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How to Write Double Question Essay in IELTS: Sample & Tips

Over 4 million people appear for the IELTS exam every to test their English speaking, reading, writing and listening skills and achieve good scores because it is the key to unlock several career opportunities across the world. However, it is not easy because of the double question Essay in IELTS writing task. Now, you might be thinking, why so?
Read this blog and explore the answer as it is all about double question IELTS essay writing task.

All about Double Question Essay in IELTS

Table of Contents

What is a Double Question Essay in IELTS?

A double-question essay in IELTS is the second task of the writing section. In this, test takers have to write a 250-word essay on two co-related questions in a well-structured manner. This task helps to assess the test taker's ability to think and understand the topic and summarize the key pointers to express the main idea. Therefore, you can say that the double question essay IELTS plays a crucial role in scoring well on the exam. But it is not easy because they have to follow a specific structure to answer the IELTS writing task 2. However, let’s see that in this section of the blog.

How to Structure an Answer in an IELTS Essay Writing Task?

There is a fixed pattern of starting with an introduction, then writing the body part and at last, winding the topic with the conclusion in the double questions essay writing task. However, in this section, let's see how to write them.


Always start the double question essay structure with an introduction. It will help the reader to get a clear context of your thoughts and questions. Therefore, you can say starting with a strong intro is a good start.

Body Paragraphs

In this, test takers have to express their thoughts on the given topic by summarizing them in 2 small paragraphs. In the first paragraph, they have to explain why they are in favour or against the topic. And, in the second, they have to give suggestions for improvement. Moreover, use lexical resources and specific examples to make your response more effective. This will also help to make the response more realistic.


At the end of the IELTS writing task 2 structure wind up the topic by writing the key pointers to remember from your thoughts. This will help the reader to know and understand the main idea of your comprehension. Moreover, clarify your arguments for the reader and leave a lasting impression, ensuring your essay feels complete and well-structured.

Also Read: IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure of All Essay Types

Now, you know how to structure a double question Essay in IELTS. So, on that note, let's see some sample questions and their answers to understand it better.


Double Question Essay in IELTS Sample Questions & Answers

SAMPLE 1 - Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want.

Is this a good way to raise children?

What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

(Introduction)Today, some parents think that fulfilling all the desires of their children and giving them freedom is the right way of parenting. However, this is an indulgent style of raising and troublesome for their child's development because it has a lot of negative consequences.

(Body 1) This method of parenting is not considered to be a good way to raise a child because it fosters love and freedom. Due to this, children fail to learn some crucial skills such as self-discipline, responsibility, and emotional regulation. By always fulfilling the child's demands, parents overlook the opportunity to help their children learn about the limits and value of efforts. Without restrictions, children grow up without understanding the difference between needs and wants.

(Body 2) The out-turn of such parenting is seen when the child grows older. Firstly, they may develop a sense of privilege, expecting that people will always regale their needs. However, this could lead to challenges in school, work, and relationships. Additionally, these children may struggle with emotional plasticity, as they are not used to facing sorrow or frustration.

(Conclusion)In conclusion, fulfilling every desire of the child can hinder their emotional, social, and personal development. Therefore, a balanced approach of combining affection with guidance and discipline is crucial to raise a well-adjusted and irrepressible individual.

Difficult Words UsedMeaning
Indulgentallowing somebody to have or do whatever he/she wants
Troublesomecausing trouble, pain, etc. over a long period of time
Fostersto help or encourage the development of something
Overlookto fail to see or notice something
Out-turnthe result of a process
Plasticitythe quality of being easily shaped or moulded
Irrepressiblefull of life and energy

SAMPLE 2 - The rise of social media platforms has made it easier for people to vent their frustrations and complaints publicly. What is the consequence of this trend? Is there any benefit to expressing complaints on social media?

(Introduction) Social media platforms are the most convenient way for individuals to publically express their frustrations and complaints. It can have both positive and negative consequences.

(Body 1) One of the major consequences of social media platforms is it has the potential to damage the reputations of both individuals and organizations. Publically raised complaints spread in an eye blink and build a negative idea that may not be based on accurate information. Companies may experience significant counterblast even before they have a chance to resolve the issue. Similarly, a personal affront may result in impairment of relationships.

(Body 2) However, there are many benefits of posting complaints on social media. It helps encourage businesses to respond quickly to improve their services. This is because individuals who are facing the same issues can unite together and demand improvements by creating pressure on organizations.

(Conclusion) In conclusion, while the public venting of frustrations on social media can harm reputations, it also promotes accountability. Users should, however, exercise caution and responsibly express their complaints or thoughts online.

