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Describe An Achievement Success You Are Proud Of - IELTS Cue Card

In the IELTS Speaking exam, you might be asked to describe an achievement or success you are proud of. This is a great opportunity to showcase your ability to reflect on personal experiences and communicate your thoughts effectively. Part 2 of the exam requires you to speak for 1-2 minutes on a given topic, and describing an achievement is a common question. In this blog, we'll guide you through how to answer this question with confidence and clarity. We’ll provide helpful tips, sample answers, and language suggestions to help you craft a standout response.

Sample Answer of “Describe An Achievement Success You Are Proud of

Table of Contents

Introduction to IELTS Cue Cards

This section of the IELTS exam analyzes the candidate's speaking abilities. The examiner will notice the ways in which you express your opinion. Also, your thought structure will be taken into consideration. The IELTS speaking Part 2 lasts 3-4 minutes and is interactive in nature. The IELTS cue cards are given in the form of prompts. These contain a main question and 4 additional pointers.

Let us have a glance into the assessment criteria of the speaking section of the IELTS exam. The band score of the IELTS speaking section depends on 4 criteria. These are as follows:

  • Fluency and Coherence
  • Grammar and Accuracy Range
  • Lexical Resources
  • Pronunciation

Each of them contributes 25% of the total band score of the section. Here, in this blog, you will find the sample answer to the cue card topic "Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of," along with lexical resources and tips to excel in IELTS speaking part 2.

How to Answer the Cue Card?

Before moving forward to this section, the test taker must know the idioms and vocabulary for IELTS. Using idioms and wide range of vocabulary will leave a long lasting impact on the examiner and help you achieve the desired band score.

As soon as the IELTS speaking part 2 begins, you will be shown a prompt with the topic that you need to answer. Here is a list of questions that can be answered in the cue card with the topic "Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of ".

  • What You Did?
  • When Did You Do It?
  • How Do You Feel About It?
  • Explain Why Did That Achievement Make You Proud?

Let us have a visual representation of your potential cue card on "Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of ". Refer to the image below.

Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of " cue card image

Now, let us read various answers that you can give in your speaking section to ace the IELTS exam on the first attempt.

Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of - Sample 1

Here, you will find the first sample answer on the cue card “Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of ”.


Have you ever thought of being a successful students? Being a back bencher, I never did.

What You Did?

One of the successful event of my life is completing my undergraduate degree with 96.4%. However, I am a mischievous person who is always in the mood for fun. Every semester is completed with flying colours.

When Did You Do It?

My degree started in 2019 and ended in 2022. I have a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication. Despite being a mischievous kid, I was interested in the types of subjects we were learning. It ranged from print journalism to radio to television production.

How Do You Feel About It?

Although, even with 96.4%, I bagged a bronze medal. This saddened me. But the best part is that I was a graduate ready to explore the Indian media.

Explain Why Did That Achievement Make You Proud?

I learnt many things during the studies. Also, all the acquired skills and of course 97% was the achievement for me.


So, being industry ready to raise the voice for the local people was a dream come true. Hence, an achievement.

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Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of - Sample 2

Here is a sample answer that describes learning crochet and becoming successful.


There are lot of things that I have tried and I failed. Then, I stood up and tried to become successful.

What You Did?

One of the recent things that stands out above all was crocheting. For a long time, I wanted to learn this knitting skills. But I couldn’t due to lack of equipment. In this case, it will be a needle and a wool matching the needle size. While cleaning our home, I found a disguised treasure in a corner. Then, I asked my mom to teach me this skill.

When Did You Do It?

Recently, she started teaching me about the important rules that we have to follow. It includes tying a knot on the wool along with the movements of our finger in the right direction. On the first day, I eventually failed because I was not able to sync the finger movement with the thread. So, I thought to give up. But, on a random day, I tried again. The good part is the success. I was able to sync my fingers with the thread.

How Do You Feel About It?

I feel very good about it because I am one step closer to explore a traditional art. In the days of modernity, these valuable things are vanishing. Moreover, protecting these is crucial to preserve the tradition.

Explain Why Did That Achievement Make You Proud?

