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Describe an Advertisement That You Don't Like- IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS Speaking section features a variety of questions aimed at showcasing your fluency, vocabulary, and how well you can express your ideas. One interesting topic you might come across is Describe an advertisement that you don't like. Whether it pops up in part 2 or part 3 of the exam, it’s important to provide a detailed and engaging response. In this blog, we’ll share some tips on structuring your answer effectively, so you can shine in your IELTS speaking test.

Describe an Advertisement That You Don't Like- IELTS Cue Card|

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards 

In the IELTS speaking part 2, you will receive a cue card with a specific topic. The card will contain points that you need to discuss in your answer. The topics might involve sharing an experience or talking about a person, a place, or an object that is meaningful to you. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts on paper, and then you need to speak for two minutes. Once you're ready, you can begin expressing your views and opinions. Now, let's discuss how to effectively answer your cue card.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

To answer your cue card, it is important to follow a logical approach or strategy. When responding, make sure to address the question directly and maintain a clear structure. Additionally, you should not make your examiner feel that you are struggling to organize your thoughts. Your answer will be assessed based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, grammar, and pronunciation. To score well in IELTS speaking part 2, keep these four key aspects in mind.

Now, let’s look at what you should include when responding to the cue card on “Describe an advertisement that you don’t like.”

  • When did you see it?
  • What is it about?
  • Where did you see it?
  • And explain how you feel about it. 

Refer to the image below to know what your IELTS speaking part 2 “cue card” will look like.

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Describe an Advertisement That You Don't Like - Sample 1

Here is the first sample response for achieving an 8+ band score in your cue card round.


Everyone encounters advertisements while watching TV, listening to the radio, or using the internet. Some commercials are excellent, while others make us less inclined to promote those products or services. Today, I will discuss an advertisement that I don’t like.

When did you see it? 

I saw this advertisement a long time ago. It was for a product from the renowned company Ponds. The product was originally called “Fair and Lovely,” but they later changed the name to “Glow and Lovely.”

What is it about?

The advertisement promotes a face cream. Many people protested against it because it perpetuated unrealistic beauty standards and hurt people's sentiments by claiming that it could change the shade of one’s skin tone.

Where did you see it? 

I first saw this advertisement on television when I was young. It felt problematic as it played on young girls’ emotions by implying that they would be more accepted in society if they looked fair. This resonated with me as I had been teased about my skin color, which made me feel sad after realizing the harmful effects of such an advertisement.

How do you feel about it?

I dislike the advertisement because it led many girls to purchase the product in hopes of becoming fairer and gaining societal acceptance. They were not embracing their natural skin color, which is why I strongly disapprove of it. The ad seemed to promote the idea that fair skin is superior, which is both untrue and damaging to society’s perception of beauty.


This advertisement promotes the concept of an ideal beauty, which is, of course, a myth. Not only does it negatively affect the self-esteem of young girls, but it also reinforces harmful beauty standards in society. This is why I have strong negative feelings towards this advertisement.

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Describe an Advertisement That You Don't Like - Sample 2

The second sample answer is mentioned below which you can use in the IELTS speaking section for a high band score.


Recently, I saw an advertisement that bothered me. A few days ago, I came across a commercial on YouTube while watching a video. It was about a weight gain powder.

When did you see it?

I saw this advertisement a few weeks ago during a YouTube video’s commercial break. The ad promoted a weight gain powder, promising impressive results in a short amount of time.

What is it about?

The ad begins by showing a girl and a boy with skinny bodies being mocked by others. Then, they introduce the weight gain powder, claiming it will help transform their lean bodies into healthy ones quickly.

Where did you see it? 

The advertisement was heavily promoted across various social media platforms and websites. I initially saw it on TV, but later noticed it appearing in my Facebook feed, emphasizing concerns about the product's potential harm.

How do you feel about it?

The advertisement felt manipulative and could lead to body image issues, fostering a problematic relationship between food and weight. The ad came across as deceptive, showcasing before-and-after images and making promises of rapid results without verified evidence. This seemed to be a tactic to manipulate viewers into buying the product.


I am strongly opposed to the weight gain powder advertisement and cannot support it due to its unrealistic claims, lack of credibility, and emotional manipulation. Such advertisements should be more strictly regulated to protect consumers from false claims and manipulative tactics.

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Describe an Advertisement That You Don't Like - Sample 3

Here is the third sample answer you can try for your cue card topic “Describe an advertisement that you don't like” in the IELTS exam.


An advertisement that I strongly dislike promotes an insecticide product called “Bug Kill.” This ad is notably aggressive and sensational, using fear-based tactics to sell the product.

When did you see it?

I first saw this advertisement about a month ago, and it has since appeared frequently on television and various online platforms.

What is it about?

