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Describe A Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions - IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS Speaking exam often presents personal and reflective questions, and one that you may encounter is: "Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions." This question invites you to talk about someone in your life who has a unique way of thinking, offers insightful perspectives, or is known for having creative ideas. Answering this question requires you to describe not only the person but also to reflect on what makes their ideas or opinions stand out. You need to showcase your speaking abilities while providing a detailed, engaging response. In this blog, we’ll explain how to structure your answer and give you some sample responses to help you prepare for the exam.

Describe A Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions - IELTS Cue Card |

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS cue Cards

In IELTS cue cards, you need to speak on a particular topic. This topic or question, you get them in the form of a prompt. You will get a minute to think about what you will be speaking for the next 2 minutes. You will get two minutes to respond and speak about the topic in the prompt.

Moreover, the question’s topic can be about your personal experiences or beliefs and opinions. Besides, the IELTS speaking part 2 is also called the IELTS cue cards. An IELTS cue card is to assess your ability to articulate your ideas and brainstorming.

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How to answer the Cue Card?

Firstly, you should be aware of the exam format so that you can prevent errors in IELTS speaking part 2. You have to think fast and be quick with framing answers as you will only have a minute to do all this. Moreover, you will not get a choice to switch the cue card. However, you will get a pen and a paper to write down your key ideas and format them in order. Besides, you will also need good speaking skills. Thus, this blog covers the sample answers to the cue card topic, "Describe a Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions"

  • Who is the person?
  • How do you know the person?
  • What interesting ideas or opinions does this person have?
  • And explain why his or her idea are amazing?

Let's learn how your potential cue card on "Describe a Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions" will look. Refer to the image below.

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Describe a Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions - Sample 1

Here is the first sample to help you understand how to answer “describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions” IELTS cue card


I would like to talk about my colleague called Varsha. She is a source of optimism and intriguing perspectives.

Who is The Person?

I met her an year ago at my workplace. I was fortunate enough to have her on my team. As we were working on the same project and she happened to be senior, I got to interact with her for my doubts. Her innovative nature and passion for solving problems, and finding constructive solutions always amazed me.

How Do You Know the Person?

When our project ended, she was always professionally connected to all the members of the team. Thus, we often met outside the working hours and became good work buddies.

What Interesting Ideas or Opinions Does This Person Have?

Varsha is very fond of reading and learning about early philosophers. Thus, all her opinions that involve life and the way of living ignite flames of passion in me and everyone listening. Her perspectives come from being curious about every daily life encounter.

Explain Why His or Her Ideas are Amazing?

Her expressive nature and convincing ideas always light up gatherings and even official meetings. I believe her ability to perceive matters distinctly makes her unique and her company adorable.


In conclusion, Varsha is a diligent person who can inspire minds and curate innovation and work as a team with a diversity of personalities.

Describe a Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions - Sample 2

Here is the second sample to help you understand how to answer “describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions” IELTS cue card.


I would like to introduce you to my friend Abhay. He is a creative person who has a knack for solving problems in the most passionate way possible.

Who is The Person?

The person I am talking about was one of my immediate allies in college. We were partners in a debate competition.

How Do You Know the Person?

We met in the first year of university. We exchanged our ideas on our respective projects.

What Interesting Ideas or Opinions Does This Person Have?

Abhay believes that every problem brings a solution and a lesson with itself. Besides, he also regards inconveniences as opportunities to rectify our perception of them. Thus, he inspires me to see my problems as possibilities.

Explain Why His or Her Ideas are Amazing?

He reflects upon his beliefs and always shares them with the people who need it. Moreover, this not only makes people witness the power of optimism but also persuades them to adopt his practices.


To conclude, Abhay understands the difference between the things he likes to do and the things he should be doing. Hence, as per the demand of the situations, he chooses and acts accordingly.

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Describe a Person Who Always Has Interesting Ideas or Opinions- Sample 3

Here is the third sample to help you understand how to answer “describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions” IELTS cue card


We come across many people wherever we go. However, some have the ability to leave a spark behind when they leave. Avani, my college mate, is one such person.

Who is The Person?

Avani was my batch mate in university and we share a ton of memories of that time. We were together for almost all of our college life. Hence, the bond between us strengthened with time.

How Do You Know the Person?

I know about her since the first day of our orientation session at university. She is an outspoken person with a mature aura and personality. I was pleased to have her in my class and even more delighted to have her beside me to guide me as a friend.

What Interesting Ideas or Opinions Does This Person Have?

I would like to talk about various aspects of her thought processes which I realized with time, were so rare to find. Her intelligence while dealing with a problem related to her personal life always made me and those around her wonder if we can ever achieve this level of sanity. Secondly, we used to be mesmerized by the fact that despite being very forthright, her estimation of the correct place and time were almost always apt. She revealed that all this comes from having a good emotional quotient and empathy.

Explain Why His or Her Ideas are Amazing?

I believe Avani never noticed how her perspective helped others see and hear things differently. She taught many of us how not to take everything too personally and let life flow.


