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How Is Student Life in UK 2024?

It is a redundant fact that the UK is the top choice for Indian study abroad aspirants. However, many are unaware of student life in UK. It would be a great idea to read this blog further to know the same. This blog will give you insights on how an Indian student lives in the UK. Moreover, you will find Tips for students living in uk and tricks to survive in UK as a scholar. Read further to get a glimpse of a mini India in the UK. can help you live your student life in UK

Table of Contents

What is it Like to Live in the UK?

Let us first explore the various aspects of student life in UK in 2024. Indeed, there is a lot more to this country than globally recognized universities. Hence, let us first dive into the culture and its diversity in UK. This section of the blog will be covering the following:
1. Lifestyle
2. Cultural Shocks
3. Cuisine
4. Stereotypes and Societal Norms


Firstly, the quality of life and the standard of living come into the picture. The way of living for a local would vary from the one of a foreign student. Yet, for all, the UK is a great place to live and study. You must look at the statistics to know more about student life in UK. For instance, the UK's position on the world happiness index is around 20 from the top. Moreover, the liveliness reflects everywhere in the country. From people to mountains, every corner of the country is quite jolly.

Cultural Shocks

Secondly, be it any country you move to, you will see a lot of unfamiliar practices being normalized. Moreover, this is true for anyone and everyone whether you travel to a neighboring country. However, for Indians in UK, cultural shocks look like this:
"Tap water is safe to consume". 
By consuming, they mean you can drink it and use it to cook. 
" No electricity? No problem!" 
This is what the student life in UK looks. They don't need ACs and ceiling fans as the weather is either cold (in winter) or pleasant (in summer). 
"Use public transport". 
Many students don't need any private vehicle. They can use a bus or a subway (UK railway system) to travel. Moreover, you may also carry a bicycle around the country.
"Politeness is the key". 
Try to be very respectful towards the space that the locals demand. It is uncommon for people to not engage with each other in India. However, in the UK, everyone loves their own space. In addition to that, a simple gesture of "thank you", "please", and "sorry" is crucial.


Thirdly, life in UK is incomplete without food. it is going to be more of a cultural shock than cuisine insights. The British people call "fries" as "chips" and "chips" as "crisps". Yes, read that again! The locals in UK are fond of fried food. They eat fried shrimp, and fish and love mashed potatoes with iconic sausage rolls. These rolls are famous all over Europe.

Stereotypes and Societal Norms

Lastly, there are certain rules and norms in every society. In the UK, these norms are unsaid and strict. Moreover, there are also certain stereotypes that the rest of the world has about the British people. 

  • Firstly, many locals of the UK use the word "mate" to address people quite often. It is, indeed, an informal but friendly gesture (usually).
  • Secondly, the world, especially cricket fans, thinks that England is always raining. However, it is true to a certain extent. 
  • Thirdly, we have the most common stereotype that all Britishers love tea. The locals in England claim tea to be a part of their mornings, afternoons, and evenings.

These are the various ways to understand what student life in UK can look like. However, this blog has a lot more to explore about the UK. The next section, for instance, will talk about the various activities you can do in the UK. These activities are low cost and fun for when studies are too much.

Low Cost / Free Activities in UK

Besides renowned universities, the UK is also famous for being a home to a lot of famous museums. However, did you know that many of these have a cheap ticket price? Besides, there are several more Cheap or free things to do as a student in the UK in UK life which you can try. If you have some free time during the day, take a trip to one of the following:

Firstly, a place that showcases the tales of European art. Entry to this huge wonder is absolutely free. You can, however, donate as much as you want. In addition, they have more than 2300 paintings and other artworks. Furthermore, the daily timings are from 10 am to 6 pm. In addition, on Fridays, it extends till 9 pm. The location of the National Gallery, London: Trafalgar Square, London.

Sky Garden

Secondly, the list states a scenic view from up above. It is a free venture for everyone. However, you must make a reservation before coming to the Sky Garden. On the day of your visit, do remember to reach a bit early as there are long queues. These are lines of those who have a ticket with themselves. Moreover, abide by the rules and don't carry eatables and other items that the authorities forbid you to.  Furthermore, there is a security check before they let you in which is close to the one you will face at an international airport.
It is located in the Fenchurch Building, London.