The advertisement promotes an insecticide spray named “Bug Kill,” claiming it can eliminate all types of household pests instantly. It features an exaggerated scenario where bugs swarm over homes, and families appear distressed until “Bug Kill” is used to restore peace.

Where did you see it?

I first encountered this ad on television during prime time. Later, I noticed it as a sponsored video on YouTube and in social media feeds.

How do you feel about it?

Seeing the advertisement left me feeling disturbed and irritated. Its overly dramatic and fear-inducing approach seemed manipulative, playing on people's anxieties about pests to drive sales. Additionally, the ad neglects to mention important safety information regarding the use of chemical insecticides, which is crucial for consumer awareness.


The overall tone and message of the advertisement were off-putting, leading me to question the ethical considerations behind such marketing strategies.

These are three sample answers for the cue card topic “Describe an advertisement that you don't like” In the next section, we will discuss the lexical resources used in these samples.

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Lexical Resources

The three samples above include some challenging words that you should incorporate into your cue card responses. In this section, we provide these words along with their meanings to help improve your vocabulary for IELTS exam:

EncountersTo meet somebody unexpectedly; to experience or find something unusual or new
PerpetuatedTo cause something to continue for a long time
SentimentsAn attitude or opinion that is often caused or influenced by emotion
ResonatedTo make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time
EmbracingTo include
SuperiorBetter than usual or than somebody/something else
ReinforcesTo make something stronger
EmphasizingTo put emphasis on something
ManipulativeSkillful at influencing somebody or forcing somebody to do what you want, often in an unfair way
FosteringTo help or encourage the development of something
DeceptiveLikely to give a false impression or to make somebody believe something that is not true
CredibilityThe quality that somebody has that makes people believe or trust him/her
InsecticideA substance that destroys one or more species of insects
EliminateTo remove somebody/something that is not wanted or needed
ExaggeratedTo make something seem larger, better, worse, etc. Then it really is
NeglectsTo give too little or no attention or care to somebody/something
ConsiderationsCareful thought, typically over a period of time.

Overall, these are some advanced words you can use in your cue card round. In addition, the next section will cover the follow-up questions that may be asked during the IELTS Speaking Part 3.

Follow-up Questions with Answers

After you complete the cue card round, the IELTS Speaking Part 3 will begin, which continues with the topic from Part 2. You can expect the examiner to ask you 5-7 follow-up questions related to your cue card topic “Describe an advertisement that you don't like”. It is essential to provide detailed answers along with examples and personal experiences. Here are some possible follow-up questions you might encounter after finishing your IELTS Speaking Part 2:

1. Do Customers Usually Buy Things After Watching Advertisements?

Yes, many customers purchase products after seeing advertisements. Many modern advertisements are quite creative and informative, appealing to people of all ages, from older adults to children.

2. What Advantages Do TVCommercials Provide?

TV commercials offer several benefits for consumers, such as raising awareness of valuable products and their features and providing discounts and special offers on certain items.

3. How Do You Usually React to Advertisements You Don’t Like?

When I come across advertisements I don’t like, I tend to ignore them or switch channels. If they are particularly misleading or offensive, I might even report them or avoid the brand altogether.

4. Why Do Some People Think Advertising Is Offensive?

Some people find advertising offensive when sensitive issues are exploited solely to sell a product. Advertisements that promote fair skin tones or weight loss products can negatively affect people's perceptions, making them feel offended.

5. Are There Any Inappropriate Commercials on Display?

Yes, occasionally, inappropriate commercials can be seen, especially those containing explicit content or promoting harmful behaviors. Such commercials may not align with ethical standards or societal values and can be deemed offensive or inappropriate by some viewers.

Overall, these are the follow-up questions and answers for your cue card topic, “Describe an advertisement that you don't like”. The next section will provide you with useful tips to excel in the IELTS cue cards round.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

In this section, we present several tips and tricks to help you excel in the cue card round and aim for an 8+ band score. Consider the following:

  • Focus on clarity rather than speed. Maintain a steady pace to think clearly and avoid errors.
  • Set a timer for two minutes and practice speaking about specific topics without hesitating. This will improve your fluency.
  • Using unnecessary or complicated synonyms for IELTS can make your answer sound unnatural. Thus, do not use too many tough
  • Enhance your vocabulary to express your thoughts more clearly.
  • Improve your language skills by learning new words, phrases, and idioms related to a wide range of topics.
  • Regularly engage in conversations in English with friends, family, or a language partner.
  • Use stress and intonation to emphasize important points.


Summing up, the IELTS Speaking section is often considered one of the most challenging parts of the IELTS exam, requiring specific strategies for success. In this blog, we have discussed the cue card topic “Describe an advertisement that you don't like”, along with sample answers. Furthermore, the blog provides lexical resources and useful tips to help you excel in the IELTS Speaking cue card round. If you are facing difficulties or would like to explore more about the speaking part, consider joining our offline or online IELTS classes at an affordable price.


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