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TOEFL Speaking Templates for All Speaking Tasks

Are you preparing to excel in the TOEFL speaking section but unaware of the templates and how to use them? Well, utilizing the templates in the TOEFL exam is a strategy that can significantly enhance your score. As, these templates help you organize your responses effectively, ensuring clear, concise, and well-structured answers. Thus, in this blog, we will explore the speaking section along with the best TOEFL speaking templates that you can use. So let’s get started with the blog.

TOEFL Speaking Templates

Table of Contents

Introduction to TOEFL Speaking Section

The TOEFL speaking section is the third part of the TOEFL exam, which lasts about 16 minutes. This section tests your ability to speak English effectively in an academic setting. However, the TOEFL speaking format is divided into 4 tasks that imitate conversations, classroom discussions, and educational presentations. It requires the test-takers to express their opinions or thoughts and summarize the information they have read and heard. Below, we have broken down the types of questions/tasks you will get in the TOEFL speaking section.

  • In task 1, you will be asked to speak about a personal choice. It can be agree or disagree with a given statement, focusing on your experiences and opinions.
  • In task 2. you will read a short passage about a campus topic and then listen to a speaker on the same topic. After that, you need to portray down speaker’s opinion and relate it to the reading passage.
  • In the task 3, you will read a short passage and then listen to a speaker on the same topic. This is related to a general concept and then you need to plan your response related to the idea.
  • In the task 4, you will need to listen to part of an academic lecture and give a summary of it. Unlike the other tasks, this one does not involve a reading portion.

Overall, this was all about the TOEFL speaking pattern or format which students must know. In the next section, you will look after the best templates used in this section.

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TOEFL Speaking Templates

To excel in the TOEFL speaking, you must know how many templates are essential for achieving good scores. These templates give a clear structure to tackle the independent and integrated tasks. Thus, this section will let you know about the top TOEFL speaking templates which will give you a significant advantage.

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TOEFL Speaking Template for Personal Choice

Here is the first TOEFL speaking template for task 1 of personal choice.

Template Structure

The main point (choose one)

  • “I agree with the idea that”.....
  • “I think it is better to”.......
  • “I believe it is a great/terrible idea to”....

Transition (optional): “I feel this way for several reasons.”

First Reason: “First”..... + “For example”.... (provide a personal example)

Second Reason: “Second”.... + “To be more specific”...... (give a few more details)

Sample Response: “I agree with the idea that daily homework is essential rather than doing it once a week. I feel this way for several reasons. Firstly, homework helps the students to remember their lessons for a longer period. For example, I was able to retain the important knowledge with the help of homework. Secondly, after doing so many questions students get proficient at quickly solving the problems. To be more specific, doing homework daily will lead to a successful career as compared to doing it once a week.”

TOEFL Speaking Template for Campus Announcement

Below is the second speaking TOEFL template for the task of campus announcement.

Template Structure

Main Point

  • “According to the announcement/article/letter.”

Reasons from Reading:

  • “This is because ______ and _______ .”


  • “There are two reasons why the man supports/opposes this change.”
  • “The man has a mixed opinion of this change.” (only for mixed-opinion conversations)

First Reason

  • “First of all, he argues that”....

Second Reason

  • “Moreover, he mentions that....”

Sample Response: “According to the announcement, the campus fitness centre will be closed. This is because the university can’t afford to maintain it properly, and students can go to their private gyms in the city if they want to do exercise. The man opposes this view because of several reasons. First of all, he points out that the university still has to maintain the building even if the fitness centre closes because it could lead to a dangerous fire hazard. Moreover, he argues that all of the gyms are quite far from the university, so it could be difficult for students to reach there if they don’t have their own vehicles.

TOEFL Speaking Template for General to Specific

The third TOEFL speaking template is presented below for the task of general to specific.

Template Structure

Stating the term or idea:

  • “The reading is about (TERM/CONCEPT).”

Give a little amount of detail from the reading:

  • “It states that...”


  • “The professor elaborates on this by providing an example.”
  • “The professor elaborates on this by providing two examples.”

First Example/First Part:

  • “To begin with, he/she mentions that....”

Second example/second part:

  • “Next, he/she says that....” 

Sample Response: “The reading is about convergent evolution is when animals living far apart from each other have the same features or characteristics. The professor elaborates on this. Firstly, he explains why antelope and pronghorns are similar. He says that their habitats are distant from each other, but both are flat grasslands with trees. Next, he explains that bats and dolphins share a unique feature. He mentions that bats live in dark caves and hunt at night, whereas dolphins live in the ocean, which is also very dark.”

