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25 German Tongue Twisters for Beginners and Experienced Learners

Are you familiar with the term Zungenbrecher? If not, and curious to find out what it means get ready to read this blog. This blog will introduce you to some of the fascinating German tongue twisters along with their English translations. Also, do not forget to get the tips at the end to learn these amazing twisters.

Know some beginner level German tongue twisters with expert tips |

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25 Common Tongue Twisters in German

The term that is used to describe a German tongue twister is Zungenbrecher, which literally translates to tongue breakers. There are different types of tongue twisters in German that can help you work on your pronunciation. For example, some of these involve the use of alliteration, and others can be palindromes. Hence, the following are some of the German tongue twisters with English translation that are common among the natives.

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1. Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut

Translation: A wedding gown remains a wedding gown, and red cabbage remains red cabbage

The quick switch between the bl- and br- sounds challenges the speaker. Moreover, German speakers usually roll their r, which is uncommon in English.

2. Der Cottbusser Postkutscher putzt den CottbusserPostkutschkasten

Translation: The coachman of Cottbus cleans the stagecoach carrier of Cottbus

There are various consonant sounds included in this tongue twister, such as sch, k, tsch, and ck.

3. Achtzig alte Ameisen aßen am Abend achtzig Ananas

Translation: Eighty old ants ate eighty pineapples in the evening

If you wish to practice saying the German sound of ah, then this is the right tongue twister for you.

4. Fünf Fliegen auf einem Felsen, fünf Fliegen fliegen fort

Translation: Five flies on a rock, five flies fly away

It is one of those German tongue twisters that is full of alliterations. This one consists of the various f, fl, and ff sounds.

5. Lang schwang der Klang am Hang entlang

Translation: The sound resonated for a long along the slope

The last part of this tongue twister is the trickiest as you need to say entlang and not antlang.

6. Müller, mahl mir mein Mehl, meine Mutter will mir heute Mehlbrei machen

Translation: Miller, give me my flour. My mother wants to cook porridge for me today

In this tongue twister, Deutsch to switch between the vowel sounds you will need to use your lips and tongue.

7. Kluge kleine Katzen kratzen keine Krokodile, sondern kluge kleine Katzen kratzen kahle Kinnbacken

Translation: Clever little cats don't scratch crocodiles; instead, clever little cats scratch bald chins

Pronounce kluge as kloo-geh, kleine as klai-neh, and Katzen as kaht-sen. The kratzen and Krokodile should be pronounced as kraht-sen and kro-ko-dee-leh respectively.

8. Müller Lümmer frühstückt schüsselweise grünes Gemüse

Translation: Lümmer the miller eats green vegetables for breakfast by the bowlful

The German pronunciation of the tight ü sounds in this tongue twister is quite challenging for most of the speakers.

9. Bürsten mit schwarzen Borsten bürsten besser als Bürsten mit weißen Borsten

Translation: Brushes with black bristles brush better than brushes with white bristles

Bürsten should be pronounced byoor-sten, and Borsten as bor-sten. The "ü" in Bürsten needs a rounded lips sound, same as the "u" in rue.

10. Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach

Translation: When flies fly behind flies then flies fly behind flies

To master this tongue twister Deutsch, you need to learn the word “fliegen” and it becomes easier. It further comprises the fl and f sounds.

11. Fischers Fritze fischte frische Fische

Translation: Fritz from the family Fischer fished fresh fish

This is a tongue twister ideal for practising the consonant sounds such as -sche and -scht that are used very commonly. Also, switching between the fri and fi sounds is hard.

12. Drei bärtige Reiter reiten rasend über graue Berge

Translation: Three bearded horsemen ride furiously over grey mountains

This is one of the German tongue twisters that will help you realise the difference between the soft and throat-clearing r sounds.

13. Im dichten Fichtendickicht sind dicke Fichten wichtig

Translation: In the dense spruce thicket, thick spruces are important

This tongue twister requires you to distinguish the ch sound from the ck sound. In addition, the ch sound is a guttural one which can be tough for non-native speakers.

14. Edes Jahr im Juli essen Julia und Jens Johannisbeeren

Translation: Every year in July, Julia and Jens eat redcurrants

The j sound in the German language is very similar to the y in English.

15. Biberacher Bierbrauer brauen beständig braunes BiberacherBockbier

Translation: Beer brewers from Biberach consistently brew brown Bock beer from Biberach

This tongue twister will help you work on your br- and b- sounds.

16. Urcht vor Fruchtfleisch führt zu Flucht vor Fruchtfleisch

Translation: Fear of fruit pulp leads to flight from fruit pulp

This is one of the tongue twisters that have subtle consonant sounds and open vowel sounds after the f. It also comprises the u and ü sound.

17. Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenzweigen sitzen zwei zwitschernde Schwalben

Translation: Two chirping swallows sit between two plum branches

This tongue twister makes use of the sch and zw sounds from the language.

