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How to Use Complex Sentences for IELTS Writing?

Complex sentences are two or more simple sentences that are joined together by using a subordinate conjunction. However, acing the IELTS exam requires competency in different types of sentence structures. Thus, using complex sentences correctly can boost your scores. So, this blog will explain everything in detail that you need to know about complex sentences for IELTS to score well.

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What Are Complex Sentences?

A complex sentence is a type of sentence that contains one independent clause along with at least one dependent clause. Here the independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a complete sentence and deliver a complete thought. On the other hand, dependent clause cannot stand alone and deliver a complete thought. However, many times in IELTS writing or speaking, a complex sentence is taken as its name "complex" that means complicated. But this is a misconception that leads to scoring less in IELTS test.

A complex sentence is often used in IELTS to elaborate or clarify the main idea by combining two or more simple sentences. In other words, in IELTS speaking or writing task, complex sentences display a higher level of grammar proficiency. Thus, they are essential for achieving better scores, as they combine ideas and express them in a more sophisticated manner. 

So, till now, you must have got an overview of what complex sentences are for IELTS or in English language.

Complex Sentence Types and Examples

There are different types of complex sentences, and knowing which can help you in understanding them better. Here are the explanations of complex sentence types and examples to make you perceive them better:

Subordinate Clause Sentences

Complex sentences with subordinate clauses are a vital part of expressing complex thoughts in writing. A subordinate clause can describe a noun and pronoun and describe verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Moreover, this connects an independent clause with a dependent clause. To do this, it uses words like because, as, while, although, until, even, when, and if.

Examples of Subordinate Clause Sentences

  • If she win the price, I will buy her a new puzzle game. 
  • Since the sun will shine today, we will go to the park. 
  • When he was sick, his professor gave the test.

Relative Clause Sentences

Complex sentences with relative clauses that are also known as adjective clauses, provide additional information about a noun in the main or independent clause. These clauses are introduced by the relative pronouns. These include who, whom, whose, which, and that. You can use relative clauses to give essential or additional information about a person, place, or thing.

Examples of Relative Clause Sentences

  • Michel, who is 86, has just retired. 
  • We had burgers and fries, which I always enjoy. 
  • The cyclist who won the race trained hard. 

Compound Sentences

The compound clause with complex sentences consists of two or more independent clauses joined together using coordinating conjunctions or semicolons. These are also known as "if clauses" as they are used to express the action in the main clause. Besides, they can only take place if a certain condition is met.

Examples of Compound Sentences

  • I tried to speak German, and my friend tried to speak French. 
  • She watched movie, and he cooked dinner. 
  • I and my brother got sunburned while I was eating candy. 

Complex Sentence Fusion

Complex sentence fusion includes combining two separate sentences into a single complex sentence. This is done by transforming one of them into a single subordinate clause. Thus, this technique is used to create more concise sentences.

Examples of Complex sentence Fusion

  • I couldn't go to the dinner because I was feeling sick.
  • The book that you lent me was really interesting.
  • Even though it was hot, we decided to go for a ride.

So, till now, you have learned about the different types of complex sentences for IELTS, along with their examples. Thus, this must have made your confusion clear.

How to form Complex Sentences Correctly?

As you know, the complex sentence structure for IELTS includes at least an independent clause along with one dependent clause. These clauses are then connected by subordinating conjunctions or relative pronouns. However, to form a correct complex sentence, you need to read ahead.

Structure of a Complex Sentence

A complex sentence consists of:

  • An independent clause is a complete thought that can stand alone.
  • One or more dependent clauses – incomplete thoughts that rely on the independent clause.


"Although it was raining, we continued playing outside."

Independent clause: We continued playing outside.

Dependent clause: Although it was raining.

How to Connect Clauses?

There are two main ways to connect clauses in a complex sentence:

  • Using Subordinating Conjunctions

These words introduce dependent clauses and show relationships such as cause, time, condition, or contrast.

  • Using Relative Pronouns

These pronouns connect a dependent (relative) clause to the main sentence, adding extra information.

So, this was the process or the approach to follow for forming a complex sentence correctly.

Examples of Complex Sentences for IELTS Writing & Speaking

After understanding the meaning and the approach of complex sentences, it is time to explore some examples to make it clearer.

Examples of Complex Sentences for IELTS Writing

To understand the complex sentences better for the writing task section of IELTS, you need to explore some examples:

  • Students who study consistently tend to perform better in exams.
  • If governments regulate social media effectively, it could reduce cyberbullying and misinformation.
  • Although many countries have taken steps to reduce carbon emissions, global temperatures continue to rise.
  • If governments impose higher taxes on sugary drinks, obesity rates might decrease significantly.
  • Since remote work has become more common, companies are rethinking their office spaces and work policies.
  • If public transport were more efficient and affordable, fewer people would rely on private cars, reducing traffic congestion.

Examples of Complex Sentences for IELTS Speaking

To understand the complex sentences better for the speaking section of IELTS, you need to explore some examples:

  • Although studying abroad can be expensive, it provides students with a global perspective.
  • As online shopping becomes more popular, traditional retail stores are struggling to survive.
  • Although electric cars are expensive, they are better for the environment in the long run.
  • If more people practiced meditation, there would be less stress in society.
  • A good salary is important, but I believe job satisfaction matters even more.
  • Many people enjoy travelling alone since it allows them to explore new places at their own pace.

These were some of the examples of complex sentences in IELTS that you must have understood.

Importance of Complex Sentences in IELTS

Using complex sentences in your IELTS test will showcase your ability to express ideas in a more simple and sophisticated manner. Besides, it also displays your command of grammar and vocabulary. However, there are several other reasons for which you need to use these sentences, that are enlisted:

Demonstrates Language Proficiency

When you use complex sentences by using independent clauses with one or more dependent clauses, it shows your capability to handle sophisticated grammatical structures.

Enhances Coherence and Cohesion

Complex sentences will help you to link ideas smoothly. Besides, it also makes your writing and speaking more coherent and cohesive

and easier to follow or understand. 

Displays Command of Grammar and Vocab

When you construct complex sentences accurately, it demonstrates your understanding of grammar rules and a wider range of vocabulary. Besides, it also allows you to convey more complex ideas.

Improves Sentence Variety

By adding complex sentences to your answers along with simple and compound phrases gives them an interesting appeal.

Higher Band Scores

When you use complex sentences accurately, you display a higher level of language ability, which leads to higher IELTS scores. 


Preparing well for complex sentences will help you in both the IELTS writing and speaking sections. However, you need to use them wisely, as they can increase your chances of scoring higher on the IELTS test. Moreover, you can take the IELTS writing mock test and the IELTS speaking mock test to excel in both sections. Besides, if you face any issues, then enrolling in our classes is the best solution.


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