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PTE Speaking: Unlock its Format, Questions, Scoring & Tips

Are you an aspiring student to take the PTE exam and facing challenges in PTE Speaking? Well, it’s the first, lengthy, and difficult section of the PTE exam. This assesses your speaking, fluency, idea expression, pronunciation, and various skills. Hence, to thrive and achieve the desired score, candidate must do PTE speaking practice to understand the various topics and polish their skills. Therefore, this blog is for you if you are looking for the gateway to ace the speaking section of the PTE exam. Thus, this blog covers all the question types, format, scoring criteria, and tips for the PTE speaking module. So, let’s begin.

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PTE Speaking Overview

The PTE speaking and writing is the third part of the PTE exam, it is of 54-67 minutes. In addition, you will get eight types of questions to assess your speaking skills, each of them is distinct and unique from one another. The speaking section assesses how well you can speak and listen. Thus, students must prefer the PTE exam pattern to understand the format and question types. However, in this blog, we will talk about the speaking section of the PTE exam. Now, let’s have a glance at the format of the PTE speaking in the next section.

PTE Speaking Format

Students have to solve eight types of questions in the PTE Speaking section. It is the longest module of the PTE exam. Moreover, you need to solve 15-20 questions in the speaking module. Thus, the question can be based on any topic. It is necessary to do lots of preparation, and you can take the PTE speaking practice tests to prepare for the exam. However, it is a computer-based exam, so you are required to give answers quickly and accurately. If you don’t speak for three seconds, the recording will automatically get stopped. Thus, to understand the PTE speaking format in detail, you need to comprehend every question. So, prefer this table to be familiar with the speaking format.

Question TypesTaskDurationSkills Assessed
Read AloudRead the text aloud that appears on the screen.VaryReading and speaking
Repeat SentenceRepeat the sentence after listening to the recording.15 secondsListening and speaking
Describe ImageYou are required to describe an image shown in the exam.40 secondsAnalysing and speaking
Re-tell LectureA lecture recording will be played, you have to listen and re-tell the lecture in your own words.40 secondsListening and speaking
Answer Short QuestionYou need to provide the answer in one word or a few words.10 secondsListening and speaking
Summarize Written TextYou are required to read a prompt or text and then write a summary of the text in one sentence.10 minutesReading and writing
Essay WritingYou have to write a 200-300 word essay on the provided topic.20 minutesWriting

This is the PTE speaking format that describes the question, its task, duration, and skills it will assessed. Now, in the next section, you will get a detailed explanation of all the eight question types. So, let’s embark.

Also read - PTE Reading - A Complete Guide for Students

PTE Speaking Question Types

As you already get to know, there are eight types of PTE speaking questions. They are different from each other as they assess skills from various corners. However, to excel in the exam, you need to practice these questions daily. Also, if you want to profoundly understand these questions you can prefer the PTE speaking format to know more about them. In addition, if you practice mock tests, you will get an idea of the topic and difficulty of the speaking section. So below is the list of the questions you will get in this section. So have a look.

  1. PTE Read aloud
  2. PTE Repeat Sentence
  3. PTE Describe Image
  4. PTE Retell Lecture
  5. PTE Short Answer Questions
  6. PTE Summarize Written Text
  7. PTE Essay Writing

These are the question types that are asked in the PTE Speaking. Note that in every question, you will see the instructions related to the microphone and recording. Thus ensure, to follow this instruction in every question of the PTE speaking module. Now, in the next segment, understand each question and the trick to answer them.

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Personal Introduction

In the PTE speaking test, first of all, you are required to give a personal introduction to the examiner. It’s that kind of opportunity that if you fail to grab this, you will lose the chance to impress the examiner in one impression. Thus, it will assist you to express yourself. Also, you can take the PTE speaking practice tests to improve the skills of giving an introduction. Besides, you will get 20–30 seconds to speak. However, its score will not contribute to the main marks, as it’s not a question type. It's only to get familiarised with the examiner.

How to answer

To introduce yourself, you can tell your name, such as:

Hello, sir or ma’am, my name is Jessica, and today I am here to take my PTE exam. Continue with your introduction to answer this question in the PTE Speaking module. In this way, you can begin this section. Also, you will get 25 seconds to read the prompt and prepare and another 30 seconds to introduce yourself.


  • Read the prompt and prepare your introduction accordingly.
  • Be calm and relaxed, don't hurry, and speak clearly
  • Your introduction must be completed before the progress indicator reaches “recording” to “complete”. 

Read Aloud

In the PTE read-aloud question, you have to read aloud the text shown on the screen. Also, the read-aloud question is considered the highest-scoring question in the PTE Speaking module.

How to answer

  • Students get a maximum of 30-40 seconds to read and prepare their answers.
  • In this, they have to read the text of about 50-60 words of text shown on the screen
  • After hearing the short tone, immediately start speaking.
  • However, the device will not record your answer if you start speaking before the microphone gets turned on.


