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Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Section to Score 7+ Band

The speaking section of the IELTS exam assesses your proficiency in the English language. In addition to fluency, grammar, and pronunciation, vocabulary plays a crucial role. Therefore, to perform well in the exam, you must know the vocabulary for IELTS speaking section. However, just knowing won’t help. Thus, in this write-up, you will learn to use the right words in the response. Read the entire blog to get a 7+ band in the IELTS speaking section. 

Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Section

Table of Contents

IELTS Speaking Vocabulary with Meaning & Examples: Topic Wise

To score well in the speaking section, you must have a solid vocabulary. You must know various topic-wise vocabulary words for IELTS speaking section. In this guide, you will get 50+ words with their meanings and examples for your reference. Besides, these words may also be used in cue cards 2024 and other exams. So let’s get started!

Advertising Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Here is advertising IELTS vocabulary for speaking section with meanings and examples.

CommercialAdvertisements on television or radio about buying and selling goods and services.There's an element in Apple that makes us buy what’s in their commercials.
BillboardA large board near a road where advertisements are put.Harry Potter posters are all over the billboards.
Classified AdsA form of online and print advertising that appears under a particular category in a publication.The Coldplay tickets in India were advertised via online classified ads and sold out in a week.
CampaignA plan to do a number of things in order to achieve a special aim.The BJP party launched a campaign before the elections results.
BrandThe name of a product that is made by a particular company to distinguish a feature or product.DKNY is an iconic brand for bags and perfumes.

Travel & Holidays Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The list below shows travel & holidays IELTS vocabulary for speaking section with meanings and examples.

AccommodationSomewhere to live or stay, often also providing food or other services.I am not sure if they provide food and accommodations at the college.
Holiday BrochuresPromotional documents that advertise specific destinations, hotels, tours, vacation packages, or exotic locales.The holiday brochures covers lots of different activities to do at the camp.
BackpackingTo go walking or travelling with your clothes, etc. in a backpack.She graduated in December and then went backpacking in January.
Exotic DestinationsUnusual and interesting, usually because it comes from or is related to a distant country.Christmas holidays were approaching and an exotic destination had been booked long beforehand.
Get AwayTo escapeI walked to the next beach to get away from the crowds.
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Friends Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The list below shows vocabulary for IELTS that you can use for friends. Besides, their meanings and examples are also mentioned.

Enjoy each other's companyTo like spending time with each other.Tanya and Sanya are always together, they seem to enjoy each other’s company.
A friend for lifeSomeone you’ve known for most of your life.Sam is my friend for life. We have been together since the 1st standard.
A shoulder to cry onSomeone to sympathize with you when you are sad.I’m glad that I have my sister. Its always good to have a shoulder to cry on.
To have friends in high placesTo have friends in powerful positions in business or governmentAditya owes his career growth to his friends in high places.
Ups and downsThe mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular situation or relationshipVijay has been with me in my ups and downs.

Technology Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Here are words that you can use for technical vocabulary for IELTS with meanings and examples.

Advances in technologyProgressive forward movement in technologyIn the 21st century, there have been made various advances in technology.
Not rocket scienceIt is not very difficultLearning Python is not rocket science.
Cutting-edgeSomething innovative and leadingThere are various universities that offer cutting-edge technology to students.
Digital EditingA process of changing digital materials like audio or video files.One must know digital editing in this era.
GeekSomeone who is obsessed with technology, especially computersSaurabh is a geek. He has various devices with him.

Sports Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The list below shows the IELTS words for speaking about sports and fitness.

BarbellA weight-lifting gear.I have been training in the gym with the barbell.
Brisk WalkWalking fast, but not as fast as a full run.One must go for a brisk walk, it helps to loose weight.
Balanced DietEat a wise mix of different food items.A sportsperson must take a balanced diet.
Positive ReinforcementRewarding someone for doing the right thingMy tennis coach believes in positive reinforcement approach.
To be keen to do smthTo be very interested in doing somethingThey were very keen to start gym as soon as possible.

Food Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The is a table that shows food vocabulary IELTS for IELTS that students can use.

Fussy eaterSomeone who is very picky about the food and doesn't eat everythingMy little is a fussy eater.
Dine inDine at homeMe and my brother planned to dine in today.
Mouth-wateringDelicious, appetizing.My mother makes mouth-watering food at home.
Processed FoodFood that has been modified in an undesirable or unhealthy way to achieve its current stateOne must avoid processed food in order to stay fit.
Quick SnackA light and quick meal, usually unhealthyLet me grab a quick snack so that we can be on our way.
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Education Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Here is a list that shows IELTS words for speaking about education, studies, and other related topics.