My tone might sound that of an obsession, but, learning from those around you can make you ponder upon your actions and always lead to better decision making.

Lexical Resources

Optimism The feeling and belief that the future will be good and successful.
Intriguing Something interesting and making someone wanting to know more.
Perspectives The way of thinking about or and understanding something.
Workplace A place where people work such as an office or a factory.
Fortunate In simple words, lucky.
Innovative Something or someone with a new idea or a method to do something.
Passion A very strong feeling.
Constructive something useful or helpful.
Amazed Some surprised or someone having difficulty to believe in something.
Professionally In a way that shows great sill and experience.
Philosophers A person who has developed a set of ideas and belief about the meaning of life.
Ignite To start burning or to make something start burning.
Curious Wanting to know or learn something.
Encounter To experience something (unexpectedly)
Expressive Showing feelings or thoughts.
Convincing Able to make somebody believe something.
Gatherings A time when people come together for a common cause.
Perceive To notice or realize something.
Distinctly clearly or very particularly.
Their Company Someone being with you for a certain time.
Adorable Someone easy to feel love for.
Diligent Showing effort and care in your work and duties.
To Curate To organize and present something.
Diversity The wide variety of something.
Creative Involving the use of skill or imagination to make or do new things.
Has a knack of a clever or skillful way of doing something or a natural talent that someone has.
Passionate Showing or caused by very strong feelings.
Immediate Happening or done without delay.
Allies A country that has an agreement to support another country, especially in a war.
Exchanged To give or receive something in return for else.
Regards To think of somebody or something.
Inconveniences troubles or difficulties, especially when it affect something that you need to do.
Rectify To correct something that is wrong.
Perception The ability to notice or understand something.
Inspires To make somebody want to do or create something.
Possibilities The fact that something might exist or happen but is not likely to.
Reflects To show or express something or to think deeply and carefully about something you do or say.
Witness A person who sees something happen and who can tell other people about it later.
Persuades To make somebody o something by giving him or her good reasons.
Adopt To take or use something.
Spark An exciting quality that somebody or something has.
Bond Something that joins 2 or more people or groups of people together, such as the feeling of friendship.
Strengthened To become stronger or to make something stronger.
Orientation The type of aims or interests that a person or organization has; the act of directing your attention or aim towards a particular thing.
Outspoken Saying exactly what you think or feel although you may shock or upset other people.
Aura A distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source.
Delighted Extremely pleased and excited about something.
Thought processes The process of using your mind to consider something carefully.
Intelligence The ability to understand, learn, and think.
Forthright Saying exactly what you think in a clear and direct way.
Estimation Opinion or judgement based on observation.
Emotional Quotient Th ability to perceive, control, and manage one’s emotions effectively and appropriately in different situations.
Empathy The ability to imagine how another person is feeling and so understand his or her mood.
Obsession The state in which you can only think about one person or thing so that you cannot think of anything else.
Decision Making The process of making choices by identifying a decision, gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.
Thought Provoking Causing people to think seriously about something.
Insights The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of something or someone.
Observations The act of watching somebody or something carefully, especially to learn something.
Amusing Causing you to laugh or smile.
Celerity Rapidity, swiftness, and speed.
Inclusive Including or containing everything; including the thing mentioned.
Tendency Something that a person or think usually does; a way of behaving.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some follow up questions with answers for this IELTS cue card:

Q1. How does this person typically responds to challenges or different view points?

It is in their habit to accept the challenges and tackle different viewpoints from team members or partners. They never dismiss the ideas of others and always encourage others to speak their mind.

Q2. Can you describe a specific moment when you found this person’s ideas particularly thought provoking or insightful?

One was when they were approached with a certain technical problem in the project. They gave thought provoking insights on their personal observations. It was when we could not decide if their perspective was more amusing or the celerity of their brain.

Q3. How does this person encourage others to share their ideas and opinions?

Their behaviour always promotes an inclusive environment where all voices have the same volume. Moreover, they have the tendency to listen to others first and then keep their own ideas forward.

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Tips to excel in IELTS cue card

Here are a few tips to learn how to do better in IELTS cue card of the IELTS speaking section:

  1. Firstly, stay calm and focus only on the main topic given in the prompt. The pointers are to help you understand what you need to include in your answer.
  2. Secondly, maintain a level of vocabulary that fits your knowledge. Do not use words you are unsure of.
  3. Moreover, answer the question based on what you know. Do not try to mug up answers while preparing for this section.
  4. Furthermore, always develop a certain fluency and stick to that while not using too many fillers.
  5. Also, make phrases that are no abrupt and make sense. You can use idioms, yet, not too many.
  6. Lastly, if you will stick to the bullet points only, you might run out of points to speak about. Hence, it is better to improvise a bit.


To sum up, IELTS speaking section is a very easy section and it becomes easier with no need of maintaining an accent. Yes, its true! All you need is cohesion and pronunciation with good fluency. Make sure you enroll for FREE online IELTS Classes at Gradding if you are approaching them for study abroad services like visa, admission, counseling or more. They can assist you in all the parts of your study abroad journey: from looking for a college, course to seeking student accommodation in another country


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