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Describe a Problem While Shopping Online - IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS exam assesses all the aspect of one’s English language skills. Hence, IELTS speaking section is one of the most crucial parts of the IELTS exam. This section has 3 tasks and the third one is explained in this blog. You will find 3 sample answers to the cue card prompt "Describe a problem while shopping online". This write up also has vocabulary list, follow up questions, and tips to ace the IELTS speaking part 2.

Describe a problem while shopping online

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards

In IELTS cue card, you get a prompt in the type of a question which you need to speak about. After seeing the cue card, you will get a minute to prepare your answer. You will get two minutes to respond to them. The IELTS speaking part 2 is also called the IELTS cue cards.

Moreover, the question’s topic will be about your personal experiences or beliefs. A cue card aims to assess your ability to articulate your ideas and brainstorming.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

Firstly, you should get familiar with the exam pattern so that you can avoid errors in IELTS speaking test. As you will get only a minute to plan a response to the cue card, you must be quick! Moreover, you don’t have the option to switch the cue card. Yet, you will get a pen and a paper to write down your ideas. Besides, with being fast, you also need good speaking skills. Thus, this blog covers the sample answers to the cue card topic, "Describe a Problem While Shopping Online"

  • When Did it Happen?
  • What Did You Buy?
  • What Problem Did You Face?
  • Explain how you felt about the experience

Let's learn how your potential cue card on "Describe a Problem While Shopping Online" will look. Refer to the image below.

Describe a Problem with Online Shopping - Sample 1

Here is the first sample to help you understand how to answer “Describe a problem while shopping online” IELTS cue card


I once decided to buy a laptop online after confirming the specifications I needed.

When Did it Happen?

It happened last year during my summer vacation when I was resolute on learning graphic design,

What Did You Buy?

I planned on buying a laptop with an efficient GPU, which could be a great investment in my journey towards learning graphic design. I was content with the reviews of this product which I found on a trusted website. Thus, I decided to place the order online.

What Problem Did You Face?

When I received the parcel, I was aghast to see my 80,000 Rs purchase being a heavy rock! Initially, it was hard to accept but, eventually, I got over it and placed a grievance. My order had been misplaced and switched with a person living nearby. He had ordered that rock to add to his collection but, instead, received my laptop.

Explain How You Felt About the Experience?

I was devastated to realize that they might not entertain or understand my concern. However, that was not the case and they considered reviewing the entire process from order confirmation to delivery. Moreover, I could have given substantiation in support of my claims


My issue got resolved as the managerial positions were filled with empathetic people who tried their best to resolve the matter. However, even if the mistake was on the delivery person’s end, shopping online is something we should not do without caution.


Describe a Problem with Online Shopping - Sample 2

Here is the second sample to help you understand how to answer “Describe a problem while shopping online” IELTS cue card.


My worst online shopping experience has been a great lesson for me. I was browsing through my social media feed and landed on a page that claimed to sell branded clothes at dirt-cheap prices.

When Did It Happen?

Last summer, I was indulged in scrolling through my social media account and came across an offer no one could have denied.

What Did You Buy?

I placed an order for an ivory-white colour kurti embroidered with red poppies. This was from one of my favorite brands. However, the price on this website was 299 Rs. only, which was certainly not even close to the original cost.

What Problem Did You Face?

I realized after paying that the website was fake and the makers were scamming people. There was neither an option to get a refund nor was I able to track my order.

Explain How You Felt About the Experience?

I felt cheated and furious over how easy has it become for scammers to get away with everything. However, I was also glad that I was not foolish enough to spend a lot at once from somewhere I was trying for the first time.


I am certain that they have done this to a lot of people and the lesson I learned was that don’t trust the internet blindly for anything and being deceived by false advertising. Moreover, be extra cautious when dealing with money.

iets cue card topics with answer pdf

Describe a Problem with Online Shopping - Sample 3

Here is the third sample to help you understand how to answer “Describe a problem while shopping online” IELTS cue card.


The product I ordered was replaced by another similar product, without my consent, due to unavailability.

When Did It Happen?

I had ordered a few items from an online grocery app last week. I fell short of flour while baking a cake. Moreover, I had planned

What Did You Buy?

