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Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing- IELTS Cue Card

The IELTS speaking section is an important task of IELTS exam. There are total 3 parts here which are:

  1. Personal Introduction
  2. IELTS Cue Card
  3. Follow-up Questions

So, in this blog, you will read about the basic details of cue cards, followed by 3 samples of the topic “describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing” and then the follow-up question related to the same cue card. Furthermore, there are some tips mentioned which will help you excel your score in IELTS speaking part 2 that is cue cards.

describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing - IELTS Cue Card

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards

There are a total of three parts in the IELTS speaking section. Out of these, the cue card is the second part. Here, you are given a topic to speak for around 2 minutes. For example in this blog, the topic is “Describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing.” So, you have to describe this scenario or situation in your own words. Moreover, you will have to create a plan for a better approach to your cue card. Furthermore, after IELTS speaking part 2, you will have a brief discussion on the same cue card in the 3rd part. Here, the examiner will ask follow-up questions based on your response. So, to improve your score, let us understand that what are the ways by which you can improve your IELTS scores.

 How to Answer the Cue Card?

While answering the cue card, it is important to keep a logical approach. After you are shown the cue card, you will get a minute to think about what you have to say. So, during this time, you can take notes and prepare the keywords that will help you stick to the topic and deliver a meaningful response.  Moreover, the student should work on their vocabulary for IELTS because their are some criteria which help you score good. They are:

  1. Fluency
  2. Advanced Words
  3. Accuracy With the Topic

Once the IELTS speaking part 2 begins, you will be shown a cue card which will have a situation that you will describe to the examiner. You will have 2 minutes to submit your response. Thus, below mentioned pointers will help you to stick with the topic “Describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing” for a better approach.

  • What kind of Activity do you do?
  • Where do you do it?
  • With whom do you do it?
  • When do you do with?
  • Why do you like this activity

 Let us show you that how your IELTS cue cards may look like in the exam. Refer to the image below.

Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing

Now, let us read the responses you can give to score well in the first attempt. In the next sections, there are 3 samples for the cue card. So, you can adopt the sense of approach and the tone of the response for your test.

Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing- Sample 1

Here is a sample response of “describe an interesting activity that you enjoy doing”. You can use this in your test for higher scores.

What Kind of Activity Do You Do?

When I feel pressurized and fraught, Gaming is one thing that acts as a mood refresher for me. So, I enjoy playing e-sports and it makes me very relaxed. Also, the characters and the story of the game mesmerize me in such a way that it feels like I am part of that story. Whenever I come back from my office, I plug in my PC and play games for 2 hours, which helps me refresh my mind.

Where Do You Do It?

I got a specially customized PC for up scaled gaming. Moreover, that system is installed in my gaming room where no one is allowed to touch the PC. So, this is one of the reasons that I rush to my home once the office hours are finished.

With Whom Do You Do It?

Once I reach home, my first job is to call my friends to turn their PCs on and ask them to wait for me until I change my clothes. Moreover, I play both story mode games and online games. So, it depends on the type of game I play. I play alone in story modes and when I wish to play online games, it requires someone else. Also, I play with strangers sometimes when none of my teammates are available.

When Do You Do It?

Most of the time, I play PC games in the evening because of my office. But on the day of leave, I play games in the morning and night. Also, there are times that it depends on my mood that when I will do gaming. Whenever I feel low or pressured, gaming is one thing that lifts my mood.  

Why Do You Like This Activity?

It is important to immerse in such activities which are of our interest. In my opinion, gaming is not only an addiction but is a way by which I can connect with my friends who live far from me. It is not always feasible to meet them, so gaming is a bridge that connects us daily. Moreover, if I like this activity and it refreshes my mood, so it is the perfect thing that I can do in my free time. A fresh mind is always more productive.


Thus, for me personally, gaming is one activity that I find interesting and enjoys the most.

Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing- Sample 2

This is an another response to the cue card “Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing”. By this, you will be able to think more than single approach to the topic.

What Kind of Activity Do You Do?

Hanging out with my friends is one of the most delightful activities for me. Also, when I feel low or if something distress my mind and I want to escape the world, I go to my friends and it usually takes 5-6 minutes for me to forget everything.

Where Do You Do It?

Moreover, there is no specific place where we meet. It can be anyone’s house or the colony garden. Moreover, if the weather is lovely, it is always outside somewhere in the garden. What depends more is to be together.

With Whom Do You Do It?

We have made a rule that no matter how tired we are, we have to be together for at least one hour everyday. So, my friends are there collectively sharing each other’s day activities. Also, this feels amazing to be there with them because they are the who never judge me . Thus, it feels like I am with a group which has best people in the world.

When Do You Do It?

We all meet in the evening at around 8 p.m. and stay there for almost an hour daily. So, for me, it is always after my office. But on the weekends, we meet earlier and have decided to go somewhere on Sundays to release all the stress we had for the entire week.

