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PTE Score in Bands - PTE to IELTS Band Score Conversion

If you are confused about whether to apply for IELTS or PTE test, then this blog is for you. Here, you can look into the PTE to IELTS score conversion and vice versa. So, you can learn about these and plan your preparation to score the ideal grades. However, if you need help scoring the best grades in either of the tests, you can turn to our experts for the best assistance!

In this blog, you can look into the PTE to IELTS score conversion along with the grades and bands equivalent in both test types from gradding experts.

Table of Contents

An Insight Into PTE and IELTS Exams

In today's time, many renowned universities in countries abroad prefer PTE or IELTS as a language proficiency test. But, it is not easy for a student to prepare for both. Thus, this new concept of PTE to IELTS score conversion has been introduced to help them save time and get better scores. Let's understand it better from the basics of these two tests:

A Quick Brief of PTE Exam and Its Scoring Pattern

The PTE academic, or the famously known Pearson Test of English, is used to test a candidate's proficiency in listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. It is a 2-hour computer-based test that can be taken from a test center or home in a single attempt. This is used to assess the applicant's English skills for real-life use and includes 20 different types of questions. Its scoring pattern is as mentioned below:

Speaking and Writing (77-93 Minutes)

  • Read Aloud - 6 Questions - 10 Points
  • Repeat Sentence - 10 Questions - 13 Points
  • Describe Image - 10 Questions - 15 Points
  • Re-tell Lecture - 3 Questions - 15 Points
  • Answer Short Question - 10 Questions - 1 Point
  • Summarize Written Test - 2 Questions - 7 Points
  • Write Essay - 2 Questions - 15 Points

Reading (32 - 40 Minutes)

  • Multiple Choice: Choose Single Answer - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Multiple Choice: Choose Multiple Answers - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Re-Order Paragraphs - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Fill in the Blanks - 4 Questions - 1 Point
  • R&W Fill in the Blanks - 5 Questions - 1 Point

Listening (45 - 57 Minutes)

  • Summarize Spoken Text - 2 Questions - 10 Points
  • Multiple Choice: Choose Multiple Answers - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Fill in the Blanks - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Highlight Correct Answer - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Multiple Choice: Choose Single Answer - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Select Missing Word - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Highlight Incorrect Words - 2 Questions - 1 Point
  • Write from Dictation - 3 Questions - 1 Point

A Quick Brief of the IELTS Exam and Its Scoring Pattern

The IELTS academic, popularly known as the International English Language Testing System, is used to assess a candidate's proficiency in English with respect to 4 categories- Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. This is a worldwide accepted test format to get entry into any English-speaking country. Thus, IELTS syllabus comprises mostly generic topics-based questions. It is a 2-hour 45-minute long test which comprises 85 questions in total. Now, let's take a quick look at the exam pattern for this below:

ModuleQuestion Type | Count
Reading(60 Minutes)
  • 3 Passages 40 Questions
Writing (60 Minutes)
  • Task 1: Describe Information / Write a Letter
  • Task 2: Essay
Speaking (11-14 Minutes)
  • Part 1 - Introduction and Interview
  • Part 2 - Individual Long Turn Part 3 - Discussion
Listening (30 Minutes)
  • 4 Parts 40 Questions

Now, this brings us to the segment where we need to know the PTE score in bands. So, let’s check it out!

PTE Score in Bands

The main difference between PTE and IELTS is the calculation of the score. While PTE can be used as a global scale of English because it tests the overall performance of a candidate, IELTS focuses on section-wise proficiency. Moreover, if you want to know how much your IELTS Band score is equivalent to PTE, check out this IELTS to PTE scores conversion table.

IELTS ScoresPTE Scores

But why do you think there is a difference in the grading system of these exams? Is it just about the scores, or are there any other differences? Let’s take a look in the next section!

