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Describe a Positive Change in Your Life- IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS speaking section is designed to test your communication skills on everyday topics and common experiences. It has three parts. Part 1 talks about yourself, your family, and your hobbies. Further, in part 2 you will get a cue card to talk about a specific topic for 2 minutes. However, in this blog, we will be discussing the cue card topic “Describe a positive change in your life” along with the sample answers. Also, you will find the follow-up questions and tips to excel in the IELTS speaking part 2.

Describe a Positive Change in Your Life IELTS Cue Card|

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards

An IELTS cue card is a specific type of question in the speaking section. In this round, candidates are presented with a cue card or topic, along with some prompts or questions related to the topic. However, the purpose of these IELTS cue cards is to assess a candidate’s ability to speak fluently and coherently on a given subject. You will get one minute to prepare your thoughts on the answer, and two minutes to talk about it. Once you are done with the preparation, then you need to start speaking on the topic. Thus, the next section will let you know how to answer your cue card task.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

Once you receive your cue card topic, you must talk about the topic it provides by following a logical approach. However, you need to make sure that you are answering your cue card topic in the right way without going anywhere else. You can take your time to organize your thoughts. In addition, your answer must be assessed on the four criteria that are: Fluency and coherence, grammar, and pronunciation. By the end of IELTS speaking part 2, the examiner will get a rough idea of your score. Now let’s have a look below at the pointers that you need to cover up in your cue card topic.

The below given pointers must be covered in your cue card topic “Describe a Positive Change in Your Life.” They are as follows:

  • What was the change?
  • When did it happen?
  • How did it happen?
  • And explain why it was a positive change.

Let’s have a look at the below given image and see how your cue card will look like in the exam.

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Now we have looked at how the image looks like of the cue card in the speaking section. In the next section, you will see the three sample answers for the given cue card topic “Describe a positive change in your life.”

Describe a Positive Change in Your Life- Sample 1

Here is the first sample answer for the cue card “Describe a Positive Change in Your Life”. Read it to achieve a high band score.


Positive change is an initiative or move towards doing something better, whether in your personal life, within your community or in the world. Today I would like to talk about the positive change which changed my life in a better way.

What Was the Change?

Reading books or novels positively changed my life. I have always been fascinated by reading but I never got a chance to follow it. However, I had no problems studying my academic textbooks as I had to pass my exams at schools and colleges. But when I began to study fictional or non-fictional books, novels, and articles I was dazzled to know about such amazing things.

When Did It Happen?

This change happened about two years ago when I understood the meaning of actually reading something and gaining a proper understanding of it. I decided to embrace this habit in my daily routine. Sometimes my parents used to bribe me to develop my reading habit but nothing was able to change my mind. But after some time along with engaging my academic textbooks, I chose to read other books too.

How Did It Happen?

This change happened when I was a final-year student, and one of my favourite teachers encouraged me to read some interesting books, while she was gone for the summer holidays. I was very intrigued by the idea of reading books as it gave me the ability to think more, come up with creative ideas, and engage in conversations with my friends and cousins.

And Explain Why It Was a Positive Change.

Reading books was a positive change as it gave me a certain kind of confidence by knowing about the concealed and amazing things about this world. Besides, after developing the habit of reading, I gained a great level of understanding and respect for knowing different kinds of people from different cultures, lifestyles, and backgrounds. However, I am still going on with this habit and waiting for the possibilities that it opens up for me.


Overall, this change has greatly positively transformed my life. Also, it helped me in my career and skill development.

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Describe a Positive Change in Your Life- Sample 2

The second sample response that you can use in the IELTS speaking section with the given format. Have a better understanding by reading it.


Change is an inevitable part of our lives. We all go through some different phases or changes that shape our lives in a better way. Today I would like to talk about the positive change which greatly impacted my life.

What Was the Change?

The change that I am referring to is my decision to start exercising regularly and taking care of my mental health. For a long time, I had been living a sedentary lifestyle and had become increasingly unhealthy. I decided to make a change about it, but I wasn’t sure where to start. Then I changed my lifestyle by waking up early in the morning.

When Did It Happen?

This positive change happened about two or three months ago when I was going through a lot of distinctive challenges, and I realized that I needed to make a change in myself. I started waking up early at 6:00 am and going for walks which gradually increased the duration and intensity of my workouts. I also started following a healthy diet and used to track my progress using my fitness app.

How Did It Happen?

I decided to make this change as I was persistently stressed, and my friend Raghav recommended yoga to me. However, finding the right time was challenging, but I started with a few simple steps and increased the duration and intricacy of my practice. During the starting period, it was very difficult for me to stick to this routine, but I slowly started seeing the results.

And Explain Why It Was a Positive Change.

Exercising regularly and taking care of my mental health have made a profound impact on my life. I’ve noticed a tremendous decrease in my stress and anxiety levels, and developed healthy habits like waking up early in the morning, going to bed on time, and many other things. It also helped me develop discipline and perseverance, which has been invaluable in other areas of my life.


Overall, I am very grateful for this positive change that I made in my life, and I plan to continue to prioritize my health and well-being in the future.

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Describe a Positive Change in Your Life- Sample 3

Below given is the third sample answer for the cue card topic “Describe a Positive Change in Your Life.”