TOEFL Speaking Template for Academic Lecture

Here is the fourth speaking TOEFL template for the task of academic lecture.

Template Structure

Stating the Lecture Subject and Detail:

  • “The lecturer explains (SUBJECT/TERM) by giving two examples/an example.”

First Example/First Part (3-5 sentences):

  • “First, he/she describes.....”

Second example/second part (3-5 sentences):

  • “Second, he/she mentions.....”

Give a Short Conclusion

  • “These examples (this example) demonstrate.....”

Sample Response: “The lecturer talks about the two adaptations which help the animals survive the harsh conditions of deserts, mainly in extreme heat and low water availability. First, he describes that some of the species have developed to deal with temperatures which are very high during the day. For example, the fennec fox has ears with a large surface that allows the extra heat into the environment. Next, he talks about how animals use borrowing behaviour to get away from the surface of the desert, where the temperatures are the highest. These examples demonstrate the two adaptations of animals.

Overall, these are all the types of TOEFL templates for the speaking section which students must use while responding to the question. Further, look at the below-given section, to learn more about the TOEFL speaking templates.

TOEFL Speaking Templates for You to Use

The TOEFL speaking templates are the outlines that guide the test-takers in organizing their responses for the speaking questions in the TOEFL exam. Thus, look at the table below and find out the different TOEFL templates for the speaking section.

Task TypeTemplate
Independent Speaking 1(Agree/Disagree)I (agree/disagree) with that (statement). To start with, (reason 1). Additionally, (reason 2). Therefore, these reasons support my view.
Independent Speaking 1(Preference)I would prefer the (option X) over the (option Y) for two main reasons. Firstly, (reason 1). Secondly, (reason 2). Thus, these reasons support my opinion
Integrated Speaking 2 (Campus Announcement)The announcement discusses this (issue) and there are reasons why a man (supports/opposes) this.
Integrated Speaking 3(General to Specific)The particular reading explains the (term/concept) by giving examples. The professor elaborates on this particular (issue) and he (concludes) by giving examples
Integrated Speaking 4(Academic Lecture)The lecture explains the concept of (concept) by providing examples. These examples supports my points.

Overall, these are all the TOEFL speaking templates which you can use in your exam. Further, the next section will talk about the importance of speaking templates in TOEFL.

Why You Need TOEFL Speaking Templates

The above sections talked about the TOEFL speaking templates and how they prepare the students. However, this section will let you know the importance of templates in the TOEFL speaking portion. Look at the below-given points below:

  • Practice Again and Again: Templates can be practiced again and again, so you’ll be able to get comfortable using them with ease before the actual test happens.
  • Flexible: You can use the templates in a number of contexts to give different kinds of responses. So, even if you’re unsure of what the next question will be about, you can still find ways to fit your templates in the response.
  • Clear & Concise: With the right TOEFL speaking template, your opinions are stated with purpose. Anyone who is listening will be able to follow your words from point A to Z.
  • Blend In: Native speakers use the templates naturally when they speak. This would help them to organize their thoughts or even get a little extra time to think.


To conclude, we discussed the TOEFL speaking templates and how they enhance your ability to deliver well-organized and coherent responses. Further, we had a brief look at the types and importance of these templates. However, if you’re unsure and facing issues in knowing the TOEFL exam then you have landed on the right page! Connect with and learn everything about the TOEFL syllabus, TOEFL registration, TOEFL exam pattern, TOEFL dates, and many more.


1 Is the TOEFL Speaking Section Hard?

Yes, the TOEFL speaking section has many challenges. It gives you less time to prepare your responses, and it tests you on multiple skills (speaking, listening, and reading). And it forces you to speak continuously which is nerve-wracking.

2 Does TOEFL Speaking Questions Repeat?

Yes on rare occasions, a small set of questions can be repeated in another resource, but complete tests are never repeated in full.

3 Can You Take Notes During the TOEFL Speaking?

In the test, you’ll get two with just a listening passage and two with a reading passage as well as the listening. On all the integrated tasks, you’ll use notes in two ways. First, you’ll be able to take notes while you listen and read to help you remember the material as you plan and speak.

4 What Is the Use of Templates in the TOEFL Speaking Section?

The TOEFL speaking templates help you organize your responses effectively, ensuring clear, concise, and well-structured answers.

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