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The Concept of Intelligence Reading Answers With Explanation

The reading section of IELTS can be a top-scoring task with diligent practice. To achieve the desired marks in it, you must understand the way of tackling the questions and answering them. In addition, to prepare for the IELTS reading section, it is vital to know about the concept of intelligence reading answers.

It helps in better exam preparation. This practice test contains three different types of questions that aid you in boosting your reading skills. Here, to help you in this, the complete information about this concept is below-stated. But before moving to its solutions, let’s first go through the question types.

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Answers of The Concept of Intelligence Reading Passage With Explanation

Below are the answers of above passage with detailed explanation and location:

Question 1

Explanation :As mentioned in the first sentence of paragraph B, “Implicit theories of intelligence set a path in which people perceive and analyse their intelligence and compare it with others.” this paragraph describes how common people’s assumptions influence their understanding and impact their behaviour towards others and themselves. Therefore, here, the answer to the question is B.

Question 2

Explanation :It is written in the first line of paragraph A that- “Looked at in one way, everyone knew what intelligence is; looked at in another way, no one does.” Here the paragraph started with the explanation of intelligence and lack of it among people. As per the view of the writer it is different from person to person. So, here, the answer is A.

Question 3

Explanation :In the first line of paragraph D, it is stated that, “Third, implicit theories are advantageous when an investigator accuses that existing explicit theories are not correct or misleading.” It can be summarized that the D paragraph explains that explicit and implicit theories of researchers can vary based on the fact that one of them is not correct. Therefore, here, the answer is D.

Question 4

ANSWER :Not Given
Explanation :Here, there is no information mentioned about it. Also It does not contain any reference to the language development of children. In addition, there are no details mentioned about the disappointment that parents feel when their children develop language learning slowly. So, here, the answer is Not Given.

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Question 5

Explanation :In paragraph E, line two and three, it is mentioned that “As previously mentioned, people have huge expectations for intellectual designs that vary for children of different age groups.” It states that people’s expectations about what their children gain from studies are not universal. In addition, it depends on the age and culture from where the children belong. Therefore, the answer to this question is No.

Question 6

Explanation :In paragraph J’s line two, it is mentioned that “Until scholars are able to discuss their implicit theories and thus their assumptions, they are likely to miss the point of what others are saying.....” This line explains that researchers do talk about their assumptions and theories without having a complete understanding. Therefore, the answer is Yes.

Question 7

Explanation :In paragraph H, line one, it is stated that “The Jeffersonian view is that people should have equal opportunities, but they do not necessarily avail themselves equally of these opportunities.....” This line indicates about the theory of Jeffersonian. It states that the chance of getting the same opportunities is desirable to everyone. So, here, B is the answer (Jeffersonian).

Question 8

Explanation :In paragraph I, line three, it is mentioned that “In this view, we do not need or want any institutions that might lead to favouring one group over another.” This line states that according to the view of Jacksonian, there is no need for a society or group to favour others at the expense of providing them with special treatment. Therefore, here, C is the answer (Jacksonian).

Question 9

Explanation :The mentioned line four of paragraph H states that “In the Jeffersonian view, the goal of education is not to favour or foster an elite, as in the Hamiltonian tradition, but rather to allow children the opportunities to make full use of the skills they have.” It is shown that as per the research of Jeffersonian, people, specifically children, get better opportunities or chances on the basis of the skills that they gain. So, here, the answer is B (Jeffersonian).

Question 10

Explanation :In paragraph G, line one, it is mentioned that “The Hamiltonian view, which is similar to the Platonic view, is that people are born with different levels of intelligence and that.....” In simple words, according to the theory of Hamiltonian, differences in excellence (intelligence) vary from birth. Therefore, here, the answer is A.

Question 11

Explanation :In the paragraph G, it is mentioned in line two that “the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ) elite, which eventually would have to take responsibility for the largely irresponsible masses of non-elite (low-1Q) people who cannot take care of themselves.” As per this line, it can be stated that the theory of Hamiltonian, supported by Murray and Herrnstein, indicates that more power should given to high IQ people to guide those who have low IQ. Hence, here, the answer is A.

Question 12

Explanation :In line two of paragraph I, it is stated that “ In this view of democracy, people are essentially inter-substitutable except for specialized skills, all of which can be learned.” According to the theory of Jacksonian, it can be concluded that for every person, it is possible to develop special skills (abilities). Therefore, here, the answer is C (Jacksonian).

Question 13

Explanation :In the quoted line two, of paragraph G, it is written that “the emergence of a cognitive (high-IQ) elite, which eventually would have to take responsibility for the largely irresponsible.....” It states the fact that the research of Hamiltonian advises that life of low IQ people are not in control as they are majorly irresponsible. So, here, the answer is A (Hamiltonian).

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