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Top TOEFL Vocabulary Words & Strategies for Success

If you are a non-native speaker looking forward to studying or working in an English-speaking country, you will have to give proof of English language proficiency by taking tests like TOEFL. However, preparing for tests like TOEFL can get a little overwhelming, especially when it comes to expanding your TOEFL vocabulary. Your vocabulary can either make or break your scores in various TOEFL sections. In fact, according to some studies, students with a higher vocabulary are more likely to get higher scores than the ones who don’t. So, to help you, we have compiled a list of 150+ TOEFL vocabulary words. Read on!

150+ TOEFL Vocabulary Words

Table of Contents

Why Are Vocabulary Words Important for TOEFL?

We have discussed how important TOEFL vocabulary is, but why is it so important?

Well because having a strong vocabulary can improve your chances of scoring higher in various TOEFL sections. With a better vocabulary, you won’t only be able to understand the listening and reading passages better, but you will also be able to improve your writing and speaking skills. Below are a few compelling reasons why Vocabulary for TOEFL is really important:

  1. Better Understanding: When you have a good vocabulary, you will be able to understand various texts in the reading and listening sections. So, it doesn’t matter if you are reading an academic article, listening to a lecture, or engaging in conversation; with better TOEFL academic vocabulary, you will be able to understand the context and catch details easily.
  2. Clear Communication: In the speaking and writing section, having a better vocabulary can help you explain your ideas in a better way. With it, you will also be able to comprehend your thoughts clearly and talk about complex texts, which will help you demonstrate your English language proficiency to the examiners.
  3. Enhanced Thinking Skills: With TOEFL vocabulary practice, you will be able to sharpen your critical thinking skills. Here, you are forced to figure out the meaning of new words, use context, and spot details in texts, all of which can boost your cognitive development.
  4. Flexibility and Fluency: A better TOEFL vocabulary will help you understand and respond to different topics and adapt to various situations in the test.
  5. Better Score: Last but the most important one is scores. Having a better vocabulary for TOEFL helps you understand questions better, respond accurately, and improve your writing and speaking skills, leading to a higher overall score.

Also Read: TOEFL Preparation

TOEFL Vocabulary List for Reading Section

Below is a TOEFL Vocabulary List that can help you prepare better for your TOEFL reading section:

Abstract Existing in thought, not physical form
Accumulate Collect or gather over time
Adjacent Next to something
Advocate Support or recommend
Aggregate Total amount or sum
Allocate Distribute resources
Ambiguous Open to more than one interpretation
Amend Make changes or corrections
Apparent Clearly visible or obvious
Arbitrary Based on random choice
Attribute A characteristic or quality
Bias A prejudice
Capable Able to do something
Cohesion The act of sticking together
Compatible Able to work together
Comprehend Understand fully
Conflict A disagreement or clash
Constitute To make up or form something
Context Background information
Contrast Show differences
Contribute Provide or add something
Criteria Standards for judgment
Decline Decrease or refuse
Definite Clearly stated or certain
Demonstrate Show or explain
Deny Refuse to admit
Depict Represent or show
Derive Obtain from a source
Determine Decide or conclude
Dimension Measurement or aspect
Distinct Clearly different
Distribute Spread out or allocate
Diverse Showing variety
Efficient Working effectively
Eliminate Remove or get rid of
Emphasize Give importance to
Evident Clearly visible
Explicit Clearly stated
Exploit Make use of unfairly
Factor An element influencing something
Fluctuate Change irregularly
Focus Center of attention
Framework A structure or system
Generate Produce or create
Hypothesis A proposed explanation
Identify Recognize or name

TOEFL Vocabulary List for Writing Section

To prepare you for your TOEFL writing section, you can take help from our TOEFL Vocabulary List below:

Acknowledge Admit or recognize
Analyze Examine in detail
Interpret Explain the meaning of
Justify Provide valid reasons
Organize Arrange systematically
Paraphrase Restate in your own words
Persuade Convince someone
Propose Put forward an idea
Reason Explain using logic
Assess Evaluate or judge
Clarify Make something clear
Conclude End or decide
Enhance Improve or boost
Evaluate Assess or judge
Describe Explain in detail
Develop Grow or expand
Differentiate Distinguish between
Discuss Talk about in detail
Elaborate Add details or expand
Illustrate Explain with examples
Implement Put into action
Critique Review critically
Define State the meaning of
Recommend Suggest something
Reflect Think deeply about
Respond Reply or react
Revise Improve by editing
Sequence Arrange in order
State Say or express clearly
Summarize Provide a brief overview
Support Back up with evidence
Sustain Keep something going
Synthesize Combine ideas into a whole
Analyse Break into parts for study

TOEFL Vocabulary List for Speaking Section

Below is a TOEFL Vocabulary List that can help you improve your TOEFL speaking section and score better marks:

Adapt Adjust to new circumstances
Generalize Make broad statements or conclusions
Grasp Understand something fully
Impressive Evoking admiration
Insightful Showing deep understanding
Eloquent Fluent or persuasive in speaking
Engaging Interesting or attractive
Briefly In a short time or few words
Casual Relaxed or informal
Cohesive United or connected
Collaborate Work together on a task
Compose Create or write something
Interact Communicate or engage with others
Logical Reasonable and sensible
Memorable Worth remembering
Optimize Make the best use of something
Creative Inventive or imaginative
Critically In a detailed or analytical way
Enthusiastic Showing excitement or energy
Exemplify Serve as a good example of something
Appropriate Suitable or fitting
Artistic Creative or imaginative
Aspiration A strong desire to achieve something
Authenticity The quality of being real or genuine
Original Unique or new
Persuasive Convincing and compelling
Practical Useful and realistic
Relevant Closely connected to the topic
Organized Structured and efficient
Effective Producing the desired result
Confidently With assurance or certainty
Consistent Steady or reliable
Convey Communicate or express something
Resourceful Good at solving problems
Substantial Significant or important
Thoughtful Showing care or consideration
Versatile Able to adapt to different situations