Sutton Hoo

Thirdly, England has a famous national park. It was a place of burial during the medieval times. Moreover, there are graves of Anglo-Saxon kings. Moreover, we all know that, England is not famous for ship burials. However, a buried ship was discovered in the park in 1939 with a lot of wealth and possessions for the afterlife. Yet, no human body was found. The location is Tranmer House, Woodbridge, UK.

London by Night Sightseeing Tour

Fourthly, there is a bus tour at night with an open roof, around London. The city is not as crowded as in the day. Thus, people prefer this ride to experience the beauty of the 'lit city of London' at night.

National History Museum

Fifthly, the list has the dinosaur museum. It has documented and showcased a variety of life on the Earth. Moreover, there are many exhibitions hosted on the museum premises. However, you cannot access it for free.
You can visit these various places to experience free/affordable activities in your free time. The next section talks about Indian or South Asian societies in the UK.

Indian Localities You Can Visit in UK

There are a lot of South Asian people living in the UK. Indians, moreover, add to the population by more than 1.8 Million! Thus, there are a lot of societies that are exclusive to South Asians. Furthermore, these include Indians and Pakistanis at large. Following are the various localities where you can choose to meet more Indians and feel at home.
In the city of London, Indians generally prefer to live in the Western part. Some of these names are Redbridge, Newham, Croydon, Hillingdon, etc. 
These are the various boroughs created by the London government. Several universities in these localities offer world class education. Indian student life in UK revolves around this! For instance, Newham has colleges like the University of East London, London College of Fashion, and more. Moreover, in these societies, it is easier to find an Indian restaurant with authentic food.
These are a few places in London where you can find a few Asian supermarkets as well. Take a look at the next section to know about the same.

Asian and Indian Supermarkets in UK

There are a lot of Indian supermarkets that sell Indian products. Moreover, these products include spices and flours. In addition to this, these marts also provide imported Indian snacks. However, there are only a few limited variants of all the snacks you consume in India. Yet, the national dish of the UK is 'Chicken Tikka Masala!'. The supermarkets are also famous for the ready to eat Indian meals like biriyani, Idli sambhar, etc.
This was all about supermarkets in the UK. The next section discusses the class schedule of universities in the UK. For every intake, the schedule is different.

Class Schedule for Universities in UK

The UK universities have various class schedules for different intakes. There are three intakes in the universities of UK. Take a look at the class schedules for each of them. In the UK, the classes run for 3-5 days a week. This is how Indian student life in UK is scheduled:

  • The first semester runs from September and ends before Christmas. (You get a Winter break) 
  • The second semester starts in the month of January and ends with a Summer break! (in June or around)
  • This marks the end of the first term, also called the Fall or the Autumn term.
  • The second term starts in January and ends in the last week of March. 

The third term, also called the Summer term, starts in April and ends in June. 
These are the class schedules of universities in UK. The 3 intakes are famous for various courses and universities. 
The next section will talk about the cost of living in the UK.

Cost of Living in UK for Indian Students

The cost of living in the UK would be including the entire stay and survival of a student. Take a look at the table below and learn more about the cost of living in the UK.

Accommodation 4,999£
Food and Groceries 428£
Electricity/Water/Gas 251£
Sports and Activities 42£
Health Insurance 470£ PER YEAR
1-liter Gasoline 1.50£
Mobile Phone 13£

Now, let us talk about the various transport options you have during UK student life. You can refer to the expert you hire before coming to the UK for post arrival service. Gradding is one of the providers of such aid to its students. The experts offer pre departure and post arrival assistance. A mentor will guide your from the airport to your stay and educate you about the stores and facilities nearby.


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Transportation Services in UK

Transport in UK is very crucial for a foreign student. It is because many times the stay is farther from the university. It can be hectic to not know all the routes. Moreover, longer routes mean more time consumption. Hence, scholars should learn about this in advance.


Local (one way ticket)
Monthly Pass 70£
Taxi Fare (1km)


A new car would cost you around 29,000£. However, it is not very practical for a student to own a private vehicle when rentals are way cheaper. Moreover, you can also rent a bicycle or buy one. It costs around 332£. Now, let us talk about the healthcare system in UK. Your bumpy student life in UK can get better with this.

