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Phrases for IELTS Speaking: Useful Guide to Get 8 Band Score

This blog talks about the phrases which can be used in the IELTS speaking test. Using these phrases in your vocabulary will enhance your communication skills and also boost your confidence.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking

Table of Contents

It is highly essential to use the phrases for IELTS Speaking strategically in the exam. They not only enhance your language skills but also boost your IELTS Speaking test performance. Our blog is a detailed guide that will help you master the art of incorporating phrases in your speaking. Here, you will find everything from essential general phrases to the dos and don'ts of their application. So, let us get started to embark on the journey to fulfill your dream of studying abroad at a top university.

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Why Phrases for IELTS Play a Vital Role in Scoring Well?

The IELTS speaking test comprises three tasks, including introduction, cue card, and follow-up rounds. This test is considered to be very challenging as the candidate must be spontaneous and crisp while answering in English. Using the right phrases can play a vital role in achieving success in the test. IELTS idioms and phrases not only showcase your language proficiency but also tell the examiner about your understanding of various communication contexts. Here are the benefits of using phrases:

  • Phrases are like essential tools, which if mastered, will unlock the door to your success.
  • They give you an edge over others, which is vital to beating the competition and putting a lasting impression on the examiners while taking your IELTS exam.
  • They help in showing your range and accuracy in the use of language. You can learn phrases tailored for each specific task and handle each of them strategically.
  • With the use of the right phrase at the right time, you can convey your ideas in less time and words.
  • Well-practiced phrases act as confidence boosters for candidates.
  • The phrases for IELTS speaking not only add a touch of sophistication to your responses but also help in maintaining a smooth flow of ideas.

Therefore, you should not consider them as just an option, but rather a vital tool for achieving IELTS success. Now, when you have a clear idea about the importance of phrases, let us learn some phrases to use in IELTS speaking Task 1 so that use them tactically in the right places.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking Task 1

phrases for IELTS speaking task 1

In task 1 of your IELTS speaking test, the examiner will first introduce him to you. Then, you will be asked to confirm your identity along with a brief introduction and answer some questions about your family, background, home, work, studies, interests, hobbies, and so on. As Task 1 revolves around the introduction and discussion of familiar topics, you must go beyond basic vocabulary and pay attention to IELTS-speaking phrases.

Here, we are going to look at some phrases that can play a key role in enhancing your responses in the IELTS Speaking Task 1.

  1. To kick things off
  • Meaning: To start or begin something.
  • Example: To kick things off, let me introduce myself.
  1. On the flip side
  • Meaning: Looking at the opposite perspective of something.
  • Example: On the flip side, some argue that the pattern of IELTS is tough.
  1. It goes without saying
  • Meaning: Something is so obvious that it doesn't need to be mentioned explicitly.
  • Example: It goes without saying that practice is crucial for improving language skills.
  1. To sum up
  • Meaning: To provide a concise summary or conclusion.
  • Example: To sum up, I believe that education is the key to achieving success.
  1. To put it differently
  • Meaning: Expressing the same idea in a different way.
  • Example: To put it differently, one should always work hard if one wants to fulfill the dream to study in UK.
  1. In a nutshell
  • Meaning: In summary; briefly stated.
  • Example: In a nutshell, it is a good idea to learn English.
  1. To draw a parallel
  • Meaning: Comparing two similar situations or ideas.
  • Example: Drawing a parallel to this, we can see similarities in both tests.
  1. To play a crucial role in
  • Meaning: Significantly contribute to a situation.
  • Example: Education plays a crucial role in shaping the values and beliefs of individuals in society.
  1. To put it simply
  • Meaning: Simplifying complex information for better understanding.
  • Example: To put it simply, climate change is an issue that requires immediate attention.
  1. To delve deeper into this
  • Meaning: Exploring a topic in greater detail.
  • Example: Let's delve deeper into the impact of IELTS coaching online on the results.

Having learned how to use the idioms, let us take into account phrases for IELTS Speaking Task 2, which can be used in the test.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking Task 2

Phrases for IELTS speaking task 2

Task 1 of the speaking test was more introductory. Now we move to the task 2. This task is quite challenging but also a very important part of the whole test. Here, you are required to express your opinions, discuss some of the ideas, and provide detailed responses to the questions asked by the examiner. If you wish to clear this task, you must cleverly choose the words to use in IELTS speaking. Here, we are going to discuss some phrases that are tailored to use in task 2 of the test.