Difficult Words UsedMeaning
Convenientsuitable or practical for a particular purpose
Counterblasta forceful response or retaliation
Affrontsomething that you say or do that is insulting to somebody/something
Impairmentthe state of having a physical or mental condition which means that part of your body or brain does not work properly; a particular condition of this sort
Ventinggive free expression to

SAMPLE 3 - Some children spend hours every day on smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

(Introduction) In recent years, the use of smartphones among children has tremendously increased. Every day, children spend hours on their handsets. However, they are given smartphones because of the range of activities they offer, such as online games, social media, and many more, which keep them occupied, making it a convenient solution for parents.

(Body 1) I believe that immoderate use of smartphones has more negative consequences than positive ones. It has a drastic impact on a child's physical and mental health. Lengthen screen time can lead to eye strain, and lack of physical activities can lead to health problems like obesity. In addition, more use of smartphones can affect the social skills of the child.

(Body 2) Smartphones can also be highly addictive. Due to its excessive use, children may struggle to balance important activities such as playing outdoor games and spending time with family which can affect their physical health and academic performance.

(Conclusion) Though smartphones offer some benefits, but their excessive use is a cause for concern for children. It is crucial for parents to ensure that technology is growing their children without negatively affecting their overall well-being.

Now, you have gone through the sample answers of IELTS essay. So, let’s see the meaning of difficult or hard to pronounce words used in them.

Difficult Words UsedMeaning
Tremendouslyvery, very much
Immoderatenot within the usual or sensible limit; extreme
Drasticextreme, and having a sudden very strong effect
Lengthento become longer or to make something longer

Also read: IELTS Linking Words for Writing Task 1 & Task 2

Just knowing how to write double question IELTS essay is not enough. You must know some tips to amplify your practice for the exam.


Tips for Writing Double Question Essay in IELTS

There are some expert tips every student follows for writing the IELTS double question essay. However, you must know them as it will help to ensure the 7+ bands.

  • Read and understand the question of the IELTS essay.
  • Collect all the points to include and structure your response in an organized manner.
  • Always use idioms, phrases, and appropriate linking words for IELTS while writing the essay.
  • Don't just state your idea. Use specific examples to make your response more realistic.
  • Be direct and clear while writing the essay.
  • Improve your vocabulary and grammar for an effective response.
  • Practice with IELTS writing mock test papers as it has a variety of double question essay topics.
  • Always practice under real exam conditions.
  • Know the difference between all the types of essays in IELTS

Just knowing the tips for the IELTS essay is not enough as there are some common mistakes every student makes while writing the double question essay. However, let's highlight some of them in this section of the blog.

Common Mistakes Made by Every Test Taker

While writing the double question essay in IELTS, many test takers make some unavoidable mistakes. Due to this, they fail to achieve good bands. Every aspirant going to appear for the IELTS exam must know them as it will benefit them in several ways.

  • As you know, the IELTS double question essay is a combination of two related questions on a topic. Many test takers focus more on one topic and ignore the other one. So, they must be careful while reading the question.
  • Many aspirants write off-topic answers that don't directly respond to the specific questions asked.
  • Some of the test takers don't structure their answers properly. Due to this, they mix the answers of both questions.
  • Some of them either miss or make the introduction and conclusion too short.
  • Just write general statements without using examples.
  • Some of the aspirants write too much about one question and give a very short answer for the other.
  • Repeating the same points or ideas multiple times. Moreover, paraphrase the same idea without including new intuition.
  • Lack of interlinking words between paragraphs.

Wind Up

Writing an IELTS essay can be challenging because of double question topics in the second part of the section because, in this task, students have to follow a structure of starting with an introduction, then writing the main body and then ending with a conclusion.

However, there are some common mistakes made by students every year. So, they must take expert guidance and follow some tips to structure their response and secure 7+ bands on the exam.


Q.1 How is a double question essay different from other essay types?

In a double question essay, aspirants have to answer two co-related direct questions. On the other hand, in the IELTS essay, they just have to write their opinion or the solution for the problem given in the questions of the other IELTS essay writing topics.

Q.2 How should I manage time while writing a double question essay?

Aspirants get 60 minutes to solve the 2 parts of the IELTS writing section. This time is further divided into 20 minutes for the 1st part. Now, you have 40 minutes, which you have to wisely utilize as:

5 Minutes: For analyzing and understanding both questions

30 Minutes: To write a well-structured 250-word essay.

5 Minutes: To proofread grammar, spelling, and sentence structures.

Q.3 How much should I write for each question?

It is important to focus on both the questions. Therefore, you must write 1 paragraph of roughly equal length for each question.

Q.4 How can I make my essay coherent?

Coherent means clear and easy to understand. You can make your response coherent by answering directly with the use of linking words, examples, phrases, and idioms.


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