  • Speak clearly and smoothly in the read-aloud PTE question.
  • To make the sentence sound realistic and natural, start with the raising tone and finish with the dropping tone.
  • Do not stop or repeat the word if you realize that you have mispronounced or didn’t speak a word. Thus, continue speaking to maintain fluency and coherency.

PTE Repeat Sentence

In the PTE Repeat Sentence question, you have to repeat the sentence after listening to the recording. Moreover, in the PTE speaking module, there are 10-12 questions of this.

How to answer

  • In the Repeat Sentence PTE, the audio will begin playing automatically.
  • Listen it carefully as the audio will be only played once.
  • Afterward, you have to repeat the sentence properly and exactly when the audio gets stopped.
  • Once the audio ends, the microphone will be shown, and the recording status will show “recording.” Thus, you must immediately repeat the sentences precisely into the microphone.


  • To memorize the sentence, try to listen with closed eyes.
  • You have to speak immediately, because there will be no buzzer when the clip ends.
  • Concentrate on the ideas or keywords and repeat them, in case you can’t remember the whole sentence.

PTE Describe Image

In the PTE describe Image question, you have to describe the image that appeared on the screen. This PTE Speaking question analyses your observing skills, ensure you note every detail in the image. Moreover, in the exam, you will find 7-8 questions like this

How to answer

  • In the PTE describe Image, you will see an image on the screen
  • You will get 25 seconds to examine the image and prepare their response.
  • They will get 40 seconds to answer. 
  • Keep an erasable notebook to write down the important points.
  • Keep focus on the image to identify the keywords.
  • Also, you can use various prepositions to explain the image, such as next to, above, below/bottom, and others.


  • Use the PTE speaking practice tests to get various ideas and image suggestions to learn how to answer this question.
  • Start your answer by using words like as illustrated, depicted, elucidated.
  • Identify the type of image, such as a pie chart, bar graph, a table, a diagram, or a map.

PTE Re-Tell Lecture

In the PTE Retell Lecture question, you have to listen to the lecture and re-tell it in your own words.

How to Answer

  • In retell lecture PTE, you have to re-tell the lecture after listening to the audio. 
  • Also, the image will be shown on the screen in the relevance of the audio
  • Analyse the image, and remember the lecture to express the answer.
  • First, you will have to read the prompt within 90 seconds and then audio will be played. 
  • Hence, you will have 40 seconds to answer, so, express your answer properly in this PTE Speaking question.
  • You will hear a short tone and start speaking immediately after listening to it.
  • However, do not start before the microphones open as your voice will not be recorded.


  • Learn the time management skills to listen and prepare your answer
  • Write down the keywords to understand the lecture
  • Try to remember the best three to five lines from the audio.

PTE Short Answer Question

In the PTE short answer questions, you will listen to a question and answer it in one word or a few words. 

How to Answer

  • For the PTE short answer questions, you will listen to an audio and you may get an image on the screen, that will be relevant to the audio.
  • Students need to answer with a single word or in few words.
  • They will get 3-9 seconds to read prompts and 10 seconds to answer the question.
  • When the audio gets stopped microphones will be open and on the screen “Recording” will be shown from the recording status box.
  • Also, there is no negative marking in this question of the PTE Speaking.


  • Listen to the audio carefully to answer the question
  • Add the article before the words
  • Repeat the word from the question, if you don’t know the answer

PTE Summarize Written Text

In the PTE summarize written text, you have to write a one-sentence summary of the topic after reading the prompt.

How to answer

  • You will get a topic and prompt of 300 words that includes the information on the topic.
  • After reading the prompt, students have to write 75 words in a single sentence in 10 minutes.
  • Also, ensure to add the necessary points from the prompt in the answer.
  • You will find one or two questions like this In the speaking section.


  • Assess the prompt properly before writing the answer.
  • Use good vocabulary words and keep connectivity to express your answer properly.

PTE Essay Writing

The PTE Essay Writing is the last question where you have to write an essay of 200-300 words on the given topic.

How to Answer

  • In this question, you will get the topic to write an essay.
  • Hence, you will get 20 minutes to write an essay of 200-300 words
  • Thus, read the prompt and write an essay with a minimum of 200 words but not cross the limit of 300 words. Also, use all the important points and keep connectivity, use vocabulary words and synonyms.


  • Use the PTE essay writing template to get the topic ideas and steps to write an ideal essay.
  • Don’t make spelling mistakes.
  • Read, re-edit, and proofread your answer. 

These all are the types of questions in the speaking module of the PTE exam that assess your speaking and observing skills. Thus, you can use the PTE speaking practice tests to prepare for this section and achieve the desired scores. Now, let’s know how PTE scores are calculated and evaluated.

Also, read- PTE Core Exam: All You Need to Know!

