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Stress of Workplace Reading Answers with Explanations

The following stress of workplace reading answers talks about how people struggle with workload and work pressure at their offices. Moreover, you will get a gist of how this workload travels from one shoulder to another making everyone extremely busy.

In addition to this, there are 4 writers and their work is mentioned. Furthermore, it states how positive psychology and experiences can help workers feel engaged and challenged and also teach them to deal with stress in an efficient manner.

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Answers of Stress of Workplace Reading Passage with Explanations

Below are the answers of above passage with detailed explanation and location:

Question 1

Explanation :You can find the answer in Paragraph D, line 2 which states “Jan Elsnera, Melbourne psychologist who...people”. It states how workload is associated with people’s job roles. Moreover, with blood and urine samples of a person you can find out if they are in stress or not. Hence, the correct answer is A.

Question 2

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in line 12. It states “He also relies on the...can help.” He says that your colleagues can be your business coaches as well. Moreover, he says to do a thorough analysis of the situation, a second perspective can be of great help. Thus, the answer is D.

Question 3

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph C line 6. It states “Stoykov has to concentrate...delegating more work”. She focuses stress reduction strategies for a short while rather than doing more work. Moreover, she says temporary holidays might not work in reducing work in company’s growth years.

Question 4

Explanation :You can find the answer in the first line of the paragraph F which states “I’ll promise a client I’ll do something tomorrow...going to happen”. It means that stress often arises from impractical expectations. He also said “work expands to fill the time available”. Thus, the right answers is D.

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Question 5

Explanation :You can find this answer in paragraph G, line 2, which mentions “This is a misapprehension...Duke university”. Professor Gal Zauberman recalled that people tend to believe that they will have to work less in the future and that it is inaccurate. Thus, the correct answer is C.

Question 6

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in line 1. The 3 warning signs that alerted Plumridge for his work pressure were sleep, family, and scheduling. When he gets less than six hours of sleep for 3 continuous nights, he knows he has a lot on his plate already. Thus, he resorts to rescheduling his appointments and meetings again and again.

Question 7

Explanation :You can find the answer in Section B, on the 14th line. It says that “ Neil Plumridge says he makes it...changing expectations”. Experts suggest that instead of stress releasing activities like golf or massage, you should resort to reassessment of your work to reduce stress. Thus, he adopted this habit of expecting less and increasing the deadline to reduce stress. Therefore, the answer is D.

Question 8

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph D in the 6th line. It said “We could take urine and blood hormonal... stressed or not”. It means that the meaning of stress varies for every person. Moreover, many succumb to stress, others get the best out of them in stressful situations. Thus, the right answer is A.

Question 9

ANSWER :Workplace Injury
Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B, 8th line. It says, “ National workers’ compensation... injury.” The time went in a workplace injury is more than any other reason. It also reduces work efficiency. The official figures reflect that employees take 16.6 weeks off due to this injury.

Question 10

ANSWER :16.6 weeks
Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in 8th and 9th line. It states “Employees suffering stress are off work an average of 16.6 weeks.” It is clear that every person has a capacity and a level of endurance. This fact highlights how excess stress affects the efficiency of employees.

Question 11

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in the line 10th and 11th. It states, “Comcare, the Federal Government insure, reports that in 2003-04... claim costs.” This work stress costs a lot more than mental peace. As per Comcare, 7% of the insurance claims were related to psychological injury in 2003-04.

Question 12

Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in the 12th line. It states. “Experts say the...reassess workloads.” It means that whenever one is in stress, they try to do some stress releasing activities. However, it is not as assuring as reassessing the workload. Thus, you should first engage in that to get some ways to ease your tasks.

Question 13

ANSWER :Message
Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in the 12th line. It states. “Experts say the...reassess workloads.” It means that whenever one is in stress, they try to do some stress releasing activities. However, it is not as assuring as reassessing the workload. Thus, you should first engage in that to get some ways to ease your tasks.

Question 14

ANSWER :Workloads
Explanation :You can find the answer in paragraph B in 3rd line and it states, “Experts say the key to dealing...what has to change”. This means that the key to reduce your stress is to reanalyze and declutter the workload. He realizes that whether has to give more resources to the job, give some more time on a particular project or reduce his expectations.

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