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PTE Academic vs IELTS Academic

One common thing between these two tests is that they check a candidate's language proficiency. While PTE is based on more real-life or global accent usage of English, IELTS focuses on the application of the language in different segments. Here, we will look into the major difference between PTE and IELTS tests:

2 Hours Test Duration2 Hours 45 Minutes Test Duration
It has Listening for 30-43 Minutes, Reading for 29-30 Minutes, and Speaking and Writing together for 54-67 Minutes.It has Listening for 30 Minutes, Reading for 60 Minutes, Writing for 60 Minutes, and Speaking for 11-14 Minutes.
PTE test is only Computer-Based.The IELTS test is both Computer-based and includes Face-to-Face Interviews.
It can be completed in one go.The speaking section can be conducted on the same day or within a week.
PTE has more recordings from academic sources or more contexts to read.IELTS has more questions to answer from comparatively fewer recordings.

In general, other than the points mentioned in the above table, these two exams are quite alike and have similar types of questions, too. So, the preparation for any of these wouldn't be way too different from the other. A simple example is the essay question in both tests, which demands the same level of preparation. So, now, the question is, what is the need for a PTE score calculator, or why does one need to convert if they are serving the same purpose? So, let's answer that for you!

Why PTE Score Calculator and Conversion?

A very common question among the candidates is, "Why Convert PTE academic scores to IELTS?" It is a valid point since both tests are used to check the language proficiency. However, certain institutions in many countries have eligibility criteria for IELTS alone. If an applicant wants admission to these institutions or to work in those countries, they need to submit an IELTS score. But, after putting all your efforts into preparing and clearing PTE, the thought of having to prepare for IELTS can be daunting. This is where the conversion and PTE score calculator come in, offering a reassuring solution. This can help you convert your scores easily and can save you a significant amount of time, making your journey more efficient. Moreover, this opens up a world of opportunities, giving you wider exposure and scope of learning and growth as there are many globally recognized institutions that accept PTE conversion scores.

So, if you've already appeared for your PTE test and want to convert the scores to IELTS academic, follow the chart given in the next section.

Conversion Chart for PTE to IELTS Score

In this chart, you can look up the conversion scores of PTE to IELTS, the two most popular English proficiency tests that are globally accepted in renowned institutions for education and work:

PTE ScoresIELTS Scores
86 & Above9
83 - 858.5
79 - 828
73 - 787.5
65 - 727
59 - 646.5
51 - 586
43 - 505.5
35 - 425
30 - 344.5

Here, we looked into the PTE to IELTS score conversion. But, are you still confused about how to differentiate these two scores? Simple! Follow the section below.

Also Read: IELTS Academic V/s General

Difference Between PTE and IELTS Score - Comparison Chart

If your concern is, "How much to score to fall into the right category?" then you are on the right page. Here, you can know what score range will put you in which category. This can help you calculate your PTE academic or IELTS scores and prepare better for them.

Band DescriptionIELTS and PTE Scores
  • IELTS: 9
  • PTE: 86-90
Very Good
  • IELTS: 8-8.5
  • PTE: 79-86
  • IELTS: 7-7.5
  • PTE: 65-79
  • IELTS: 6-6.5
  • PTE: 50-65
  • IELTS: 5-5.5
  • PTE: 36-50
  • IELTS: 4-4.5
  • PTE: 22-36

Now, this brings us clarity regarding the scores in both tests. However, if you want to know the exact scores for each segment of the PTE test that will help you fall in the category equivalent to IELTS, then you need a clear PTE score chart as mentioned in the next section.

Official Concordance Table between IELTS Academic and PTE Academic

In this section, you can look at the IELTS and PTE scorecards categorized by section of the test to help you know how much to score in each category and plan your preparation accordingly.

IELTS Band ScorePTE Score
  • Overall: 88.1
  • Listening: 84.7
  • Reading: 83.7
  • Speaking: 85.5
  • Writing: 89.5
  • Overall: 82.3
  • Listening: 79.4
  • Reading: 78.4
  • Speaking: 80.9
  • Writing: 89.4
  • Overall: 74.6
  • Listening: 73.9
  • Reading: 73.7
  • Speaking: 75.3
  • Writing: 87.5
  • Overall: 66.3
  • Listening: 66.2
  • Reading: 67.6
  • Speaking: 65.3
  • Writing: 82.3
  • Overall: 58.5
  • Listening: 56.8
  • Reading: 60.6
  • Speaking: 53.5
  • Writing: 74.1
  • Overall: 51.6
  • Listening: 48.1
  • Reading: 53.5
  • Speaking: 46.2
  • Writing: 62.2
  • Overall: 45.4
  • Listening: 42.7
  • Reading: 47.9
  • Speaking: 42.2
  • Writing: 51
  • Overall: 40.8
  • Listening: 40.2
  • Reading: 43
  • Speaking: 40.2
  • Writing: 43.1

So, the point here is that the applicant must perform at the top level for best grades in PTE to IELTS score conversion or Vice versa. So, check out the tips shared in the below section!