  1. In my opinion
  • Meaning: To share personal viewpoints.
  • Example: In my opinion, one should always be kind to others.
  1. On the one hand, on the other hand...
  • Meaning: Presenting both sides of an argument.
  • Example: On the one hand, technology has improved communication, but on the other hand, it has also led to increased isolation.
  1. I'm inclined towards
  • Meaning: Indicating personal preferences.
  • Example: I'm inclined towards the idea that sustainable living is crucial for the future.
  1. I firmly believe that
  • Meaning: Expressing a strong personal belief.
  • Example: I firmly believe that IELTS speaking phrases can have a deep impact on the student’s performance.
  1. For instance
  • Meaning: Offering specific examples to support a statement.
  • Example: For instance, consuming vegetables and fruits can be a good way to stay healthy.
  1. An emerging trend is
  • Meaning: Highlighting common patterns or tendencies.
  • Example: An emerging trend is the use of electric vehicles to save fuel.
  1. In my view
  • Meaning: To share personal opinions.
  • Example: In my view, phrases for IELTS speaking are the best way to improve your speaking skills.
  1. It's worth noting that
  • Meaning: Emphasizing the importance of a point.
  • Example: It's worth noting that education plays a vital role in shaping the future.
  1. Striking a balance between... and...
  • Meaning: Emphasizing the need for equilibrium.
  • Example: Striking a balance between education and social life is crucial for sustainable progress.
  1. Another aspect to consider is
  • Meaning: Looking at the other side of the issue.
  • Example: During exam preparation, another aspect to consider is to focus on IELTS phrases.

Now that you are familiar with the phrases for IELTS speaking Task 2, we are ready to explore some more for Task 3 to validate your success.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking Task 3

Phrases for IELTS Speaking task 3

When you reach to Task 3 of the IELTS speaking test, you are expected to show a strong ability to discuss abstract ideas and express your opinions on different topics. The phrases for IELTS speaking task 3 will help you communicate effectively and leave a lasting impression on the examiner. Let us have a look at some of such phrases –

  1. White elephant
  • Meaning: It is used to describe an expensive possession that is challenging to maintain.
  • Example: The new mansion is turning out to be a white elephant as the property taxes are too high.
  1. Over the moon
  • Meaning: Extremely happy or delighted
  • Example: After clearing the eligibility for IELTS, she was over the moon with excitement.
  1. Down in the dumps
  • Meaning: To feel sad, depressed, or unhappy.
  • Example: After receiving the news of the job rejection, Shreya has been feeling down in the dumps for the past few days.
  1. Miss the boat or bus
  • Meaning: To miss an opportunity or fail to take advantage of a favorable situation.
  • Example: Shreya missed the boat by not applying for the job at the right time.
  1. The bottom line
  • Meaning: To signify the most important or essential aspect of a situation.
  • Example: You should always look at the bottom line before investing in stocks.
  1. Before Long
  • Meaning: It implies that something will happen or change relatively soon or in a short while.
  • Example: I started learning phrases to use in IELTS speaking, and before long, there was a remarkable improvement in my vocabulary.
  1. Lost track of time
  • Meaning: Get so engrossed in an activity or an experience that you do not notice time passing.
  • Example: While reading a novel, she completely lost track of time.
  1. Look on the bright side
  • Meaning: To encourage someone to adopt a positive or optimistic perspective
  • Example: Despite facing setbacks in the exams, Shreya always tries to look on the bright side.
  1. It’s up to you
  • Meaning: This phrase conveys the idea that a decision or choice is entirely the responsibility of the person being addressed.
  • Example: Today, we will learn IELTS-speaking phrases or idioms, it's up to you.
  1. Be at the end of the rope
  • Meaning: In a state of extreme frustration, exhaustion, or a feeling of being unable to cope with a difficult situation any longer.
  • Example: After weeks of hard work, Shreya felt like she was at the end of her rope.

Apart from these phrases for IELTS speaking for every task, you must also learn some common phrases that can be used during the test to show off your speaking skills. The next section talks about some general phrases.

