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How to Improve Your Grammar for the IELTS Exam?

The IELTS exam has become a top choice for students aspiring to study abroad. Multiple elements in this exam help you improve the overall score. One such element is grammar for IELTS. Grammar is an important element for the entire English language, not only in this exam. Thus, learning the correct grammar is important to score well in the language exams such as IELTS. Therefore, read this blog to know the necessary details about IELTS grammar preparation and also the common mistakes to avoid.

Grammar for IELTS

Table of Contents

Why Is Grammar Important?

The importance of English grammar for IELTS is beyond any other factor. It helps you frame the complex sentences for IELTS and you can express yourself more accurately. Imagine talking about your past life in the present continuous tense. Thus, the correct knowledge of grammatical structures can make your answers more accurate, appealing, and mind-catching. Moreover, it directly impacts your ability to communicate clearly and accurately, especially in the Writing and Speaking sections, which are assessed on grammatical range and accuracy. This is the reason that improving grammar for IELTS writing and speaking becomes important to improve overall IELTS score. Thus, for more clarity, the benefits of improving grammar for the IELTS exam are:

  1. Clarity in communication
  2. Assessment in writing and speaking section
  3. Improvement in band score
  4. Demonstrates language proficiency

These are the benefits that will help if you focus on improving your grammar for the IELTS exam. Thus, put several efforts into making improvements so that you can also taste the essence of these benefits.

Why You Need Grammar for IELTS?

IELTS grammar is not tested directly, still, it holds great importance in achieving a good score in the exam. There is no dedicated section that assesses the grammatical knowledge of the candidate, however, every section tests the same. Thus, read below to know how grammar is used in each section of the exam.

Grammar for IELTS Speaking

This section tests your speaking skills in the English language. You'll need knowledge of some basic grammar rules to speak clearly and also avoid looking confused in this section while answering questions. Here, proper IELTS English grammar knowledge will help you improve your vocabulary and make your responses more appealing to the examiner.

Grammar for IELTS Writing

This section tests your writing skills in the English language. The written part contains the most scope for you to showcase your grammatical knowledge. Here, using lexical resources is one of the highest-scoring factors. Using the advanced words in your responses shows that you have a vast word bank and sufficient knowledge of using those hard words in a very subtle way. 

Grammar for IELTS Listening

This section tests your listening skills in the English language. There are four recorded parts, which include conversations with native speakers or monologues that vary in mood depending on the accent used by each speaker. So, it's necessary to understand what they're saying and how people are saying things while communicating about any topic.

Grammar for IELTS Reading

This section tests your reading skills in the English language. Here, if you have the correct knowledge of basic grammar for IELTS, you will be able to join the thoughts written in front of you. Moreover, grammatical knowledge also helps you understand the idea behind the text and connect the thoughts. Therefore, it will make the passage more clear to you and you will be able to approach the questions properly.

These are the section-wise benefits of the English grammar for IELTS exam. Thus, it becomes important for the students to focus on this factor and focus more while preparing for the exam.

How Is Grammar Marked for IELTS Exam?

The Writing and Speaking sections are each assessed according to four different descriptors, including grammar for IELTS writing and speaking.

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors

The Writing section of IELTS is marked on four descriptors:

  • Task achievement (how well your response covers the task requirements)
  • Coherence and cohesion (the flow and layout of your text)
  • Lexical resource (vocabulary and spelling)
  • Grammatical range and accuracy (your grammatical ability)

IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors

The Speaking section of IELTS is marked on four descriptors:

  • Fluency and coherence (how well your meaning can be understood)
  • Lexical resource (correct use of language and idioms)
  • Grammatical range and accuracy (the types of sentence structures used)
  • Pronunciation (how well your speaking can be understood)

These are the grading factors for the writing and speaking sections that have major role of use of grammar in their responses.

Five Grammar Basics to Know for IELTS

There are a few specific areas you may want to focus on to perfect your grammar for IELTS. These will help you give better and well-framed responses. So, these five grammar basics that you should know are:

1. Sentence Structures and Forms:

There are four types of sentence structures:

  • Simple sentences
  • Compound sentences
  • Complex sentences
  • Compound-complex sentences

You should aim to use a variety of these structures in your IELTS test. So, it is important to make sure that you understand what they are and how they work.