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How to Get Better Scores in IELTS and PTE Tests?

Whether you want to convert your IELTS academic scores to PTE or the other way out, you need to be the best at your performance to get top grades. So, follow these simple tips for that:

Set Clear Goals

Many find PTE academic easier than IELTS while some feel otherwise. So, have a clear goal about which test you want to appear for and what is your goal. This will help you plan your preparation accordingly.

Understand Test Format

IELTS has more questions compared to PTE. However, in the speaking category, PTE seems tougher than IELTS. Thus, if you want to prepare well, know the test format and requirements well before you dive into the preparation schedule.

Practice Variety of Topics

It is important for you to be "Jack of All" for these tests so you can speak on all or any topic and answer basic questions related to them. If you have time and patience, you can also try to "Master them", but knowing little about everything can help you better than knowing all about something.

Take Mock Tests

It is crucial to track your performance and prepare in a timely manner to improve on weaker areas. This will also help you adjust your plan to ensure your PTE score in bands meets the requirements of your desired university. So, take mock tests on a regular basis to help you adapt to the test format and self-assess your performance.

Seek Professional Guidance

The PTE academic or IELTS is not a small test; it's a lifetime dream for many. So, do not take it lightly. If and when needed, feel free to take professional guidance so you can take your preparation on the right track. This way, you can also improve your preparation pace as experts like our PTE and IELTS trainers will be there ready to help, direct, and support you.

So, these are 5 basic thumb rules to keep in mind when you are planning to appear for these tests or converting the PTE score in bands or IELTS score in Grades. But wait, did you decide on which one is the best? If not, the next section can help you!

PTE vs IELTS: Which One Is Better?

The struggle is real when it comes to deciding between which test to appear for, IELTS or PTE Academic. If you are also in the same dilemma, then these pointers might help you make a decision:

  • Both IELTS and PTE Academic are globally recognized, with more universities typically requesting IELTS scores. This widespread recognition underscores the value of both tests in the academic world.
  • IELTS results are released in 13 days for paper-based and 3-5 days for computer-based, while the PTE results are released within 2-5 days.
  • IELTS is a detail-oriented language test, while PTE is communicative and general usage of language.
  • IELTS includes computer-based and face-to-face interviews, while PTE is just a computer-based test.
  • IELTS has more questions to answer, while PTE has more paragraphs or recordings to study and analyze.

These are some major pointers to consider before you decide whether to appear for the PTE or IELTS academic test.


In conclusion, both IELTS and PTE Academic are equally important. The decision of which test to take is entirely up to you and your personal preferences. You have the power to analyze both test formats and choose the one that best suits your strengths. Additionally, the comfort of PTE to IELTS score conversion and vice versa provides you with even more flexibility. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and we wish you the best of luck in your academic journey!


1. IELTS or PTE: Which Is Better?

Both are globally recognized tests, but the best one completely depends on your preference. IELTS would be the right pick if your university accepts it; PTE would be apt if you want to appear for computer-based tests only or vice versa.

2. Will I Get Into My Dream University with Only IELTS?

Yes, if its eligibility criteria only ask for IELTS exam results, you can get into your dream university with this.

3. Can I Take both the IELTS and PTE Exams?

Yes, but appearing for either of these would also suffice the purpose, as, with score conversion, you can convert grades to bands and vice versa.

4. Can I Only Prepare for One Exam and Appear for Both?

Yes, since both exams are to test language proficiency only, you can prepare for one and appear for both. However, you also need to check out the test pattern as that differs slightly for both.

5. Is the PTE or IELTS Exam Mandatory to Study/Work Abroad?

Yes, you need to clear either of these exams if you want to study or work in any English-speaking Country.

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