I have always seen my grandmother and great-grandmother doing it. When I was young, I wanted to learn because the colourful yarns attracted me always.


Learning what you wanted since childhood was a dream come true, and I am proud of this success.

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Describe an Achievement/Success You Are Proud of - Sample 3

Here is a sample answer that describes overcoming glossophobia.


Whenever anyone achieves anything, he or she is very proud of it. What may be a simple thing for one person may be an achievement for another.

What You Did?

For me overcoming my glossophobia was a very difficult thing. I used to be very stage-shy and could never speak in front of an audience.

When Did You Do It?

It so happened that once, I participated in an environment fair held in my hometown. We were a team of four students – Mohit, Rohan, Ravi, and I. We had to make a model of pollution. It was very difficult to collect ideas for the model, but our teacher, Mrs Promilla, helped us. We collected all data from different sources, such as the internet, libraries, magazines, and so on. We presented all three types of pollution – air, water, and noise pollution - on thermocol.

In this project, we showed the causes and effects of pollution and the ways to control it. We had to speak turn-wise about our model. I remember I was very afraid to speak. But my other friends gave me the confidence. I felt very good that I was part of that team. I spoke very well at that time.

How Do You Feel About It?

Getting over my glossophobia was an accomplishment for me. I felt very good after that. We won the first prize in this competition. The judges especially mentioned that the first prize was mainly because of the verbal explanation of the model.

Explain Why Did That Achievement Make You Proud?

This fair was covered by the local cable TV, and so many people in the neighbourhood congratulated me the next day. Our photograph was also there in the local newspaper Jag Baani.


Our school principal also appreciated us. I cannot forget that day. All four of us were on cloud nine on that day. So, this was an achievement I was proud of.

Lexical Resources

Lexical resources are words that a test taker uses in the IELTS exam. Here is the list of lexical resources that were used in the sample answers above. Let us peek into it.

Lexical Resources



Having achieved what you wanted; become popular, rich, etc


(usually used about children) liking to behave badly and embarrassing or annoying people

flying colours

With an overwhelming victory, triumph, or success


To make someone sad


The things that are needed to do a particular activity


Something that you have done successfully, especially through hard work or skill


Fear of public speaking


The condition of being new and modern


The act of completing something successfully

traditional art

Art that is a part of the culture of a group of people, skills, and knowledge of which are passed down through generations from master craftsmen to apprentices


Short for "synchronize," is a verb for making things work together.


The introduction of harmful materials into the environment.


A particular part of a town and the people who live there


To tell somebody that you are pleased about something he/she has done; to praise somebody


A paper that is printed and distributed usually daily or weekly and that contains news, articles of opinion, features, and advertising


An organized event in which people try to win something


To manage to control or defeat somebody/something

This is the list of lexical resources and their meaning. All these words were used in the sample answers mentioned in the above section. Also, they will contribute to enhancing your vocabulary and of course the high band scores.

Follow-up Questions

This section has three follow-up questions that your examiner can ask but it will the part of the third task of speaking section of the IELTS exam.

  • How to measure a person’s success?
  • Do you think the way people gain success has changed?
  • Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?
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Tips to Excel in IELTS Cue Card

You should keep the following things in mind while preparing for the IELTS speaking section. In this part of the blog, there are some expert tips. Following these tips will help you ace the speaking section in the first attempt.

  • The candidate must read the given prompt properly and understand the questions.
  • The structure of the answer must be appropriate. It should include all the answers in a systematic order. Also, they must answer every question of the prompt.
  • The candidate must use the 1 minute properly to understand and write the keywords and phrases.
  • Using appropriate vocabulary for IELTS, such as uncommon phrases and idioms will help you to gain band scores.
  • Practice daily so that you don't fumble and lose your confidence.
  • Manage the time of the test. Divide the section into parts and then respond.
  • Cover the remaining phrases and key words in part 3 when you will face the interjection by the examiner.

Following these tips will be helpful in acing the speaking section of the language test in the first attempt. Moreover, this blog has 3 sample answers. As a test taker, you can refer the tone, nature, and structure. Also signing up for the IELTS mock test will help you furbish your skills. The instant feedback report will make you aware of the areas to improve.


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