Healthcare in the UK for International Students

International students can avail the benefits of one of the world's best healthcare systems. Per year, you need to pay 470£ if your course is of more than 6 months. However, if your course duration is less than 6 months, you only need to pay 235£. The benefits of the antional Health Service (NHS) includes treatments and emergency care, and general practitioner (GP) visits. Student life in UK can be beautiful, but also chaotic at the same time. Thus, it is better to get healthcare insurance as soon as you enter the country. However, this is an additional safeguard and is completely optional to get a private health insurance. Yet, if your course is more than 6 months, it would be a wiser idea to get one. It is because it bears normal expenses for Students in UK. Furthermore, if you get health insurance, you get another safeguard. This has to be an informed decision. Whether you opt for private health insurance or not is up to you. Moreover, you can also get your existing health insurance extended which you took within your country. Now, let us talk about the common challenges that the Indian students face in UK.

Common Challenges Faced by Indian Students in UK

This section will specifically talk about the various difficulties in UK student life. Every challenge has a description to give you an idea of the entire problem below.

  1. Multicultural Diversity
  2. Academic Performance
  3. Financial Issues
  4. Strict Budget
  5. Social Interactions (initially too many )
  6. No Support System

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Multicultural Diversity

There will be, indeed, a lot of multicultural diversity. It will, moreover, affect your choices and interactions as a student. Although, it will enhance your abilities in communication for the better. However, it will also give you a lot of cultural shocks and difficulties adapting to the wide diversity. Hence, it would be better to polish one's soft skills before leaving India for UK.

Academic Performance

Secondly, there will be a learning curve in the beginning until the student gets used to the system. However, the UK education system is the same as the Indian one. Yet, the grading system is different from that of India. Also, the level of education is higher and it varies from the rest of the world.

Financial Issues

The UK will also give you a bit of a financial constraint. Especially, if you are an Indian student. However, it also has solutions like study loans and scholarships. It is only natural to incline towards a better alternative. There are several study abroad consultants who can offer financial aid or advice. However, their research is what helps the students the most. Thus, they should hire an experienced expert for the same.

Strict Budget

Fourthly, there is a possibility that you have a tight pocket to meet the cost of living in the UK. However, many scholarships offer stipends and living allowances to students. Furthermore, they can be either monthly, yearly, or single time payments. Yet, you might not be able to buy what you want. However, it will be sufficient to get what you need.

Social Interactions (initially too many )

Fifthly, this can be a bit tough if you have an introverted personality. You might need to greet and make small talk with a lot of people initially because no matter how introverted you are, you need to have peers to grow in a foreign nation. Thus, it would be better to prepare yourself and save your energy. Moreover, it is also a chance for you to make friends who can help you and support you in your journey. In addition to this, there will be people from all around the world. Hence, learning about UK culture and lifestyle and preaching your own will help you bond better.

No Support System

Lastly, when scholars reach the UK for the first time, they are often quite confused when it comes to finding apartments, part-time work. Moreover, it is also very difficult to figure out the transport system. Hence, Gradding provides pre departure and post arrival assistance to students for all of the above. These are the various challenges students might face in the UK. Indeed, the student life in UK holds a lot of perks. However, the other aspects are different for every student. Hence, the next section will talk about the tips to make your overall experience better.

Tips to Ensure the Best Experience in UK as an Indian Student

This section will talk about the various advice to lighten up your UK dream.

  • Note the Emergency Numbers
  • Take Health Insurance
  • Research Well on the Weather
  • Don't Isolate Yourself
  • Stay Polite

The above pointers are in detail below:

Note the Emergency Numbers

Firstly, before you step into the country, take note of all the helpline and emergency numbers. These include police, ambulance, national helpline numbers, and NGOs. Furthermore, it would be wise to have them handy or memorise them. In addition to this, you can also get the contacts of the concerned authorities within your institution. You can do this after you reach there.

Take Health Insurance

Secondly, as advised in the previous section of the blog, get private health insurance. It applies only if your course duration is more than 6 months. If it is less than 6 months the NHS is sufficient to cover you.

Research Well on the Weather

Thirdly, before you go to the new country, do check the weather. It will help you select the perfect wardrobe for the country. Moreover, the very famous stereotype regarding the UK is that it is mostly rainy. However, it is not true as the weather there is mostly unpredictable. You might experience a sunny day and a rainy cloud on the same day!

