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Can you describe the place where you live: IELTS Cue Card

In the IELTS speaking section, you may come across the task asking, can you describe the place where you live, as this is a very common topic. This will give you the chance to highlight your ability to speak fluently and coherently. Moreover, use a range of vocabulary to enhance your answers. Hence, in this blog, explore the samples that will guide you with your response. 

Explore the answers for can you describe the place where you live

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Card

The speaking section is an important part of the IELTS exam. It further comprises three parts, one being the IELTS cue cards, which require examinees to speak on a specific topic. In this, the test takers get a particular topic on a cue card with pointers related to it. They are then given one minute of preparation time followed by 1 to 2 minutes to deliver. Hence, let’s analyse the ways to answer the cue cards in IELTS speaking test.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

If you want to be successful at attempting the IELTS speaking part 2 cue cards, then you need to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern. You will get a paper and pen to write and organise your notes. You can also jot down the ideas and keywords that you will include while speaking. Therefore, utilise the one minute to prepare exquisitely.

While you are organising the thoughts, also include the pointers from the cue card. This will further assist you in drafting a well-formulated response, covering all the aspects of the questions in the cue cards for IELTS speaking module. The questions for “Can you Describe the Place Where You Live” can be of the following types:

  • Where is your home?
  • What kind of accommodation do you live in?
  • Who do you live with?
  • And explain, do you plan to live there in the future?

Also, the reference image below will give you a hint of what your cue card for the IELTS exam will look like.

Find the details about IELTS cue card sample questions

This image is a replica of your cue card for the speaking test. Let’s move forward and get familiar with the sample answers for the cue card task.

Can You Describe the Place Where You Live- Sample 1

Here is the first sample that you can utilise when taking the speaking test in the IELTS. You can also adopt this format for your exam:


I would like to voice my thoughts about the place where I live and describe it to you in detail.

Where is your home?

My home is located in a quiet and serene area named Vinings, not very far off from the city. This place is away from all the hustle and bustle of an urban life, and I can savour the beauty of nature from my window.

What kind of accommodation do you live in?

I live with my family in a traditional suburban home. It is a double-storey house with a lush green garden and a patio. I always admire the sense of tranquillity and seclusion that I experience when I am here.

Who do you live with?

I live there with my immediate family consisting of my parents and two siblings. We all have our own rooms for enhanced privacy. Additionally, we share an amity and have been through thick and thin together.

And explain do you plan to live there in the future?

No, I think I will stick around for a bit, but then I plan to move to the city for studies. There I would prefer to have a place of my own. I may also return home for vacation and to see my family.


So in the end I would like to say that no matter where I am, I still feel attached to this place as I was born here, and it will always be my haven.

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Can You Describe the Place Where You Live- Sample 2

To help you better understand the IELTS speaking part 2 cue cards, here is another sample describing the place where you live:


Today, I would like to take you on a journey to the place where I live by elaborating on its various aspects.

Where is your home?

I reside in a small town called Maine. According to historians, this town was founded by the Nelson family. There are also many archaeological sites in my town.

What kind of accommodation do you live in?

Currently, I am living in a two-bedroom rented house. It is an eco-friendly home that allows a lot of sunlight to reach us. The daylighting makes living here so much better.

Who do you live with?

I share my lodgings with my roommate. This is a big adjustment for me as I have always preferred living alone. We both have one bedroom for ourselves but do like to share the dining area for scrumptious meals.

And explain do you plan to live there in the future?

I have recently relocated from my birthplace, and living here is like a challenge. However, I relish the ambience of this house and wish to live here for some time.


So, I can say that living in Maine is a new experience for me, but I am trying to make the most of it.

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Can You Describe the Place Where You Live- Sample 3

Here is another alternative that you can use as a model to answer the cue card questions.


I would like to talk about the facets of the place which I call as my home.

Where is your home?

It’s not a lie when you hear people say that home is where the heart is. I live in the city of London, which is a dream for many. This city is a focal point for arts, fashion, science and much more.

What kind of accommodation do you live in?

I live in my parent’s apartment, which has two bedrooms and a modular kitchen. Therefore, this home has all the comfort and convenience of living in such a megalopolis.

Who do you live with?

Me and my younger sister share the apartment. I have had the encounter of living with roommates before, but this is different. We both enjoy the spacious living area and have a long conversation over coffee.

And explain do you plan to live there in the future?

I do not plan to be here for much longer. I have been saving money to rent a studio for my artwork and studies. This will help me get a life of my own.


Lastly, the stunning and panoramic views of the city make it worth living here and it is the best home that I could have asked for.

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Lexical Resources

The words that you use in your response can make a lot of difference in the scores you get. Hence, it is now time to explore the tough words and their meaning from the above samples. These words are suitable for enhancing your vocabulary for IELTS exam. Thus, here is a list of all the challenging words from the samples.

Lexical ResourcesMeaning
Voice my thoughtsExpress my opinions
Hustle and bustle Busy, noisy activity of a lot of people in one place
SavourEnjoy the taste 
SuburbanAreas just beyond a city’s border
TranquillityA state of peace and quiet
SeclusionState of being private
AmityClose relations
Through thick and thinAlways support or stay
HavenA place of safety
Historians Experts in history
ArchaeologicalSearch for ancient cultures and remains
DaylightingUsing natural sunlight
LodgingsRoom or place to stay
ScrumptiousVery tasty
RelocatedTo move something or someone from one place to another
RelishTo enjoy something
AmbienceThe character and atmosphere of a place
To make the mostUse to the best advantage
FacetsParticular aspect
Focal pointCentre of interest
ModularConsisting of separate parts
MegalopolisLarge city
EncounterExperience something
SpaciousLot of space
StunningVery attractive
PanoramicWide view

These are some words and phrases that you can use in your answers. Next up are the questions that you can get for your part 3 of the speaking section.

Follow Up Questions

The follow-up questions based on the cue card are the last part of the IELTS speaking section for test takers. In part 3, the examiner will ask you at least 5 to 7 questions regarding the topic from the cue card. Hence, the following are some examples of the same:

  • What do you like about the place where you live?
  • How long have you lived there?
  • Can you describe the room you live in?
  • Which neighbourhood are you living in?
  • Why do you think people invest large sums of money to buy a house?

After you are through with the samples, it’s time to garner some tips to succeed in this task.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

When you are preparing for the IELTS speaking part 2, it is wise to take all the guidance that you can get. Therefore, here are a few tips to ace the cue card questions:

  • Read the cue card topic carefully and understand the aspects to cover.
  • Use the preparation time to write down all the possible ideas and words that you would like to inculcate in your response.
  • Follow the format for answering: introduction, body and conclusion. Use an IELTS speaking mock test for practice.
  • While speaking, keep your pace moderate, do not rush with what you are saying.
  • Make use of connectors, wherever necessary, to create a smooth flow.
  • Include relevant examples in your answer to support your ideas. This will also make your answer engaging.
  • Do not get all worked up over the responses. Be confident and speak clearly.

These are some of the ways for you to excel in the IELTS speaking 2 task.

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Although, the IELTS speaking section can be demanding, but with the right strategy you can get mastery it. In addition, samples such as this one on “Can you describe the place where you live”, act as a tool to enhance your performance. You can also join online IELTS classes to get expert feedback and work on your weaknesses. can be a suitable platform for you to prepare for your IELTS exam with all the resources available under one roof.


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