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(January to April 2025) Latest IELTS Speaking Cue Cards 2025

The IELTS Speaking test assess your use of spoken English. This test lasts 11-14 minutes where you will discuss various topics with an IELTS examiner. In this blog, we provide a curated collection of the most common and challenging IELTS speaking cue cards that you're likely to encounter in the IELTS speaking test. Whether you're preparing for the exam or simply aiming to sharpen your speaking skills, our comprehensive list of cue card questions offers invaluable practice and insight into the test format.

Know All About IELTS Cue Cards

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Brief About the IELTS Speaking Section

This section of the IELTS exam evaluates the candidate’s speaking ability in the language. The examiner will see how well you express your opinions and communicate information related to daily life. It is interactive in nature and lasts 11 minutes to 14 minutes. It is divided into three parts, which are as follows. 

  • Part 1: In this part, the examiner will first introduce themselves and then will ask you to introduce yourself to confirm your identity. He/She will ask general questions to make you comfortable. So, to answer the IELTS speaking part 1 questions correctly, you should prepare everything in advance.
  • Part 2: This is the cue card round, in which you are given a small card with a question that you need to answer. The blog below is all about cue cards, from trending topics to tips to clear them.
  • Part 3: It is a round where the examiner will ask the follow-up questions from the second task.

This was a brief overview of the IELTS speaking section. Now, let us dive into the details of cue cards.

Also Know: How to Introduce Yourself in IELTS Speaking?

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

As you know, cue card is the second task of the most popular language proficiency test, IELTS. A Cue Card contains a topic or question you must talk about for 2 minutes, followed by a discussion with the examiner for another minute. It is a card containing a hint or a prompt with specific instructions or questions related to the topic. Wondering what a cue card looks like? Have a look at the image below.

how does the ielts cue card look like?

The above image shows how it looks and what you have to do. The cue card is represented in the rectangle, and on the right side are the instructions to follow while you attempt speaking part 2 of the IELTS test.

In order to get the desired band score on the IELTS exam, the candidate must clear all the sections and tasks. One must practice well to do this. Here is the cheat sheet containing 45 trending questions for the year 2025. Have a look.

  1. Describe an invention that is useful in daily life.
  2. Describe a character from a movie.
  3. Describe a place where there was a lot of noise.
  4. Describe an actor or actress whom you admire.
  5. Describe an object that you think is beautiful.
  6. Describe a piece of clothing you wear most often.
  7. Describe a speech you gave.
  8. Describe an unusual meal that you had.
  9. Describe a book that you read many times.
  10. Describe a park or garden in your city.
  11. Describe a popular/famous person in your country.
  12. Describe a course that you want to learn.
  13. Describe a long walk you ever had.
  14. Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded.
  15. Describe something you taught to your friend.
  16. Describe a traditional festival that is important in your country.
  17. Describe someone who often helps others.
  18. Describe something that surprised you.
  19. Describe an area in your home where you feel relaxed.
  20. Describe a place where you would like to go to relax.
  21. Describe a long car journey you went on.
  22. Describe an area of science that interests you.
  23. Describe a sportsperson that you admire.
  24. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.
  25. Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone.
  26. Describe a historical period. 
  27. Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information.
  28. Describe something that you did with someone.
  29. Describe a crowded place you have visited.
  30. Describe an achievement success you are proud of.
  31. Describe a Rule That is Important in Your School or at Work
  32. Describe a Party That You Enjoyed
  33. Describe a Problem While Shopping Online
  34. Describe a Time You Were Very Busy
  35. Describe a Skill That You Learned in Your Childhood
  36. Describe a Historical Period You Would Like to Know More About
  37. Describe a Valuable Item That You Would Like to Give as a Gift
  38. Describe Your Idea of a Perfect Home
  39. Describe a Game You Played in your Childhood
  40. Describe a time when you lost your way
  41. Describe an English lesson that you enjoyed
  42. Describe a Person You Know Who Likes to Talk a Lot
  43. Describe an Important Decision You Made 
  44. Describe a Sports Program You Like to Watch
  45. Describe a Water Sport You Would Like to Try in the Future

These are the trending cue card questions of 2025. Now, let's examine the various questions that can be asked in the IELTS speaking cue cards.

iets cue card topics with answer pdf

IELTS Cue Card Topics

In this section, we have listed down the 20 topics along with 5 questions each that are frequently asked in the cue card for IELTS speaking part. 

1. Technology

In these cue cards, you will be asked about your experiences with different technology. 

  • Describe a time when your computer broke down.
  • Describe an app you use on your mobile phone.
  • Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use.
  • Describe an important email you have received.
  • Describe a software that you often use.

2. Music/ Movies

In the following list, you will find the cue cards related to music and movies. 