Hit the booksBegin studying hardIn my 3rd year of college, I hit the books.
Schoolboy errorA very basic and stupid mistakeGaurav made a schoolboy error on his math test.
BookwormA term to describe someone who really likes to read and spends a lot of time on itHe’s a bookworm, whenever we have a free class, he picks up a book and starts reading.
Eager beaverAn enthusiastic and hard-working personI am an eager beaver when it come to my work.
Peer groupClassmates who are similar in age to youI have scheduled a study session with my peer group.

Environment Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The list of words below can be used in speaking vocabulary with their meanings and illustrations.

Air qualityThe cleanliness of the air we breatheDelhi's air quality is not as good as Jaipur's air quality.
Endangered speciesA category of animals or plans that might become extinct.Javan Rhinos are endangered species.
Exhaust fumesGases ejected from an engine as waste productsI bought an electric car to avoid producing exhaust fumes when I drive.
Greenhouse effectHeating of the atmosphere due to the carbon dioxide and other gasesThe ever-increasing greenhouse effect leads to global warming.
Bio-diversityA diversity in nature, among plants and animals.The organizations serves to save the bio-diversity.

Books & Films Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The below-listed books and film vocabulary IELTS can be used for the speaking section.

Tear-jerkingA story, song, movie, etc., that makes you cry or feel very sadThe movie that I saw yesterday was tear-jerking.
Thought-provokingA book or film that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to something.This thought-provoking book raises more questions than it answers.
FuturisticTelling about the future.Divergent series can be categorised into futuristic movies.
HeartbreakingThat breaks your heart and evokes sad emotions"Titanic" is such a heartbreaking film.
Action-packedFull of actionMission Impossible was an action-packed film.

Career Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The list below shows career vocab for speaking with meaning and examples.

InternshipWorking for a short period, paid or unpaidAlong with college, I completed four internships.
Career ladderAscending through promotions to the company’s top-levelTo grow and step up in the career ladder, it is vital that you learn every day.
A field (of work)A type of careerIn the last semester, students are required to choose a field.
An eye for detailPerfectionistMy manager has an eye for details.
I paddle like a swanI look calm but don't feel it.In the meeting today, I paddled like a swan.

Common Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking Section

The type of words or vocabulary that you can use for the IELTS speaking test for your answers are listed below. Here are some common speaking vocabulary with their meanings and examples:

AwesomeExtremely impressive or intimidating, causing awe.
AwfulIs used to emphasize the severity of something, particularly something unpleasant or negative.
DebateDiscuss (a topic), especially in a formal way.
HackGain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer; cut with forceful or harsh blows.
JargonSpecial, hard-to-understand words or phrases that a profession or group uses.

These were a few topic-wise words with meaning and examples. Further, in the next section, let us look at tips for vocabulary for IELTS speaking section.

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Preparation Tips for IELTS Speaking Vocabulary

In this section, we have mentioned a few tips and tricks that will help you get a high band score in the speaking section. Let us have a glance at the following pointer:

  • Make it a point to speak in English daily.
  • Try answering questions for IELTS Speaking.
  • Read more to learn synonyms for IELTS speaking
  • Understand the topics first on which you’ll be tested.
  • Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Increase your knowledge of grammar by using phrasesidioms, proverbs, and more.
  • Train yourself to speak with fluency and pronunciation.
  • Work on your mistakes to improve.
  • Practice vocabulary words for IELTS speaking
  • You may ask the examiner queries if you don’t understand the question.


To conclude, the IELTS speaking section is considered one of the toughest parts of the IELTS exam. Thus, students need to improve their vocabulary for IELTS speaking section. In this blog, we have discussed different words along with their meanings and examples that you can use in the speaking section. Further, the write-up also contains some tips and tricks for you to excel in the IELTS speaking vocabulary. Moreover, if you are facing issues or want to explore the speaking section more, then join our online or offline classes. Besides, you may even enroll in the mock test series.


1. What Is Idiomatic Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking?

A phrase or expression that has no literal meaning or is an idiom is considered as idiomatic vocabulary for IELTS speaking part. Moreover, an idiom has a non-literal meaning and cannot be understood easily. For example, if you are feeling happy to see a friend then you might say “I was over the moon when I saw you.”

2. How Can I Improve My IELTS Speaking Vocabulary?

Here are a few points on how to learn vocabulary for IELTS Speaking:

  1. You must learn vocabulary and use it in the right context.
  2. Read extensively from various books, newspapers, and magazines.
  3. Learn synonyms and commonly used words.
  4. While watching movies, note down phrases and words.

3. Can I Practice IELTS Speaking Alone?

Although you can practice speaking by yourself. However, it would be beneficial that you have someone to guide you through. It is very important to practice before you take the actual test so that you get your desired score.


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