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IELTS Listening Map: Samples, Practice Questions and More

Are you an IELTS aspirant? Then you must have come across the different types of tasks in the listening module of the exam. So, in this blog learn about the IELTS listening map questions along with their types and samples. 

Understand the IELTS listening map task types, samples and practice test questions

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Listening Section

The IELTS listening section comprises of four recordings and several different types of tasks. Among these is a task that revolves around completion of maps. This is a common and quite scoring task, so let’s know more about the map question in detail.

What Are Map Questions in IELTS Listening?

The IELTS listening map task is the one in which you have to write the correct answer from a list of options after hearing the audio. Meanwhile, in the second type of questions you will have to fill in the correct terms from the recording that are missing from the map. This task assesses the ability of a candidate to understand the description and then further relate it to the visual given in the question. The listening map task also examines how well you can identify the location of things and follow directions.

Types of IELTS Listening Map Questions

 The map questions that you get in the IELTS listening section can vary. Moreover, the details in the recording that you hear will also depend on the type of question you have. In addition, to that, if you are able to identify the type of map questions, it will help you understand which type of details you need to pay attention to in the audio file.

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Direction-Based Questions

In this type of IELTS listening question, you will hear recordings that explain to you in which direction something or someplace is present. It can also include directions for a certain object, site, etc.

The IELTS listening map vocabulary that you will generally hear in this type of question includes terms such as:

  • Turn left/ right
  • Go straight on
  • Go past
  • Head south
  • Northwest and more

Sometimes the visual that you get in this task can also contain a compass to help identify the directions. Next, the following is an IELTS listening map sample to help you better understand this task type.

Sample question

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-H, next to Questions 11-16.

11 café --------------

12 toilets --------------

13 formal gardens --------------

14 outdoor gym --------------

15 skateboard ramp --------------

16 wild flowers --------------


  1. D
  2. C
  3. G
  4. H
  5. A
  6. E
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Labelling Locations on a Map

In this IELTS map listening question type, you will hear a recording which will explain the location of a place in detail. After listening to the audio file, you will have to label the places on the map visual given to you. Sometimes, in this type of question you can also get a list of options and you only need to write the correct letter for the name of the place.

The IELTS listening map vocabulary that is quite common in this type of recording includes:

  • Near
  • Beside
  • In front of
  • Across from
  • Next to
  • Between and more

Sample question

Label the map below using no more than two words for each answer.


  1. car park
  2. rose garden
  3. cafe
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Identifying Routes and Landmarks

This is a type of question, that requires the test takers to listen to the audio carefully, and then identify the landmarks or routes that are given in the question. In this you will have to write the correct letter from the map that identifies the landmark from the recording. The following is an IELTS listening map practice sample for you.

Sample question

Label the map below.

Write the correct letter, A-K, next to Questions 1-6.

  1. Nursery --------------
  2. Native tree zone --------------
  3. Exotic forest zone--------------
  4. Exhibition --------------
  5. Shamiana --------------
  6. Topiary display --------------


  1. C
  2. D
  3. G
  4. J
  5. K
  6. B

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IELTS listening Practice test questions

The best way for you to understand the difference between various tasks is to become familiar with them. Therefore, a lot of regular and strict practice with an IELTS mock test will help you ace the listening section as well. Hence, the following are some practice test questions that you can refer to when preparing for the listening segment.

  1. Traffic Changes in Granford Listening Practice Test with Answers
  2. Visiting the Sheepmarket Area IELTS Listening Practice Test With Answers
  3. Transport from Airport to Milton Listening Practice Test with Answers
  4. Host Family Applicant Listening Practice Test with Answers
  5. The Sleepy Lizard Listening Practice Test with Answers
  6. Crime Report Form Listening Practice Test with Answers
  7. Small Claims Tribunal Listening Practice Test with Answers
  8. Short Story Competition Listening Practice Test with Answers
  9. Preston Park Run IELTS Listening Practice Test with Answers
  10. Changes in Barford Over the Last 50 Years IELTS Listening Practice Test with Answers

Tips to Improve IELTS Listening Map Skills

The listening map questions are very challenging when you are a first time test taker. It further requires using spatial cognitive skills to identify and locate places while listening to the audio. Hence, it is crucial to be aware of expert IELTS listening tips to attempt this task.

  • Before you start solving the questions, make sure to go through the instructions. If there is a word limit, adhere to it to get full marks.
  • Carefully read the parts that are labelled in the map. This will make it easy for you to further identify the relevant information from the audio.
  • The information you are hearing, try to visualize it so that you can understand the context better.
  • Be cautious of the distractors in the map IELTS listening These are details that might sound like the correct answers but are not.
  • You need to be familiar with the kind of vocabulary that is used in the recording for giving location of or directions to a place.
  • Make use of note-taking skills to write down the relevant details that you hear in the recording.
  • When writing your answers, make sure that you have the correct spelling of the words.


To wrap up, these are the various types of map questions and a few IELTS listening practice test questions for you. You can make use of the samples to apply the different tips for solving map completion task. In addition to these, if you want more resources for test preparation or details about the IELTS syllabus, feel free to connect with our experts. You can also get both offline and online modes of coaching from our mentors for the IELTS exam.


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