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Complete Guide on PTE Short Answer Questions & 50+ Examples

Pearson Test of English or PTE is a globally recognized and accepted language proficiency test for candidates who want to move to any English-speaking country for study or work purposes. It has 3 main parts-

  • Part 1 - Speaking and Writing: 54-67 Minutes
  • Part 2 - Reading: 30 Minutes
  • Part 3 - Listening: 30 Minutes

Again, each segment has multiple types of questions, and in this blog, we will examine the "PTE short answer questions" from the Part 1 - Speaking and Writing section.

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An Insight Into PTE Short Answer Questions

If you are here, you might be planning to appear for the most renowned language proficiency test - the Pearson Test of English, right? So, let's take a quick insight into an important part of this test- PTE short answer questions.

This is a type of question from the "Speaking and Writing" section of the test. In this segment, you will be hearing a question and have to answer that in a single or few words. The prompt duration is usually 3-9 seconds, and you get 10 seconds to answer it. This question has 3 phases:

Questioning Phase - An audio or an image is displayed in the form of PTE short questions

Recording Phase - After the audio, the microphone opens, the recording starts, and the "Recording" status is displayed on the screen

Submission Phase - The recording stops automatically within 10 seconds, and the "Completed" status is shown on the screen

If you enrol in online PTE coaching or take up offline classes with experts like gradding, you might already know about the PTE exam pattern and the importance of this question type. If not, you can check it out after reading this blog. For now, let's learn more about how to answer this.

Know all about PTE short answer questions with expert help from gradding along with 50+ samples

How to Answer Short Questions in the PTE Test?

Now, let's take a quick look at some important facts about the PTE and answer short questions that every candidate must know before appearing for the test. These will help you answer them in the right way:

  • Audio plays automatically; you don't have to do anything but just wait for a few seconds.
  • You cannot replay the audio, so listen to the question carefully.
  • The time duration for short answer questions PTE is enough to say a few words, so, don't rush.
  • Make sure to answer the question promptly, as, after 3 seconds of waiting, the status changes to "completed" if you don't answer anything.
  • Also, your wait period between the answers should not be more than a second for the PTE short answer questions.
  • Speak clearly and answer thoughtfully, as you cannot re-record your answer after it's done.
  • The answer must be accurate, short, and relevant; remember, there are no extra marks for long answers.
  • Finish speaking before the "recording" status changes to "completed" to avoid missing out on the opportunity.
  • There is no negative marking or any credits for incorrect answers, so try to answer all of the questions.

Keep these things in mind when you answer short questions in PTE. Also, this impacts your listening, speaking, and vocabulary sections of the test, so focus on these well. Now, let's take a quick look at a few sample questions with answers for a better understanding!

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List of 50+ PTE Short Questions with Answers

Here is a list of 50+ short questions and answers to give you an insight into the type of audio or images you come across in the speaking and writing section of the exam:

  1. What is the science that studies living organisms? Biology
  2. What is the subject that teaches calculation and numbers? Mathematics
  3. What is the subject that covers the past happenings in a particular time? History
  4. How many sides does a hexagon have? Six
  5. How many legs does an octopus have? Eight
  6. How many years does a decade have? Ten
  7. What is the opposite of asleep? Awake
  8. What is the opposite of tall? Short
  9. What is the opposite of far? Near
  10. How many continents are there on Earth? Seven
  11. How many oceans are there on Earth? Five
  12. How many weeks are there in a year? Fifty-Two
  13. Whose job is to treat sick people? Doctor
  14. Whose job is to cook food at restaurants? Chef
  15. Whose job is to teach students at school? Teacher
  16. What is the building where you borrow books? Library
  17. What is the building where you store antiques? Museum
  18. What is the building where you complain about crimes? Police Station
  19. Which organ helps you see anything? Eyes
  20. Which organ helps you hear anything? Ears
  21. Which organ helps pump blood in your body? Heart
  22. Who specializes in the study of children's health and illness? Paediatrician
  23. Who specializes in the study of Earth's climate and weather? Meteorologist
  24. Who specializes in the study of the heart in the human body? Cardiologist
  25. Which of the following is not fiction? Unicorn or Crab - Crab
  26. Which of the following is a food? Pizza or Pepsi - Pizza
  27. Which of the following is a mammal? Whale or Penguin - Whale
  28. What is a group of fish called? School
  29. What is a group of bees called? Colony
  30. What is a group of birds called? Flock
  31. Where do you go to purchase groceries? Supermarket
  32. Where do you go to repair vehicles? Garage
  33. Where do you go to watch movies? Cinema Theatre
  34. What is the first month of the year? January
  35. What is the seventh month of the year? July
  36. What is the eleventh month of the year? November
  37. How many wheels does a tricycle have? Three
  38. How many days is a week? Seven
  39. How many hours is it to a day? Twenty-Four
  40. What is known as the king of the jungle? Lion
  41. What is known as the most loyal animal? Dog
  42. What is known as the shortest bird? Kiwi
  43. How many players are there in cricket? Eleven
  44. How many players are there in chess? Two
  45. How many players are there in Carrom? Four
  46. What is the largest planet in the solar system? Jupiter
  47. What is the planet removed from the solar system? Pluto
  48. What is the third planet in the solar system? Earth
  49. Which of these is a bird? Flamingo or Camel - Flamingo
  50. Which of these is a color? Beige or sour - Beige