Common Phrases for IELTS Speaking Section

common phrases for ielts speaking

The aim of the IELTS speaking test is to judge your English proficiency. In order to crack this test, you must exhibit fluency and coherence and express your ideas clearly to the examiner. We have already learned phrases to use in IELTS speaking for tasks 1, 2, and 3. Now, we shall dive into a collection of general phrases tailored to enhance your communication across all tasks. This will help you to showcase your language skills and give an impactful performance. Let us have a look at some of the general phrases –

  1. I couldn't agree more
  • Meaning: Expressing strong agreement.
  • Example: I couldn't agree more with the idea that technology has revolutionized the way we work and communicate.
  1. Building on that
  • Meaning: Moving smoothly from one point to another.
  • Example: Building on that, let's discuss the IELTS syllabus now.
  1. Without a shadow of a doubt
  • Meaning: Emphasizing a high level of certainty.
  • Example: Without a shadow of a doubt, this book was worth reading.
  1. In a nutshell
  • Meaning: Providing a concise summary of key points.
  • Example: In a nutshell, the company has achieved a lot in the past few years.
  1. In my personal experience
  • Meaning: Telling personal tales to support a statement.
  • Example: In my personal experience, traveling helps improve cultural understanding.
  1. To wrap things up
  • Meaning: Concluding or summarizing the discussion.
  • Example: To wrap things up, IELTS speaking phrases can highly improve your test performance.
  1. Well-off
  • Meaning: It describes a person or a family as being financially prosperous or wealthy.
  • Example: After years of hard work, Shreya and her family finally became well-off.
  1. Fed up
  • Meaning: A feeling of extreme frustration, annoyance, or dissatisfaction.
  • Example: The teacher was fed up with the nuisance created by the children.
  1. A hot potato
  • Meaning: It refers to a controversial or sensitive issue being discussed by many people.
  • Example: The topic of the budget is a hot potato nowadays.
  1. In light of these considerations
  • Meaning: Summarizing key points and concluding the discussion.
  • Example: In light of these considerations, it becomes clear that IELTS phrases are an important part of your exam preparations.

If you practice these phrases regularly, you will see a huge transformation in your speaking skills, and you will be able to handle the speaking test with ease. But you must also know the pros and cons of using them, and the next section will throw light on it.

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Do’s and Don’ts for Using IELTS Phrases

By now, it is quite clear that phrases are important words to use in IELTS speaking and can have a powerful impact on your performance. But you must be careful while using them and include them judiciously in your speaking test. Here, we are presenting some do’s and don’ts for using IELTS phrases so that you get clear about things which matter the most.

Do’s for Using IELTS Phrases

Don’ts for Using IELTS Phrases

Incorporate Naturally - Integrate phrases into your responses such that they enhance your communication rather than making it unnatural.

Avoid Overuse – Do not overuse phrases in your speech otherwise, it will sound rehearsed and unnatural.

Practice Pronunciation – You must pronounce phrases clearly and confidently so that you have a natural flow in your speech.

Do Not Force - The phrases should complement your response and not sound forced or out of context.

According to Task Requirements – We have discussed phrases for each task. Use them according to the requirements of the task.

Should be Relevant – It should be relevant to the context and should not look stuffed.

Enhance Fluency - Use phrases to enhance fluency, creating a smooth and logical flow in your speech.

Avoid Complex Phrases – You must use complex phrases only if they fit in nicely otherwise use the simple ones.

Use Different Phrases -Use a variety of phrases to showcase a broad vocabulary rather than repeating the same ones.

Don’t Sacrifice Clarity - Ensure that the use of phrases does not hinder the clarity of your message.

Using phrases for IELTS speaking is no doubt a good idea. The experts at also suggest students learn and use them as and when needed. But you must use them cleverly. This will not only enhance your language proficiency but also give you the much-needed confidence to perform well in your IELTS speaking test.

Commonly Asked Queries by IELTS Aspirants

The IELTS aspirants have various queries in their minds regarding the test format and other test-related concerns. Here we are going to discuss some common queries that may arise in your mind along with their brief responses.

Q1. How Long is the IELTS Speaking Test?

The IELTS Speaking Test typically lasts around 11 to 14 minutes. It consists of three parts i.e. Task 1, Task 2, and Task 3. Part 1 is 4 - 5 minutes, Part 2 is 3 - 4 minutes and Part 3 is 4 - 5 minutes.

Q2. Can I Use Informal Language During the Test?

It is advisable to use a mix of formal and informal language and maintain a natural conversational tone. However, avoid using slang or casual words.

Q3. Is It Better to Use Complex Phrases?

You must strike a balance between the two. Complex phrases that showcase proficiency, clarity, and coherence can be used but with perfection.

Q4. Can I Use Phrases for Each Task Interchangeably?

Some phrases are versatile and can be tailored as per specific task. You can practice using task-specific phrases to address the unique requirements of each part.

Q5. How to Improve Performance in the IELTS Speaking Test?

You must practice regularly with a language partner. Try to focus on expanding your vocabulary, pay attention to pronunciation, and familiarize yourself with the test format.

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