Changes are a natural part of our lives, some are positive, while others are negative. However, I would like to talk about the positive change that changed my life in different ways.

What Was the Change?

The positive change that took in my life was learning coding. I have been always interested in technology and computers but never got a chance to learn to code. One day, I read an article on coding and its benefits on it. This was a turning point in my life as I had never done something interesting like this. I had been thinking about it for a long time, and I finally decided to take the plunge and go for it.

When Did It Happen?

This happened about a year ago when I read that article about coding and its benefits. Also, I was not feeling satisfied working at my job and I didn’t enjoy it and was feeling demotivated. Then I decided to do something interesting and beyond. That is when I started learning coding and software applications. I did some research online and found online courses to read.

How Did It Happen?

As soon as I read the article, I was keen to know about new things, solve problems, and earn a good living by coding. I was inclined by the stories of many people who had learned to code and changed their lives in a better way. So, I started surfing through the internet and reading articles, watching videos of high-level programmers and exploring more and more.

And Explain Why It Was a Positive Change.

Learning how to code was a positive change in my life because of several reasons. Firstly, it helped me in developing problem-solving skills. Secondly, it has given me a new skill that I could add to my resume or CV. Thirdly and most importantly, through coding, I was able to create new things such as websites and apps. And lastly, it helped me to think technically, logically, and practically.


Overall, learning coding was the best decision I’ve ever made, and it allowed me to pursue something I’m ardent about.

These are the three sample answers for the cue card topic “Describe a Positive Change in Your Life.” Now the below-given section will let you know about the lexical resources.

Lexical Resources

In the above sample answers, we have used difficult words that are known as lexical resources. Further, this section will let you know about the meaning of those hard words that would enhance your vocabulary for IELTS speaking section.

Lexical ResourcesMeaning
FascinatedExtremely interested
DazzledMakes you unable to see
EmbraceTo accept something enthusiastically
InsinuateTo suggest without being direct
IntriguedTo interest someone a lot
ConcealedKept hidden
TransformedHaving been changed in an important way
InevitableUnable to be avoided
SedentaryPhysical activity
DistinctiveSomething that is easy to recognize
PersistentlyHappening repeatedly
IntricacyComplicated details
TremendousExtremely good
PrioritizeTo decide the priority of things
PlungeTo move or fall suddenly
ArdentShowing strong feelings
ProgrammersA person who produce computer programs
InclinedLikely to do something

Overall, these are some of the hard words you need to know before appearing for the IELTS exam. Now the next section will let you know about the follow-up questions related to your cue card topic.

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Follow-Up Questions with Answers

In the last part of the speaking section, you will be asked some follow-up questions related to your cue card topic. However, the last part is considered the most easy one but varies from Part 1 and Part 2. IELTS speaking part 3 is called a two-way discussion round and assesses your ability to express your thoughts and opinions. Thus, in this section, we have mentioned the follow-up questions with answers that can be asked after your IELTS speaking part 2 or cue card round.

Do you think changes are always good? Why or Why not?

I don’t think changes are always good. However, changes can bring improvements in our lives, but can also challenge us. For example, the use of new technology can make our lives easier and help us work more efficiently for better education and communication.

Is it essential for people to make changes according to their surroundings?

Yes, people need to make changes according to their surroundings and shine. Further, adapting to one’s surroundings is essential for success and happiness, but it is also vital for people to maintain their core values and their individuality.

How constant learning bring positivity to our lives?

Constant learning keeps you always flexible by educating yourself and trying new things, you’ll learn that you are capable of change and growth, which keeps you open to new opportunities in life. Through continuous learning, people participate in multiple events that increase their confidence.

What are some of the significant changes that usually occur to people in their lives?

The hormones are the first big change. After that change, the next change happens is when we finish school and start doing a job after that. Then, we take our lives seriously. And the moment we get married is considered as one of the biggest changes in our lives. However, the last big change is when we retire from our work and live a peaceful life.

These are some of the follow-up questions that can be asked of you. In the next section, you will look over some tips that will help you excel in the cue card round.

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Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

The following section has mentioned some useful tips and tricks which will help you ace the IELTS cue card round.

  • Focus on the main topic of the cue card and use the bullet points as a source of help.
  • Enhance your pronunciation and vocabulary skills by engaging more and more in the speaking portion.
  • Do not stop speaking until the examiner instructs you to do so.
  • Talk clearly and confidently at a good speed.
  • Whenever you answer the cue card, make sure you answer on to the point and not going anywhere.
  • Enhance your language skills by learning new words, phrases, and idioms related to a wide range of topics.
  • Use stress and intonation to emphasize points.
  • Take the mock tests for the IELTS speaking section to see where you stand.


In conclusion, the IELTS speaking section is the last part of the IELTS exam which needs proper planning for achieving 8+band scores. Thus, in this blog, we discussed the cue card topic “Describe a Positive Change in Your Life” with their three sample answers. Further, the blog also included the lexical resources along with the follow-up questions and tips to ace the cue card round. Moreover, if you are facing issues or want to explore more about the speaking section then join our offline or online IELTS classes and ace the IELTS exam on the first attempt.


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