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TOEFL Listening Section| Format, Question Type & Tips

The TOEFL listening is the second part of the test. It is divided into 2 or 3 separately timed parts. In each part, you But in this timeline, you will listen to one conversation and one or two lectures. However, you will hear each conversation and lectures only one time. Moreover, listening TOEFL is designed to take approx 36 minutes to complete. Read this comprehensive guide to learn everything about the listening section of the TOEFL exam.

TOEFL Listening Section

Table of Contents

Introduction to TOEFL Listening

The TOEFL listening section is important for assessing your proficiency in understanding spoken English in various contexts, including academic lectures and conversations. This section assesses your fundamental comprehension abilities and ability to integrate and analyze details from audio clips. In addition, it measures your understanding of pragmatic elements, such as the speaker's tone and level of certainty. Individuals who possess strong academic knowledge and a solid command of the English language can easily obtain a good TOEFL result in the listening section.

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TOEFL Listening Format

The listening section is a crucial part of the exam, designed to assess your ability to understand spoken English in an academic context. This section typically lasts about 38 minutes and includes three lectures, with each lasting between 3 to 5 minutes, along with two conversations, each lasting around 3 minutes. For a clearer understanding, take a look at the TOEFL listening format outlined below: 

Duration38 minutes
Number of Questions28 (3 lectures, 2 conversations)
Time to Answer10 minutes
ScoringOut of 30
Common TopicsAcademic subjects like Education, Science, Arts, History, Social Science and others.

Question Types in TOEFL Listening with Examples

In this section of the blog, we will explore the various TOEFL listening question types. Familiarizing yourself with these types helps you better prepare to achieve a high score. Below, you will find detailed descriptions of each question type along with examples:

  • Detail Questions

Detail questions require you to identify specific information or facts mentioned in the audio passage. These questions often test your attention to detail. Here’s an example:

“According to the conversation, what are the three factors contributing to climate change?”

Sample Question: "According to the lecture, what are the three stages of photosynthesis?"

  1. A) Absorption, transpiration, reproduction 
  2. B) Photosystem I, photosystem II, Calvin cycle 
  3. C) Germination, pollination, fertilization 
  4. D) Oxygenation, respiration, fermentation 
  • Inference Questions

Inference questions challenge you to draw conclusions or make educated guesses based on the information provided in the listening passage. Here’s an example:

“What can be inferred about the student’s plans based on her discussion with the advisor?”

Sample Question: "Based on the conversation, what can be inferred about the student’s opinion on the new campus policy?"

  1. A) The student is in favour of the policy change 
  2. B) The student is opposed to the policy change 
  3. C) The student is indifferent towards the policy change 
  4. D) The student is unaware of the policy change 
  • Attitude Questions

Attitude questions gauge your ability to discern the speaker’s opinion, tone, or attitude toward a particular topic or situation. Here is an example:

"How does the professor feel about the new research methodology?"

Sample Question: "How does the professor feel about the proposed solution to the environmental issue?"

  1. A) Supportive 
  2. B) Indifferent 
  3. C) Critical 
  4. D) Uncertain 
  • Function Questions

Function questions in the TOEFL listening section assess your understanding of why a speaker says something or the purpose behind their statement. This type of question focuses on the function of language in context. Here’s an example: 

Why does the student suggest meeting on Friday instead of Thursday?

Sample Question: "Why does the speaker suggest meeting in the library rather than in a café?"

  1. A) To discuss the upcoming project in a quieter environment 
  2. B) To enjoy a cup of coffee while studying 
  3. C) To meet with friends for a group study session 
  4. D) To take advantage of the library's extended hours 
  • Gist-Content Question 

Gist-content questions assess your ability to grasp the main idea or topic of a listening passage. These questions often use phrases like “mainly about” or “mainly discussing.” Here is an example: 

"What is the main topic of the lecture?" 

 Sample Question: "What is the main idea of the lecture?" 