Also Read: All About Study Abroad Packing List

Don't Isolate Yourself

Fourthly, the most common practice among students in foreign lands is this. They isolate themselves and stay aloof. Indeed, most of this journey will be unfamiliar. Yet, it is crucial to reach out when you should. Moreover, you must also interact with people from different cultures. In addition, it would be wise to form a peer group of at least 4 people. It can be a source of support and academic aid to you. Moreover, like minded individuals can help each other grow in various, if not all, aspects of life and studies. Furthermore, you can do this by joining clubs and social groups. Moreover, you can also get yourself registered as a volunteer at an NGO.

Stay Polite

Lastly, the best advice you will get before going to a foreign land is this! Stay humble, polite, and avoid any conflicts. Moreover, it can be easy for you as an international student if you keep your tone friendly. Besides, you should also conduct yourself in an approachable manner. Indeed, good conduct adds to your overall personality. These are a few tips from the experts to the students going to the UK to study. The next section will talk about the support services you can get at the university as an international student.

Support Services for International Students in UK

Every university in the UK has a team to help you with every step of this journey. As there will be students from every corner of this world, teams serving and supporting all of them. Moreover, this support system will give students a sense of security and well being. Following is the list of ways in which they can get support from this team:

  • Language Support
  • Academic Skills
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Accommodation
  • Financial Aid
  • Skill Building Programs

Student Minds is one such charity organization in the UK. Their vision is to help students with their mental health and is a safe space for you to reach out. They also work exclusively for international students on some projects. Now, let us know the various benefits of studying in UK.

Top 5 Reasons to Study in UK

These are the following reasons why you should opt for UK for higher studies:

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Quality Education

Firstly, the UK is famous for top notch universities. In addition to this, it also has a great faculty with knowledge and experience. However, the QS World University Rankings 2024 indicate that 4 out of the top 10 universities in the world are in the UK. Also, the UK environment for international student is very welcoming.

Suggested Read: All You Need to Know About the Top UK Universities

A Wide Range of Courses

Secondly, the UK offers more than 50,000 UG courses. Moreover, it offers many other researched based and PG courses in various fields.

Employment Opportunities

Thirdly, job prospects are increasing in the UK. It is because of the increasing technology. However, due to the growing involvement of AI, people assume and believe that jobs for humans are going to go down. Yet, it is not entirely true as due to emerging AI, there are many other types of jobs being produced.

Several Scholarships

Fourthly, there are a great number of scholarships offered by both governments and universities. If you are an Indian student, you can apply for scholarships offered by the Indian government and companies. The table below mentions a few scholarships which you can apply to:

Durham University


  • Given on the basis of academic merit.
  • If you have Maths or Statistics as subjects, you are already eligible.
  • The rest of the students will have to apply.


  • Grants £2,000 to every student only for the first year.


  • Not available
Westminster Undergraduate High Achiever Awards


Given on the basis of academic merit.

  • You must have AAB in A level
  • If you are from IB board, you must have a score of 33 at least.


  • Grants £1500 to every student only for 3 years.


  • Enrollment day.
Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship for Academic Excellence (NOW: Swami Vivekananda Scholarship)


  • Only Students from Rajasthan are eligible
  • There are 500 seats in total (300 seats for abroad institutions with a global ranking of above #151)
  • It has 3 categories for distribution based on the total family income. The ones with the least are given special preference over the ones who have annual income close to 8 LPA


  • Covers tuition fee, living expenses, airfare for one time (economy class).
  • Grants 3 lakh for visa, laptop, and health insurance.


  • 31st May 2024

Also Read: PhD Scholarships in UK for Indian Students

Perks by the Government for International Students in UK 

Lastly, there are several perks given by the government of UK. Most of these benefits are related to finance. Whether it is tuition fees or the cost of living, the UK government has supportive schemes for all of them. Furthermore, foreign students are also allowed to do jobs in UK. However, they can only do part time jobs that do not exceed 20 hrs per week. The next section will give you insights into the differences between the UK and Indian student life.

