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Discussion Essay in IELTS: Samples & Tips for Success

The IELTS writing section is the second part of the exam, containing two tasks that must be completed by the candidates. Task 1 asks you to describe some visual information in at least 150 words. However, in the IELTS writing task 2, you will be presented with a situation or problem on which you need to write an essay in response. Thus, in this blog, you will get a detailed overview of the discussion essay in IELTS with its format. Also, some samples and tips have been provided to excel in the exam. Let’s dive into the blog.

Discussion Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2

Table of Contents

Introduction to Discussion Essay in IELTS

In the IELTS writing task 2, students find it difficult to recognize the discussion essays as they get confused with other types of essays. Thus, this particular section will explain to you in detail about the discussion essay in IELTS. A discussion essay is an essay where you are presented with two opposing views on a topic, and you will be asked to discuss both views. Also, in the last, you need to give your opinion too. However, the discussion essay in IELTS is for both Academic and General Training tests. In the next section, look at the structure you need to follow while writing the answers for the discussion essay.


Structure of the Discussion Essay in IELTS

When preparing for the discussion IELTS essay you first need to analyse the question and make sure that you understand exactly what you are asked to do, however, this type of essay is often called a discuss both views essay. Now to make this essay an easy task for you follow the below-given structure to achieve a high score. Let’s grab a look at the table and then read each point in detail.

The discussion essay structure is given below:

Discussion Essay FormatDescription
IntroductionIntroduce the topic and the two opposing viewsState the supporting reasonsState your opinion too
Main Body Paragraph 1Explain in detail about the view that you disagree withGive statements that why some people support this view with evidenceIf required, you can also add a counterargument to support your opinion
Main Body Paragraph 2Describe the view that you agree withWrite the statements that why people support this view with evidenceProvide the relevant examples
ConclusionSummarize the key points and state your opinion

1. Introduction

The introduction for the discussion essay in IELTS should not be very long. You should begin by introducing the topic or paraphrasing the question, which means saying the same but using different words or phrases. Choose your idea and add the details in the statement in a paraphrased form.

2. Main Body Paragraph 1

In the main body paragraph 1, outline the view you don’t agree with and add supporting examples or evidence. Further, also explains in detail why some people hold this view by providing an example. Maintain a clear form of your ideas in the discussion IELTS essay.

3. Main Body Paragraph 2

In the main body paragraph 2, state the view you agree with and give a brief explanation so that your ideas link together well. In the discussion essay in IELTS, you are required to provide a detailed explanation in both paragraphs. Also, in the last give an example of why you think like this.

4. Conclusion

You must end the discussion essay IELTS by summarizing the main points and stating your own opinion on the topic. However, what you write in the above paragraphs should be logical so that it will lead to a better conclusion. Also, you should be honest with your opinion, not biased.

Overall, this is the structure or format for the discussion essay in the IELTS writing section. Now in the next section, you will find out the five samples & answers for the required essay.


Discussion Essay in IELTS Sample Questions & Answers

Below are the five samples and answers for the discussion essay in IELTS. Read each one of them and acquire a proper understanding of how to write it. Let’s have a look:

Discussion Essay in IELTS- Sample 1

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that zoos are cruel and should be closed down. Others, however, believe that zoos can be useful in protecting wild animals.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

The required sample answer is given below for the following question.


Some people argue that zoos help protect wild creatures, while others have a point of view that zoos should be closed down. While the development of breeding programmes contributes to the preservation of endangered species, I believe that the poor conditions of animals held in captivity are making the existence of zoos unacceptable.


On the one side, many projects are going on in zoological parks around the world where the species facing extinction and their numbers have increased considerably. This is important for ensuring the survival of animals under the threat of hunting and destroying of their natural environments. For example, the golden lion tamarin from Brazil nearly died because of the logging and mining activities that are affecting their habitat. Today, a third of wild golden lion tamarins are raised in captivity.


On the other side, there is a significant percentage of zoos house their animals in restricted cages with little space to move around naturally. This leads them to become distressed and depressed as well as suffering physically. A friend of mine recently visited the wildlife park on a holiday and was very sad to see the lions pacing up and down in a narrow, bare pen and eagles in yards so small that they were unable to fly.


To conclude, although zoos help to safeguard the populations of specific species, the suffering experienced by many captive creatures is due to unsuitable living conditions.


There are some big words used in the above sample answer. Read them below with their correct meanings.

BreedingKeeping animals to breed from them
ExtinctionSomething which no longer exists
RestrictedLimited by official rules

Discussion Essay in IELTS- Sample 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that school children should not be given homework by their teachers, whereas others argue that homework plays an important role in the education of children.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Below is the sample answer to this question.


Some people think that it is not the right idea for teachers to assign homework to school children, while others say it is an essential part of learning. I strongly believe that children need homework to achieve good results and enter their higher education.


On the one hand, giving homework to students is of no benefit and becomes a burden on the school children. If we talk about Japan, then the majority of minors are under pressure to complete their homework along with extracurricular activities. If they fail to complete their homework they may not do well in exams, which means they will not be able to move to high school. I think home assignments are beneficial for students but they should not be put under any kind of pressure.