2. Word Order:

Arranging your words in the right order will make a big difference in your mastery of the English language.

The proper arranging of the words goes as follows:

For sentences: subject + auxiliary verb + main verb + object + adverb of time

  • Correct: They studied political science for ten years.
  • Incorrect: They have for ten years studied political science.

For questions: auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object

  • Correct: Have you studied political science?
  • Incorrect: You have studied political science?

3. Know Your Tenses

Tenses refer to the time when the action takes place. The three major tenses in the English language are: Past, present, and future. It becomes important to use them correctly to make others understand the main idea behind your thought.

Examples of tenses:

  • Past: I took my IELTS exam yesterday.
  • Present: I am taking my IELTS exam today.
  • Future: I will take my IELTS exam tomorrow.

4. Punctuation

Correct use of punctuation is particularly important for IELTS grammar preparation and can make a very big difference in the meaning of a sentence. So, avoid some common mistakes such as:

  • Not using enough commas
  • Using too many commas
  • Its/it’s and their/they’re

These mistakes are very common and can lead to unnecessary deduction of the IELTS score.

5. Passive and Active Voice

The active voice is direct and engaging, while the passive voice is more formal. Using them correctly can lend the right tone to your writing and speaking.


  • Active: The dog chased the ball.
  • Passive: The ball was chased by the dog.

In the above example, the active voice is more direct, concise, and engaging.

  • Active: He will present the final results tomorrow.
  • Passive: The final results will be presented by him tomorrow.

In the above example, the passive voice is more neutral and formal.

These are the five basics in the grammar for IELTS. Take care of them to get good scores in the IELTS exam.

Common Grammar Mistakes in IELTS Exam

Despite having the correct grammatical information, students make some grammatical mistakes in their responses. Thus, it is important to know the common IELTS English grammar mistake so that you don’t make those in your exam.

  1. Subject-Verb Agreement: Make sure that your subject and verb agree in number (singular or plural). For example, "I do my homework every day." is correct, but "We does our homework every day." is incorrect.
  2. Tense Consistency: Make sure that all of your verbs are in the same tense. For example, "I played cricket for two years, and now I am playing football" is correct, but "I played cricket for two years, and now I play football" is incorrect.
  3. Spelling Mistakes: Make sure you spell all of your words correctly. If you are not sure how to spell a word, you can use a dictionary or spell checker. Spelling mistakes are the biggest factor that irritates the examiners.
  4. Incorrect Use of Idioms: Using idioms in your answers is a beneficial step and can prove that you have a strong hold on the language. However, using incorrect idioms or too many idioms can make your response unacceptable.


This was all about the proper and beneficial use of grammar for IELTS exam. This blog contains all the information related to the grammatical structure of the answers and how to make your responses more appealing and accurate. Therefore, it is beneficial for you to focus on your preparations and work on your spelling, structuring, and other skills. However, if you are confused about how to bring this into practice, then go through our IELTS mock test to prepare under exam circumstances. This will provide you the opportunity to work on your weaknesses and make necessary changes.


1. How Can I Prepare for IELTS Grammar?

Understand and use present, past, and future tenses, as well as perfect and continuous tenses properly. Know when to use articles such as "a,"; "an," or "the" correctly in different contexts. Learn about different types of nouns and pronouns, their functions, agreement, and proper usage.

2. How to Learn Grammar Easily?

Read an article a day especially to improve English grammar. Here, you can make a list of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, etc in the article. Observe their position in the sentence and make sure it makes sense according to the rules you learned.

3. Is IELTS Grammar Difficult?

The grammar for IELTS is not difficult, but is not very easy also. You need to put some effort into learning the proper grammatical rules so that you make better sentences and responses.

4. Which Grammar Topics are Needed to Be Prepared for the IELTS Exam?

Some of the important topics for grammar for IELTS are: Verb tenses, articles, nouns & pronouns, Active-passive voice, prepositions, adjectives & adverbs, and sentence structuring.


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