Why Do You Like This Activity?

The main reason that I like this activity is because I get to meet those people with whom I can laugh. And most importantly I can be real with them. I don’t have to fake my smile and personality around them Also, when everyone shares their problems, it feels nice that I am not the only one stressed. So, this time of the day acts like a cure for my injury and intoxicates me.


Thus, spending time with my friends and sharing our daily updates is very important for me because I can be around people who never judge me and make me laugh.

Describe an Interesting Activity That You Enjoy Doing- Sample 3

Here’s one more sample which will give you idea to approach this cue card.

What Kind of Activity Do You Do?

Photography is my favourite activity to do which makes me enjoy my day. Moreover, I am more into wildlife photography. Thus, it is not always possible to be around nature, so I capture every fascinating scenery that comes in my way.

Where Do You Do It?

Mostly, I go to the forests to ensnare nature into my camera. Furthermore, when I am not in the forest, I love to capture scenery like buildings, plants, sunset, and sunrise, or people walking on the street. So, any place that carries a photogenic element is the place where I love to be.

With Whom Do You Do It?

I enjoy doing photography alone. Moreover, the main reason that I love taking photos is because it gives me a feeling of escaping from reality and getting into my world. So, this is the reason that I do this activity alone because I want peace.

When Do You Do It?

I usually go to the forests once a month because it gives me mental peace and I get a chance to capture nature in my camera and take it with me. Moreover, the city photographs have no fixed timing because my eyes can catch a picturesque element at any time of the day. So,I do it whenever I have my camera with me as simple as that.

Why Do You Like This Activity?

As discussed before, the main reason for photography for me is to escape from reality and life in the world of nature. It gives me a sense that I have no pressure on my mind and also when I go to the forests, it feels like my second home because I don’t have to worry about anything, there is no target, and no one keeping expectations from me. That is why I do this activity and enjoy my own space.


Thus, it is clear that photography makes me feel relaxed and also after a proper session, I can be more efficacious in my daily life as I take a day off from this busy world.

So, these were the sample responses you can use in the IELTS exam. Moreover, using advanced words in your response is important as it puts a nice and positive impression on the examiner. So, the table below mentions some of the hard words with their meanings which you can use while giving your response.

Lexical Resources

You need to update your vocabulary for IELTS and use the advance words to put a positive impression on the examiner. So, this section mentions some advanced words from the samples with their meanings.

Lexical Resources Meaning
Immerse To involve yourself completely in something so that you give it all your attention
Fraught Filled with something unpleasant
Mesmerizes To hold somebody’s attention completely
Up scaled To increase the size; scope, or scale
Feasible Possible to do
Delightful Very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable:
Distress The state of being very upset or of suffering great pain or difficulty
Intoxicate To excite or elate to the point of enthusiasm
Ensnare Catch in or as in a trap.
Picturesque Attractive
Efficacious Producing the desired result

Overall, this is the list of some words that you can use during the IELTS speaking section to ace up your score. Now, let's examine some possible follow-up questions the examiner can ask you in the third part of this section. 

Suggested Read: Describe a Long Car Journey You Went On - IELTS Cue Card

Follow-Up Questions

After you are done with the cue card part of the speaking section, the examiner will ask you a few follow-up questions based on your response. This part of the section generally lasts around 4-5 minutes.  Here, you will get the possible cross-questions the examiner can ask based on your IELTS speaking part 2. Read them for a better understanding of the examiner's behavior.

  1. How to make time for your hobbies?
  2. Difference between free time activities in past and in future
  3. Why is it necessary to take time off from your daily life?
  4. Is it a possible reason that people fall in depression because they don’t have time for themselves?
  5. Is spending time with family and friends important?

Go through these questions and solve them to improve your IELTS score. Now, let us discuss some tips to excel in the IELTS cue card.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

You should keep a few things in mind while appearing for the IELTS speaking section. Here, you will get some of the tips that you can practice to improve your score in IELTS

  • While preparing the response, try adding real-life incidents to make it more interesting.
  • Try to use hard words. For this, you can read the dictionary daily to update your word bank and use impressive vocabulary for IELTS.
  •   Also, enhance your skills by adding idioms and phrases related to a wide range of topics.  
  • Try not to get diverted from the topic. Stick with the topic and follow a fixed path so that the examiner does not feel lost from the main idea of your response.
  • Before directly jumping to prepare your response, try to understand the question so that you carry the right approach.
  • Give priority to the duration. Divide every part of your response for better time management.
  • Approach logically and provide direct answers.
  • Use one minute to write the keywords so that you don’t get stuck while giving the response.

So, if you want to excel your score in IELTS speaking part 2, that is Cue card, you have to follow these tips. Moreover, you will find the samples and follow up questions helpful during you exam. You can use this essence in your responses to make a positive impression on the examiner. Furthermore, if you are facing any issue while self preparing for this test, you have an option to join online IELTS classes at, a study abroad platform and receive the proper guidance from the experts.


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