  • Describe your favorite singer
  • Describe your favourite movie
  • Describe a movie that made you laugh
  • Describe a song that is special to you
  • Describe a Character from a Movie 

3. Famous Personalities

In these cue cards, you will be asked about your opinion on popular faces.

  • Describe a person who you think is very open.
  • Describe a decision made by others you disagree with.
  • Describe a foreign person whom you have heard.
  • Describe an introvert person whom you know.
  • Describe someone older than you whom you admire.

4. Reading/ book

Have a look at the list of questions related to reading and books.

  • Describe a book you read and found useful.
  • Describe a book that you have read many times.
  • Describe your favourite book.
  • Describe your favourite subject.
  • Talk about the difficult word that you learned to pronounce.

5. Skill

Below are skill based questions for the cue card round of the speaking test.

  • Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn.
  • Describe a natural talent you want to improve.
  • Describe a practical skill you learnt.
  • Describe a skill you want to learn.
  • Describe a skill that you can teach other people.

6. Happiness

Below is the question list about happiness.

  • Describe a photo of yourself that you like.
  • Describe a photograph you like.
  • Describe a party that you enjoyed.
  • Describe your first mobile phone.
  • Describe your favourite day of the week.

7. Leisure

Below is the list of questions in IELTS speaking cue cards relating to leisure.

  • Describe an area in your home where you feel relaxed.
  • Describe a weekend that you enjoyed and still remember.
  • Describe a leisure facility in your hometown.
  • Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally.
  • Describe a time when you did a lengthy calculation without using a calculator.

8. Animal

Below are the few questions that can be asked in the cue card part of the speaking test in the category ‘Animal’. 

  • Describe an aquatic animal.
  • Describe a wild animal.
  • Describe an interesting animal.
  • Describe your favourite animal.
  • Describe a terrestrial animal.

9. Study

Here, the cue card questions are related to the topic “study”.

  • Describe a teacher who has influenced you.
  • Describe a lesson that you remember well.
  • Describe a course that you want to learn.
  • Describe a library that you visited.
  • Describe a literary work of poetry that you really like.

10. Goal

These are the cue cards in which you will be asked to discuss different goals.

  • Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future.
  • Describe a prize that you received.
  • Describe a difficult thing you did.
  • Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.
  • Describe a goal you set for yourself.

11. Sports

The list of questions asked elated to sports in the cue card round of the speaking test.

  • Describe an activity you do to keep fit.
  • Describe a live sports match that you have watched.
  • Describe a sportsperson that you admire.
  • Describe your favorite sport.
  • Describe a water sport.

12. Social Media

Here are a few questions related to everyone’s favourite topic ‘social media’.

  • Describe a person you follow on social media.
  • Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media.
  • Describe a piece of international news.
  • Describe a piece of local news.
  • Describe an advertisement that you remember.

13. Travel

Below is list of 5 questions related to travel for the cue card round of the speaking test.

  • Describe an important journey that was delayed.
  • Describe a short journey that you disliked.
  • Describe a person who likes to travel by plane.
  • Describe a long car journey you went on.
  • Describe a museum that you have visited.

14. School

Find the questions related to the most favourite and memorable place of an adult.

  • Describe your first day at school.
  • Describe a competition you would like to take part in.
  • Describe an activity that you do after school/work.
  • Describe a person who impressed you in primary school.
  • Describe a school you went to in your childhood.

15. City/Country

Here, you will find questions related to the cities and countries for speaking part 2 of the IELTS exam.

  • Describe a person whose job is important to the society.
  • Talk about an important river in your country.
  • Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted.
  • Describe your favourite park in your city.
  • Describe a Country you would like to visit

16. Shopping

Let us know the commonly asked question about shopping in the cue card section.

  • Describe a product you got for free.
  • Describe a famous product from your area.
  • describe a problem while shopping online cue card.
  • Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant shop.
  • Describe shopping center you often go to.

17. Plant

Know the questions about plants that appear in the cue card Topics.

  • Describe a crop you are familiar with.
  • Describe a poisonous plant you know about.
  • Describe a farm you know about.
  • Describe a plant grown in your country.
  • Describe a useful plant you know.

18. Work

Take a gist of the work related questions in the IELTS speaking cue card.

  • Describe a successful small business that you know.
  • Describe a good service you received.
  • Describe a review you read about a product or service
  • Describe a fish market you have once visited.
  • Describe a job one of your grandparents did.

19. Hobbies

The cue cards where the appearing candidate will answer the questions relating to their hobbies.

  • Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination.
  • Talk about something you enjoy doing in a group.
  • Describe a time when you tried to do something.
  • Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
  • Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy.

