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In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - IELTS Writing Task 2

The IELTS writing task 2 is the second part of the IELTS exam. Here, you have to write an essay on the given topic, which may be an argument or a situation. Thus, to achieve a good score, it becomes essential that you carry a logical approach and follow correct strategies and techniques in your response. Many students find it difficult to write essays in IELTS, so this blog is perfect to help you. Here, we will discuss the topic “in some countries more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about” to get more clarity about the IELTS writing task. Moreover, you will find helpful tips for scoring well on the exam. Thus, read till the end.

In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - IELTS Writing Task 2

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Writing Task 2

In this IELTS exam task, you will submit your response by writing an essay for a situation, argument, or sometimes a question. Thus, you must read the question correctly to identify the type and cover all the necessary pointers to get good marks in an IELTS writing essay.

Furthermore, you get 40 minutes to complete the task, and the word limit should not exceed 250. Moreover, the essay “In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About” comes under the category of a ‘Direct Question Essay’. So, read below for the best way to respond to this essay.

In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - How to Answer?

The correct way to start an IELTS writing essay is by introducing a clear translation of the question and stating your opinion. Furthermore, you need to emphasize the topic in each paragraph and support your intent with the help of examples and facts. Moreover, you can also use transition words to show connectivity between the sentences to add more clarity to the response.

Here, in “in some countries more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about”, you have to give answers to the questions asked after the statement. So, the things which you will include are,


  1. Paraphrase the question.
  2. Give an outline of both the statements.

Main Body Paragraph 1

  1. Write an answer to the first statement.
  2. Explain the reason for your answer.
  3. Elaborate the topic further.
  4. Give an example

Main Body Paragraph 2

  1. Write an answer to the second statement.
  2. Explain the reason for your answer.
  3. Elaborate the topic further.
  4. Give an example


Give a summary by writing the final note to the point you have covered in the essay

So, this was the outline of what your essay would look like. Therefore, follow this structure to score good marks in the IELTS exam.

In some countries more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about the history of the house or building they live in.

What are the reasons for this?

How can people research this?

Remember to keep the essay under 250 words. Word limit is one of the most important aspects that examiners look for.

In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - Sample 1

Here is the first sample of the IELTS writing essay.


The history of a building is really important for the public, as they want to know about the older generations who spent their time in these places and how they can renovate their house without annihilating its history.


There can be several reasons that stimulate people to find out about the history of the place or building they live in. For example, some people are ardent to know about the arts and traditions of the building or the house they live in. There are many people who are interested in living in the ancient castles and houses. And all such places hold a very vibrant infrastructure with an intriguing history. So this attracts people’s attention and makes them want to know more about that place.

The government provides adequate information about houses. Some libraries keep a range of dead records in their databases about houses and residences from the time they were built and evidence of several times in the cities. Therefore, when citizens apply to access these data, they can find some information about their own accommodations.


So, it is clear that the reason that people are desperate to know about their houses and buildings is their interest in the art and history of that place. Moreover, governmental authorities and records are the best sources to know about the same.

In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - Sample 2

Here is the second sample response, which will help you score a high band on the IELTS exam.


In many nations, people are keen to know the history of their houses and the buildings they reside in. Some houses are really old, and some people are interested in the material used to build them hundreds of years ago.


To begin with, some of the houses are very old and have a very peculiar infrastructure. For example, several Gothic-style houses are still present in Europe, and people still live in those buildings. Additionally, some people, such as architects and engineers, are really interested in the materials that were used in the past. They found out that the materials used hundreds of years ago were more vigorous compared to the modern infrastructure.

The best way to find out about these buildings is through the Internet. It is true that you can search for anything on the Internet. So, you will be able to learn the history of houses in the Gothic style and other historic buildings easily.


To conclude, many people are interested in the history of their sweet home. Some houses were built centuries ago with different materials than now. Furthermore, dwellers can easily find information about their home type on the internet.

In Some Countries More and More People Are Becoming Interested in Finding Out About - Sample 3

Below written is the third sample of the IELTS writing essay task.


People worldwide are interested in the history and origin of their homes and buildings. This curiosity can be fueled by a yearning to connect with cultural heritage or practical concerns regarding safety.


Knowing that your house is part of a prosperous civilization creates a sense of pride and affinity. Moreover, this feeling of cultural connection makes the place of living more meaningful. Furthermore, some people want to know the historical roots of the buildings contemplating the safety concerns. Older buildings may have been constructed using outdated materials or without modern reinforcements. By researching a building's history, residents can find out about prior renovations or issues, allowing them to make informed decisions about possible upgrades to improve structural safety.

There are various ways for people to investigate their home's history. Local government archives and records hold property records and maps, while libraries and historical societies preserve old photographs. Online resources, like property databases and genealogy sites, can also provide valuable details, making the process easier and more accessible for residents.


On a final note, cultural belonging and connections are the major reasons people scrutinize their houses, and others consider safety measures while doing the same. So, government and local libraries are the best sources for learning about the roots of buildings.

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Lexical Resources

In the above samples, some advanced and unique vocabulary for IELTS was used. Moreover, it will be beneficial if you use such hard words in your response. It will make a positive impression on the examiner and will improve your overall score. Also, it will also enhance your vocabulary for the exam, and you will notice a change in the language command in your personal life.

AnnihilatingDestroy utterly
StimulateRaise levels of physiological or nervous activity
ArdentVery enthusiastic or passionate.
IntriguingArousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.
AdequateSatisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity
KeenHaving or showing eagerness or enthusiasm
PeculiarDifferent to what is normal or expected; strange
VigorousStrong, healthy, and full of energy
DwellersA person or animal that lives in or at a specified place
CuriosityA strong desire to know or learn something
YearningA feeling of intense longing for something
AffinityA natural liking for and understanding of someone or something
ContemplatingLook thoughtfully for a long time at
ReinforcementsThe action or process of reinforcing or strengthening
GenealogyA line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor
ScrutinizeExamine or inspect closely and thoroughly

So, these were a few hard words that were used in the essay samples above. You can use these words in your response only if they fit in the content. Keep in mind that you have to use a word that best suits the place. So, do not force any word in the response.

Now, in the next section of the blog, you will find some tips to improve your score in the writing essay task of IELTS.

Tips to Improve IELTS Writing Essay Task

These are some tips that will help you improve your score in the IELTS writing task. So, read it and use it during the IELTS exam.

  1. Take the help of the IELTS writing mock test during your preparation to get familiar with the format.
  2. Stay under the 250-word limit in your response.
  3. Learn the synonyms for IELTS to score well in the exam.
  4. Complete the task in a given time.
  5. Carry a straightforward flow throughout the response.
  6. Your intent for the question statement should be clear if you agree or disagree with the statement.
  7. Use phrases and idioms to make your response more attractive and catchy.

So, these are the tips that you can use during exam time. It will help you score good marks in the IELTS exam.

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To conclude, this essay was all about the question, “In some countries more and more people are becoming interested in finding out about,” with three sample responses for you to practice. Thus, this blog will help you know the exact tone to carry in your response. Moreover, you also read about the lexical resources, which are important in your response, followed by some tips to improve the exam score. Furthermore, you can enhance your preparation by opting for offline or online IELTS coaching, providing you with top-quality education within your comfort.

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