked in a conversation? You must know how to say You’re welcome in German in an appropriate way! One of the most used phrases to respond to “Thank you” in German is “Bitte”. It means “You’re welcome!”. However, as you noted, there is more than one way of thanking in German. Similarly, the response depends on the type of “Thank you” you receive. Here are some common ways to respond to gratitude in German

Bitte (You’re welcome!)

This is equal to Danke and is most commonly used to respond to thank you.

Pronunciation: Bittuh

Bitte schön (You’re very welcome!)

With a little more emphasis in your response, you can say “Bitte schön”. It is more polite than “Bitte”, being a good response to thank you in German formal tone.

Pronunciation: Bittuh shun

Gerne geschehen (My pleasure!)

It is used exactly the way its English translation is used. It is appropriate for formal and informal situations.

Pronunciation: Gyaan Gasheen

Kein problem (No problem)

You can also say “No problem” in response to someone thanking you. It is called “Kein problem” in German.

Pronunciation: Kaain Phobleem

Jederzeit (Any time!)

This one is a friendly response to thank you and can also be used in formal settings.

Pronunciation: Yeh+dat+sait

Daily Life Phrases in German Language

Let us also look at some commonly used phrases in the German language to learn better use of “Thank you”. This will expand your knowledge and help you learn the German language:

I thank him for my life.Ich danke ihm mein Leben.
I'll order that later, thank you.Das bestelle ich später, danke schön.
Thank you very much for your confirmation.Vielen Dank für deine Bestätigung
Thank you very much for the beautiful flowers!Herzlichen Dank für die schönen Blumen!
I would be happy to be invited to an interview. Thank you in advance! Über eine Einladung zum Bewerbungsgespräch würde ich mich freuen. Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Thank you so much for believing in me and my work.Tausend Dank, dass du an mich und meine Arbeit glaubst.
I thank you for your redemptive work through many generations.Ich danke dir für dein erlösendes Wirken durch viele Generationen.
Commissioner, I thank you for your persistence in this matter.Frau Kommissarin, ich bedanke mich für Ihr Drängen in dieser Angelegenheit.
I would like to thank you for healing my animals.Ich möchte mich bedanken bei Ihnen für die Heilung meiner Tiere.
Thanks for the lovely gift.Danke für das schöne Geschenk.


To sum up, thank you in German is one of the most commonly used phrases. Hence, as a student, employee, or even a tourist, you must know its variations with correct usage and pronunciation. There are levels of learning the German language: from A1 to C2, C2 being for proficient users. The best way to learn German is to join a German online coaching program. Moreover, you can also access online resources for the same. Happy learning!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How Do You Say “Thank You” in German Politely?

Danke in German means thanks or thank you. However, if you want to make it more polite or express more, you can say Vielen danke meaning many thanks or Tausend Dank (A thousand thanks). This is how to say thank you in German in polite and friendly ways.

Q2. Do German People Use “OK”?

You will be surprised to know that Germans often use “OK” like we use it in English. Moreover, they also use the variations of “OK” such as “Okay” and “ok”.

Q3. What Are the Common Phrases in German for a Tourist?

As a tourist in Germany, you might find the following phrases useful, as they are used very commonly:

  1. Hallo (Hello)
  2. Danke (Thanks)
  3. Entschuldigung (Excuse me)
  4. Sorry (Sorry)
  5. Tschüss (Bye)
  6. Bitte (Please)

Q4. How Do I Say “Excuse Me” in German?

Excuse me is called “Entschuldigung” in German. It is pronounced as “ent+shul+di+gung”. Its purpose and usage is the same, of course.

Q5. What is “Bitte” in German?

The term “Bitte” has several meanings depending upon the situation and what it means. Some of the common meanings of the word Bitte in German are:

  1. Yes, please
  2. Here you go
  3. Go ahead
  4. May I help you
  5. Pardon Me?
  6. You’re welcome

The meaning and context of this word change as per the situation.

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