TOEFL Vocabulary List for Listening Section

If you are struggling with the TOEFL listening section, then this TOEFL academic vocabulary can help you:

Accompany Go with or escort someone
Expand Make something larger or more detailed
Imply Suggest indirectly
Indicate Point out or show
Logical Reasonable or well thought out
Observe Notice or watch carefully
Organize Arrange systematically
Support Back up with evidence
Explain Make something easy to understand
Express Convey thoughts or feelings
Feedback Information given as a response
Adjust Change slightly to improve
Debate Discuss opposing views
Demonstrate Show or prove something
Participate Take part in something
Perceive Become aware of something
Recall Remember information
Relate Connect or show the relationship
Respond Answer or reply to something
Summarize Provide a short overview
Describe Explain something in detail
Discuss Talk about something thoroughly
Approach A way of dealing with something
Assume Accept without proof
Aware Having knowledge of something
Clarify Make something clear
Collaborate Work together
Encounter Unexpectedly meet or experience
Engage Involve or participate
Essential Absolutely necessary
Focus Concentrate on a subject
Highlight Draw attention to
Interpret Explain the meaning of something
Involve Include or engage
Justify Provide reasons for something
Lecture A talk on a specific topic
Hypothesis An educated guess
Illustrate Provide examples to explain
Synthesize Combine ideas into a whole

Generally Used Vocabulary for TOEFL

Based on our research and various TOEFL vocabulary PDFs available online, we have gathered some of the most generally used words that can help you improve your TOEFL vocabulary. Check below:

Words Meaning
Expose To reveal or unmask
Extension An act of making something longer
Negligent Lazy, neglectful
Nonchalant Indifferent, unexcited
Obey To follow orders or instructions
Obtain To get
Expand To increase in size
Expertise Expert knowledge or skill in a particular field
Obvious Easily understood
Extract To get or remove something
Famine A time when there is an extreme lack of food
Feasible Possible to do
Finite Having an end or limits
Exemplary Worthy of imitation
Exclude To leave out
Exclusive Not admitting the majority
Fortify To strengthen
Grandiose Pompous; overly important
Hackneyed Overused and unoriginal
Haphazard Lacking planning
Harsh Not gentle; unpleasant
Hasty In a hurry
Hazardous Full of risk
Fundamental Of primary importance
Hesitate To pause, often due to reluctance
Hierarchy A ranking system
Hindrance Something that causes delay or resistance
Mend To fix
Method A way of doing something
Horror An intense feeling of fear
Hostile Extremely unfriendly
Identical Exactly the same
Modify To change
Morose Gloomy, depressed
Oppress To unfairly burden
Origin The source, where something began

Also Read: TOEFL Reading

How to Improve TOEFL Vocabulary

Now, you have a better idea of the kind of words you can use for your TOEFL vocabulary practice, but how can you improve your overall vocabulary for TOEFL? Below are some top strategies and tips that can help you in building your vocabulary:

  1. Read Regularly: The more you read, the more you will be exposed to a wide range of vocabulary. You can explore diverse materials like newspapers, books, TOEFL vocabulary PDF and academic journals for your vocabulary acquisition.
  2. Understand the Word’s Roots and Families: For a better understanding of a particular word, you can start by understanding its relationship with root words. For example, “act” is a root word for “action” and “active.” This can help you to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  3. Use Flashcards: Flashcards are a great way for you to brush up your memory and revise your content. With flashcards, you will be able to review TOEFL vocabulary words by adding their definitions, synonyms, and example sentences.
  4. Practice TOEFL Sample Tests: Lastly, take up a few mock tests for your TOEFL preparation. These sample practice sets mimic the exam conditions, which can help you become familiar with the kind of questions and vocabulary you might get in the real test.


To sum up, having a good grasp of TOEFL vocabulary is important as it can directly impact your ability to express ideas clearly and understand complex questions. Above, we have explored all the major words that can help you cover your TOEFL syllabus much more smoothly.

However, if you are struggling to prepare for your TOEFL exam and need help, you can connect with our experts at With Gradding, you can avail several offers on TOEFL classes and get help from experienced experts who can help you clear your TOEFL exam in one go.


1. How can I Improve My Vocabulary for TOEFL?

To improve your vocabulary, you can start by reading as much as you can. You can also get help from vocabulary-building apps or flashcards to learn new words and practice.

2. How Can I Memorize Vocabulary Easily?

To memorize vocabulary easily, you can break words into smaller parts and try to link them to different images or stories. You can also use flashcards or practice spaced repetition.

3. What is the Best Memory Technique?

One of the best memory techniques to help you improve your TOEFL vocabulary is Mnemonics. Mnemonics help you create weird associations with words and combine them with active recall for long-term retention.

4. How Many Vocabulary words are in TOEFL?

In general, no fixed number is required for TOEFL. However, having a strong vocabulary of 4000-5000 words can help you perform well in the TOEFL exam.


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