20. Events

The events play a crucial role in one’s life. Have a look at the questions related to event that happens commonly.

  • Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.
  • Describe a birthday party.
  • Describe a party you attended and joined.
  • Describe a meeting in which you were a speaker.
  • Talk about a war.

IELTS Cue Card Marking Criteria

The IELTS cue card section is a scoring segment of the IELTS speaking test. Usually, you get 11 to 15 minutes in which you get to read the cue card, think, and respond accordingly. There are certain criteria to evaluate your performance:

Fluency and Cohesion

Your speech's fluency and relevancy are judged according to the pace of your tone, redundancy of words, and the number of pauses. In addition to this, the amount of interruptions also counts.

Lexical Resources

Your vocabulary needs to be refined and should not look like a sham at the same time. Yet, you can select a wide range of words if you are well aware of their meaning and usage.

Pronunciation and Delivery

This is to assess if you know where to emphasize and where to lower your tone while speaking. This is done to convey the thoughts well through pace, tone, rhythm, and emphasis of words.

Grammatical Errors

Lastly, the correct usage of tenses, phrases, and parts of speech is very crucial. Therefore, you will not be able to deliver your message properly if you fail to use any of these in an informed manner.

Tips to Ace IELTS Cue Cards

There are many common mistakes that a candidate makes while attempting the IELTS cue cards section. One of them is not understanding the prompt properly, which can result in a lack of relevance to the answers to the questions raised. Moreover, using slang and informal language leads to low scores. Now let us know some tips to ace this section of the test.

Tips for ielts cue cards

Read the Cue Card Carefully

The first and foremost thing is to read the prompt very carefully. Also, only reading will not work; make sure you understand properly. You are given a minute, which you should use wisely. Take this time to brainstorm ideas to make your answer stand out. You should note down the keywords to answer it. Moreover, group your ideas and categories. Lastly, opt for the most relevant and interesting idea.

Structure Your Answer

The candidate must structure their answer well in a logical and organized manner. Look at the basic structure you can follow: 

  • Introduction: You can start with the topic introduction and provide some context of the same.
  • Main Body: You should focus on 2 to 3 main ideas. You must prioritize examples to support the answer. These examples can also come from your personal life.
  • Conclusion: Summarizing the main points can also help provide the final thought on the topic.

Use Appropriate Language

As you know rich vocabulary helps you in acing the test. Use appropriate language and words to secure your desired band score. You can mix simple and complex sentences. Also exercising a vocabulary range including synonyms and antonyms will be a supporting hand to clear it.

Speak Confidently and Fluently

Confidence and fluency are the two key skills required to clear the cue card for the IELTS speakingsection.The candidate can engage in intra-personal communication (talking to self). You must record and listen to it back to identify the areas of improvement. Also, clarity must be ensured by speaking clear and moderate sentences.

Manage Time

Since time management is crucial in all sections, it is also in IELTS Cue Cards. You must strategize your section for productivity optimization. For instance, you can use the one-minute preparation time to organize and brainstorm your thoughts. In the next two minutes, you must concentrate on two to three key points related to the topic.

Practice and Prepare

 Practice makes a man perfect. It is applicable in all aspects of life, and so is it in acing the IELTS test. You should enhance your preparation with the IELTS Speaking Mock Test. Also, practice with your study buddy or a teacher. Recording yourself and hearing it can also help you ace the test.

Seek Expert Advice

One of the easiest ways to ace a test is by seeking expert advice. You can prepare for the exam with online IELTS classes, where professionals will help you develop strategies. The study plans and feedback sessions are personalized and help the aspirants ace the test. 

These are a few tips that you can follow to clear speaking part 2 and secure the desired band score. In this blog, you learned about the trending topics of the cue cards and the frequently asked questions in the second task of the speaking section of the IELTS exam.

Commonly Asked Questions

Q1: What Type of Questions Can I Expect in the Speaking Section?

A. The speaking test has three parts. The first one revolves around you and your family. The second is the cue card round, and the third is the follow-up questions from part two.

Q2: What are the other names of the cue card round?

A. Candidate Task Card and Individual Long Turn are the other two names of the cue card round. It is the second task of the speaking section of the IELTS exam.

Q3: How Many Questions Are There in Cue Card Round?

A. The cue card has one topic and 3-4 subsequent questions. At the end, there will be 2 questions for rounding off.

Q4: Should I Answer All the Questions Asked in the second task of the Speaking Section?

A. Yes, you should. Although there are four questions in this round, you are not obliged to answer all of them. The answer would be much more organized and coherent if you added all the points given on the cue card.

Q5: Is there any Option to Choose the Cue Card?

A. No, there is no option to add for the cue card. The examiner will give you the prompt, and you will have to answer accordingly.


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