Evaluation Criteria of PTE Speaking

The PTE Speaking test is evaluated through various corners that are necessary to assess a student's speaking ability. Moreover, the overall PTE exam is of  90 scores. Thus, you have to prepare well to gain the desired scores. Also, you will perceive communicative skills and overall scores in the score report. Thus, there are various PTE speaking score criteria the examiner uses to assess the student’s speaking skills. So here is the list of the evaluation criteria.

  1. Oral fluency – In the speaking section, oral fluency is the major aspect that is gauged. Thus, ensure to have a natural speaking pace and smooth speech without twisting your tongue.
  2. Pronunciation – accurate and clear fluency is the crucial component of PTE speaking so that you can effectively communicate your message and ideas. 
  3. Grammar- while speaking, you should use the right grammar, such as tenses, nouns, and verbs. Thus, through this, you can easily communicate and deliver your response.
  4. Vocabulary – Students need to choose the appropriate PTE Vocabulary words. Hence, it will assist to express your ideas fluently.

Scoring Criteria of PTE Speaking

As you all know, PTE is a computer-based exam that follows automated scoring technology. Thus, the score is calculated on the partial credit methods in the speaking section. So, it is vital to check the PTE speaking score criteria. Therefore, the scoring method has adopted two types of scoring systems to perform fair marking.

  1. Correct and Incorrect Scoring – This system assesses your question with correct and incorrect answers.
  2. Partial Credit Scoring – this approach provides in detailed evaluation of the task that calls for a difficult answer.

It mainly follows the partial credit criteria in the speaking module. So, to understand the PTE Score Chart of the speaking section, we have shared the table of the scoring criteria.

Task TypeScoringCommunicative Skills Scored
Read AloudPartial-CreditPronunciation, Reading, Fluency
Describe ImagePartial-CreditVocabulary, Grammar, Cohesion, Relevance
Repeat SentencePartial-CreditPronunciation, Speaking, Listening
Answer Short QuestionPartial-CreditSpoken Expression, Vocabulary, Listening
Re-tell LecturePartial-CreditSpeaking Skills, Listening, Retention
Summarize Written TextPartial-CreditReading Comprehension, Summarization, Conciseness
Essay WritingCorrect- Incorrect Writing

This table will help you to understand the PTE speaking score criteria as well as the communicative skills scored so that you can easily prepare for the exam. Thus, you can use the PTE speaking practice paper to prepare for the exam by understanding the score chart.

Tips for PTE Speaking Section to Excel in The Exam

To excel in the PTE exam, you need to do proper practice by following some strategies and PTE speaking tips. These tips are very effective and perform as a helping hand for the aspirants to prepare for the exam. Therefore, below we have shared the tips for the PTE speaking test. So, let’s dive into this.

  1. Always explore the other topics outside your syllabus.
  2. Keep your flow of speech simple.
  3. Avoid pausing while giving the answer
  4. Do not speak too fast or slow.
  5. Fluency is the key, so practice to make it perfect
  6. Do not repeat the words or sentence you can use synonyms instead of repeating 
  7. Use a good microphone for PTE Speaking Practice for the exam. 
  8. Try using connector words to connect the sentence.
  9. You can use tongue twister to improve your pronunciation.
  10. Improve your vocabulary

These are some of the effective PTE speaking tips to excel in the exam. Now, let’s wrap all things together.

Final Thought

In a nutshell, PTE speaking is one of the sections of the PTE exam that assesses your speaking skills through various questions. There are eight types of questions, and all of them are unique and different from each other. To prepare for the exam, you should first evaluate the PTE syllabus and PTE speaking score criteria to practice for this section accordingly. So, if you have doubts or need guidance in preparation for this section, you can get connected to our PTE experts at Gradding. Also, you can use their PTE speaking practice tests and mock tests for preparation and to achieve the desired scores in this section.

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How many question types are asked in the PTE speaking section?

There are overall 8 types of questions in the PTE speaking section. But first, you have to give your personal introduction. So, here is the list of the question types.

  1. PTE Read aloud
  2. PTE Repeat Sentence
  3. PTE Describe Image
  4. PTE Retell Lecture
  5. PTE Short Answer Questions
  6. PTE Summarize Written Text
  7. PTE Essay Writing

How PTE speaking score is calculated?

The overall scores are calculated from the range of 10 to 90 points. Thus, two types of scoring systems are being followed, one is correct and incorrect, and the other is partial credit. Hence, the average of communicative skills and the average of enabling skills are overall calculated.

How can I improve my speaking in the PTE exam?

There are many ways to improve the speaking skills for the PTE exam, such as

  1. A rising tone in the beginning and a lower tone in the ending can help you to get good scores.
  2. Keep speaking in front of the mirror you will identify your mistakes
  3. Solve PTE speaking practice test to identify the lacking areas
  4. Do daily practice.

How long is the duration of the PTE speaking section?

The duration of the PTE speaking section is 54-67 minutes and the overall duration of the whole PTE exam is 2 hours.


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