On the other side, it is generally believed that homework plays an important role in the growth and development of knowledge for students and I agree with this. According to the research, children between the age group of 10 and 16 are given a large amount of mathematics homework to do far better in the tests than those who are not given any assignments. I believe that home study tasks improve the chances of students for higher education for a rewarding career.


To conclude, views differ on children being assigned homework, I would argue that home assignments are compulsory to help students get high grades so that they can grab a seat in the university.


In the above sample answer, some heavy words have been used. Read them below with their meanings.

ExtracurricularActivity that is not a part of the usual school
BurdenA heavy load that you carry
CompulsorySomething necessary

Discussion Essay in IELTS- Sample 3

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Completing the university education is thought by some to be the best way to get a good job. On the other hand, people think that getting experience and developing soft skills is more important.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Read out the sample answer for the question.


It is considered by some people that being a university graduate is the key to securing a good job, while others think that one should work on their soft skills. In my opinion, having a university education is vital for academic jobs, while soft skills are more useful in business.


On the one side, finding a good job is an easy task if you have a graduate degree because higher education puts people one step ahead of other people. For many employers, this can be the deciding factor between job applicants. Furthermore, a certain level of university education is required for most of the jobs, such as being a doctor or teacher. This is one of the reasons that academic education is necessary for jobs.


On the one side, having work experience and soft skills, such as leadership and team management, can also be the positive side of the job applicant. For instance, if someone is applying for a management position then he must have an experience of interpersonal and soft skills. This is why I believe that having soft skills is also important in the workplace.


To conclude, getting a good job requires a good background either in education or in the type of work you are doing. Some positions need academic background, while others more experience and skills.


Some of the hard words are written in the sample. Read it below with their meanings.

GraduatePerson who has a degree from a college
InterpersonalConnected with relationships between people
WorkplaceA room where people perform their jobs

Discussion Essay in IELTS- Sample 4

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better ways of reducing crime.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

Read the required sample answer for the given question.


Crime is a serious problem in most of the societies. Many people believe that prison for longer periods is the best way to tackle crime, others think that there can be other ways.


On the first side, spending a lot of time in prison allows the jail to rehab a prisoner. For example, someone who has committed a serious offence such as assault will need a long time in prison to be re-educated so that they will not repeat it. In addition, longer prison will serve as a deterrent for someone who is thinking of committing a crime.


On the second side, it is important to look at the alternative sides too. One way is community service. This allows an offender to give something positive back to society, through this their character can be improved. Also, the government should focus on the causes of crime, which would lead to less crime in the future.


To conclude, the arguments can be both sides for and against long sentences, so the government needs to research the various methods to reduce crime.


There are some hard words written in the sample answer. Read them below with their meanings.

PrisonA building for criminals
DeterrentTo prevent someone from doing something
AlternativeA second plan or idea

Discussion Essay in IELTS- Sample 5

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in need. Others however prefer to give money to national and international charitable organisations.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.

The required sample answer for the discussion essay is given below.


Giving money to those who are in need can be a good experience, but there can be a choice between donating nationally and internationally through charities or giving directly to those who are around you.


On the first side, there is the advantage of offering direct support is that you know how your money is being spent. For example, if you give your money directly to your local ones then you know where your money is gone. In contrast, if you give your money to charitable organisations then you are not sure that is your money is going into the right hands or not. Another benefit of giving money to locals is that you can see the impacts on those you are helping.


On the other side, giving charity to national and international is the choice of good causes. These kinds of help may be limited, but in larger organisations, you can do activities like sponsoring a child’s education and conserving wildlife. Not only this, donating to larger charities means you are involved in problems of global importance such as human rights, earthquakes, and famines.


In conclusion, I would say that an individual should make their own choice based on their personal preferences. What is vital is we continue to give to those who are more in need.


Some difficult words have been used in the sample answer. Read them below with their meanings.

CharitiesOrganisation whose purpose is to give money, food, shelter
FaminesA situation in which there is not enough food for people
SponsoringTo pay for someone

Overall, these are the five discussion essay examples that can be asked in your exam. Now let’s talk about the tips that will help you ace the essay with a good score.


Tips to Excel in the Discussion Essay of IELTS

This section will let you know about the useful tips for acing the discussion essay in IELTS. Have a look below:

  • Write supporting points in your body paragraphs, from your knowledge & experience.
  • Take a few minutes to think about what points you need to write.
  • Keep your tone formal and academic throughout the essay.
  • Take time to check grammar and punctuation.
  • Present both sides equally before giving your opinion.


To conclude, we talked about discussion essay in IELTS writing task 2. This write-up has given a complete overview of the essay, its structure, samples, and tips. In addition, we also mentioned some of the difficult words with their meaning. However, if you are still confused about the writing section, then you have come to the right page! Connect with us at and take our free IELTS writing mock test offline or online.


1. How do you start a discussion essay?

Instead of writing your personal opinion, a discussion essay must begin with a thorough discussion of both sides of the topic. It should include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

2. What is a discussion essay in IELTS?

A discussion essay in IELTS is a question where you are given two opposing sides of an argument to discuss and give your opinion.

3. What is the other name for a discussion essay in IELTS?

The other name for a discussion essay is “discuss both views essay.”


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