The Truth About the Environment Reading Answers with Explanations

The IELTS academic reading section includes reading passages that have different types of questions. They are generally taken from the books, magazines and newspapers that test your reading skills and abilities. However, this particular write-up covers the passage “The Truth About the Environment Reading Answers” with a complete explanation.

Also, you will find the questions explained and helpful tips for your exam. Let’s get start with the reading passage.

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Answers for The Truth About the Environment Reading Passage with Explanations

The particular section includes “The Truth About the Environment Reading Answers” with complete explanation. Read the answers carefully and obtain a proper understanding of the passage.

Question 1

Explanation :The answer can be found in paragraph A, in the starting line, where the writer mentions “For many environmentalists, the world looks to be getting worse.” Here, pessimistic means to expect something worse of something. Also, they have developed a view that natural resources are running out and that the species are becoming vanished. Hence, the given statement is true.

Question 2

ANSWER :Not Given
Explanation :The answer lies in paragraph B, in the starting line, where the writer mentions “Energy and other natural resources have become huge since the book The Limits to Growth’ was published in 1972 by a group of scientists. But there is no such information given that data on the earth's natural resources has been collected since 1972. So, the answer is not given

Question 3

Explanation :In paragraph B, in lines 3-4, the writer mentions “Food is now producing per head of the world’s population as compared to any other time in history.” The writer further added that very less people are starving. Hence, the answer is no.
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Question 4

ANSWER :Not Given
Explanation :In paragraph B, in lines 4-6, the writer mentions “In fact, the species are becoming extinct, and 0.7% of them are going to disappear in the next 50 years.” As there is no such information about the replacement of old species with the new ones. Hence, the answer is not given.

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