I ordered a specific kind of chocolate with 50% cocoa in it. I was craving for it since my last cheat day which was a month ago. Thus, I was very eager to receive this parcel.

What Problem Did You Face?

The chocolate I ordered was plain and did not have cranberries as I am allergic to them. However, the one I received was 50% cocoa but was not plain and had at least 3 to 4 cranberries in every bite. I tried to get it replaced or at least a return. However, the company did not attend my calls.

Explain How You Felt About the Experience?

I was annoyed at the fact that it was not my mistake that yet I could not have my favorite snack on a cheat day when I could not have felt guilty.


The audacity of the workers to replace the product without informing that customer and on top of that, not entertaining their requests and objections have left me thinking twice before ordering anything.

Lexical Resources

SpecificationsDetailed information about how something is or should be built or made.
ResoluteHaving or showing great determination
EfficientAble to work well without making mistakes or wasting time and energy.
InvestmentAn asset acquired or invested in to build wealth and save money from the hard earned income or appreciation.
ContentHappy or satisfied with what you have or what you do.
AghastFilled with horror and surprise when you see or hear something.
GrievanceSomething that you think is unfair and that you want to complain or protest about.
MisplacedGiven to somebody or something that is not suitable or good enough to have it.
DevastatedExtremely shocked and upset.
SubstantiationThe act of showing or proving something to be true with facts.
ResolvedTo find an answer to a problem.
ManagerialConnected with the work of a manager.
EmpatheticHaving the ability to imagine how someone else feels.
CautionGreat care due to possible danger.
BrowsingTo spend time pleasantly, looking around a shop, without a clear idea of what you are looking for.
Dirt CheapVery cheap or inexpensive
IndulgedTo allow yourself to have or do something for pleasure.
Ivory WhiteA colour close to yellowish-white, also called creamy white.
EmbroideredTo decorate cloth by sewing a pattern or picture on it.
PoppiesA kind of flower.
CertainlyWithout doubt or definitely.
ScammingTo trick someone into giving money or take some other sort of advantage.
RefundA sum of money that is paid back to you due to paying extra or the payee is not happy with the product or service received.
ScammersA person who commits fraud or participates in a dishonest scheme.
DeceivedTo try to make somebody believe something that is not true.
AdvertisingA means of communication with the users of a product or service.
ConsentTo agree to something to allow something to happen.
UnavailabilityThe quality of being unavailable or inaccessible.
CocoaA dark brown powder made from the seeds of a tropical tree and used in making chocolate.
Cheat DayA day in which a person goes off a dietary regimen.
CranberriesA small red berry with a sour taste, that can be made into sauce or juice.
AllergicHaving an Allergy to something.
AnnoyedFeeling angry or slightly angry.
AudacityBehaviour that risks being shocking
ObjectionsA reason why you do not like or are against somebody or something.

Follow Up Questions

These are the questions that can come as follow-up from the examiner as per the the discussions above:

Q1. What Kind of Customer Service is Good According to You?

Q2. What is the Difference Between Shopping Online and Offline?

Q3. What Should One Do After Facing Such Issues While Shopping Online?

These are the follow-up questions you can face in the IELTS speaking section.

Moreover, this will be the 3rd part of the IELTS speaking round. Now, let us talk about how you can improve your chances of clearing the IELTS cue card round.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

Here are a few tips to learn how to do better in the IELTS cue card of the IELTS speaking section:

  1. Firstly, stay calm and confident. You have to look original while speaking English for IELTS cue card.
  2. To improve your IELTS cue card questions answers, you must solve various IELTS cue card topics with answers.
  3. Moreover, answer the IELTS cue card questions directly and don’t take too much times.
  4. Furthermore, keep talking while answering IELTS cue card. Do not stop speaking and form logical phrases with relevant information.
  5. Lastly, make sure to focus on grammar and vocabulary in all IELTS speaking tasks.


To sum up, the IELTS speaking section is the easiest out of all of them. It is because scoring in it is not that tough. The samples above must have been helpful for you if you are struggling with IELTS speaking. Indeed, the above samples cover IELTS speaking part 2. You can learn more about IELTS exam preparation from experts at Gradding. They can help you ace the IELTS exam in one go!


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