18. Der faule Paul klaut blaue Pflaumen vom Baum

Translation: Lazy Paul steals blue plums from the tree

The au sound in this German tongue twister is similar to the ow sound in the English language. 

19. Dem Müllmann sein Mümmelmann mümmelt an dem Müll dran. An dem Müll dran mümmelt der Mümmelmann vom Müllmann

Translation: The garbage man’s bunny nibbles on the trash

The term mummelmann is used to refer to rabbits in German and mummeln means food.

20. Ein Soldat mit stumpfen Stiefeln saß auf einem spitzen Stein und starrte stundenlang die stillen stummen Sternlein an

Translation: A soldier with blunt boots sat on a pointy rock and stared at the silent stars for hours

This is the German tongue twister that challenges you with the sh- and s- sounds.

21. Wir Wiener Waschweiber würden weiße Wäsche waschen, wennwir wüssten, wo warmes Wasser wäre

Translation: We Viennese washerwomen would wash white laundry if we knew where there was hot water

The term weib is taken from the old German language and refers to a woman or wife. Moreover, the tongue twister is full of w sound in between vowels.

22. Schnecken erschrecken, wenn sie an Schnecken schlecken, weilzum Schrecken vieler Schnecken Schnecken nicht schmecken

Translation: Snails are frightened when they lick snails because – to the horror of many snails – snails do not taste good

If you want to practice saying the schr- and schn- sounds, then you can focus on this tongue twister.

23. Ein chinesisches Schüsselschiff mit chinesischemSchüsselgeschirr schippert geschwind durch die schimmernde Schilfsee

Translation: A Chinese bowl ship with Chinese bowl dishes swiftly sails through the shimmering reed sea

This is one of the hardest tongue twisters in German for which you will need to sharpen up your s, sch and ch pronunciations.

24. Zwei Astronauten kauten und kauten während sie blaugrüneMondsteine klaubten

Translation: Two astronauts chewed and chewed while they collected blue-green moonstones

The au in Astronauten and Mondsteine should be pronounced as ow in cow. Also, ensure to emphasize the r in während and say blaugrüne as blow-groo-neh, with a rolled r.

25. er Grubengräber gräbt die Gruben.

Graben Grabengräber Gruben?

Graben Grubengräber Gräben?


Grabengräber graben Gräben.

Grubengräber graben Gruben

Translation: The gravedigger digs graves.

Do ditch diggers dig graves?

Do gravediggers dig ditches?


Gravediggers dig graves.

Ditch diggers dig ditches.

This is among the German tongue twisters with a lot of vowel sounds. Moreover, the umlaut (◌̈) on “a” changes the sound from ah to ay.

Tips for learning Tongue Twisters

If you are also ready to learn these twisters to amaze your friends with your German skills, then here are a set of tips and tricks that can help you with the above German tongue twisters and more:

  • Do not rush through the pronunciation of the sounds while speaking them.
  • You need to focus on the individual sound so that you can get clarity.
  • You can also break the German sentences into parts so that it is easy for you to pronounce them.
  • You can also practice saying these twisters with a friend.
  • Lastly, the more you repeat these twisters, the more you will become familiar with the sounds that are used in German.

The tongue twister not only helps you with pronunciation but also enhances your vocabulary for structuring German sentences with ease. So, make sure to not forget them when learning a new language.

Main Reasons Why you should Study in Germany


On the whole, if you are also curious and want to learn German, then you can take the help of these tongue twisters to enhance your skills. In addition to that, to understand the various aspects of this language, you can also take the German online coaching for the various levels (A1 to C2). For further details on this, you can also consult our expert mentors and counsellors.

Suggested reads: 


What is the most famous German tongue twister?

One of the most famous German tongue twister with English translation is “Fischers Fritze fischte frische Fische” meaning Fritz from the family Fischer fished fresh fish.\

What is the German Z tongue twister?

One of the hardest German tongue twisters with the sound Z is “Am zehnten zehnten um zehn Uhr zehn zogen zehn zahme Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo.” It translates to On October 10, at 10.10am, 10 game goats pulled 10 centners of sugar to the zoo.

How effective are tongue twisters?

The various twisters can help improve your German pronunciation and fluency. They also help to improve your accent with the help of alliterations.

What is a simple German tongue twister?

A few of the easy tongue twisters in German for beginners include the following:

Tongue TwisterTranslation
Lang schwang der Klang am Hang entlangThe sound vibrates slowly along the slope
In Ulm, um Ulm, um Ulm herumIn Ulm, around Ulm, all around Ulm
Acht alte Ameisen aßen am Abend AnanasEight old ants ate pineapples in the evening
Bierbrauer Bauer braut braunes BierBrewer Bauer brews brown beer

What are the rules for tongue twisters?

The rules that you can follow for tongue twisters include:

  • Start by saying the twister slowly, and then speed up
  • Once you can say it properly, repeat it for a bigger challenge.
  • Try to say the consonants together.
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