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Differences Between India and UK [Student Edition]

There are several differences between the 2 countries. However, there are similarities as well, no matter how few. This section will recall the differences through a table:

The NHS covers almost all the medical expenses. People have to pay separately for everything until you avail some government schemes. There are seperate ones for every state.
The grading system in UK evaluates students’ performance on the basis of A level exams. In India, the grading system gives the score from 0-10 in the form of GPA.
4 universities in the UK rank on the top 10 of QS world university ranking charts. Indian IITs have the highest ranks from the country. Starting from #149th position.
The UK education system and teaching standards emphasize more on enhancing the students’ critical thinking and practical implementation of knowledge. The Indian education system focuses more on the theory part of the core subjects. It evaluates the students based on their academic grades solely.
One meal in an inexpensive restaurant in the UK is around ₹1564 In India, a single fulfilling meal in a cheap restaurant costs ₹250-500.
The rent in the UK is around ₹109,657 Indian rental apartments cost ₹17,190
The popular institutes in the UK promote and encourage students to independently research. In India, their is a very limited budget for research and development.

Now, let us talk about what all can you do after studying in UK. The next section will give you a glimpse of the after study environment in UK.

Life After Studying in UK

After studying in UK, there are many ways you can take to success. This section mentions the application process for two such methods.

How to Convert Study Visa to Work Visa?

Check Your Eligibility:

  1. Firstly, you can only apply after completing the course you came to UK for.
  2. Secondly, if you are a PhD student, you must have studied it in UK for at least 24 months.
  3. Thirdly, your job must be eligible for the work visa and you need to work for only employers registered and approved by the Home Office.
  1. Fourthly, you must be getting a standard salary. The minimum rates are mentioned on the official website.

Process: Go to the same website of to switch your study visa into a work visa. It takes almost 8 weeks to process this visa. Moreover, check your supporting paperwork. In addition, you will have to attend an interview as well. H3: How to Convert a Work Visa to PR? Check Your Eligibility:

  • Firstly, before applying for a UK PR, you must have lived in the UK for at least 5 years.
  • Secondly, you can apply even with a work visa (Tier 2 General). Moreover, you will have to prove that you earn at least £25,600 per year. However, you are exempted from that if you work in healthcare or in a short supply profession in UK.

Process: You can expect the processing to take at least 6 months. The application cost will be £2,389. This amount can increase according to your category. Moreover, to apply, you need to go to the website. The next section will talk about the various career prospects in UK.

Career Prospects in UK

The UK is advancing in technology and job production. Moreover, if you get a degree from a UK university, your degree is valid globally and so are your skills. Take a look at the various high paying jobs in UK and their average salary:

IT Services INR 46.6 LPA - 61.75 LPA
Engineering INR 44.56 LPA - 46 LPA
Banking INR 57 LPA - 59 LPA
Healthcare Services INR 42 LPA - 70 LPA
Lawyer INR 91.44 LPA
Software Developer INR 61.5 LPA
Web Developer INR 49.5 LPA
Architect INR 55.6 LPA

  The next section will give you an overview of the new rules introduced for international students in UK in 2024.

New Rules for International Students in UK

  • Recently, the UK government announced that Indians will not be able to bring their family or dependentswith them on study visa.
  • However, it does not apply to those who are pursuing postgraduate research programme visa.
  • Furthermore, foreign students won't be able to change to a graduate visa before finishing their original program.

These are the three new rules recently announced by the UK government. Indeed, they also define how is student life in UK without family. The next section will give you a roadmap for studying in UK as an Indian student in 2024.

Study Abroad Planner for UK 2024 With Gradding

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These are the steps you would need to follow for applying in a UK university through Gradding. Most of the services are free of cost. To conclude, the international student life in UK can change their entire perspective regarding life. Moreover, the exposure they get can enhance their skills as well. In addition to that, there are several employers in the UK who seek talented students and hire them. Be it future scope or the career prospects, the UK has become the finest choice for several Indian minds. Moreover, Mumbai has become a hub for students wanting to study in the UK. Study abroad consultants Mumbai express their pressure on selective courses and universities in many reports.


Q1. Is Student Life is Hard in UK

It can be tough if you have funding issues. However, it is easy if you know where to avail of the right services. If you research well on the country and the course you wish to study in UK, you can flourish without obstacles.

Q2. Is UK a Good Place for Students?

UK, as a country, in general is not unsafe. It has a strict law and order. However, it is up to you to be cautious at certain places. For instance, crowded areas are where you must be attentive and a bit alert.

Q3. Is UK Education System Good?

Yes,the UK is the home to world’s top universities who focus on practical based learning in all the fields they offer.

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