  1. A) The importance of biodiversity conservation 
  2. B) The history of ancient civilizations 
  3. C) The impact of climate change on marine ecosystems 
  4. D) The development of renewable energy technologies 
  • Gist-Purpose Question 

Gist-purpose questions focus on understanding why the speaker is communicating specific information. These questions typically ask about the overall purpose of the dialogue and why it is happening, rather than asking for specific details. Here is an example: 

"Why does the professor mention the research findings?" 

Sample Question: "Why does the speaker mention the upcoming event?" 

  1. A) To provide an example of effective time management 
  2. B) To illustrate the benefits of teamwork 
  3. C) To encourage attendance at the event 
  4. D) To highlight recent advancements in technology 
  • Connecting-Content Question 

Connecting-content questions of the listening TOEFL require you to make logical connections between different pieces of information presented in the audio passage. Here is an example: 

“Based on the lecture, how does the new theory relate to previously established principles?" 

Sample Question: "How does the information about climate change connect to the discussion on renewable energy?" 

  1. A) By highlighting the role of renewable energy in mitigating climate change 
  2. B) By discussing the impact of climate change on renewable energy production 
  3. C) By comparing the effectiveness of different renewable energy sources 
  4. D) By analyzing historical trends in climate change data 
  • Organization Questions 

Organization questions ask you to understand how the details and information are organized in the talk or lecture. A typical question might be “How is the lecture/talk organized?” To answer this correctly, you need to understand the organization, main theme, and purpose of the talk or lecture. However, just knowing the organization of the lecture may not be enough to answer it correctly. Here is an example: 

"Based on the lecture, how does the new theory relate to previously established principles?"

Sample Question: "How does the information about climate change connect to the discussion on renewable energy?" 

  1. A) By highlighting the role of renewable energy in mitigating climate change 
  2. B) By discussing the impact of climate change on renewable energy production 
  3. C) By comparing the effectiveness of different renewable energy sources 
  4. D) By analyzing historical trends in climate change data 

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TOEFL Listening Preparation Tips 

Incorporating the following tips into your TOEFL exam preparation routine can help you improve your listening skills and enhance your performance on test day:

  • Maintain focus throughout the audio passage by actively listening to the content.
  • Pay attention to key terms or phrases that signal important information.
  • Create mental images to better understand the details being presented.
  • Use a structured approach, such as bullet points or numbered lists, to organize your notes.
  • Focus on noting down the main ideas, supporting details, and any important examples.
  • Take time to review and refine your notes after each listening passage to ensure clarity and accuracy.
  • Quickly skim through the questions before listening to the audio to understand what information to focus on.
  • Allocate a specific amount of time for each passage and question set to ensure you complete the section within the allotted time.
  • Dedicate regular time to practice listening comprehension using TOEFL-style practice tests and materials.
  • Pay attention to nuances in intonation, stress patterns, and pronunciation specific to different accents. 


In summary, non-native English speakers aiming to succeed in academic or professional settings in English-speaking environments need to master the listening section of the TOEFL. Achieving success largely depends on understanding the TOEFL syllabus and structure, the types of questions asked, and employing effective strategies. Candidates can enhance their performance by engaging in TOEFL listening practice test to become familiar with various question types. Additionally, developing listening skills through efficient note-taking techniques, managing time effectively, and regularly practising with a diverse range of English vocabulary can be highly beneficial.


1. Is the 27 Score in TOEFL Listening Good?

A TOEFL listening score of 27 is considered very good, placing you in the top 25% of test takers.

2. Can I Take Notes During TOEFL Listening?

Yes, you can take notes on any audio throughout the test to help you answer questions.

3. What Is the Timing of TOEFL Listening?

The TOEFL listening section takes approx 36 minutes.

4. What Are the 7 TOEFL Listening Questions Types?

Here are the seven types of listening tasks, look below:

  • Gist-Content and Gist-Purpose
  • Detail-Oriented
  • Function-Based
  • Attitude
  • Organization
  • Connecting Content
  • Inference 

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