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  4. In Spite Of The Advances Made In Agriculture Ielts Writing Task 2

In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture - IELTS Writing Task 2

The IELTS writing task 2 is the second part of the exam wherein students are provided with a problem, argument, or statement. Further in response to that students must draft an essay. Besides, there are ample topics for IELTS writing essays. However, in this blog, we will be covering various sample responses on the topic “In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture”. Moreover, there are various tips provided to help you excel in the IELTS writing section. So let’s begin!

IELTS Writing Task 2 In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture l

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Writing Task 2

In the IELTS writing task 2, students are required to write an essay of about 250 words. Further, the writing task is the same for both IELTS General & IELTS Academic tests. Thus, to achieve a good score, it is vital to properly understand the type of question asked. In total there are 8 kinds of questions that may appear in the test, they are as follows:

  1. Opinion Question (Agree and Disagree)
  2. Advantage and Disadvantage Question
  3. Discussion (Discuss Both Views) Question
  4. Problem and Solution Question
  5. Double Question Essay
  6. Evaluation
  7. Causes and Effects
  8. Two-Part Question

Besides, to complete the task a student will be given 40 minutes. Further, the IELTS writing task 2 on the topic, “In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture”, falls under the category of problem and solution essay in the IELTS exam. This type of essay, asks you to write about both the problem/cause and the solution to the specific problem/cause.

The next section covers how to answer this type of question in the IELTS exam.

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In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture: How to Answer?

While answering the IELTS writing essay, students must begin by presenting a clear introduction, and elaborate the given problem/cause. The main paragraph of the body will state the impacts of the key problem. Next, this will be followed by another paragraph suggesting a potential solution. Since, “In Spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture”, is a problem and solution essay, the student must mention the problem and solution in the main paragraphs of the body.

The next section covers writing task 2 academic sample answers for your reference.

In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture Many People Around the World still go Hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

Make sure you do not exceed the word limit i.e. 250 words!

Sample 1

Here’s a sample response for the IELTS writing task 2 on the topic, “In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture.”


In today’s era, technology has taken a huge turn due to industrialization and globalization and so has agriculture. However, even with the new advancements, there are many people who suffer from hunger. The essay will discuss the unyielding problem and its potential solutions.

Paragraph 1 - Body

There are various reasons as to why so many people around the world go hungry. However, one of the main reasons is the unequal distribution of food. Although agricultural productivity has increased due to new and modern techniques, however, food distribution still remains unequal. There are various regions, especially in developing countries, where people face severe shortages of food. Further, the surplus food often fails to reach those in need that is the remote areas. There may be several reasons for this, for instance, geographical, climatic conditions, and more.

Paragraph 2 - Body

To avoid this situation, there are various measures that can be taken. Firstly, enhancing logistics and supply chains. This will ease the distribution of food from surplus regions to those facing shortages and make it better. Other than that, the government and several organizations could take some steps to potentially reduce the problem by investing in transportation. This way strong networks and efficient movement of food supplies in the most needed areas can be properly done.


To sum up, many people starve due to unequal distribution of food. However, taking adequate and suitable steps can help solve the issue and people can be fed.

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Sample 2

Given below is the second sample for the IELTS writing essay. This will help you achieve a high band score.


The scarcity of food isn’t just a regional or specific area issue, it is a global issue. Although we have achieved important breakthroughs in the agricultural sector but still many people around the world starve with hunger. The essay will review the key problem and possible way out.

Paragraph 1 - Body

The greatest causes of starvation and hunger around the world are economic barriers and poverty. Moreover, the increasing food prices day by day add to the problem and substantially hampers the approach to adequate nutrition. In many low- to middle-income areas, even when food is available, people cannot afford it. Even after agricultural advances people are trapped in the hunger-poverty cycle. This economic variation is increased and is associated with high costs.

Paragraph 2 - Body

The above-mentioned problem can easily be prevented by addressing the economic inequalities. Although there are various government policies that aim at reducing poverty and can help improve access to food. However, what is lacking is the implementation of these policies. Furthermore, there can be several strategies such as supporting small farmers through financial aid. In addition to that, there can be education policies for their kids as well. This will not only increase local food production but also reduce dependence on expensive imports from all across the world.


Summing up, it is true that in spite of agricultural advancements and technologies, there are many people who remain hungry. However, with proper implementation of strategies and policies, the problem can be overcome.

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Sample 3

Here is another sample for IELTS writing task 2 for your reference.


A lot of people still live in poverty even after enhanced agricultural techniques. In the past few years, there have been people all over the world who starved to death. The problem of hunger and the possible ways to avoid this issue are discussed in the essay.

Paragraph 1 - Body

The inability to effectively apply more modern agricultural technologies; is the primary reason for people remaining hungry is food wastage. It is no new knowledge that a significant amount of food produced goes to waste. As per recent research, it is estimated that around one-third of all food produced goes to waste, globally. Moreover, this waste takes place at various stages of the food cycle. From production to consumption majorly in developed countries where excess food is discarded rather than redistributed among the needy.

Paragraph 2 - Body

One way to avoid and reduce food wastage is by implementing strategies. These include improving storage facilities, educating consumers about portion sizes, and encouraging donations of surplus food. Moreover, this can be done to minimize waste and significantly increase the amount of food available for those who need it. Besides, there will be long-term greater benefits of the food programs and donations.


To wrap up, despite various agricultural developments and new-age technologies, there are many people who do not get food to eat. However, with proper strategy implementation, the problem can be avoided.

Lexical Resources

The above sample answers of the IELTS writing essay task have some difficult words. Here is a list of lexical resources with their meanings. Moreover, these words will also help you enhance your vocabulary for IELTS exam.

Lexical ResourcesMeaning
Industrializationthe process of transforming the economy of a nation or region from a focus on agriculture to a reliance on manufacturing.
GlobalizationGlobalization describes the growing interdependence of the world's economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border trade in goods and services, technology, and flows of investment, people, and information.
Breakthroughsan important discovery or development
Starvationsuffering or death because there is not enough food
Adequateenough for what you need
Implementationthe act of putting a plan into action or of starting to use something

Overall, these were some of the words along with their meanings used in the IELTS writing essay task. Further, the next section mentions some of the tips to excel in the IELTS writing task.

Tips to Excel in IELTS Essay Writing Task

To improve the IELTS writing task 2 there are a few tips that students must keep in mind. Here’s a list of tips that will help you excel in the IELTS writing essay topics:

  • Firstly, identify the kind of problem and analyze the main cause.
  • List out the potential solutions that might avoid the issue or reduce it.
  • Use transition words or linking devices in the writing task 2 IELTS.
  • Do not exceed the word limit of writing task 2 i.e. 250 words.
  • The use of vocabulary and phrases makes the essay more attractive.
  • The structure of the IELTS writing essay includes an introduction, two paragraphs in the body, and a conclusion.
  • Practicing different essay topics to improve your scores.
  • Taking the IELTS writing mock test before appearing for the actual test.


To wrap up, the write-up covers an IELTS writing essay on the topic of “In spite of the Advances Made in Agriculture”. There are three samples provided along with the lexical resources and a few tips that will help you excel in writing task 2 IELTS. Furthermore, the agree or disagree kind of essay writing tasks require proper practice and strategies. Thus, if you need assistance and guidance for IELTS preparation then Gradding is a one-stop solution for all your doubts. Besides, expert instructors provide online IELTS classes to students.


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