Now that you've checked out the sample questions, you can either practice these or appear for a free PTE mock test to check your progress. When you turn to professionals, they can help you prepare for all question types like Table chart PTE, long paragraph answers, and more. Moving back to short questions and answers, you can check out the tips shared by experts in the section below!

Also Read: Summarize spoken text PTE

10+ Tips from Experts for PTE Answer Short Questions!

The most crucial part of the PTE speaking test is the short questions because they are time-constrained and require a lot of focus. So, if you want to make the best and answer it well, follow these simple yet effective tips shared by the experts for each phase:

Pre-test Phase

This is the phase when the exam has not yet begun, and you are planning to appear for the PTE academic test. It can be any time ranging from a few hours to weeks, and the tips to follow in this tenure for better results in the PTE answer short questions segment are:

  • Build Your Vocabulary and Learn New Words Every Day
  • Work on Your Pronunciation and View News Channels or Movies
  • Practice Grammar and Active Listening with Audio Clips
  • Use Different Methods to Remember What You Learn and Practise
  • Appear for Mock Tests and Track Your Progress Regularly

Questioning Phase

This is the second segment of the answer short question in the PTE exam. Here, the question is being played in the form of audio, and the candidate must get ready to answer it. So, the tips that one should follow during this stage of the PTE short answer questions are:

  • Stay calm and concentrate
  • Listen to the audio carefully
  • Focus completely on the question
  • Understand the main purpose
  • Visualize the structure of the answer

Answering Phase

The next phase in the short answer questions PTE is the answering part. Here, the mic is turned on, and the recording starts for the candidate to speak. The tips to be followed here include:

  • Answer in a simple and easy way
  • Speak clearly and with fluency
  • Ensure you answer within the time
  • Focus on pronunciation and vocabulary
  • Make sure it is relevant and to the point

Now, after learning the tips for answering PTE short answer questions, you can be sure of scoring good grades. What next? Check out the following section to understand it better.

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What to Do After Short Questions and Answers in PTE?

You might be wondering what happens after the PTE short answer questions, right? The next section after this segment is “Summarize spoken test PTE,” where you need to summarise a text in one sentence. Other than this, there are also a few other segments in the speaking and writing segment of this exam, such as:

  1. Personal Introduction
  2. Read Aloud the Text on the Screen
  3. Repeat Sentence in PTE
  4. Describe the Image on Display
  5. Re-tell the Lecture After Watching/Hearing
  6. Essay on Given Topic

These are the other segments of the PTE speaking and writing segment. However, if you look into the listening and reading segments, you might come across other topics too such as process chart, bar graphs, multiple choice, PTE collocations list, True or False questions, and a lot more. So, if you want help with PTE short answer questions or any other, feel free to reach out to our experts for the best assistance.


The most common queries of candidates appearing for PTE answer short questions are now resolved in this blog. However, if there is still something you want to know or learn about, feel free to check our blog section or drop a comment below. Moreover, if you are appearing for the Pearson Test of Language Proficiency and need an expert to help you prepare, our experts would be more than happy to help you. Just let us know, and we guarantee you the top grades!

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Much Time Do I Have to Answer the Question?

You have 10 seconds to record your answer, but you shouldn't be silent for more than three seconds at the beginning or one second at the middle of the answer. Otherwise, the recording will be marked as completed.

How Long Should My Answer Be?

Your answer should be one or a few words. Moreover, it should be completed in 10 seconds.

What If I Don't Know the Answer?

Try to focus on the question and find out if anything sounds familiar. Even if you do not know the right answer, you can attempt the question as there would be no negative marking.

How to Improve My Chances of Scoring Better?

Read books and newspapers regularly. You can also give mock tests to track your progress. This way, you can improve your practice and learning.

What to Do If I Give a Wrong Answer?

You cannot re-record your answer; so, you must do it carefully. However, if you give the wrong answer, then just move on to the next question.


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